mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2024-12-24 22:14:36 +02:00
Michał W. Urbańczyk 985b4930e4 Major changes to the GUI. Introduced list of interfaces (listInt) containing pointers to all shown interfaces / windows. Only top layer is active and regularly updated.
Windows should be shown using pushInt and closed with popInt or PopIntTotally (if interface needs to be also deleted).
Some things are not working yet properly, I'll try to fix them ASAP.
2009-04-14 12:47:09 +00:00

135 lines
4.4 KiB

#ifndef __CHEROWINDOW_H__
#define __CHEROWINDOW_H__
#include "CPlayerInterface.h"
class AdventureMapButton;
struct SDL_Surface;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CDefHandler;
class CArtifact;
class CHeroWindow;
class LClickableArea: public ClickableL
virtual void clickLeft (tribool down);
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
class RClickableArea: public ClickableR
virtual void clickRight (tribool down);
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
class LClickableAreaHero : public LClickableArea
int id;
CHeroWindow * owner;
virtual void clickLeft (tribool down);
class LRClickableAreaWText: public LClickableArea, public RClickableArea, public Hoverable
std::string text, hoverText;
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void clickLeft (tribool down);
virtual void clickRight (tribool down);
virtual void hover(bool on);
class LRClickableAreaWTextComp: public LClickableArea, public RClickableArea, public Hoverable
std::string text, hoverText;
int baseType;
int bonus, type;
virtual void activate();
virtual void deactivate();
virtual void clickLeft (tribool down);
virtual void clickRight (tribool down);
virtual void hover(bool on);
class CArtPlace: public IShowable, public LRClickableAreaWTextComp
bool active;
//bool spellBook, warMachine1, warMachine2, warMachine3, warMachine4,
// misc1, misc2, misc3, misc4, misc5, feet, lRing, rRing, torso,
// lHand, rHand, neck, shoulders, head; //my types
ui16 slotID; //0 head 1 shoulders 2 neck 3 right hand 4 left hand 5 torso 6 right ring 7 left ring 8 feet 9 misc. slot 1 10 misc. slot 2 11 misc. slot 3 12 misc. slot 4 13 ballista (war machine 1) 14 ammo cart (war machine 2) 15 first aid tent (war machine 3) 16 catapult 17 spell book 18 misc. slot 5 19+ backpack slots
bool clicked;
CHeroWindow * ourWindow;
const CArtifact * ourArt;
CArtPlace(const CArtifact * Art);
void clickLeft (tribool down);
void clickRight (tribool down);
void activate();
void deactivate();
void show(SDL_Surface * to);
bool fitsHere(const CArtifact * art); //returns true if given artifact can be placed here
class CHeroWindow: public CWindowWithGarrison, public virtual CIntObject
SDL_Surface * background, * curBack;
CStatusBar * ourBar; //heroWindow's statusBar
//general graphics
CDefHandler *flags;
AdventureMapButton * gar4button; //splitting
std::vector<LClickableAreaHero *> heroListMi; //new better list of heroes
std::vector<CArtPlace *> artWorn; // 0 - head; 1 - shoulders; 2 - neck; 3 - right hand; 4 - left hand; 5 - torso; 6 - right ring; 7 - left ring; 8 - feet; 9 - misc1; 10 - misc2; 11 - misc3; 12 - misc4; 13 - mach1; 14 - mach2; 15 - mach3; 16 - mach4; 17 - spellbook; 18 - misc5
std::vector<CArtPlace *> backpack; //hero's visible backpack (only 5 elements!)
int backpackPos; //unmber of first art visible in backpack (in hero's vector)
CArtPlace * activeArtPlace;
//clickable areas
LRClickableAreaWText * portraitArea;
std::vector<LRClickableAreaWTextComp *> primSkillAreas;
LRClickableAreaWText * expArea;
LRClickableAreaWText * spellPointsArea;
LRClickableAreaWTextComp * luck;
LRClickableAreaWTextComp * morale;
std::vector<LRClickableAreaWTextComp *> secSkillAreas;
const CGHeroInstance * curHero;
AdventureMapButton * quitButton, * dismissButton, * questlogButton, //general
* leftArtRoll, * rightArtRoll;
CHighlightableButton *gar2button; //garrison / formation handling;
CHighlightableButtonsGroup *formations;
int player;
CHeroWindow(int playerColor); //c-tor
~CHeroWindow(); //d-tor
void setHero(const CGHeroInstance * Hero); //sets main displayed hero
void activate(); //activates hero window;
void deactivate(); //activates hero window;
virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to); //shows hero window
void redrawCurBack(); //redraws curBAck from scratch
void quit(); //stops displaying hero window
void dismissCurrent(); //dissmissed currently displayed hero (curHero)
void questlog(); //show quest log in hero window
void scrollBackpack(int dir); //dir==-1 => to left; dir==-2 => to right
void switchHero(); //changes displayed hero
friend void CArtPlace::clickLeft(tribool down);
friend class CPlayerInterface;
#endif // __CHEROWINDOW_H__