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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
Added flag `manualHeroVisit` flag to town building. If this flag is set, then building will only be activated on click and will not give its effect on hero recrutiment, hero visit, or new day. This allows implementing changes to Mana Vortex from HotA
415 lines
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415 lines
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* CCastleInterface.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once
#include "../windows/CWindowObject.h"
#include "../widgets/Images.h"
class CBuilding;
class CGTownInstance;
class CSpell;
struct CStructure;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CCreature;
class CButton;
class CCastleBuildings;
class CCreaturePic;
class CGStatusBar;
class CLabel;
class CMinorResDataBar;
class CPicture;
class CResDataBar;
class CTextBox;
class CTownList;
class CGarrisonInt;
class CComponent;
class CComponentBox;
class LRClickableArea;
/// Building "button"
class CBuildingRect : public CShowableAnim
std::string getSubtitle();
enum EBuildingCreationAnimationPhases : uint32_t
BUILDING_APPEAR_TIMEPOINT = 500, //500 msec building appears: 0->100% transparency
BUILDING_WHITE_BORDER_TIMEPOINT = 900, //400 msec border glows from white to yellow
BUILDING_YELLOW_BORDER_TIMEPOINT = 1100, //200 msec border glows from yellow to normal (dark orange)
BUILD_ANIMATION_FINISHED_TIMEPOINT = 2100, // 1000msec once border is back to yellow nothing happens (this stage is basically removed by HD Mod)
BUILDING_FRAME_TIME = 150 // confirmed H3 timing: 150 ms for each building animation frame
/// returns building associated with this structure
const CBuilding * getBuilding();
CCastleBuildings * parent;
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CStructure* str;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> border;
std::shared_ptr<IImage> area;
ui32 stateTimeCounter;//For building construction - current stage in animation
CBuildingRect(CCastleBuildings * Par, const CGTownInstance *Town, const CStructure *Str);
bool operator<(const CBuildingRect & p2) const;
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void mouseMoved (const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) override;
bool receiveEvent(const Point & position, int eventType) const override;
void tick(uint32_t msPassed) override;
void show(Canvas & to) override;
void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
/// Dwelling info box - right-click screen for dwellings
class CDwellingInfoBox : public CWindowObject
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CCreaturePic> animation;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> available;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costPerTroop;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> resPicture;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> resAmount;
CDwellingInfoBox(int centerX, int centerY, const CGTownInstance * Town, int level);
class HeroSlots;
/// Hero icon slot
class CHeroGSlot : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> portrait;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> flag;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> selection; //selection border. nullptr if not selected
HeroSlots * owner;
const CGHeroInstance * hero;
int upg; //0 - up garrison, 1 - down garrison
CHeroGSlot(int x, int y, int updown, const CGHeroInstance *h, HeroSlots * Owner);
bool isSelected() const;
void setHighlight(bool on);
void set(const CGHeroInstance * newHero);
void hover (bool on) override;
void gesture(bool on, const Point & initialPosition, const Point & finalPosition) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void deactivate() override;
/// Two hero slots that can interact with each other
class HeroSlots : public CIntObject
bool showEmpty;
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> garr;
std::shared_ptr<CHeroGSlot> garrisonedHero;
std::shared_ptr<CHeroGSlot> visitingHero;
HeroSlots(const CGTownInstance * town, Point garrPos, Point visitPos, std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> Garrison, bool ShowEmpty);
void update();
void swapArmies(); //exchange garrisoned and visiting heroes or move hero to\from garrison
/// Class for town screen management (town background and structures)
class CCastleBuildings : public CIntObject
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> background;
//List of buildings and structures that can represent them
std::map<BuildingID, std::vector<const CStructure *> > groups;
// actual IntObject's visible on screen
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CBuildingRect>> buildings;
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CGHeroInstance* getHero();//Select hero for buildings usage
void enterBlacksmith(BuildingID building, ArtifactID artifactID);//support for blacksmith + ballista yard
void enterBuilding(BuildingID building);//for buildings with simple description + pic left-click messages
void enterCastleGate();
void enterFountain(const BuildingID & building, BuildingSubID::EBuildingSubID subID, BuildingID upgrades);//Rampart's fountains
void openMagesGuild();
void openTownHall();
void recreate();
CBuildingRect * selectedBuilding;
CCastleBuildings(const CGTownInstance * town);
void enterDwelling(int level);
void enterTownHall();
void enterRewardable(BuildingID building);
void enterMagesGuild();
void enterAnyMarket();
void enterAnyThievesGuild();
void enterBank(BuildingID building);
void enterToTheQuickRecruitmentWindow();
bool buildingTryActivateCustomUI(BuildingID buildingToTest, BuildingID buildingTarget);
void buildingClicked(BuildingID building);
void addBuilding(BuildingID building);
void removeBuilding(BuildingID building);//FIXME: not tested!!!
/// Creature info window
class CCreaInfo : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
CreatureID creature;
int level;
bool showAvailable;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> picture;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> label;
std::string genGrowthText();
CCreaInfo(Point position, const CGTownInstance * Town, int Level, bool compact=false, bool _showAvailable=false);
void update();
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
bool getShowAvailable();
/// Town hall and fort icons for town screen
class CTownInfo : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> picture;
//if (townHall) hall-capital else fort - castle
CTownInfo(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance * town, bool townHall);
void hover(bool on) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
/// Class which manages the castle window
class CCastleInterface : public CStatusbarWindow, public IGarrisonHolder
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> income;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> panel;
std::shared_ptr<CResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CTownInfo> hall;
std::shared_ptr<CTownInfo> fort;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> fastTownHall;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> fastArmyPurchase;
std::shared_ptr<LRClickableArea> fastMarket;
std::shared_ptr<LRClickableArea> fastTavern;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CCreaInfo>> creainfo;//small icons of creatures (bottom-left corner);
std::shared_ptr<CTownList> townlist;
//TODO: move to private
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::shared_ptr<HeroSlots> heroes;
std::shared_ptr<CCastleBuildings> builds;
std::shared_ptr<CGarrisonInt> garr;
//from - previously selected castle (if any)
CCastleInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town, const CGTownInstance * from = nullptr);
void updateGarrisons() override;
bool holdsGarrison(const CArmedInstance * army) override;
void castleTeleport(int where);
void townChange();
void keyPressed(EShortcut key) override;
void close() override;
void addBuilding(BuildingID bid);
void removeBuilding(BuildingID bid);
void recreateIcons();
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
/// Hall window where you can build things
class CHallInterface : public CStatusbarWindow
class CBuildingBox : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
EBuildingState state;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> header;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> mark;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
CBuildingBox(int x, int y, const CGTownInstance * Town, const CBuilding * Building);
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
const CGTownInstance * town;
std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CBuildingBox>>> boxes;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
CHallInterface(const CGTownInstance * Town);
/// Window where you can decide to buy a building or not
class CBuildWindow: public CStatusbarWindow
const CGTownInstance * town;
const CBuilding * building;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> icon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> description;
std::shared_ptr<CTextBox> stateText;
std::shared_ptr<CComponentBox> cost;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> buy;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> cancel;
std::string getTextForState(EBuildingState state);
void buyFunc();
CBuildWindow(const CGTownInstance *Town, const CBuilding * building, EBuildingState State, bool rightClick);
//Small class to display
class LabeledValue : public CIntObject
std::string hoverText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> name;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> value;
void init(std::string name, std::string descr, int min, int max);
LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int min, int max);
LabeledValue(Rect size, std::string name, std::string descr, int val);
void hover(bool on) override;
/// The fort screen where you can afford units
class CFortScreen : public CStatusbarWindow
class RecruitArea : public CIntObject
const CGTownInstance * town;
int level;
std::string hoverText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> availableCount;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LabeledValue>> values;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> icons;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> buildingIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> buildingName;
const CCreature * getMyCreature();
const CBuilding * getMyBuilding();
RecruitArea(int posX, int posY, const CGTownInstance *town, int level);
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
void hover(bool on) override;
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<RecruitArea>> recAreas;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
ImagePath getBgName(const CGTownInstance * town);
CFortScreen(const CGTownInstance * town);
void creaturesChangedEventHandler();
/// The mage guild screen where you can see which spells you have
class CMageGuildScreen : public CStatusbarWindow
class Scroll : public CIntObject
const CSpell * spell;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> image;
Scroll(Point position, const CSpell *Spell);
void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override;
void hover(bool on) override;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> window;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> exit;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Scroll>> spells;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage>> emptyScrolls;
std::shared_ptr<CMinorResDataBar> resdatabar;
CMageGuildScreen(CCastleInterface * owner, const ImagePath & image);
/// The blacksmith window where you can buy available in town war machine
class CBlacksmithDialog : public CStatusbarWindow
std::shared_ptr<CButton> buy;
std::shared_ptr<CButton> cancel;
std::shared_ptr<CPicture> animBG;
std::shared_ptr<CCreatureAnim> anim;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> title;
std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> costIcon;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costText;
std::shared_ptr<CLabel> costValue;
CBlacksmithDialog(bool possible, CreatureID creMachineID, ArtifactID aid, ObjectInstanceID hid);