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DjWarmonger af0cfe13a4 Fixed desync problem with Creature Banks and some other glitches.
The game is still unstable though. Please let me know if your game tends to crash when starting new map.
2009-08-26 05:08:59 +00:00

970 lines
34 KiB

#include "../global.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include "CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../lib/HeroBonus.h"
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include "CHeroHandler.h"
#include "CTownHandler.h"
#include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
* CObjectHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
class IGameCallback;
struct BattleResult;
class CCPPObjectScript;
class CGObjectInstance;
class CScript;
class CObjectScript;
class CGHeroInstance;
class CTown;
class CHero;
class CBuilding;
class CSpell;
class CGTownInstance;
class CGTownBuilding;
class CArtifact;
class CGDefInfo;
class CSpecObjInfo;
struct TerrainTile;
struct InfoWindow;
struct BankConfig;
class CGBoat;
class DLL_EXPORT CCastleEvent
std::string name, message;
std::vector<si32> resources; //gain / loss of resources
ui8 players; //players for whom this event can be applied
ui8 forHuman, forComputer;
ui32 firstShow; //postpone of first encounter time in days
ui32 forEvery; //every n days this event will occure
ui8 bytes[6]; //build specific buildings (raw format, similar to town's)
si32 gen[7]; //additional creatures in i-th level dwelling
bool operator<(const CCastleEvent &drugie) const
return firstShow<drugie.firstShow;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & name & message & resources & players & forHuman & forComputer & firstShow
& forEvery & bytes & gen;
class CQuest
ui8 missionType; //type of mission: 0 - no mission; 1 - reach level; 2 - reach main statistics values; 3 - win with a certain hero; 4 - win with a certain creature; 5 - collect some atifacts; 6 - have certain troops in army; 7 - collect resources; 8 - be a certain hero; 9 - be a certain playe
si32 lastDay; //after this day (first day is 0) mission cannot be completed; if -1 - no limit
ui32 m13489val;
std::vector<ui32> m2stats;
std::vector<ui16> m5arts; //artifacts id
std::vector<std::pair<ui32, ui32> > m6creatures; //pair[cre id, cre count]
std::vector<ui32> m7resources;
std::string firstVisitText, nextVisitText, completedText;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & missionType & lastDay & m13489val & m2stats & m5arts & m6creatures & m7resources
& firstVisitText & nextVisitText & completedText;
class DLL_EXPORT IObjectInterface
static IGameCallback *cb;
virtual ~IObjectInterface();
virtual void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
virtual void onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
virtual void newTurn() const;
virtual void initObj(); //synchr
virtual void setProperty(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
class DLL_EXPORT IShipyard
const CGObjectInstance *o;
IShipyard(const CGObjectInstance *O);
void getBoatCost(std::vector<si32> &cost) const;
virtual void getOutOffsets(std::vector<int3> &offsets) const =0; //offsets to obj pos when we boat can be placed
//virtual bool validLocation() const; //returns true if there is a water tile near where boat can be placed
int3 bestLocation() const; //returns location when the boat should be placed
int state() const; //0 - can buid, 1 - there is already a boat at dest tile, 2 - dest tile is blocked, 3 - no water
static const IShipyard *castFrom(const CGObjectInstance *obj);
static IShipyard *castFrom(CGObjectInstance *obj);
class DLL_EXPORT CGObjectInstance : protected IObjectInterface
void getNameVis(std::string &hname) const;
void giveDummyBonus(int heroID, ui8 duration = HeroBonus::ONE_DAY) const;
mutable std::string hoverName;
int3 pos; //h3m pos
si32 ID, subID; //normal ID (this one from OH3 maps ;]) - eg. town=98; hero=34
si32 id;//number of object in CObjectHandler's vector
CGDefInfo * defInfo;
CSpecObjInfo * info;
ui8 animPhaseShift;
ui8 tempOwner;
ui8 blockVisit; //if non-zero then blocks the tile but is visitable from neighbouring tile
virtual int3 getSightCenter() const; //"center" tile from which the sight distance is calculated
virtual int getSightRadious() const; //sight distance (should be used if player-owned structure)
int getOwner() const;
void setOwner(int ow);
int getWidth() const; //returns width of object graphic in tiles
int getHeight() const; //returns height of object graphic in tiles
bool visitableAt(int x, int y) const; //returns true if object is visitable at location (x, y) form left top tile of image (x, y in tiles)
int3 getVisitableOffset() const; //returns (x,y,0) offset to first visitable tile from bottom right obj tile (0,0,0) (h3m pos)
bool blockingAt(int x, int y) const; //returns true if object is blocking location (x, y) form left top tile of image (x, y in tiles)
bool coveringAt(int x, int y) const; //returns true if object covers with picture location (x, y) form left top tile of maximal possible image (8 x 6 tiles) (x, y in tiles)
std::set<int3> getBlockedPos() const; //returns set of positions blocked by this object
bool operator<(const CGObjectInstance & cmp) const; //screen printing priority comparing
virtual ~CGObjectInstance();
//CGObjectInstance(const CGObjectInstance & right);
//CGObjectInstance& operator=(const CGObjectInstance & right);
virtual const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void initObj();
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void setProperty(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
virtual void setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
friend class CGameHandler;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & hoverName & pos & ID & subID & id & animPhaseShift & tempOwner & blockVisit;
//definfo is handled by map serializer
class DLL_EXPORT CPlayersVisited: public CGObjectInstance
std::set<ui8> players; //players that visited this object
bool hasVisited(ui8 player) const;
virtual void setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val );
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & players;
class DLL_EXPORT CArmedInstance: public CGObjectInstance
CCreatureSet army; //army
virtual bool needsLastStack() const; //true if last stack cannot be taken
int getArmyStrength() const; //sum of AI values of creatures
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & army;
class DLL_EXPORT CGHeroInstance : public CArmedInstance
ui8 moveDir; //format: 123
// 8 4
// 765
mutable ui8 isStanding, tacticFormationEnabled;
CHero * type;
ui64 exp; //experience point
si32 level; //current level of hero
std::string name; //may be custom
std::string biography; //if custom
si32 portrait; //may be custom
si32 mana; // remaining spell points
std::vector<si32> primSkills; //0-attack, 1-defence, 2-spell power, 3-knowledge
std::vector<std::pair<ui8,ui8> > secSkills; //first - ID of skill, second - level of skill (1 - basic, 2 - adv., 3 - expert); if hero has ability (-1, -1) it meansthat it should have default secondary abilities
si32 movement; //remaining movement points
si32 identifier; //from the map file
ui8 sex;
ui8 inTownGarrison; // if hero is in town garrison
CGTownInstance * visitedTown; //set if hero is visiting town or in the town garrison
CGBoat *boat; //set to CGBoat when sailing
std::vector<ui32> artifacts; //hero's artifacts from bag
std::map<ui16,ui32> artifWorn; //map<position,artifact_id>; positions: 0 - head; 1 - shoulders; 2 - neck; 3 - right hand; 4 - left hand; 5 - torso; 6 - right ring; 7 - left ring; 8 - feet; 9 - misc1; 10 - misc2; 11 - misc3; 12 - misc4; 13 - mach1; 14 - mach2; 15 - mach3; 16 - mach4; 17 - spellbook; 18 - misc5
std::set<ui32> spells; //known spells (spell IDs)
struct DLL_EXPORT Patrol
ui8 patrolling;
si32 patrolRadious;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & patrolling & patrolRadious;
} patrol;
std::list<HeroBonus> bonuses;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & exp & level & name & biography & portrait & mana & primSkills & secSkills & movement
& identifier & sex & inTownGarrison & artifacts & artifWorn & spells & patrol & bonuses
& moveDir;
ui8 standardType = (VLC->heroh->heroes[subID] == type);
h & standardType;
h & type;
else if(!h.saving)
type = VLC->heroh->heroes[subID];
//visitied town pointer will be restored by map serialization method
int3 getSightCenter() const; //"center" tile from which the sight distance is calculated
int getSightRadious() const; //sight distance (should be used if player-owned structure)
const HeroBonus *getBonus(int from, int id) const;
int valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::BonusType type, int subtype = -1) const; //subtype -> subtype of bonus, if -1 then any
bool hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::BonusType type, int subtype = -1) const; //determines if hero has a bonus of given type (and optionally subtype)
const std::string &getBiography() const;
bool needsLastStack()const;
unsigned int getTileCost(const TerrainTile &dest, const TerrainTile &from) const; //move cost - applying pathfinding skill, road and terrain modifiers. NOT includes diagonal move penalty, last move levelling
unsigned int getLowestCreatureSpeed() const;
int3 getPosition(bool h3m) const; //h3m=true - returns position of hero object; h3m=false - returns position of hero 'manifestation'
si32 manaLimit() const; //maximum mana value for this hero (basically 10*knowledge)
si32 manaRegain() const; //how many points of mana can hero regain "naturally" in one day
bool canWalkOnSea() const;
int getCurrentLuck(int stack=-1, bool town=false) const;
std::vector<std::pair<int,std::string> > getCurrentLuckModifiers(int stack=-1, bool town=false) const; //args as above
int getCurrentMorale(int stack=-1, bool town=false) const; //if stack - position of creature, if -1 then morale for hero is calculated; town - if bonuses from town (tavern) should be considered
std::vector<std::pair<int,std::string> > getCurrentMoraleModifiers(int stack=-1, bool town=false) const; //args as above
int getPrimSkillLevel(int id) const;
ui8 getSecSkillLevel(const int & ID) const; //0 - no skill
int maxMovePoints(bool onLand) const;
ui32 getArtAtPos(ui16 pos) const; //-1 - no artifact
const CArtifact * getArt(int pos) const;
si32 getArtPos(int aid) const; //looks for equipped artifact with given ID and returns its slot ID or -1 if none(if more than one such artifact lower ID is returned)
int getSpellSecLevel(int spell) const; //returns level of secondary ability (fire, water, earth, air magic) known to this hero and applicable to given spell; -1 if error
static int3 convertPosition(int3 src, bool toh3m); //toh3m=true: manifest->h3m; toh3m=false: h3m->manifest
double getHeroStrength() const;
int getTotalStrength() const;
ui8 getSpellSchoolLevel(const CSpell * spell) const; //returns level on which given spell would be cast by this hero
bool canCastThisSpell(const CSpell * spell) const; //determines if this hero can cast given spell; takes into account existing spell in spellbook, existing spellbook and artifact bonuses
void initHero();
void initHero(int SUBID);
void recreateArtBonuses();
void initHeroDefInfo();
virtual ~CGHeroInstance();
void setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
void initObj();
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
class DLL_EXPORT CGDwelling : public CArmedInstance
std::vector<std::pair<ui32, std::vector<ui32> > > creatures; //creatures[level] -> <vector of alternative ids (base creature and upgrades, creatures amount>
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this) & creatures;
void initObj();
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void newTurn() const;
void heroAcceptsCreatures(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 answer) const;
void fightOver(const CGHeroInstance *h, BattleResult *result) const;
void wantsFight(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 answer) const;
class DLL_EXPORT CGVisitableOPH : public CGObjectInstance //objects visitable only once per hero
std::set<si32> visitors; //ids of heroes who have visited this obj
si8 ttype; //tree type - used only by trees of knowledge: 0 - give level for free; 1 - take 2000 gold; 2 - take 10 gems
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void onNAHeroVisit(int heroID, bool alreadyVisited) const;
void initObj();
void treeSelected(int heroID, int resType, int resVal, ui64 expVal, ui32 result) const; //handle player's anwer to the Tree of Knowledge dialog
void schoolSelected(int heroID, ui32 which) const;
void arenaSelected(int heroID, int primSkill) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & visitors & ttype;
class DLL_EXPORT CGTownBuilding : IObjectInterface
///basic class for town structures handled as map objects
CGTownInstance *town;
virtual void onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const {};
class DLL_EXPORT CTownBonus : public CGVisitableOPH, public CGTownBuilding
///used for one-time bonusing structures
void onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
CTownBonus (int index, CGTownInstance *TOWN);
CTownBonus (){ID = 0; town = NULL;};
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & visitors;
class DLL_EXPORT CGTownInstance : public CGDwelling, public IShipyard
CTown * town;
std::string name; // name of town
si32 builded; //how many buildings has been built this turn
si32 destroyed; //how many buildings has been destroyed this turn
const CGHeroInstance * garrisonHero, *visitingHero;
ui32 identifier; //special identifier from h3m (only > RoE maps)
si32 alignment;
std::set<si32> forbiddenBuildings, builtBuildings;
std::vector<CGTownBuilding*> bonusingBuildings;
std::vector<ui32> possibleSpells, obligatorySpells;
std::vector<std::vector<ui32> > spells; //spells[level] -> vector of spells, first will be available in guild
//struct StrInfo
// std::map<si32,ui32> creatures; //level - available amount
// template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
// {
// h & creatures;
// }
//} strInfo;
std::set<CCastleEvent> events;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGDwelling&>(*this);
h & name & builded & destroyed & identifier & alignment & forbiddenBuildings & builtBuildings
& possibleSpells & obligatorySpells & spells & /*strInfo & */events;
ui8 standardType = (&VLC->townh->towns[subID] == town);
h & standardType;
h & town;
else if(!h.saving)
town = &VLC->townh->towns[subID];
//garrison/visiting hero pointers will be restored in the map serialization
int3 getSightCenter() const; //"center" tile from which the sight distance is calculated
int getSightRadious() const; //returns sight distance
void getOutOffsets(std::vector<int3> &offsets) const; //offsets to obj pos when we boat can be placed
bool needsLastStack() const;
int fortLevel() const; //0 - none, 1 - fort, 2 - citadel, 3 - castle
int hallLevel() const; // -1 - none, 0 - village, 1 - town, 2 - city, 3 - capitol
int mageGuildLevel() const; // -1 - none, 0 - village, 1 - town, 2 - city, 3 - capitol
bool creatureDwelling(const int & level, bool upgraded=false) const;
int getHordeLevel(const int & HID) const; //HID - 0 or 1; returns creature level or -1 if that horde structure is not present
int creatureGrowth(const int & level) const;
bool hasFort() const;
bool hasCapitol() const;
int dailyIncome() const; //calculates daily income of this town
int spellsAtLevel(int level, bool checkGuild) const; //levels are counted from 1 (1 - 5)
virtual ~CGTownInstance();
void fightOver(const CGHeroInstance *h, BattleResult *result) const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void onHeroLeave(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
class DLL_EXPORT CGPandoraBox : public CArmedInstance
std::string message;
ui8 removeAfterVisit; //true if event is removed after occurring
//gained things:
ui32 gainedExp;
si32 manaDiff; //amount of gained / lost mana
si32 moraleDiff; //morale modifier
si32 luckDiff; //luck modifier
std::vector<si32> resources;//gained / lost resources
std::vector<si32> primskills;//gained / lost resources
std::vector<si32> abilities; //gained abilities
std::vector<si32> abilityLevels; //levels of gained abilities
std::vector<si32> artifacts; //gained artifacts
std::vector<si32> spells; //gained spells
CCreatureSet creatures; //gained creatures
void initObj();
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void open (const CGHeroInstance * h, ui32 accept) const;
void endBattle(const CGHeroInstance *h, BattleResult *result) const;
void giveContents(const CGHeroInstance *h, bool afterBattle) const;
void getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int val, int negative, int positive, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const;
void getText( InfoWindow &iw, bool &afterBattle, int text, const CGHeroInstance * h ) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & message & gainedExp & manaDiff & moraleDiff & luckDiff & resources & primskills
& abilities & abilityLevels & artifacts & spells & creatures & army;
class DLL_EXPORT CGEvent : public CGPandoraBox //event objects
ui8 availableFor; //players whom this event is available for
ui8 computerActivate; //true if computre player can activate this event
ui8 humanActivate; //true if human player can activate this event
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & message & gainedExp & manaDiff & moraleDiff & luckDiff & resources & primskills
& abilities & abilityLevels & artifacts & spells & creatures & availableFor
& computerActivate & humanActivate & army;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void activated(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
class DLL_EXPORT CGCreature : public CArmedInstance //creatures on map
ui32 identifier; //unique code for this monster (used in missions)
si8 character; //chracter of this set of creatures (0 - the most friendly, 4 - the most hostile) => on init changed to 0 (compliant) - 10 value (savage)
std::string message; //message printed for attacking hero
std::vector<ui32> resources; //[res_id], resources given to hero that has won with monsters
si32 gainedArtifact; //ID of artifact gained to hero, -1 if none
ui8 neverFlees; //if true, the troops will never flee
ui8 notGrowingTeam; //if true, number of units won't grow
void fight(const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
//const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void flee( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const;
void endBattle(BattleResult *result) const;
void fleeDecision(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 pursue) const;
void joinDecision(const CGHeroInstance *h, int cost, ui32 accept) const;
void initObj();
int takenAction(const CGHeroInstance *h, bool allowJoin=true) const; //action on confrontation: -2 - fight, -1 - flee, >=0 - will join for given value of gold (may be 0)
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & identifier & character & message & resources & gainedArtifact & neverFlees & notGrowingTeam;
class DLL_EXPORT CGSignBottle : public CGObjectInstance //signs and ocean bottles
std::string message;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & message;
class DLL_EXPORT CGSeerHut : public CGObjectInstance, public CQuest
ui8 rewardType; //type of reward: 0 - no reward; 1 - experience; 2 - mana points; 3 - morale bonus; 4 - luck bonus; 5 - resources; 6 - main ability bonus (attak, defence etd.); 7 - secondary ability gain; 8 - artifact; 9 - spell; 10 - creature
si32 rID; //reward ID
si32 rVal; //reward value
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this) & static_cast<CQuest&>(*this);
h & rewardType & rID & rVal;
class DLL_EXPORT CGWitchHut : public CPlayersVisited
std::vector<si32> allowedAbilities;
ui32 ability;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this) & static_cast<CPlayersVisited&>(*this);;
h & allowedAbilities & ability;
class DLL_EXPORT CGScholar : public CGObjectInstance
ui8 bonusType; //255 - random, 0 - primary skill, 1 - secondary skill, 2 - spell
ui16 bonusID; //ID of skill/spell
void giveAnyBonus(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & bonusType & bonusID;
class DLL_EXPORT CGGarrison : public CArmedInstance
ui8 removableUnits;
void onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void fightOver (const CGHeroInstance *h, BattleResult *result) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & removableUnits;
class DLL_EXPORT CGArtifact : public CArmedInstance
std::string message;
ui32 spell; //if it's spell scroll
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void fightForArt(ui32 agreed, const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void endBattle(BattleResult *result, const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void pick( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & message & spell;
class DLL_EXPORT CGResource : public CArmedInstance
ui32 amount; //0 if random
std::string message;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void collectRes(int player) const;
void initObj();
void fightForRes(ui32 agreed, const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void endBattle(BattleResult *result, const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
h & amount & message;
class DLL_EXPORT CGPickable : public CGObjectInstance //campfire, treasure chest, Flotsam, Shipwreck Survivor, Sea Chest
ui32 type, val1, val2;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
void chosen(int which, int heroID) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & type & val1 & val2;
class DLL_EXPORT CGShrine : public CPlayersVisited
ui8 spell; //number of spell or 255 if random
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this) & static_cast<CPlayersVisited&>(*this);;
h & spell;
class DLL_EXPORT CGQuestGuard : public CGObjectInstance, public CQuest
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CQuest&>(*this) & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGMine : public CArmedInstance
void offerLeavingGuards(const CGHeroInstance *h) const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void newTurn() const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CArmedInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGVisitableOPW : public CGObjectInstance //objects visitable OPW
ui8 visited; //true if object has been visited this week
void setPropertyDer(ui8 what, ui32 val);//synchr
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void newTurn() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & visited;
class DLL_EXPORT CGTeleport : public CGObjectInstance //teleports and subterranean gates
static std::map<int,std::map<int, std::vector<int> > > objs; //map[ID][subID] => vector of ids
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGBonusingObject : public CGObjectInstance //objects giving bonuses to luck/morale/movement
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGMagicWell : public CGObjectInstance //objects giving bonuses to luck/morale/movement
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGSirens : public CGObjectInstance
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void initObj();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGObservatory : public CGObjectInstance //Redwood observatory
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGKeys : public CGObjectInstance //Base class for Keymaster and guards, ToDo Border Gate
static std::map <ui8, std::set <ui8> > playerKeyMap; //[players][keysowned]
//SubID 0 - lightblue, 1 - green, 2 - red, 3 - darkblue, 4 - brown, 5 - purple, 6 - white, 7 - black
void setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val);
bool wasMyColorVisited (int player) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGKeymasterTent : public CGKeys
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CGBorderGuard : public CGKeys
void initObj();
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void openGate(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 accept) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & blockVisit;
class DLL_EXPORT CGBorderGate : public CGBorderGuard //not fully imlemented, waiting for garrison
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
class DLL_EXPORT CGBoat : public CGObjectInstance
ui8 direction;
const CGHeroInstance *hero; //hero on board
void initObj();
hero = NULL;
direction = 4;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this) & direction;
class DLL_EXPORT CGOnceVisitable
: public CPlayersVisited //wagon, corpse, lean to, warriors tomb
ui8 artOrRes; //0 - nothing; 1 - artifact; 2 - resource
ui32 bonusType, //id of res or artifact
bonusVal; //resource amount (or not used)
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
const std::string & getHoverText() const;
void initObj();
void searchTomb(const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 accept) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this) & static_cast<CPlayersVisited&>(*this);;
h & bonusType & bonusVal;
class DLL_EXPORT CBank : public CArmedInstance
int index; //banks have unusal numbering - see ZCRBANK.txt and initObj()
BankConfig *bc;
float multiplier; //for improved banks script
std::vector<ui32> artifacts; //fixed and deterministic
ui32 daycounter;
void initObj();
void setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val);
void reset(ui16 var1, ui16 var2);
void newTurn() const;
void onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
void fightGuards (const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 accept) const;
void endBattle (const CGHeroInstance *h, const BattleResult *result) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
h & index & multiplier & artifacts & daycounter;
class CGShipyard : public CGObjectInstance, public IShipyard
void getOutOffsets(std::vector<int3> &offsets) const; //offsets to obj pos when we boat can be placed
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
class DLL_EXPORT CGMagi : public CGObjectInstance
static std::map <si32, std::vector<si32> > eyelist; //[subID][id], supports multiple sets as in H5
void initObj();
void onHeroVisit(const CGHeroInstance * h) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & static_cast<CGObjectInstance&>(*this);
class DLL_EXPORT CCartographer : public CPlayersVisited
///behaviour varies depending on surface and floor
void onHeroVisit( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const;
void buyMap (const CGHeroInstance *h, ui32 accept) const;
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & players;
struct BankConfig
BankConfig() {level = chance = upgradeChance = combatValue = value = rewardDifficulty = easiest = 0; };
ui8 level; //1 - 4, how hard the battle will be
ui8 chance; //chance for this level being chosen
ui8 upgradeChance; //chance for creatures to be in upgraded versions
std::vector< std::pair <ui16, ui32> > guards; //creature ID, amount
ui32 combatValue; //how hard are guards of this level
std::vector<si32> resources; //resources given in case of victory
std::vector< std::pair <ui16, ui32> > creatures; //creatures granted in case of victory
std::vector<ui16> artifacts; //number of artifacts given in case of victory [0] -> treasure, [1] -> minor [2] -> major [3] -> relic
ui32 value; //overall value of given things
ui32 rewardDifficulty; //proportion of reward value to difficulty of guards; how profitable is this creature Bank config
ui16 easiest; //?!?
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & level & chance & upgradeChance & guards & combatValue & resources & creatures & artifacts
& value & rewardDifficulty & easiest;
class DLL_EXPORT CObjectHandler
std::vector<si32> cregens; //type 17. dwelling subid -> creature ID
std::map <ui32, std::vector <BankConfig> > banksInfo; //[index][preset], TODO: load it
void loadObjects();
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & cregens & banksInfo;
#endif // __COBJECTHANDLER_H__