mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2024-12-12 10:03:53 +02:00
Ivan Savenko f309a4eb82 Exclude some AB creatures from randomization picks
This changes handling of several campaign-only creatures to be in line
with H3 - Sharpshooters, Enchanters and Azure/Rust/Faerie/Crystal

Now these creatures will not be picked for
- random creatures in Refugee Camp
- as replacement for Random Monster object from map editor

Random map generator is not affected and can still pick this creatures
(confirmed to be same in H3)
2024-05-16 09:53:37 +00:00

600 lines
9.6 KiB

// Neutral creatures as in SoD
"goldGolem" :
"index": 116,
"level": 4,
"faction": "neutral",
"magicResistance" :
"subtype" : "spellSchool.any",
"val" : 85
"nonliving" :
"type" : "NON_LIVING"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CGGOLE.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "GGLMATTK.wav",
"defend": "GGLMDFND.wav",
"killed": "GGLMKILL.wav",
"move": "GGLMMOVE.wav",
"wince": "GGLMWNCE.wav"
"diamondGolem" :
"index": 117,
"level": 5,
"faction": "neutral",
"magicResistance" :
"subtype" : "spellSchool.any",
"val" : 95
"nonliving" :
"type" : "NON_LIVING"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CDGOLE.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "DGLMATTK.wav",
"defend": "DGLMDFND.wav",
"killed": "DGLMKILL.wav",
"move": "DGLMMOVE.wav",
"wince": "DGLMWNCE.wav"
"azureDragon" :
"index": 132,
"level": 10,
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"dragon" :
"type" : "DRAGON_NATURE"
"fireBreath" :
"spellImmunity" :
"val" : 3
"fearless" :
"type" : "FEARLESS"
"fear" :
"type" : "FEAR"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CADRGN.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "AZURATTK.wav",
"defend": "AZURDFND.wav",
"killed": "AZURKILL.wav",
"move": "AZURMOVE.wav",
"wince": "AZURWNCE.wav"
"crystalDragon" :
"index": 133,
"level": 10,
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"dragon" :
"type" : "DRAGON_NATURE"
"magicResistance" :
"val" : 20
"crystals" :
"FLYING_ARMY" : null
"graphics" :
"animation": "CCDRGN.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "CRYSATTK.wav",
"defend": "CRYSDFND.wav",
"killed": "CRYSKILL.wav",
"move": "CRYSMOVE.wav",
"wince": "CRYSWNCE.wav"
"fairieDragon" :
"index": 134,
"level": 8,
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"dragon" :
"type" : "DRAGON_NATURE"
"mirror" :
"type" : "MAGIC_MIRROR",
"val" : 20
"casts" :
"type" : "CASTS",
"val" : 5
"spellpower" :
"val" : 500
"castsMagicArrow" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.magicArrow",
"addInfo" : 22,
"val" : 2
"castsIceBolt" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.iceBolt",
"addInfo" : 22,
"val" : 2
"castsLightningBolt" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.lightningBolt",
"addInfo" : 22,
"val" : 2
"castsChainLightning" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.chainLightning",
"addInfo" : 5,
"val" : 2
"castsFrostRing" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.frostRing",
"addInfo" : 10,
"val" : 2
"castsFireball" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.fireball",
"addInfo" : 21,
"val" : 2
"castsInferno" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.inferno",
"addInfo" : 5,
"val" : 2
"castsMeteorShower" :
"type" : "SPELLCASTER",
"subtype" : "spell.meteorShower",
"addInfo" : 5,
"val" : 2
"graphics" :
"animation": "CFDRGN.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "FAERATTK.wav",
"defend": "FAERDFND.wav",
"killed": "FAERKILL.wav",
"move": "FAERMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "FAERSHOT.wav",
"wince": "FAERWNCE.wav"
"rustDragon" :
"index": 135,
"level": 10,
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"dragon" :
"type" : "DRAGON_NATURE"
"acidBreath" :
"type" : "ACID_BREATH",
"val" : 25,
"addInfo" : 30
"fireBreath" :
"reduceDefence" :
"subtype" : "spell.acidBreath",
"val" : 100
"graphics" :
"animation": "CRSDGN.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "RUSTATTK.wav",
"defend": "RUSTDFND.wav",
"killed": "RUSTKILL.wav",
"move": "RUSTMOVE.wav",
"wince": "RUSTWNCE.wav"
"enchanter" :
"index": 136,
"level": 6,
"extraNames": [ "enchanters" ],
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"noPenalty" :
"type" : "NO_WALL_PENALTY"
"casts" :
"type" : "CASTS",
"val" : 5
"castsAirShield" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.airShield",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"castsBless" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.bless",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"castsWeakness" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.weakness",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"castsStoneSkin" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.stoneSkin",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"castsSlow" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.slow",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"castsHaste" :
"type" : "ENCHANTER",
"subtype" : "spell.haste",
"val" : 3,
"addInfo" : 3
"graphics" :
"animation": "Cench.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "CPRZEAX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "ENCHATTK.wav",
"defend": "ENCHDFND.wav",
"killed": "ENCHKILL.wav",
"move": "ENCHMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "ENCHSHOT.wav",
"wince": "ENCHWNCE.wav"
"sharpshooter" :
"index": 137,
"level": 4,
"extraNames": [ "sharpshooters" ],
"faction": "neutral",
"excludeFromRandomization" : true,
"noPenalty" :
"type" : "NO_WALL_PENALTY"
"noDistancePenalty" :
"graphics" :
"animation": "CSHARP.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "PELFX.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "HCRSATTK.wav",
"defend": "HCRSDFND.wav",
"killed": "HCRSKILL.wav",
"move": "HCRSMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "HCRSSHOT.wav",
"wince": "HCRSWNCE.wav"
"halfling" :
"index": 138,
"level": 1,
"faction": "neutral",
"lucky" :
"type" : "LUCK",
"val" : 1,
"valueType" : "INDEPENDENT_MAX"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CHALF.DEF",
"missile" :
"projectile": "PHALF.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "HALFATTK.wav",
"defend": "HALFDFND.wav",
"killed": "HALFKILL.wav",
"move": "HALFMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "HALFSHOT.wav",
"wince": "HALFWNCE.wav"
"peasant" :
"index": 139,
"level": 1,
"faction": "neutral",
"graphics" :
"animation": "CPEAS.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "PSNTATTK.wav",
"defend": "PSNTDFND.wav",
"killed": "PSNTKILL.wav",
"move": "PSNTMOVE.wav",
"wince": "PSNTWNCE.wav"
"boar" :
"index": 140,
"level": 2,
"faction": "neutral",
"doubleWide" : true,
"graphics" :
"animation": "CBOAR.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "BOARATTK.wav",
"defend": "BOARDFND.wav",
"killed": "BOARKILL.wav",
"move": "BOARMOVE.wav",
"wince": "BOARWNCE.wav"
"mummy" :
"index": 141,
"level": 3,
"faction": "neutral",
"undead" :
"type" : "UNDEAD"
"castCurse" :
"subtype" : "spell.curse",
"val" : 50
"graphics" :
"animation": "CMUMMY.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "MUMYATTK.wav",
"defend": "MUMYDFND.wav",
"killed": "MUMYKILL.wav",
"move": "MUMYMOVE.wav",
"wince": "MUMYWNCE.wav"
"nomad" :
"index": 142,
"level": 3,
"faction": "neutral",
"sandWalker" :
"subtype" : "terrain.sand",
"propagator" : "HERO"
"doubleWide" : true,
"graphics" :
"animation": "CNOMAD.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "NMADATTK.wav",
"defend": "NMADDFND.wav",
"killed": "NMADKILL.wav",
"move": "NMADMOVE.wav",
"wince": "NMADWNCE.wav"
"rogue" :
"index": 143,
"level": 2,
"faction": "neutral",
"visionsMonsters" :
"type" : "VISIONS",
"subtype" : "visionsMonsters",
"val" : 3,
"valueType" : "INDEPENDENT_MAX",
"propagator" : "HERO"
"visionsHeroes" :
"type" : "VISIONS",
"subtype" : "visionsHeroes",
"val" : 3,
"valueType" : "INDEPENDENT_MAX",
"propagator" : "HERO"
"visionsTowns" :
"type" : "VISIONS",
"subtype" : "visionsTowns",
"val" : 3,
"valueType" : "INDEPENDENT_MAX",
"propagator" : "HERO"
"graphics" :
"animation": "CROGUE.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "ROGUATTK.wav",
"defend": "ROGUDFND.wav",
"killed": "ROGUKILL.wav",
"move": "ROGUMOVE.wav",
"wince": "ROGUWNCE.wav"
"troll" :
"index": 144,
"level": 5,
"faction": "neutral",
"regenerates" :
"val" : 50
"graphics" :
"animation": "CTROLL.DEF"
"sound" :
"attack": "TRLLATTK.wav",
"defend": "TRLLDFND.wav",
"killed": "TRLLKILL.wav",
"move": "TRLLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "TRLLWNCE.wav"