mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
Ivan Savenko 1aa391fdf8 Split CGeneralTextHandler file into 1 file per class form
All text processing code is now located in lib/texts.
No changes other than code being moved around and adjustment of includes

Moved without changes:
Languages.h           -> texts/Languages.h
MetaString.*          -> texts/MetaString.*
TextOperations.*      -> texts/TextOperations.*

Split into parts:
CGeneralTextHandler.* -> texts/CGeneralTextHandler.*
                      -> texts/CLegacyConfigParser.*
                      -> texts/TextLocalizationContainer.*
                      -> texts/TextIdentifier.h
2024-07-20 12:55:17 +00:00

237 lines
13 KiB

* CHeroOverview.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CHeroOverview.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
#include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h"
#include "../render/Canvas.h"
#include "../render/Colors.h"
#include "../render/IImage.h"
#include "../renderSDL/RenderHandler.h"
#include "../widgets/CComponent.h"
#include "../widgets/Images.h"
#include "../widgets/TextControls.h"
#include "../widgets/GraphicalPrimitiveCanvas.h"
#include "../../lib/GameSettings.h"
#include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/CSkillHandler.h"
#include "../../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h"
CHeroOverview::CHeroOverview(const HeroTypeID & h)
: CWindowObject(BORDERED | RCLICK_POPUP), hero { h }
heroIdx = hero.getNum();
pos = Rect(0, 0, 600, 485);
void CHeroOverview::genBackground()
backgroundTexture = std::make_shared<CFilledTexture>(ImagePath::builtin("DIBOXBCK"), pos);
void CHeroOverview::genControls()
Rect r = Rect();
labelTitle = std::make_shared<CLabel>(pos.w / 2 + 8, 21, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[77]);
// hero image
r = Rect(borderOffset, borderOffset + yOffset, 58, 64);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
imageHero = std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("PortraitsLarge"), (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->imageIndex, 0, r.x, r.y);
// hero name
r = Rect(64 + borderOffset, borderOffset + yOffset, 220, 64);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelHeroName = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + 110, r.y + 20, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->getNameTranslated());
labelHeroClass = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + 110, r.y + 45, FONT_MEDIUM, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->heroClass->getNameTranslated());
// vertical line
backgroundLines.push_back(std::make_shared<SimpleLine>(Point(295, borderOffset + yOffset - 1), Point(295, borderOffset + yOffset - 2 + 439), borderColor));
// skills header
r = Rect(borderOffset, 2 * borderOffset + yOffset + 64, 284, 20);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
labelSkillHeader.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>((r.w / 4) * i + 42, r.y + 10, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->jktexts[1 + i]));
// skill
const int tmp[] = {0, 1, 2, 5};
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
r = Rect((284 / 4) * i + 21, 3 * borderOffset + yOffset + 85, 42, 42);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
imageSkill.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("PSKIL42"), tmp[i], 0, r.x, r.y));
// skills footer
r = Rect(borderOffset, 4 * borderOffset + yOffset + 128, 284, 20);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
r = Rect((284 / 4) * i + 42, r.y, r.w, r.h);
labelSkillFooter.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x, r.y + 10, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, std::to_string((*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->heroClass->primarySkillInitial[i])));
// hero biography
r = Rect(borderOffset, 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 148, 284, 130);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelHeroBiography = std::make_shared<CMultiLineLabel>(r.resize(-borderOffset), FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->getBiographyTranslated());
// speciality name
r = Rect(2 * borderOffset + 44, 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 278, 235, 44);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelHeroSpeciality = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[78]);
labelSpecialityName = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset + 20, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->getSpecialtyNameTranslated());
// speciality image
r = Rect(borderOffset, 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 278, 44, 44);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
imageSpeciality = std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("UN44"), (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->imageIndex, 0, r.x, r.y);
// speciality description
r = Rect(borderOffset, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 322, 284, 85);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelSpecialityDescription = std::make_shared<CMultiLineLabel>(r.resize(-borderOffset), FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->getSpecialtyDescriptionTranslated());
// army title
r = Rect(302, borderOffset + yOffset, 292, 30);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelArmyTitle = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset + 2, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.heroOverview.startingArmy"));
// army numbers
r = Rect(302, 3 * borderOffset + yOffset + 62, 292, 32);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
auto stacksCountChances = CGI->settings()->getVector(EGameSettings::HEROES_STARTING_STACKS_CHANCES);
// army
int space = (260 - 7 * 32) / 6;
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
r = Rect(318 + i * (32 + space), 2 * borderOffset + yOffset + 30, 32, 32);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
int i = 0;
int iStack = 0;
for(auto & army : (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->initialArmy)
if((*CGI->creh)[army.creature]->warMachine == ArtifactID::NONE)
imageArmy.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("CPRSMALL"), (*CGI->creh)[army.creature]->getIconIndex(), 0, 302 + i * (32 + space) + 16, 2 * borderOffset + yOffset + 30));
labelArmyCount.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(302 + i * (32 + space) + 32, 3 * borderOffset + yOffset + 72, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, Colors::WHITE, (army.minAmount == army.maxAmount) ? std::to_string(army.minAmount) : std::to_string(army.minAmount) + "-" + std::to_string(army.maxAmount)));
labelArmyCount.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(302 + i * (32 + space) + 32, 3 * borderOffset + yOffset + 86, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::CENTER, grayedColor, std::to_string(stacksCountChances[iStack]) + "%"));
// war machine title
r = Rect(302, 4 * borderOffset + yOffset + 94, 292, 30);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelWarMachineTitle = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset + 2, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.heroOverview.warMachine"));
// war machine
space = (260 - 4 * 32) / 3;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
r = Rect(318 + i * (32 + space), 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 124, 32, 32);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
i = 0;
iStack = 0;
for(auto & army : (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->initialArmy)
if(i == 0)
imageWarMachine.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("CPRSMALL"), (*CGI->creh)[army.creature.CATAPULT]->getIconIndex(), 0, 302 + i * (32 + space) + 16, 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 124));
labelArmyCount.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(302 + i * (32 + space) + 51, 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 144, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, grayedColor, "100%"));
if((*CGI->creh)[army.creature]->warMachine != ArtifactID::NONE)
imageWarMachine.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("CPRSMALL"), (*CGI->creh)[army.creature]->getIconIndex(), 0, 302 + i * (32 + space) + 16, 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 124));
labelArmyCount.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(302 + i * (32 + space) + 51, 5 * borderOffset + yOffset + 144, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, grayedColor, std::to_string(stacksCountChances[iStack]) + "%"));
// secskill title
r = Rect(302, 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 156, (292 / 2) - 2 * borderOffset, 30);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelSecSkillTitle = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset + 2, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.heroOverview.secondarySkills"));
// vertical line
backgroundLines.push_back(std::make_shared<SimpleLine>(Point(302 + (292 / 2), 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 156 - 1), Point(302 + (292 / 2), 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 156 - 2 + 254), borderColor));
// spell title
r = Rect(302 + (292 / 2) + 2 * borderOffset, 6 * borderOffset + yOffset + 156, (292 / 2) - 2 * borderOffset, 30);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
labelSpellTitle = std::make_shared<CLabel>(r.x + borderOffset, r.y + borderOffset + 2, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::YELLOW, CGI->generaltexth->translate("vcmi.heroOverview.spells"));
// secskill
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
r = Rect(302, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset), 32, 32);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
r = Rect(r.x + 32 + borderOffset, r.y, (292 / 2) - 32 - 3 * borderOffset, r.h);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
i = 0;
for(auto & skill : (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->secSkillsInit)
imageSecSkills.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("SECSK32"), (*CGI->skillh)[skill.first]->getIconIndex() * 3 + skill.second + 2, 0, 302, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset)));
labelSecSkillsNames.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(334 + 2 * borderOffset, 8 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset) - 5, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, CGI->generaltexth->levels[skill.second - 1]));
labelSecSkillsNames.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(334 + 2 * borderOffset, 8 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset) + 10, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->skillh)[skill.first]->getNameTranslated()));
// spell
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
r = Rect(302 + (292 / 2) + 2 * borderOffset, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset), 32, 32);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
r = Rect(r.x + 32 + borderOffset, r.y, (292 / 2) - 32 - 3 * borderOffset, r.h);
backgroundRectangles.push_back(std::make_shared<TransparentFilledRectangle>(r.resize(1), rectangleColor, borderColor));
i = 0;
for(auto & spell : (*CGI->heroh)[heroIdx]->spells)
if(i == 0)
imageSpells.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("ARTIFACT"), 0, Rect(302 + (292 / 2) + 2 * borderOffset, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset), 32, 32), 0));
imageSpells.push_back(std::make_shared<CAnimImage>(AnimationPath::builtin("SPELLBON"), (*CGI->spellh)[spell]->getIconIndex(), Rect(302 + (292 / 2) + 2 * borderOffset, 7 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset), 32, 32), 0));
labelSpellsNames.push_back(std::make_shared<CLabel>(302 + (292 / 2) + 3 * borderOffset + 32 + borderOffset, 8 * borderOffset + yOffset + 186 + i * (32 + borderOffset) + 3, FONT_SMALL, ETextAlignment::TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, (*CGI->spellh)[spell]->getNameTranslated()));