mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-05 15:05:40 +02:00
alexvins 53b684180d [refactor]
* use spells configuration (all timed effects for battle spells)
* a few more cleanups
+register erm resource types (useful in future and less noise in log now)
2013-01-16 11:19:04 +00:00

571 lines
13 KiB

#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CSpellHandler.h"
#include "CGeneralTextHandler.h"
#include "Filesystem/CResourceLoader.h"
#include "VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "JsonNode.h"
#include <cctype>
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "BattleHex.h"
#include "CModHandler.h"
* CSpellHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
using namespace boost::assign;
namespace SRSLPraserHelpers
static int XYToHex(int x, int y)
return x + 17 * y;
static int XYToHex(std::pair<int, int> xy)
return XYToHex(xy.first, xy.second);
static int hexToY(int battleFieldPosition)
return battleFieldPosition/17;
static int hexToX(int battleFieldPosition)
int pos = battleFieldPosition - hexToY(battleFieldPosition) * 17;
return pos;
static std::pair<int, int> hexToPair(int battleFieldPosition)
return std::make_pair(hexToX(battleFieldPosition), hexToY(battleFieldPosition));
//moves hex by one hex in given direction
//0 - left top, 1 - right top, 2 - right, 3 - right bottom, 4 - left bottom, 5 - left
static std::pair<int, int> gotoDir(int x, int y, int direction)
case 0: //top left
return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x-1 : x, y-1);
case 1: //top right
return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x : x+1, y-1);
case 2: //right
return std::make_pair(x+1, y);
case 3: //right bottom
return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x : x+1, y+1);
case 4: //left bottom
return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x-1 : x, y+1);
case 5: //left
return std::make_pair(x-1, y);
throw std::runtime_error("Disaster: wrong direction in SRSLPraserHelpers::gotoDir!\n");
static std::pair<int, int> gotoDir(std::pair<int, int> xy, int direction)
return gotoDir(xy.first, xy.second, direction);
static bool isGoodHex(std::pair<int, int> xy)
return xy.first >=0 && xy.first < 17 && xy.second >= 0 && xy.second < 11;
//helper fonction for std::set<ui16> CSpell::rangeInHexes(unsigned int centralHex, ui8 schoolLvl ) const
static std::set<ui16> getInRange(unsigned int center, int low, int high)
std::set<ui16> ret;
if(low == 0)
std::pair<int, int> mainPointForLayer[6]; //A, B, C, D, E, F points
for(int b=0; b<6; ++b)
mainPointForLayer[b] = hexToPair(center);
for(int it=1; it<=high; ++it) //it - distance to the center
for(int b=0; b<6; ++b)
mainPointForLayer[b] = gotoDir(mainPointForLayer[b], b);
std::pair<int, int> curHex;
//adding lines (A-b, B-c, C-d, etc)
for(int v=0; v<6; ++v)
curHex = mainPointForLayer[v];
for(int h=0; h<it; ++h)
curHex = gotoDir(curHex, (v+2)%6);
} //if(it>=low)
return ret;
using namespace SRSLPraserHelpers;
isDamage = false;
isMind = false;
isRising = false;
isOffensive = false;
std::vector<BattleHex> CSpell::rangeInHexes(BattleHex centralHex, ui8 schoolLvl, ui8 side, bool *outDroppedHexes) const
std::vector<BattleHex> ret;
if(id == Spells::FIRE_WALL || id == Spells::FORCE_FIELD)
//Special case - shape of obstacle depends on caster's side
//TODO make it possible through spell_info config
BattleHex::EDir firstStep, secondStep;
firstStep = BattleHex::TOP_LEFT;
secondStep = BattleHex::TOP_RIGHT;
firstStep = BattleHex::TOP_RIGHT;
secondStep = BattleHex::TOP_LEFT;
//Adds hex to the ret if it's valid. Otherwise sets output arg flag if given.
auto addIfValid = [&](BattleHex hex)
else if(outDroppedHexes)
*outDroppedHexes = true;
addIfValid(centralHex.moveInDir(firstStep, false));
if(schoolLvl >= 2) //advanced versions of fire wall / force field cotnains of 3 hexes
addIfValid(centralHex.moveInDir(firstStep, false).moveInDir(secondStep, false));
return ret;
std::string rng = range[schoolLvl] + ','; //copy + artificial comma for easier handling
if(rng.size() >= 1 && rng[0] != 'X') //there is at lest one hex in range
std::string number1, number2;
int beg, end;
bool readingFirst = true;
for(int it=0; it<rng.size(); ++it)
if( std::isdigit(rng[it]) ) //reading numer
number1 += rng[it];
number2 += rng[it];
else if(rng[it] == ',') //comma
//calculating variables
beg = atoi(number1.c_str());
number1 = "";
end = atoi(number2.c_str());
number2 = "";
//obtaining new hexes
std::set<ui16> curLayer;
curLayer = getInRange(centralHex, beg, beg);
curLayer = getInRange(centralHex, beg, end);
readingFirst = true;
//adding abtained hexes
for(std::set<ui16>::iterator it = curLayer.begin(); it != curLayer.end(); ++it)
else if(rng[it] == '-') //dash
beg = atoi(number1.c_str());
number1 = "";
readingFirst = false;
//remove duplicates (TODO check if actually needed)
return ret;
CSpell::ETargetType CSpell::getTargetType() const //TODO: parse these at game launch
if(attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET_1") != std::string::npos
|| attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET_2") != std::string::npos)
if(attributes.find("CREATURE_TARGET") != std::string::npos)
return CREATURE;
if(attributes.find("OBSTACLE_TARGET") != std::string::npos)
return OBSTACLE;
return NO_TARGET;
bool CSpell::isPositive() const
return positiveness == POSITIVE;
bool CSpell::isNegative() const
return positiveness == NEGATIVE;
bool CSpell::isRisingSpell() const
return isRising;
bool CSpell::isDamageSpell() const
return isDamage;
bool CSpell::isMindSpell() const
return isMind;
bool CSpell::isOffensiveSpell() const
return isOffensive;
bool CSpell::hasEffects() const
return !effects[0].empty();
void CSpell::getEffects(std::vector<Bonus>& lst, const int level) const
if (level < 0 || level>3)
tlog1 << __FUNCTION__ << " invalid school level " << level;
lst.reserve(lst.size() + effects[level].size());
BOOST_FOREACH (Bonus b, effects[level])
//TODO: value, add value
bool CSpell::isImmuneBy(const IBonusBearer* obj) const
BOOST_FOREACH(auto b, limiters)
if (!obj->hasBonusOfType(b))
return true;
BOOST_FOREACH(auto b, immunities)
if (obj->hasBonusOfType(b))
return true;
if (isMindSpell() && obj->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MIND_IMMUNITY))
return true;
if (isDamageSpell() && obj->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::DIRECT_DAMAGE_IMMUNITY))
return true;
auto battleTestElementalImmunity = [&,this](Bonus::BonusType element) -> bool
if (!isPositive()) //negative or indifferent
if ((isDamageSpell() && obj->hasBonusOfType(element, 2)) || obj->hasBonusOfType(element, 1))
return true;
else if (isPositive()) //positive
if (obj->hasBonusOfType(element, 0)) //must be immune to all spells
return true;
return false;
if (fire)
if (battleTestElementalImmunity(Bonus::FIRE_IMMUNITY))
return true;
if (water)
if (battleTestElementalImmunity(Bonus::WATER_IMMUNITY))
return true;
if (earth)
if (battleTestElementalImmunity(Bonus::EARTH_IMMUNITY))
return true;
if (air)
if (battleTestElementalImmunity(Bonus::AIR_IMMUNITY))
return true;
TBonusListPtr immunities = obj->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY));
immunities->remove_if([](const Bonus* b){ return b->source == Bonus::CREATURE_ABILITY; });
if(obj->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_IMMUNITY, id)
|| ( immunities->size() > 0 && immunities->totalValue() >= level && level))
return true;
return false;
bool DLL_LINKAGE isInScreenRange(const int3 &center, const int3 &pos)
int3 diff = pos - center;
if(diff.x >= -9 && diff.x <= 9 && diff.y >= -8 && diff.y <= 8)
return true;
return false;
CSpell * CSpellHandler::loadSpell(CLegacyConfigParser & parser)
CSpell * spell = new CSpell; //new currently being read spell
spell->name = parser.readString();
spell->abbName = parser.readString();
spell->level = parser.readNumber();
spell->earth = parser.readString() == "x";
spell->water = parser.readString() == "x";
spell->fire = parser.readString() == "x";
spell->air = parser.readString() == "x";
spell->costs = parser.readNumArray<si32>(4);
spell->power = parser.readNumber();
spell->powers = parser.readNumArray<si32>(4);
for (int i = 0; i < 9 ; i++)
spell->probabilities[i] = parser.readNumber();
spell->AIVals = parser.readNumArray<si32>(4);
for (int i = 0; i < 4 ; i++)
spell->attributes = parser.readString();
spell->mainEffectAnim = -1;
return spell;
void CSpellHandler::loadSpells()
CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/SPTRAITS.TXT");
auto read = [&,this](bool combat, bool alility)
CSpell * spell = loadSpell(parser);
spell->id = spells.size();
spell->combatSpell = combat;
spell->creatureAbility = alility;
while (parser.endLine() && !parser.isNextEntryEmpty());
auto skip = [&](int cnt)
for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
skip(5);// header
read(false,false); //read adventure map spells
read(true,false); //read battle spells
read(true,true);//read creature abilities
boost::replace_first (spells[Spells::DISRUPTING_RAY]->attributes, "2", ""); // disrupting ray will now affect single creature
spells.push_back(spells[Spells::ACID_BREATH_DEFENSE]); //clone Acid Breath attributes for Acid Breath damage effect
//loading of additional spell traits
const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/spell_info.json"));
BOOST_FOREACH(auto &spell, config["spells"].Struct())
//reading exact info
int spellID = spell.second["id"].Float();
CSpell *s = spells[spellID];
s->positiveness = spell.second["effect"].Float();
s->mainEffectAnim = spell.second["anim"].Float();
int idx = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode &range, spell.second["ranges"].Vector())
s->range[idx++] = range.String();
s->counteredSpells = spell.second["counters"].convertTo<std::vector<TSpell> >();
s->identifier = spell.first;
VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject("spell." + spell.first, spellID);
const JsonNode & flags_node = spell.second["flags"];
if (!flags_node.isNull())
auto flags = flags_node.convertTo<std::vector<std::string> >();
BOOST_FOREACH (const auto & flag, flags)
if (flag == "damage")
s->isDamage = true;
else if (flag == "rising")
s->isRising = true;
else if (flag == "mind")
s->isMind = true;
else if (flag == "offensive")
s->isOffensive = true;
const JsonNode & effects_node = spell.second["effects"];
BOOST_FOREACH (const JsonNode & bonus_node, effects_node.Vector())
auto &v_node = bonus_node["values"];
auto &a_node = bonus_node["ainfos"];
auto v = v_node.convertTo<std::vector<int> >();
auto a = a_node.convertTo<std::vector<int> >();
for (int i=0; i<4 ; i++)
Bonus * b = JsonUtils::parseBonus(bonus_node);
b->sid = s->id; //for all
b->source = Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT;//for all
b->val = s->powers[i];
if (!v.empty())
b->val = v[i];
if (!a.empty())
b->additionalInfo = a[i];
auto find_in_map = [](std::string name, std::vector<Bonus::BonusType> &vec)
auto it = bonusNameMap.find(name);
if (it == bonusNameMap.end())
tlog1 << "Error: invalid bonus name" << name << std::endl;
auto read_node = [&](std::string name, std::vector<Bonus::BonusType> &vec)
const JsonNode & node = spell.second[name];
if (!node.isNull())
auto names = node.convertTo<std::vector<std::string> >();
BOOST_FOREACH(auto name, names)
find_in_map(name, vec);
//spell fixes
//forgetfulness needs to get targets automatically on expert level
boost::replace_first(spells[Spells::FORGETFULNESS]->attributes, "CREATURE_TARGET", "CREATURE_TARGET_2"); //TODO: use flags instead?
std::vector<ui8> CSpellHandler::getDefaultAllowedSpells() const
std::vector<ui8> allowedSpells;
allowedSpells.resize(GameConstants::SPELLS_QUANTITY, 1);
return allowedSpells;