mirror of https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:50 +02:00

A naive YAML lexer.

Does not try to be smart in anyway. Instead, just highlights what it
can. Used this reference: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/yaml/

Fixes #13.
This commit is contained in:
Alec Thomas 2017-09-24 21:46:27 +10:00
parent c984ca45c7
commit 237eebbe1a
2 changed files with 76 additions and 0 deletions

lexers/yaml.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package lexers
import (
. "github.com/alecthomas/chroma" // nolint
// Prism.languages.yaml = {
// 'scalar': {
// pattern: /([\-:]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*[|>])[ \t]*(?:((?:\r?\n|\r)[ \t]+)[^\r\n]+(?:\3[^\r\n]+)*)/,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'string'
// },
// 'comment': /#.*/,
// 'key': {
// pattern: /(\s*(?:^|[:\-,[{\r\n?])[ \t]*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)[^\r\n{[\]},#\s]+?(?=\s*:\s)/,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'atrule'
// },
// 'directive': {
// pattern: /(^[ \t]*)%.+/m,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'important'
// },
// 'datetime': {
// pattern: /([:\-,[{]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)(\d{4}-\d\d?-\d\d?([tT]|[ \t]+)\d\d?:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d*)?[ \t]*(Z|[-+]\d\d?(:\d{2})?)?|\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|\d\d?:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d*)?)?)(?=[ \t]*($|,|]|}))/m,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'number'
// },
// 'boolean': {
// pattern: /([:\-,[{]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)(true|false)[ \t]*(?=$|,|]|})/im,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'important'
// },
// 'null': {
// pattern: /([:\-,[{]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)(null|~)[ \t]*(?=$|,|]|})/im,
// lookbehind: true,
// alias: 'important'
// },
// 'string': {
// pattern: /([:\-,[{]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)("(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*')(?=[ \t]*($|,|]|}))/m,
// lookbehind: true,
// greedy: true
// },
// 'number': {
// pattern: /([:\-,[{]\s*(![^\s]+)?[ \t]*)[+\-]?(0x[\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|(\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(e[\+\-]?\d+)?|\.inf|\.nan)[ \t]*(?=$|,|]|})/im,
// lookbehind: true
// },
// 'tag': /![^\s]+/,
// 'important': /[&*][\w]+/,
// 'punctuation': /---|[:[\]{}\-,|>?]|\.\.\./
var YAML = Register(MustNewLexer(
Name: "YAML",
Aliases: []string{"yaml"},
Filenames: []string{"*.yaml", "*.yml"},
MimeTypes: []string{"text/x-yaml"},
"root": {
{`\s+`, Whitespace, nil},
{`#.*`, Comment, nil},
{`!![^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
{`&[^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
{`\*[^\s]+`, CommentPreproc, nil},
{Words(``, `\b`, "true", "false", "null"), KeywordConstant, nil},
{`"(?:\\.|[^"])+"`, StringDouble, nil},
{`\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d([T ]\d\d:\d\d:\d\d(\.\d+)?(Z|\s+[-+]\d+)?)?`, LiteralDate, nil},
{`([>|])(\s+)((?:(?:.*?$)(?:[\n\r]*?\2)?)*)`, ByGroups(StringDoc, StringDoc, StringDoc), nil},
{`[+\-]?(0x[\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|(\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(e[\+\-]?\d+)?|\.inf|\.nan)\b`, Number, nil},
{`[?:,\[\]]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`.`, Text, nil},

View File

@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ var SwapOff = Register(chroma.MustNewStyle("swapoff", map[chroma.TokenType]strin
chroma.NameAttribute: "#ansiteal", chroma.NameAttribute: "#ansiteal",
chroma.NameVariable: "bold", chroma.NameVariable: "bold",
chroma.Error: "#ansired", chroma.Error: "#ansired",
chroma.LiteralDate: "bold #ansiyellow",
})) }))