mirror of https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma.git synced 2025-03-17 20:58:08 +02:00

fix: vim lexer was marking \n as errors

Fixes #827
This commit is contained in:
Alec Thomas 2023-08-22 08:39:01 +10:00
parent a20cd7e8df
commit 47ce9a21b1
8 changed files with 585 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
assert "github.com/alecthomas/assert/v2"
@ -73,11 +73,16 @@ func FileTest(t *testing.T, lexer chroma.Lexer, actualFilename, expectedFilename
actual, err := chroma.Tokenise(lexer, nil, string(actualText))
assert.NoError(t, err)
if os.Getenv("RECORD") == "true" {
if os.Getenv("RECORD") != "" {
// Update the expected file with the generated output of this lexer
f, err := os.Create(expectedFilename)
defer f.Close() // nolint: gosec
assert.NoError(t, err)
for _, token := range actual {
if token.Type == chroma.Error {
t.Logf("Found Error token in lexer %s output: %s", lexer.Config().Name, repr.String(token))
assert.NoError(t, formatters.JSON.Format(f, nil, chroma.Literator(actual...)))
} else {
// Read expected JSON into token slice.
@ -87,10 +92,14 @@ func FileTest(t *testing.T, lexer chroma.Lexer, actualFilename, expectedFilename
err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&expected)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Equal?
repr.String(expected, repr.Indent(" ")),
repr.String(actual, repr.Indent(" ")))
assert.Equal(t, expected, actual)
// Check for error tokens.
for _, token := range actual {
if token.Type == chroma.Error {
t.Logf("Found Error token in lexer %s output: %s", lexer.Config().Name, repr.String(token))

View File

@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":"\n "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":"\n "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
@ -48,14 +48,12 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
@ -68,17 +66,13 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},

View File

@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Where should we write the GIF?"},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Set up a 1200x600 terminal with 46px font."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Type a command in the terminal."},
{"type":"Punctuation", "value": "@"},
{"type":"LiteralNumber", "value": "100"},
{"type":"Text", "value": "ms"},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"LiteralStringDouble","value":"\"echo 'Welcome to VHS!'\""},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Pause for dramatic effect..."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Run the command by pressing enter."},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Admire the output for a bit."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Where should we write the GIF?"},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Set up a 1200x600 terminal with 46px font."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Type a command in the terminal."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"LiteralStringDouble","value":"\"echo 'Welcome to VHS!'\""},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Pause for dramatic effect..."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Run the command by pressing enter."},
{"type":"Comment","value":"# Admire the output for a bit."},
{"type":"TextWhitespace","value":" "},

lexers/testdata/vim.actual vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
colorscheme swapoff
" Turn off status line.
set laststatus=0
" Turn off annoying beeps
set vb
set noeb
set vb t_vb=
set mouse=r
set visualbell
" Force latin1 terminal encoding?
set fileencoding=utf-8
set encoding=utf-8
set termencoding=utf-8
" Allows ~<motion>
set tildeop
" Stupid backspace
set backspace=eol,indent,start
" 99% of the time, wrap is shit
set nowrap
" Map U to 'redo', which I like better than U being 'undo changes to this line'
map U <C-R>
" Indentation defaults
set ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 et
" Abbreviate status messages
set shortmess=aTI
" No 'Press ENTER...' message when using man
map K K<CR>
" Filetypes that need real tabs
autocmd FileType make :set ts=4 noet nolist
" Set some formatoptions
set formatoptions=tcrqn
" Incremental search is good
set incsearch
set hlsearch
hi MatchParen cterm=NONE ctermfg=LightGreen ctermbg=NONE
" Disable highlighted search on redraw
map <silent> <C-l> :nohlsearch<CR>:redraw!<CR>
autocmd Syntax * syntax sync fromstart
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" Always show cursor position
set ruler
" Fucking visual-select copying to clipboard! WTF!
set clipboard=
" C-d when file-completing
set wildmenu
highlight SpellBad cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=none
" Show trailing whitepace and spaces before a tab:
highlight ExtraWhitespace cterm=NONE ctermbg=red guibg=red
autocmd Syntax * syn match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$\| \+\ze\t/
" Round shifting to nearest shiftwidth
set shiftround
" Insert blanks according to shiftwidth
set smarttab
" Disable toolbar
set go-=T
set wildignore=*.o,*.a,*.so,*.pyc,*~,*.class,build/*,build-*,tags,cscope*,third_party/*,java/*,users/*,data/*,3rdparty/*,*.jar,target/*,dist/*
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.bk set filetype=python

lexers/testdata/vim.expected vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Turn off status line."},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Turn off annoying beeps"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Force latin1 terminal encoding?"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Allows ~\u003cmotion\u003e"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Stupid backspace"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" 99% of the time, wrap is shit"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Map U to 'redo', which I like better than U being 'undo changes to this line'"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Indentation defaults"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Abbreviate status messages"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" No 'Press ENTER...' message when using man"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Filetypes that need real tabs"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" :"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Set some formatoptions"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Incremental search is good"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Disable highlighted search on redraw"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" :"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" * "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Always show cursor position"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Fucking visual-select copying to clipboard! WTF!"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" C-d when file-completing"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Show trailing whitepace and spaces before a tab:"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" * "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"LiteralStringRegex","value":"/\\s\\+$\\| \\+\\ze\\t/"},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Round shifting to nearest shiftwidth"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Insert blanks according to shiftwidth"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Comment","value":"\n\" Disable toolbar"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" *."},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},

View File

@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ func vimlRules() Rules {
{`#[0-9a-f]{6}`, LiteralNumberHex, nil},
{`^:`, Punctuation, nil},
{`[()<>+=!|,~-]`, Punctuation, nil},
{`\b(let|if|else|endif|elseif|fun|function|endfunction)\b`, Keyword, nil},
{`\b(let|if|else|endif|elseif|fun|function|endfunction|set|map|autocmd|filetype|hi(ghlight)?|execute|syntax|colorscheme)\b`, Keyword, nil},
{`\b(NONE|bold|italic|underline|dark|light)\b`, NameBuiltin, nil},
{`\b\w+\b`, NameOther, nil},
{`\n`, Text, nil},
{`.`, Text, nil},

View File

@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ func (r Rules) Merge(rules Rules) Rules {
// MustNewLexer creates a new Lexer with deferred rules generation or panics.
func MustNewLexer(config *Config, rulesFunc func() Rules) *RegexLexer {
lexer, err := NewLexer(config, rulesFunc)
func MustNewLexer(config *Config, rules func() Rules) *RegexLexer {
lexer, err := NewLexer(config, rules)
if err != nil {