mirror of https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma.git synced 2025-03-17 20:58:08 +02:00

Update julia.go (#258)

They key word is `abstract type`, `abstract` or `type` alone can be defined as new bindings
This commit is contained in:
Mathieu Besançon 2019-06-20 22:45:28 +02:00 committed by Alec Thomas
parent 1a13c19115
commit 6b98624dc1
3 changed files with 95 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ var Julia = internal.Register(MustNewLexer(
{`isa\b`, KeywordPseudo, nil},
{`(true|false)\b`, KeywordConstant, nil},
{`(local|global|const)\b`, KeywordDeclaration, nil},
{Words(``, `\b`, `function`, `abstract`, `baremodule`, `begin`, `bitstype`, `break`, `catch`, `ccall`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `export`, `finally`, `for`, `if`, `import`, `let`, `macro`, `module`, `mutable`, `primitive`, `quote`, `return`, `struct`, `try`, `using`, `while`), Keyword, nil},
{Words(``, `\b`, `function`, `abstract type`, `primitive type`, `baremodule`, `begin`, `bitstype`, `break`, `catch`, `ccall`, `continue`, `do`, `else`, `elseif`, `end`, `export`, `finally`, `for`, `if`, `import`, `let`, `macro`, `module`, `mutable`, `quote`, `return`, `struct`, `try`, `using`, `while`), Keyword, nil},
{Words(``, `\b`, `ASCIIString`, `AbstractArray`, `AbstractChannel`, `AbstractDict`, `AbstractFloat`, `AbstractMatrix`, `AbstractRNG`, `AbstractSparseArray`, `AbstractSparseMatrix`, `AbstractSparseVector`, `AbstractString`, `AbstractVecOrMat`, `AbstractVector`, `Any`, `ArgumentError`, `Array`, `AssertionError`, `Base64DecodePipe`, `Base64EncodePipe`, `Bidiagonal`, `BigFloat`, `BigInt`, `BitArray`, `BitMatrix`, `BitVector`, `Bool`, `BoundsError`, `Box`, `BufferStream`, `CapturedException`, `CartesianIndex`, `CartesianRange`, `Cchar`, `Cdouble`, `Cfloat`, `Channel`, `Char`, `Cint`, `Cintmax_t`, `Clong`, `Clonglong`, `ClusterManager`, `Cmd`, `Coff_t`, `Colon`, `Complex`, `Complex128`, `Complex32`, `Complex64`, `CompositeException`, `Condition`, `Cptrdiff_t`, `Cshort`, `Csize_t`, `Cssize_t`, `Cstring`, `Cuchar`, `Cuint`, `Cuintmax_t`, `Culong`, `Culonglong`, `Cushort`, `Cwchar_t`, `Cwstring`, `DataType`, `Date`, `DateTime`, `DenseArray`, `DenseMatrix`, `DenseVecOrMat`, `DenseVector`, `Diagonal`, `Dict`, `DimensionMismatch`, `Dims`, `DirectIndexString`, `Display`, `DivideError`, `DomainError`, `EOFError`, `EachLine`, `Enum`, `Enumerate`, `ErrorException`, `Exception`, `Expr`, `Factorization`, `FileMonitor`, `FileOffset`, `Filter`, `Float16`, `Float32`, `Float64`, `FloatRange`, `Function`, `GenSym`, `GlobalRef`, `GotoNode`, `HTML`, `Hermitian`, `IO`, `IOBuffer`, `IOStream`, `IPv4`, `IPv6`, `InexactError`, `InitError`, `Int`, `Int128`, `Int16`, `Int32`, `Int64`, `Int8`, `IntSet`, `Integer`, `InterruptException`, `IntrinsicFunction`, `InvalidStateException`, `Irrational`, `KeyError`, `LabelNode`, `LambdaStaticData`, `LinSpace`, `LineNumberNode`, `LoadError`, `LocalProcess`, `LowerTriangular`, `MIME`, `Matrix`, `MersenneTwister`, `Method`, `MethodError`, `MethodTable`, `Module`, `NTuple`, `NewvarNode`, `NullException`, `Nullable`, `Number`, `ObjectIdDict`, `OrdinalRange`, `OutOfMemoryError`, `OverflowError`, `Pair`, `ParseError`, `PartialQuickSort`, `Pipe`, `PollingFileWatcher`, `ProcessExitedException`, `ProcessGroup`, `Ptr`, `QuoteNode`, `RandomDevice`, `Range`, `Rational`, `RawFD`, `ReadOnlyMemoryError`, `Real`, `ReentrantLock`, `Ref`, `Regex`, `RegexMatch`, `RemoteException`, `RemoteRef`, `RepString`, `RevString`, `RopeString`, `RoundingMode`, `SegmentationFault`, `SerializationState`, `Set`, `SharedArray`, `SharedMatrix`, `SharedVector`, `Signed`, `SimpleVector`, `SparseMatrixCSC`, `StackOverflowError`, `StatStruct`, `StepRange`, `StridedArray`, `StridedMatrix`, `StridedVecOrMat`, `StridedVector`, `SubArray`, `SubString`, `SymTridiagonal`, `Symbol`, `SymbolNode`, `Symmetric`, `SystemError`, `TCPSocket`, `Task`, `Text`, `TextDisplay`, `Timer`, `TopNode`, `Tridiagonal`, `Tuple`, `Type`, `TypeConstructor`, `TypeError`, `TypeName`, `TypeVar`, `UDPSocket`, `UInt`, `UInt128`, `UInt16`, `UInt32`, `UInt64`, `UInt8`, `UTF16String`, `UTF32String`, `UTF8String`, `UndefRefError`, `UndefVarError`, `UnicodeError`, `UniformScaling`, `Union`, `UnitRange`, `Unsigned`, `UpperTriangular`, `Val`, `Vararg`, `VecOrMat`, `Vector`, `VersionNumber`, `Void`, `WString`, `WeakKeyDict`, `WeakRef`, `WorkerConfig`, `Zip`), KeywordType, nil},
{Words(``, `\b`, `ARGS`, `CPU_CORES`, `C_NULL`, `DevNull`, `ENDIAN_BOM`, `ENV`, `I`, `Inf`, `Inf16`, `Inf32`, `Inf64`, `InsertionSort`, `JULIA_HOME`, `LOAD_PATH`, `MergeSort`, `NaN`, `NaN16`, `NaN32`, `NaN64`, `OS_NAME`, `QuickSort`, `RoundDown`, `RoundFromZero`, `RoundNearest`, `RoundNearestTiesAway`, `RoundNearestTiesUp`, `RoundToZero`, `RoundUp`, `STDERR`, `STDIN`, `STDOUT`, `VERSION`, `WORD_SIZE`, `catalan`, `e`, `eu`, `eulergamma`, `golden`, `im`, `nothing`, `pi`, `γ`, `π`, `φ`), NameBuiltin, nil},
{Words(``, ``, `=`, `:=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, `//=`, `.//=`, `.*=`, `./=`, `\=`, `.\=`, `^=`, `.^=`, `÷=`, `.÷=`, `%=`, `.%=`, `|=`, `&=`, `$=`, `=>`, `<<=`, `>>=`, `>>>=`, `~`, `.+=`, `.-=`, `?`, `--`, `-->`, `||`, `&&`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, ``, `<=`, ``, `==`, `===`, ``, `!=`, ``, `!==`, ``, `.>`, `.<`, `.>=`, `.≥`, `.<=`, `.≤`, `.==`, `.!=`, `.≠`, `.=`, `.!`, `<:`, `>:`, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, ``, `|>`, `<|`, `:`, `+`, `-`, `.+`, `.-`, `|`, ``, `$`, `<<`, `>>`, `>>>`, `.<<`, `.>>`, `.>>>`, `*`, `/`, `./`, `÷`, ``, `%`, ``, `.%`, `.*`, `\`, `.\`, `&`, ``, `//`, `.//`, `^`, `.^`, `::`, `.`, `+`, `-`, `!`, ``, ``, ``), Operator, nil},

View File

@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
% Implementing Feed Forward to calculate H
% Defining basic types
m = size(X, 1);
X = [ones(m, 1) X];
Z2 = Theta1 * X';
A2 = sigmoid(Z2);
struct Value
const r = 33
A = zeros(3,3)
B = rand(4,3)
type = typeof(B)
C = A * B'
res = C' .+ r
const abstract = 33
abstract type K end
primitive type MyFloat32 32 end

View File

@ -1,64 +1,103 @@
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":"\n "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Keyword","value":"abstract type"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Keyword","value":"primitive type"},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},
{"type":"Text","value":" "},