mirror of https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma.git synced 2025-03-17 20:58:08 +02:00

Add Raku lexer (#476)

This commit is contained in:
Siavash Askari Nasr 2021-04-28 03:25:14 +04:30 committed by GitHub
parent c44c690de2
commit 9de08fc6c8
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 5109 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ N | NASM, Newspeak, Nginx configuration file, Nim, Nix
O | Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, OpenSCAD, Org Mode
P | PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, Protocol Buffer, Puppet, Python, Python 3
Q | QBasic
R | R, Racket, Ragel, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust
R | R, Racket, Ragel, Raku, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust
S | SAS, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, SCSS, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, Solidity, SPARQL, SQL, SquidConf, Standard ML, Stylus, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemverilog
T | TableGen, TASM, Tcl, Tcsh, Termcap, Terminfo, Terraform, TeX, Thrift, TOML, TradingView, Transact-SQL, Turing, Turtle, Twig, TypeScript, TypoScript, TypoScriptCssData, TypoScriptHtmlData
V | VB.net, verilog, VHDL, VimL, vue
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ go get -u github.com/alecthomas/chroma/cmd/chroma
- Quite a few lexers, for various reasons (pull-requests welcome):
- Pygments lexers for complex languages often include custom code to
handle certain aspects, such as Perl6's ability to nest code inside
handle certain aspects, such as Raku's ability to nest code inside
regular expressions. These require time and effort to convert.
- I mostly only converted languages I had heard of, to reduce the porting cost.
- Some more esoteric features of Pygments are omitted for simplicity.

lexers/r/raku.go Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

lexers/testdata/raku.actual vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
#!/usr/bin/env raku
=begin pod
=head1 Some test data for B<Chroma>
=begin code :lang<go>
fmt.Println("Hello from Go")
=end code
=for defn :numbered
=end pod
say $=pod[0].config<numbered>;
#| Fibonacci with Multiple dispatch
multi sub fib (0 --> 0) {}
multi sub fib (1 --> 1) {}
multi sub fib (\n where * > 1) {
fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
say fib 10;
# OUTPUT: 55
#| C<Shape> role
role Shape {
method area { ... }
method print_area {
say "Area of {self.^name} is {self.area}.";
class Rectangle does Shape {
has $.width is required;
has $.height is required;
method area {
$!width * $!height
Rectangle.new(width => 5, height => 7).print_area;
# Inifinite and lazy list
my @fib = 0, 1, * + * ... ∞;
say @fib[^11];
# OUTPUT: (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55)
# Feed operator
@fib[^20] ==> grep(&is-prime) ==> say();
# OUTPUT: (2 3 5 13 89 233 1597)
# Function composition
my &reverse_primes = &reverse ∘ &grep.assuming(&is-prime);
say reverse_primes ^20;
# OUTPUT: (19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2)
my @a = 1..4;
my @b = 'a'..'d';
# Zip two lists using Z meta operator
say @a Z @b;
# OUTPUT: ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d))
say @a Z=> @b;
# OUTPUT: (1 => a 2 => b 3 => c 4 => d)
say [\R<] 1, 5, 6;
# Hyper Operators
say @b «~» @a;
# OUTPUT: [a1 b2 c3 d4]
# Junctions
say 'Find all the words starting with a lowercase vowel'.words.grep: *.starts-with: any <a e i o u>;
sub MAIN(
Str $file where *.IO.f = 'file.dat', #= an existing file to frobnicate
Int :size(:$length) = 24, #= length/size needed for frobnication
Bool :$verbose, #= required verbosity
) {
say $length if $length.defined;
say $file if $file.defined;
say 'Verbosity ', ($verbose ?? 'on' !! 'off');
INI Parser
=head1 heading
grammar INIParser {
token TOP { <block> <section>* }
token section { <header> <block> }
token header { '[' ~ ']' \w+ \n+ }
token block { [<pair> | <comment>]* }
rule pair { <key> '=' <value> }
token comment { ';' \N* \n+ }
token key { \w+ }
token value { <-[\n ;]>+ }
my $match = INIParser.parse: q:to/END/;
; Comment
key2 = value2
; Section 1
say $match<block><pair>[0]<value>;
# OUTPUT: 「value1」
say $match<section>[0]<block><pair>[0]<value>;
# OUTPUT: 「value3」
# Promise
my $promise = start {
my $i = 0;
for 1 .. 10 {
$i += $_
my $result = await $promise;
say $result;
# OUTPUT: 55
# Supply
my $bread-supplier = Supplier.new;
my $vegetable-supplier = Supplier.new;
my $supply = supply {
whenever $bread-supplier.Supply {
emit("We've got bread: " ~ $_);
whenever $vegetable-supplier.Supply {
emit("We've got a vegetable: " ~ $_);
$supply.tap(-> $v { say "$v" });
# OUTPUT: «We've got a vegetable: Radish␤»
$bread-supplier.emit("Thick sliced");
# OUTPUT: «We've got bread: Thick sliced␤»
# OUTPUT: «We've got a vegetable: Lettuce␤»
say (1, 2, 3) »+« (4, 5, 6);
say (1, 2, 3, 4) »~» <a b>;
say (&sin, &cos, &sqrt)».(0.5);
say (<a b>, <c d e>)».&{ .elems };
say << '>>' >>;
say "stuff here!!!".subst(:g, /<</, '|');
my @array = <<an 'array of' {"many"} items>>;
say [1,2,3] (&) [2,5,7];
say [1,2,3] ∩ [2,5,7];
say 2 =:= 3;
say [1,2,3] Z [4,5,6];
[1,2,3] RZ[=>] [4,5,6];
\w+ # some comment
\d ** 2..5
"double quotes!"
<:N + alpha>+
<{1 + 2}>
'[' \w+ ']' || \S+ \s* '=' \s* \S*
|| '[' \w+ ']'
|| \S+ \s* '=' \s* \S*
<:Block<Basic Latin>>
if | if <.ws> else $0
< f fo foo food >
<:L + :!N>
<[ a .. c 1 2 3 ]>*
<[\d] - [13579]>
<?before a $0> && .
<:Zs + [\x9] - [\xA0]>
^ raku $
^ raku$
<[ \x[00C0] .. \x[00C6] ]>*
<< br >>
own »
^^ <?alnum> \d+
^^ \d+ <!:Script<Tamil>>
abc <?[ d..f ]>
abc <?@some-array>
<?after ^^ | "." \s+> <:Lu>\S+
[ ab || cbc ]
(a || b)+
[a||b] (c)
(\d) ($0)
(\d) {} :my $c = $0; ($c)
:my $counter = 0; ( \V* { ++$counter } ) *%% \n
(a) b {} :my $c2 = $/;
(a) {say "Check so far ", ~$/} b :my $c3 = ~$0;
{ say 'hi' }
$<myname> = [ \w+ ]
$<string>=( [ $<part>=[abc] ]* % '-' )
$<variable>=\w+ '=' $<value>=\w+
a <( b )> c
<(a <( b )> c)>
'(' ~ ')' <expression>
$<OPEN> = '(' <SETGOAL: ')'> <some-expression> [ $GOAL || <FAILGOAL> ]
<?> ~ ')' \d+
'(' <-[()]>* ')' || '('[ <-[()]>* <~~> <-[()]>* ]* ')'
$(1 + 2; $test)
$pattern3.flip # Nil
$([~] $pattern3.comb.reverse)
\d ** 1..3 <?{ $/.Int <= 255 && $/.Int >= 0 }>
constant \something:some<adverb> = 'something';
my %hash = %(
query => something,
qq => 'something',
m => $test,
(Less) => $test,
my %hash2 = %(
:query1{1 + 2}
=for comment
some comment
say Q[「some $text」];
say qq「「some $regex text」」;
say qww「「some $variable 'some text' text」」;
say q:ww「「some $variable 'some text' text」」;
say q:w「「some $variable 'some text' text」」;
say qq:w「「some $regex 'some text' text」」;
say Q:c「「some $regex 'some text' { 2 + 1 } text」」;
say q:a「「some @array 'some text' { 2 + 1 } text」」;
say Q:a:c「「some @array 'some text' { 2 + 1 } text」」;
Q[some \qq[$variable.method()] testing]
Q:a:c[some \qq[$variable.method()] testing]
say Q:c:h「Testing {'toasting'} %h<one>」;
say Q:c:h「Testing {'toasting'} %h<one><two>」;
say Q:c:h「Testing {'toasting'} %h<<one>>」;
say Q:c:h「Testing {'toasting'} %h«one»」;
say Q:b[Testing];
'some \qq[$variable.method()] testing';
'somes\' testing';
"some \qq[$variable.method()] testing";
"some $variable.method() testing";
"some $variable:some<adverb>.method() testing";
"some $variable:some('adverb').method() testing";
"some func() testing";
"some func:some<adverb>() testing";
say "Something foo(2) $a.succ(2+3, $some_variable) $a.some-method() @more $_.Str(2) $_: { $_ * 2 }";
multiline comment]
my $regex = /'match' \s* <[:-]> \s* \w 'something'/;
say S/some/a/ given $text;
say s/some/a/;
say S%some%a% given $text;
say $text ~~ s/(some) \d+ $<var>=<alnum>/a $0/;
say $text ~~ s:Pos(2)/(some)/$0/;
say $text ~~ s%some%a%;
say $text ~~ s%s(.)me%a$0%;
say $text ~~ s:r/some/a/;
say $text ~~ m/^text [:i \d+]$/;
say $text ~~ m:s/^<{2+5}>$/;
say $text ~~ m%^text$%;
say $text ~~ /^text$/;
say $text ~~ tr/abcde/12345/;
s{\w+} = 'test';
say 1+1i;
when X::AdHoc {}
when CX::Warn {}
say Q:heredoc「FINISH」;
some long
$*IN.lines.first: { .say and .so with %a{.Int cmp n}}
#| Grammar C<G>
grammar G {
rule TOP { <function-define> }
rule function-define {
:my \var = 'something';
'sub' <identifier>
say "func " ~ $<identifier>.made;
make $<identifier>.made;
'(' <parameter> ')' '{' '}'
{ say "end " ~ $/.made; }
token identifier { \w+ { make ~$/; } }
token parameter { \w+ { say "param " ~ $/; } }
token token { \w+ { say "param " ~ $/; } }
use Some::Module;
use Some::Module:auth<author>:ver(v1.0.0);
notes $trip: "Almost there";
for <a b c> {
multiline pod declaration]
grammar Calculator {
token TOP { <calc-op> }
proto rule calc-op {*}
proto rule calc-op($a) {*}
rule calc-op:sym<add> { <num> '+' <num> }
rule calc-op:sym<add> { <num> ':' '+' <num> }
rule calc-op:sym<sub>($a) { <num> '-' <num> }
token num { \d+ }
class Calculations {
method TOP ($/) { make $<calc-op>.made; }
method calc-op:sym<add> ($/) { make [+] $<num>; }
method calc-op:sym<sub> ($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
method calc-op:sym<sub>($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
method calc-op:sym($/) { make [-] $<num>; }
method calc-op:sym<sub> { make [-] $<num>; }
say Calculator.parse('2 + 3', actions => Calculations).made;
C<say> Date.today.year;
# Output: 2020
B<say> Date.today.later(:2years).year;

lexers/testdata/raku.expected vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ Generated with:
g 'class.*RegexLexer' | pawk --strict -F: '"pygments.lexers.%s.%s" % (f[0].split(".")[0], f[2].split()[1].split("(")[0])' > lexers.txt
Requires a bunch of helpers that I do not have the time to convert.
invalid unicode escape sequences
FIXED: Have to disable wide Unicode characters in unistring.py