mirror of https://github.com/alecthomas/chroma.git synced 2025-03-21 21:17:50 +02:00

added lexer for PSL (#688)

This commit is contained in:
cjprieb 2022-10-18 17:57:56 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent 40b7a9135a
commit b2a2ba5a50
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 618 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ L | Lighttpd configuration file, LLVM, Lua
M | Mako, markdown, Mason, Mathematica, Matlab, MiniZinc, MLIR, Modula-2, MonkeyC, MorrowindScript, Myghty, MySQL
N | NASM, Newspeak, Nginx configuration file, Nim, Nix
O | Objective-C, OCaml, Octave, OnesEnterprise, OpenEdge ABL, OpenSCAD, Org Mode
P | PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, Properties, Protocol Buffer, Puppet, Python 2, Python
P | PacmanConf, Perl, PHP, PHTML, Pig, PkgConfig, PL/pgSQL, plaintext, Pony, PostgreSQL SQL dialect, PostScript, POVRay, PowerShell, Prolog, PromQL, Properties, Protocol Buffer, PSL, Puppet, Python 2, Python
Q | QBasic
R | R, Racket, Ragel, Raku, react, ReasonML, reg, reStructuredText, Rexx, Ruby, Rust
S | SAS, Sass, Scala, Scheme, Scilab, SCSS, Sed, Smalltalk, Smarty, Snobol, Solidity, SPARQL, SQL, SquidConf, Standard ML, Stylus, Svelte, Swift, SYSTEMD, systemverilog

lexers/embedded/psl.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
<!-- NameFunction|TypeName -->
<state name="root">
<rule pattern="//.*$">
<token type="CommentSingle"/>
<rule pattern="/(\\\n)?[*](.|\n)*?[*](\\\n)?/">
<token type="CommentMultiline"/>
<rule pattern="\+|-|\*|/|%|'?&lt;|'?&gt;|'?=|\band\b|\bor\b|_|:">
<token type="Operator"/>
<rule pattern="[{}(),\[\]]">
<token type="Punctuation"/>
<rule pattern="[+-]?\d*\.\d+">
<token type="LiteralNumber"/>
<rule pattern="&quot;">
<token type="LiteralString"/>
<push state="string"/>
<rule pattern="\.">
<token type="Operator"/>
<push state="method"/>
<rule pattern="\$\$">
<token type="NameFunction"/>
<push state="method"/>
<rule pattern="\bdo\b">
<token type="KeywordReserved"/>
<push state="callmethod"/>
<rule pattern="\b(do|set|if|for|while|quit|catch|return|while)\b">
<token type="Keyword"/>
<rule pattern="\b(true|false)\b">
<token type="KeywordConstant"/>
<rule pattern="\btype\b">
<token type="KeywordDeclaration"/>
<push state="typename"/>
<rule pattern="\b(public|req|private|void)\b">
<token type="KeywordDeclaration"/>
<rule pattern="\b(Boolean|String|Number|Date)\b">
<token type="KeywordType"/>
<rule pattern="\^?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="Name"/>
<rule pattern="\s+">
<token type="Text"/>
<state name="string">
<rule pattern="&quot;">
<token type="LiteralString"/>
<pop depth="1"/>
<rule pattern="\\([\\abfnrtv&quot;\&#x27;]|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2,4}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|[0-7]{1,3})">
<token type="LiteralStringEscape"/>
<rule pattern="[^\\&quot;\n]+">
<token type="LiteralString"/>
<rule pattern="\\\n">
<token type="LiteralString"/>
<rule pattern="\\">
<token type="LiteralString"/>
<state name="method">
<rule pattern="\(">
<token type="Punctuation"/>
<pop depth="1"/>
<rule pattern="\^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="NameClass"/>
<rule pattern="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="NameFunction"/>
<state name="callmethod">
<rule pattern="\(|{">
<token type="Punctuation"/>
<pop depth="1"/>
<rule pattern="\^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="NameClass"/>
<rule pattern="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="NameFunction"/>
<rule pattern="\s+">
<token type="Text"/>
<state name="typename">
<rule pattern="\s+">
<token type="Text"/>
<rule pattern="\b(public|req|private|void)\b">
<token type="KeywordDeclaration"/>
<rule pattern="[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*">
<token type="NameClass"/>
<pop depth="1"/>

lexers/testdata/psl.actual vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
public Number SumMethod() {
// this is a comment
type public Number x
set x = 10.0
type String thisIsAString = "this"_x_"conjoined"
type String i = ""
for set i = ^UTBL("test",i).order() quit:i.isNull() {
set x = x + i
set x = x + $$getMore^ProcedureName("AAA")
do finishTask(x, "AAA")

lexers/testdata/psl.expected vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
"type": "KeywordDeclaration",
"value": "public"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "KeywordType",
"value": "Number"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "SumMethod"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "()"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "{"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "CommentSingle",
"value": "// this is a comment"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "KeywordDeclaration",
"value": "type"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "KeywordDeclaration",
"value": "public"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "NameClass",
"value": "Number"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "x"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "Keyword",
"value": "set"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "x"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Operator",
"value": "="
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "LiteralNumber",
"value": "10.0"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "KeywordDeclaration",
"value": "type"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "NameClass",
"value": "String"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "thisIsAString"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Operator",
"value": "="
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"this\""
"type": "Operator",
"value": "_"
"type": "Name",
"value": "x"
"type": "Operator",
"value": "_"
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"conjoined\""
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "KeywordDeclaration",
"value": "type"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "NameClass",
"value": "String"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "i"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Operator",
"value": "="
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"\""
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "Keyword",
"value": "for"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Keyword",
"value": "set"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "i"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Operator",
"value": "="
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "^UTBL"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "("
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"test\""
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": ","
"type": "Name",
"value": "i"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": ")"
"type": "Operator",
"value": "."
"type": "NameFunction",
"value": "order"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "()"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Keyword",
"value": "quit"
"type": "Operator",
"value": ":"
"type": "Name",
"value": "i"
"type": "Operator",
"value": "."
"type": "NameFunction",
"value": "isNull"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "()"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "{"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
"value": "x"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Operator",
"value": "="
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "Name",
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
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"value": "}"
"type": "Text",
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"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
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"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "NameFunction",
"value": "$$getMore"
"type": "NameClass",
"value": "^ProcedureName"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "("
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"AAA\""
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": ")"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n "
"type": "KeywordReserved",
"value": "do"
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "NameFunction",
"value": "finishTask"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": "("
"type": "Name",
"value": "x"
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": ","
"type": "Text",
"value": " "
"type": "LiteralString",
"value": "\"AAA\""
"type": "Punctuation",
"value": ")"
"type": "Text",
"value": "\n\n "
"type": "Keyword",
"value": "quit"