package chroma import ( "fmt" ) //go:generate stringer -type TokenType // TokenType is the type of token to highlight. // // It is also an Emitter, emitting a single token of itself type TokenType int // Set of TokenTypes. // // Categories of types are grouped in ranges of 1000, while sub-categories are in ranges of 100. For // example, the literal category is in the range 3000-3999. The sub-category for literal strings is // in the range 3100-3199. // Meta token types. const ( // Default background style. Background TokenType = -1 - iota // PreWrapper style. PreWrapper // Line style. Line // Line numbers in output. LineNumbers // Line numbers in output when in table. LineNumbersTable // Line higlight style. LineHighlight // Line numbers table wrapper style. LineTable // Line numbers table TD wrapper style. LineTableTD // Line number links. LineLink // Code line wrapper style. CodeLine // Input that could not be tokenised. Error // Other is used by the Delegate lexer to indicate which tokens should be handled by the delegate. Other // No highlighting. None // Used as an EOF marker / nil token EOFType TokenType = 0 ) // Keywords. const ( Keyword TokenType = 1000 + iota KeywordConstant KeywordDeclaration KeywordNamespace KeywordPseudo KeywordReserved KeywordType ) // Names. const ( Name TokenType = 2000 + iota NameAttribute NameBuiltin NameBuiltinPseudo NameClass NameConstant NameDecorator NameEntity NameException NameFunction NameFunctionMagic NameKeyword NameLabel NameNamespace NameOperator NameOther NamePseudo NameProperty NameTag NameVariable NameVariableAnonymous NameVariableClass NameVariableGlobal NameVariableInstance NameVariableMagic ) // Literals. const ( Literal TokenType = 3000 + iota LiteralDate LiteralOther ) // Strings. const ( LiteralString TokenType = 3100 + iota LiteralStringAffix LiteralStringAtom LiteralStringBacktick LiteralStringBoolean LiteralStringChar LiteralStringDelimiter LiteralStringDoc LiteralStringDouble LiteralStringEscape LiteralStringHeredoc LiteralStringInterpol LiteralStringName LiteralStringOther LiteralStringRegex LiteralStringSingle LiteralStringSymbol ) // Literals. const ( LiteralNumber TokenType = 3200 + iota LiteralNumberBin LiteralNumberFloat LiteralNumberHex LiteralNumberInteger LiteralNumberIntegerLong LiteralNumberOct ) // Operators. const ( Operator TokenType = 4000 + iota OperatorWord ) // Punctuation. const ( Punctuation TokenType = 5000 + iota ) // Comments. const ( Comment TokenType = 6000 + iota CommentHashbang CommentMultiline CommentSingle CommentSpecial ) // Preprocessor "comments". const ( CommentPreproc TokenType = 6100 + iota CommentPreprocFile ) // Generic tokens. const ( Generic TokenType = 7000 + iota GenericDeleted GenericEmph GenericError GenericHeading GenericInserted GenericOutput GenericPrompt GenericStrong GenericSubheading GenericTraceback GenericUnderline ) // Text. const ( Text TokenType = 8000 + iota TextWhitespace TextSymbol TextPunctuation ) // Aliases. const ( Whitespace = TextWhitespace Date = LiteralDate String = LiteralString StringAffix = LiteralStringAffix StringBacktick = LiteralStringBacktick StringChar = LiteralStringChar StringDelimiter = LiteralStringDelimiter StringDoc = LiteralStringDoc StringDouble = LiteralStringDouble StringEscape = LiteralStringEscape StringHeredoc = LiteralStringHeredoc StringInterpol = LiteralStringInterpol StringOther = LiteralStringOther StringRegex = LiteralStringRegex StringSingle = LiteralStringSingle StringSymbol = LiteralStringSymbol Number = LiteralNumber NumberBin = LiteralNumberBin NumberFloat = LiteralNumberFloat NumberHex = LiteralNumberHex NumberInteger = LiteralNumberInteger NumberIntegerLong = LiteralNumberIntegerLong NumberOct = LiteralNumberOct ) var ( StandardTypes = map[TokenType]string{ Background: "bg", PreWrapper: "chroma", Line: "line", LineNumbers: "ln", LineNumbersTable: "lnt", LineHighlight: "hl", LineTable: "lntable", LineTableTD: "lntd", LineLink: "lnlinks", CodeLine: "cl", Text: "", Whitespace: "w", Error: "err", Other: "x", // I have no idea what this is used for... // Escape: "esc", Keyword: "k", KeywordConstant: "kc", KeywordDeclaration: "kd", KeywordNamespace: "kn", KeywordPseudo: "kp", KeywordReserved: "kr", KeywordType: "kt", Name: "n", NameAttribute: "na", NameBuiltin: "nb", NameBuiltinPseudo: "bp", NameClass: "nc", NameConstant: "no", NameDecorator: "nd", NameEntity: "ni", NameException: "ne", NameFunction: "nf", NameFunctionMagic: "fm", NameProperty: "py", NameLabel: "nl", NameNamespace: "nn", NameOther: "nx", NameTag: "nt", NameVariable: "nv", NameVariableClass: "vc", NameVariableGlobal: "vg", NameVariableInstance: "vi", NameVariableMagic: "vm", Literal: "l", LiteralDate: "ld", String: "s", StringAffix: "sa", StringBacktick: "sb", StringChar: "sc", StringDelimiter: "dl", StringDoc: "sd", StringDouble: "s2", StringEscape: "se", StringHeredoc: "sh", StringInterpol: "si", StringOther: "sx", StringRegex: "sr", StringSingle: "s1", StringSymbol: "ss", Number: "m", NumberBin: "mb", NumberFloat: "mf", NumberHex: "mh", NumberInteger: "mi", NumberIntegerLong: "il", NumberOct: "mo", Operator: "o", OperatorWord: "ow", Punctuation: "p", Comment: "c", CommentHashbang: "ch", CommentMultiline: "cm", CommentPreproc: "cp", CommentPreprocFile: "cpf", CommentSingle: "c1", CommentSpecial: "cs", Generic: "g", GenericDeleted: "gd", GenericEmph: "ge", GenericError: "gr", GenericHeading: "gh", GenericInserted: "gi", GenericOutput: "go", GenericPrompt: "gp", GenericStrong: "gs", GenericSubheading: "gu", GenericTraceback: "gt", GenericUnderline: "gl", } ) func (t TokenType) Parent() TokenType { if t%100 != 0 { return t / 100 * 100 } if t%1000 != 0 { return t / 1000 * 1000 } return 0 } func (t TokenType) Category() TokenType { return t / 1000 * 1000 } func (t TokenType) SubCategory() TokenType { return t / 100 * 100 } func (t TokenType) InCategory(other TokenType) bool { return t/1000 == other/1000 } func (t TokenType) InSubCategory(other TokenType) bool { return t/100 == other/100 } func (t TokenType) Emit(groups []string, _ *LexerState) Iterator { return Literator(Token{Type: t, Value: groups[0]}) } func (t TokenType) EmitterKind() string { return "token" } func (t TokenType) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) { return []byte(t.String()), nil } func (t *TokenType) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error { key := string(data) for tt, text := range _TokenType_map { if text == key { *t = tt return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("unknown TokenType %q", data) }