package html import ( "fmt" "html" "io" "sort" "strings" "" ) // Option sets an option of the HTML formatter. type Option func(h *HTMLFormatter) // Standalone configures the HTML formatter for generating a standalone HTML document. func Standalone() Option { return func(h *HTMLFormatter) { h.standalone = true } } // ClassPrefix sets the CSS class prefix. func ClassPrefix(prefix string) Option { return func(h *HTMLFormatter) { h.prefix = prefix } } // WithClasses emits HTML using CSS classes, rather than inline styles. func WithClasses() Option { return func(h *HTMLFormatter) { h.classes = true } } // New HTML formatter. func New(options ...Option) *HTMLFormatter { h := &HTMLFormatter{} for _, option := range options { option(h) } return h } type HTMLFormatter struct { standalone bool prefix string classes bool } func (h *HTMLFormatter) Format(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style) (func(*chroma.Token), error) { if h.classes { return h.formatWithClasses(w, style) } return h.formatWithoutClasses(w, style) } func (h *HTMLFormatter) formatWithoutClasses(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style) (func(*chroma.Token), error) { classes := h.typeStyles(style) bg := compressStyle(classes[chroma.Background]) if h.standalone { fmt.Fprint(w, "<html>\n") fmt.Fprintf(w, "<body style=\"%s\">\n", bg) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "<pre style=\"%s\">\n", bg) for t, style := range classes { classes[t] = compressStyle(style) } return func(token *chroma.Token) { if token.Type == chroma.EOF { fmt.Fprint(w, "</pre>\n") if h.standalone { fmt.Fprint(w, "</body>\n") fmt.Fprint(w, "</html>\n") } } else { html := html.EscapeString(token.String()) style := classes[token.Type] if style == "" { style = classes[token.Type.SubCategory()] if style == "" { style = classes[token.Type.Category()] } } if style == "" { fmt.Fprint(w, html) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, "<span style=\"%s\">%s</span>", style, html) } } }, nil } func compressStyle(s string) string { s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "", -1) parts := strings.Split(s, ";") out := []string{} for _, p := range parts { if strings.Contains(p, "#") { c := p[len(p)-6:] if c[0] == c[1] && c[2] == c[3] && c[4] == c[5] { p = p[:len(p)-6] + c[0:1] + c[2:3] + c[4:5] } } out = append(out, p) } return strings.Join(out, ";") } func (h *HTMLFormatter) formatWithClasses(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style) (func(*chroma.Token), error) { classes := h.typeStyles(style) if h.standalone { fmt.Fprint(w, "<html>\n") } fmt.Fprint(w, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n") h.WriteStyles(w, style) if h.standalone { fmt.Fprintf(w, "body { %s; }\n", classes[chroma.Background]) } fmt.Fprint(w, "</style>\n") if h.standalone { fmt.Fprint(w, "<body>\n") } fmt.Fprint(w, "<pre class=\"chroma\">\n") return func(token *chroma.Token) { if h.standalone && token.Type == chroma.EOF { fmt.Fprint(w, "</body>\n") fmt.Fprint(w, "</html>\n") } else { tt := token.Type class := classes[tt] if class == "" { tt = tt.SubCategory() class = classes[tt] if class == "" { tt = tt.Category() class = classes[tt] } } if class == "" { fmt.Fprint(w, token) } else { html := html.EscapeString(token.String()) fmt.Fprintf(w, "<span class=\"%ss%x\">%s</span>", h.prefix, int(tt), html) } } }, nil } // WriteStyles writes style definitions. func (h *HTMLFormatter) WriteStyles(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style) { classes := h.typeStyles(style) fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %s */ .chroma { %s }\n", chroma.Background, classes[chroma.Background]) tts := []int{} for tt := range classes { tts = append(tts, int(tt)) } sort.Ints(tts) for _, ti := range tts { tt := chroma.TokenType(ti) styles := classes[tt] if tt < 0 { continue } fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %s */ .chroma .%ss%x { %s }\n", tt, h.prefix, int(tt), styles) } } func (h *HTMLFormatter) typeStyles(style *chroma.Style) map[chroma.TokenType]string { // Generate maps. bg := style.Get(chroma.Background) classes := map[chroma.TokenType]string{} for t := range style.Entries { e := style.Entries[t] if t != chroma.Background { e = e.Sub(bg) } styles := h.class(e) classes[t] = strings.Join(styles, "; ") } return classes } func (h *HTMLFormatter) class(e *chroma.StyleEntry) []string { styles := []string{} if e.Colour.IsSet() { styles = append(styles, "color: "+e.Colour.String()) } if e.Background.IsSet() { styles = append(styles, "background-color: "+e.Background.String()) } if e.Bold { styles = append(styles, "font-weight: bold") } if e.Italic { styles = append(styles, "font-style: italic") } return styles }