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synced 2025-03-23 21:29:15 +02:00
This is to solve an issue where writers returned by the Formatter were often stateful, but this fact was not obvious to the API consumer, and failed in interesting ways.
276 lines
7.3 KiB
276 lines
7.3 KiB
package html
import (
// Option sets an option of the HTML formatter.
type Option func(f *Formatter)
// Standalone configures the HTML formatter for generating a standalone HTML document.
func Standalone() Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.standalone = true } }
// ClassPrefix sets the CSS class prefix.
func ClassPrefix(prefix string) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.prefix = prefix } }
// WithClasses emits HTML using CSS classes, rather than inline styles.
func WithClasses() Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.classes = true } }
// TabWidth sets the number of characters for a tab. Defaults to 8.
func TabWidth(width int) Option { return func(f *Formatter) { f.tabWidth = width } }
// WithLineNumbers formats output with line numbers.
func WithLineNumbers() Option {
return func(f *Formatter) {
f.lineNumbers = true
// HighlightLines higlights the given line ranges with the Highlight style.
// A range is the beginning and ending of a range as 1-based line numbers, inclusive.
func HighlightLines(ranges [][2]int) Option {
return func(f *Formatter) {
f.highlightRanges = ranges
// New HTML formatter.
func New(options ...Option) *Formatter {
f := &Formatter{}
for _, option := range options {
return f
// Formatter that generates HTML.
type Formatter struct {
standalone bool
prefix string
classes bool
tabWidth int
lineNumbers bool
highlightRanges highlightRanges
type highlightRanges [][2]int
func (h highlightRanges) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h highlightRanges) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h highlightRanges) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i][0] < h[j][0] }
func (f *Formatter) Format(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, iterator chroma.Iterator) error {
return f.writeHTML(w, style, chroma.Flatten(iterator))
func (f *Formatter) writeHTML(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style, tokens []*chroma.Token) error { // nolint: gocyclo
// We deliberately don't use html/template here because it is two orders of magnitude slower (benchmarked).
// OTOH we need to be super careful about correct escaping...
css := f.styleToCSS(style)
if !f.classes {
for t, style := range css {
css[t] = compressStyle(style)
if f.standalone {
fmt.Fprint(w, "<html>\n")
if f.classes {
fmt.Fprint(w, "<style type=\"text/css\">\n")
f.WriteCSS(w, style)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "body { %s; }\n", css[chroma.Background])
fmt.Fprint(w, "</style>")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<body%s>\n", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.Background))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<pre%s>\n", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.Background))
lines := splitTokensIntoLines(tokens)
lineDigits := len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(lines)))
highlightIndex := 0
for line, tokens := range lines {
highlight := false
for highlightIndex < len(f.highlightRanges) && line+1 > f.highlightRanges[highlightIndex][1] {
if highlightIndex < len(f.highlightRanges) {
hrange := f.highlightRanges[highlightIndex]
if line+1 >= hrange[0] && line+1 <= hrange[1] {
highlight = true
if highlight {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<span%s>", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineHighlight))
if f.lineNumbers {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "<span%s>%*d</span>", f.styleAttr(css, chroma.LineNumbers), lineDigits, line+1)
for _, token := range tokens {
html := html.EscapeString(token.String())
attr := f.styleAttr(css, token.Type)
if attr != "" {
html = fmt.Sprintf("<span%s>%s</span>", attr, html)
fmt.Fprint(w, html)
if highlight {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "</span>")
fmt.Fprint(w, "</pre>\n")
if f.standalone {
fmt.Fprint(w, "</body>\n")
fmt.Fprint(w, "</html>\n")
return nil
func (f *Formatter) class(tt chroma.TokenType) string {
switch tt {
case chroma.Background:
return "chroma"
case chroma.LineNumbers:
return "ln"
case chroma.LineHighlight:
return "hl"
if tt < 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sss%x", f.prefix, -int(tt))
return fmt.Sprintf("%ss%x", f.prefix, int(tt))
func (f *Formatter) styleAttr(styles map[chroma.TokenType]string, tt chroma.TokenType) string {
if _, ok := styles[tt]; !ok {
tt = tt.SubCategory()
if _, ok := styles[tt]; !ok {
tt = tt.Category()
if _, ok := styles[tt]; !ok {
return ""
if f.classes {
return string(fmt.Sprintf(` class="%s"`, f.class(tt)))
return string(fmt.Sprintf(` style="%s"`, styles[tt]))
func (f *Formatter) tabWidthStyle() string {
if f.tabWidth != 0 && f.tabWidth != 8 {
return fmt.Sprintf("; -moz-tab-size: %[1]d; -o-tab-size: %[1]d; tab-size: %[1]d", f.tabWidth)
return ""
// WriteCSS writes CSS style definitions (without any surrounding HTML).
func (f *Formatter) WriteCSS(w io.Writer, style *chroma.Style) error {
css := f.styleToCSS(style)
// Special-case background as it is mapped to the outer ".chroma" class.
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %s */ .chroma { %s }\n", chroma.Background, css[chroma.Background]); err != nil {
return err
tts := []int{}
for tt := range css {
tts = append(tts, int(tt))
for _, ti := range tts {
tt := chroma.TokenType(ti)
if tt == chroma.Background {
styles := css[tt]
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %s */ .chroma .%s { %s }\n", tt, f.class(tt), styles); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (f *Formatter) styleToCSS(style *chroma.Style) map[chroma.TokenType]string {
bg := style.Get(chroma.Background)
classes := map[chroma.TokenType]string{}
// Convert the style.
for t := range style.Entries {
e := style.Entries[t]
if t != chroma.Background {
e = e.Sub(bg)
classes[t] = StyleEntryToCSS(e)
classes[chroma.Background] += f.tabWidthStyle()
classes[chroma.LineNumbers] += "; margin-right: 0.5em"
classes[chroma.LineHighlight] += "; display: block; width: 100%"
return classes
// StyleEntryToCSS converts a chroma.StyleEntry to CSS attributes.
func StyleEntryToCSS(e *chroma.StyleEntry) string {
styles := []string{}
if e.Colour.IsSet() {
styles = append(styles, "color: "+e.Colour.String())
if e.Background.IsSet() {
styles = append(styles, "background-color: "+e.Background.String())
if e.Bold {
styles = append(styles, "font-weight: bold")
if e.Italic {
styles = append(styles, "font-style: italic")
return strings.Join(styles, "; ")
// Compress CSS attributes - remove spaces, transform 6-digit colours to 3.
func compressStyle(s string) string {
s = strings.Replace(s, " ", "", -1)
parts := strings.Split(s, ";")
out := []string{}
for _, p := range parts {
if strings.Contains(p, "#") {
c := p[len(p)-6:]
if c[0] == c[1] && c[2] == c[3] && c[4] == c[5] {
p = p[:len(p)-6] + c[0:1] + c[2:3] + c[4:5]
out = append(out, p)
return strings.Join(out, ";")
func splitTokensIntoLines(tokens []*chroma.Token) (out [][]*chroma.Token) {
line := []*chroma.Token{}
for _, token := range tokens {
for strings.Contains(token.Value, "\n") {
parts := strings.SplitAfterN(token.Value, "\n", 2)
// Token becomes the tail.
token.Value = parts[1]
// Append the head to the line and flush the line.
clone := token.Clone()
clone.Value = parts[0]
line = append(line, clone)
out = append(out, line)
line = nil
line = append(line, token)
if len(line) > 0 {
out = append(out, line)