mirror of https://github.com/ManyakRus/crud_generator.git synced 2025-03-05 03:07:06 +02:00

сделал CopyAllFiles_Exclude_()

This commit is contained in:
Nikitin Aleksandr 2023-11-15 13:58:31 +03:00
parent de36d7ce9c
commit 6d647c429d
841 changed files with 1359 additions and 229919 deletions

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@ -11,10 +11,6 @@ import (
//// server is used to implement UnimplementedSyncServiceServer.
//type server struct {
type SettingsINI struct {
NATS_HOST string
NATS_PORT string

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@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ func StartApp() {
log.Info("postgres host: ", postgres_gorm.Settings.DB_HOST)
err := logic.StartFillAll()
if err != nil {
log.Error("StartFillAll() error: ", err)

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ require (
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gopkg.in/alecthomas/kingpin.v2 v2.2.6/go.mod h1:FMv+mEhP44yOT+4EoQTLFTRgOQ1FBLkstjWtayDeSgw=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20190902080502-41f04d3bba15/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0=
gopkg.in/check.v1 v1.0.0-20201130134442-10cb98267c6c/go.mod h1:JHkPIbrfpd72SG/EVd6muEfDQjcINNoR0C8j2r3qZ4Q=
gopkg.in/errgo.v2 v2.1.0/go.mod h1:hNsd1EY+bozCKY1Ytp96fpM3vjJbqLJn88ws8XvfDNI=
gopkg.in/fsnotify.v1 v1.4.7/go.mod h1:Tz8NjZHkW78fSQdbUxIjBTcgA1z1m8ZHf0WmKUhAMys=
gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7 h1:uRGJdciOHaEIrze2W8Q3AKkepLTh2hOroT7a+7czfdQ=
gopkg.in/tomb.v1 v1.0.0-20141024135613-dd632973f1e7/go.mod h1:dt/ZhP58zS4L8KSrWDmTeBkI65Dw0HsyUHuEVlX15mw=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.1/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.2/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.4/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.5/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.2.8/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.3.0/go.mod h1:hI93XBmqTisBFMUTm0b8Fm+jr3Dg1NNxqwp+5A1VGuI=
gopkg.in/yaml.v2 v2.4.0/go.mod h1:RDklbk79AGWmwhnvt/jBztapEOGDOx6ZbXqjP6csGnQ=
@ -720,13 +259,3 @@ gorm.io/driver/postgres v1.5.4/go.mod h1:Bgo89+h0CRcdA33Y6frlaHHVuTdOf87pmyzwW9C
gorm.io/gorm v1.25.4/go.mod h1:L4uxeKpfBml98NYqVqwAdmV1a2nBtAec/cf3fpucW/k=
gorm.io/gorm v1.25.5 h1:zR9lOiiYf09VNh5Q1gphfyia1JpiClIWG9hQaxB/mls=
gorm.io/gorm v1.25.5/go.mod h1:hbnx/Oo0ChWMn1BIhpy1oYozzpM15i4YPuHDmfYtwg8=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2019.2.3/go.mod h1:a3bituU0lyd329TUQxRnasdCoJDkEUEAqEt0JzvZhAg=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.3/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k=
honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.1-2020.1.4/go.mod h1:X/FiERA/W4tHapMX5mGpAtMSVEeEUOyHaw9vFzvIQ3k=
rsc.io/binaryregexp v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=
rsc.io/quote/v3 v3.1.0/go.mod h1:yEA65RcK8LyAZtP9Kv3t0HmxON59tX3rD+tICJqUlj0=
rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0/go.mod h1:T1hPZKmBbMNahiBKFy5HrXp6adAjACjK9JXDnKaTXpA=

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type SettingsINI struct {
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ type SettingsINI struct {
// FillSettings загружает переменные окружения в структуру из переменных окружения
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ func FillSettings() {
@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ func FillSettings() {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package constants
const TEXT_HELP = `
Need create .env file with settings
Need fill settings in settings.txt file
//const FolderTemplates string = "templates"
@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ Need create .env file with settings
//const FolderReady string = "ready"
const CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME = "configs_"

View File

@ -279,6 +279,15 @@ func FindNRPCServerlURL() string {
return Otvet
// FindProtoURL - возвращает URL репозитория с пакетом "proto"
func FindProtoURL() string {
Otvet := ""
Otvet = config.Settings.SERVICE_REPOSITORY_URL + "/" + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO
return Otvet
func FindTextDefaultValue(Type_go string) string {
var Otvet string
@ -384,3 +393,38 @@ func CheckAndAddImportTime_FromText(Text string) string {
return Otvet
// DeleteTemplateRepositoryImports - удаляет импорты репозитория шаблона
func DeleteTemplateRepositoryImports(Text string) string {
Otvet := Text
if config.Settings.TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY_URL == "" {
return Otvet
TextFind := "import ("
pos1 := strings.Index(Otvet, TextFind)
if pos1 < 0 {
log.Error("not found word: import (")
return Otvet
TextFind = `"` + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_REPOSITORY_URL
pos1 = strings.Index(Otvet, TextFind)
if pos1 < 0 {
return Otvet
s2 := Otvet[pos1:]
posEnd := strings.Index(s2, "\n")
if posEnd < 0 {
return Otvet
Otvet = Otvet[:pos1-1] + Otvet[pos1+posEnd+1:]
Otvet = DeleteTemplateRepositoryImports(Otvet)
return Otvet

View File

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ func FindTextImportDB1(Table1 *types.Table) string {
// FindTextImportGRPC1 - возвращает текст импорта GRPC для 1 таблицы
func FindTextImportGRPC1(Table1 *types.Table) string {
TableName := strings.ToLower(Table1.Name)
Otvet := "\n\t\"" + GRPC_URL + "/" + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + "/grpc_" + TableName + `"`

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ func CreateFiles(Table1 *types.Table) error {
DirBin := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
DirTemplates := DirBin + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReady := DirBin + config.Settings.READY_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesGRPCClient := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyGRPCClient := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesGRPCClient := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyGRPCClient := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
FilenameTemplateGRPCClient := DirTemplatesGRPCClient + "grpc_client.go_"
TableName := strings.ToLower(Table1.Name)
@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ func CreateTestFiles(Table1 *types.Table) error {
DirBin := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
DirTemplates := DirBin + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReady := DirBin + config.Settings.READY_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesGRPCClient := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyGRPCClient := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesGRPCClient := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyGRPCClient := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT + micro.SeparatorFile()
FilenameTemplateGRPCClient := DirTemplatesGRPCClient + "grpc_client_test.go_"
TableName := strings.ToLower(Table1.Name)

View File

@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ func CreateFileProto(MapAll map[string]*types.Table) error {
DirBin := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
DirTemplates := DirBin + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReady := DirBin + config.Settings.READY_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesProto := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyProto := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesProto := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyProto := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile()
FilenameReadyProto := DirReadyProto + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + ".proto"
FilenameTemplateProto := DirTemplatesProto + "service.proto"

View File

@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ func CreateServerGRPCStarter() error {
ServiceName = create_files.FormatName(ServiceName)
TextGRPCStarter = strings.ReplaceAll(TextGRPCStarter, ServiceNameTemplate, ServiceName)
TextGRPCStarter = strings.ReplaceAll(TextGRPCStarter, micro.StringFromUpperCase(ServiceNameTemplate), micro.StringFromUpperCase(ServiceName))
TextGRPCStarter = create_files.DeleteTemplateRepositoryImports(TextGRPCStarter)
ProtoURL := create_files.FindProtoURL() + "/grpc_proto"
TextGRPCStarter = create_files.AddImport(TextGRPCStarter, ProtoURL)
//запись файла

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package server_nrpc_starter
import (
// CreateAllFiles - создаёт все файлы в папке grpc proto
func CreateAllFiles() error {
var err error
if config.Settings.NEED_CREATE_GRPC == false {
return err
err = CreateServerGRPCStarter()
if err != nil {
log.Error("CreateServerGRPCStarter() error: ", err)
return err
return err
// CreateServerGRPCStarter - создаёт 1 файл в папке server_grpc
func CreateServerGRPCStarter() error {
var err error
//чтение файлов
DirBin := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
DirTemplates := DirBin + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReady := DirBin + config.Settings.READY_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirTemplatesServerNRPC := DirTemplates + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_NRPC_SERVER + micro.SeparatorFile()
DirReadyServerNRPC := DirReady + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_NRPC_SERVER + micro.SeparatorFile()
FilenameReadyMain := DirReadyServerNRPC + "server_nrpc_starter.go"
FilenameTemplateMain := DirTemplatesServerNRPC + "server_nrpc_starter.go_"
bytes, err := os.ReadFile(FilenameTemplateMain)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("ReadFile() ", FilenameTemplateMain, " error: ", err)
TextNRPCStarter := string(bytes)
//создадим папку ready
if config.Settings.USE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE == true {
//заменим имя сервиса на новое
ServiceNameTemplate := config.Settings.TEMPLATE_SERVICE_NAME
ServiceName := config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME
TextNRPCStarter = strings.ReplaceAll(TextNRPCStarter, ServiceNameTemplate, ServiceName)
TextNRPCStarter = strings.ReplaceAll(TextNRPCStarter, micro.StringFromUpperCase(ServiceNameTemplate), micro.StringFromUpperCase(ServiceName))
TextNRPCStarter = create_files.DeleteTemplateRepositoryImports(TextNRPCStarter)
ProtoURL := create_files.FindProtoURL() + "/grpc_proto"
TextNRPCStarter = create_files.AddImport(TextNRPCStarter, ProtoURL)
GRPCServer_URL := create_files.FindGRPCServerlURL()
TextNRPCStarter = create_files.AddImport(TextNRPCStarter, GRPCServer_URL)
//запись файла
err = os.WriteFile(FilenameReadyMain, []byte(TextNRPCStarter), constants.FILE_PERMISSIONS)
return err

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
package server_nrpc_starter

View File

@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import (
copy_files "github.com/otiai10/copy"
// CreateFolder - создаёт папку на диске
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ func CreateFolder(FoldernameFull string) {
if err != nil {
log.Panic("CreateFolder_err() ", FoldernameFull, " error: ", err)
log.Info("CreateFolder_err() ", FoldernameFull)
//log.Info("CreateFolder_err() ", FoldernameFull)
@ -135,7 +137,7 @@ func CreateAllFolders() {
if config.Settings.NEED_CREATE_GRPC == true {
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO
ok, err = micro.FileExists(Filename)
if ok == false || err != nil {
err = CreateFolder_err(Filename, 0777)
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ func CreateAllFolders() {
//grpc client
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_CLIENT
ok, err = micro.FileExists(Filename)
if ok == false || err != nil {
err = CreateFolder_err(Filename, 0777)
@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ func CreateAllFolders() {
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + "grpc_proto"
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + "grpc_proto"
ok, err = micro.FileExists(Filename)
if ok == false || err != nil {
err = CreateFolder_err(Filename, 0777)
@ -214,7 +216,7 @@ func CreateAllFolders() {
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC + micro.SeparatorFile() + "grpc_proto"
Filename = dir + config.Settings.SERVICE_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME_GRPC_PROTO + micro.SeparatorFile() + "grpc_proto"
ok, err = micro.FileExists(Filename)
if ok == false || err != nil {
err = CreateFolder_err(Filename, 0777)
@ -227,3 +229,35 @@ func CreateAllFolders() {
//return err
// CopyAllFiles_Exclude_ - копирует все файлы из src в dest, кроме "*_"
func CopyAllFiles_Exclude_(src, dest string) error {
var err error
opt := copy_files.Options{
Skip: CopyFilesFilterGo,
err = copy_files.Copy(src, dest, opt)
return err
// filter to all files, insted of "*_"
func CopyFilesFilterGo(info os.FileInfo, src, dest string) (bool, error) {
var err error
var Otvet bool
Filename := src
if Filename[len(Filename)-1:] == "_" {
Otvet = true
return Otvet, err
FolderName := filepath.Dir(src)
if len(FolderName) > 0 && FolderName[len(FolderName)-1:] == "_" {
Otvet = true
return Otvet, err
return Otvet, err

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ func LoadConfigsAll() {
// LoadMappings - загружает маппинг ТипБД = ТипGolang, из файла .json
func LoadMappings() {
dir := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "configs" + micro.SeparatorFile() + "mapping.json"
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + constants.CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "mapping.json"
err := dbmeta.LoadMappings(FileName, false)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("LoadMappings() error: ", err)
@ -34,7 +35,7 @@ func LoadMappings() {
// LoadNameReplace - загружает маппинг ТипБД = ТипGolang, из файла .json
func LoadNameReplace() {
dir := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "configs" + micro.SeparatorFile() + "name_replace.json"
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + constants.CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "name_replace.json"
var err error
@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ func LoadNameReplace() {
// LoadNullable - загружает список полей которые могут быть null
func LoadNullable() {
dir := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "configs" + micro.SeparatorFile() + "nullable.json"
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + constants.CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "nullable.json"
var err error
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ func Load_TEXT_DB_IS_DELETED() {
// LoadConvertID - загружает map: ИмяТаблицы:Тип
func LoadConvertID() {
dir := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "configs" + micro.SeparatorFile() + "convert_id.json"
FileName := dir + config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + constants.CONFIG_FOLDER_NAME + micro.SeparatorFile() + "convert_id.json"
var err error

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package logic
import (
@ -10,8 +11,11 @@ import (
//var MassTable []types.Table
@ -30,11 +34,12 @@ func StartFillAll() error {
return err
////заполним типы TypeGo
//err = model.FillColumnsNameGo(&MapAll)
//if err != nil {
// return err
//копируем все файлы
dir := micro.ProgramDir_bin()
err = folders.CopyAllFiles_Exclude_(dir+config.Settings.TEMPLATE_FOLDERNAME, dir+config.Settings.READY_FOLDERNAME)
if err != nil {
return err
err = model.CreateAllFiles(MapAll)
@ -90,6 +95,12 @@ func StartFillAll() error {
return err
err = server_nrpc_starter.CreateAllFiles()
if err != nil {
return err
return err

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes.
# The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at http://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS.

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# This source code was written by the Go contributors.
# The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution,
# visible at http://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS.

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.

View File

@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 = false
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).UnmarshalNext(d, m)
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(r, m)
// UnmarshalString unmarshals a JSON object from s into m.
func UnmarshalString(s string, m proto.Message) error {
return new(Unmarshaler).Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(s), m)
// Unmarshaler is a configurable object for converting from a JSON
// representation to a protocol buffer object.
type Unmarshaler struct {
// AllowUnknownFields specifies whether to allow messages to contain
// unknown JSON fields, as opposed to failing to unmarshal.
AllowUnknownFields bool
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBUnmarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the way
// they are unmarshaled from JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBMarshaler so that the custom format can be produced.
// The JSON unmarshaling must follow the JSON to proto specification:
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBUnmarshaler interface {
UnmarshalJSONPB(*Unmarshaler, []byte) error
// Unmarshal unmarshals a JSON object from r into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) Unmarshal(r io.Reader, m proto.Message) error {
return u.UnmarshalNext(json.NewDecoder(r), m)
// UnmarshalNext unmarshals the next JSON object from d into m.
func (u *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalNext(d *json.Decoder, m proto.Message) error {
if m == nil {
return errors.New("invalid nil message")
// Parse the next JSON object from the stream.
raw := json.RawMessage{}
if err := d.Decode(&raw); err != nil {
return err
// Check for custom unmarshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsu, ok := m.(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, raw)
mr := proto.MessageReflect(m)
// NOTE: For historical reasons, a top-level null is treated as a noop.
// This is incorrect, but kept for compatibility.
if string(raw) == "null" && mr.Descriptor().FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
if wrapJSONUnmarshalV2 {
// NOTE: If input message is non-empty, we need to preserve merge semantics
// of the old jsonpb implementation. These semantics are not supported by
// the protobuf JSON specification.
isEmpty := true
mr.Range(func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool {
isEmpty = false // at least one iteration implies non-empty
return false
if !isEmpty {
// Perform unmarshaling into a newly allocated, empty message.
mr = mr.New()
// Use a defer to copy all unmarshaled fields into the original message.
dst := proto.MessageReflect(m)
defer mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
dst.Set(fd, v)
return true
// Unmarshal using the v2 JSON unmarshaler.
opts := protojson.UnmarshalOptions{
DiscardUnknown: u.AllowUnknownFields,
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{u.AnyResolver}
return opts.Unmarshal(raw, mr.Interface())
} else {
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(mr, raw); err != nil {
return err
return protoV2.CheckInitialized(mr.Interface())
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, in []byte) error {
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
if jsu, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBUnmarshaler); ok {
return jsu.UnmarshalJSONPB(u, in)
if string(in) == "null" && md.FullName() != "google.protobuf.Value" {
return nil
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
rawTypeURL, ok := jsonObject["@type"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have '@type'")
typeURL, err := unquoteString(string(rawTypeURL))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any's '@type': %q", rawTypeURL)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfString(typeURL))
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if u.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := u.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
if err == protoregistry.NotFound {
return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve Any message type: %v", typeURL)
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) != "" {
rawValue, ok := jsonObject["value"]
if !ok {
return errors.New("Any JSON doesn't have 'value'")
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawValue); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
} else {
delete(jsonObject, "@type")
rawJSON, err := json.Marshal(jsonObject)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't generate JSON for Any's nested proto to be unmarshaled: %v", err)
if err = u.unmarshalMessage(m2, rawJSON); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal Any nested proto %v: %v", typeURL, err)
rawWire, err := protoV2.Marshal(m2.Interface())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't marshal proto %v into Any.Value: %v", typeURL, err)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(rawWire))
return nil
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(m.NewField(fd), in, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
return nil
case "Duration":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
d, err := time.ParseDuration(v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Duration: %v", err)
sec := d.Nanoseconds() / 1e9
nsec := d.Nanoseconds() % 1e9
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
v, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return err
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, v)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad Timestamp: %v", err)
sec := t.Unix()
nsec := t.Nanosecond()
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(sec)))
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(nsec)))
return nil
case "Value":
switch {
case string(in) == "null":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(1), protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(0))
case string(in) == "true":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true))
case string(in) == "false":
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(4), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"'):
s, err := unquoteString(string(in))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(3), protoreflect.ValueOfString(s))
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('[', in, ']'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(6))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
case hasPrefixAndSuffix('{', in, '}'):
v := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(5))
return u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(string(in), 0)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unrecognized type for Value %q", in)
m.Set(fds.ByNumber(2), protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(f))
return nil
case "ListValue":
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad ListValue: %v", err)
lv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve := lv.NewElement()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(ve.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case "Struct":
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad StructValue: %v", err)
mv := m.Mutable(fds.ByNumber(1)).Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
kv := protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
vv := mv.NewValue()
if err := u.unmarshalMessage(vv.Message(), raw); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad value in StructValue for key %q: %v", key, err)
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return nil
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return err
// Handle known fields.
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder() {
continue // weak reference is not linked in
// Search for any raw JSON value associated with this field.
var raw json.RawMessage
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
name = string(fd.JSONName())
if v, ok := jsonObject[name]; ok {
delete(jsonObject, name)
raw = v
field := m.NewField(fd)
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd) && !isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(field, fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(field, raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
// Handle extension fields.
for name, raw := range jsonObject {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "[") || !strings.HasSuffix(name, "]") {
// Resolve the extension field by name.
xname := protoreflect.FullName(name[len("[") : len(name)-len("]")])
xt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname)
if xt == nil && isMessageSet(md) {
xt, _ = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname.Append("message_set_extension"))
if xt == nil {
delete(jsonObject, name)
fd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if fd.ContainingMessage().FullName() != m.Descriptor().FullName() {
return fmt.Errorf("extension field %q does not extend message %q", xname, m.Descriptor().FullName())
field := m.NewField(fd)
// Unmarshal the field value.
if raw == nil || (string(raw) == "null" && !isSingularWellKnownValue(fd) && !isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(field, fd)) {
v, err := u.unmarshalValue(field, raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
if !u.AllowUnknownFields && len(jsonObject) > 0 {
for name := range jsonObject {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown field %q in %v", name, md.FullName())
return nil
func isSingularWellKnownValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {
if fd.Cardinality() == protoreflect.Repeated {
return false
if md := fd.Message(); md != nil {
return md.FullName() == "google.protobuf.Value"
if ed := fd.Enum(); ed != nil {
return ed.FullName() == "google.protobuf.NullValue"
return false
func isSingularJSONPBUnmarshaler(v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool {
if fd.Message() != nil && fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated {
_, ok := proto.MessageV1(v.Interface()).(JSONPBUnmarshaler)
return ok
return false
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
var jsonArray []json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonArray); err != nil {
return v, err
lv := v.List()
for _, raw := range jsonArray {
ve, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(lv.NewElement(), raw, fd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
return v, nil
case fd.IsMap():
var jsonObject map[string]json.RawMessage
if err := json.Unmarshal(in, &jsonObject); err != nil {
return v, err
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
for key, raw := range jsonObject {
var kv protoreflect.MapKey
if kfd.Kind() == protoreflect.StringKind {
kv = protoreflect.ValueOf(key).MapKey()
} else {
v, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(kfd.Default(), []byte(key), kfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
kv = v.MapKey()
vv, err := u.unmarshalSingularValue(mv.NewValue(), raw, vfd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
mv.Set(kv, vv)
return v, nil
return u.unmarshalSingularValue(v, in, fd)
var nonFinite = map[string]float64{
`"NaN"`: math.NaN(),
`"Infinity"`: math.Inf(+1),
`"-Infinity"`: math.Inf(-1),
func (u *Unmarshaler) unmarshalSingularValue(v protoreflect.Value, in []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
switch fd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(bool))
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int32))
case protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(int64))
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint32))
case protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(uint64))
case protoreflect.FloatKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(float32(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float32))
case protoreflect.DoubleKind:
if f, ok := nonFinite[string(in)]; ok {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(float64(f)), nil
return unmarshalValue(trimQuote(in), new(float64))
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new(string))
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
return unmarshalValue(in, new([]byte))
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if hasPrefixAndSuffix('"', in, '"') {
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByName(protoreflect.Name(trimQuote(in)))
if vd == nil {
return v, fmt.Errorf("unknown value %q for enum %s", in, fd.Enum().FullName())
return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(vd.Number()), nil
return unmarshalValue(in, new(protoreflect.EnumNumber))
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
err := u.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), in)
return v, err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid kind %v", fd.Kind()))
func unmarshalValue(in []byte, v interface{}) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
err := json.Unmarshal(in, v)
return protoreflect.ValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Interface()), err
func unquoteString(in string) (out string, err error) {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(in), &out)
return out, err
func hasPrefixAndSuffix(prefix byte, in []byte, suffix byte) bool {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == prefix && in[len(in)-1] == suffix {
return true
return false
// trimQuote is like unquoteString but simply strips surrounding quotes.
// This is incorrect, but is behavior done by the legacy implementation.
func trimQuote(in []byte) []byte {
if len(in) >= 2 && in[0] == '"' && in[len(in)-1] == '"' {
in = in[1 : len(in)-1]
return in

View File

@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package jsonpb
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const wrapJSONMarshalV2 = false
// Marshaler is a configurable object for marshaling protocol buffer messages
// to the specified JSON representation.
type Marshaler struct {
// OrigName specifies whether to use the original protobuf name for fields.
OrigName bool
// EnumsAsInts specifies whether to render enum values as integers,
// as opposed to string values.
EnumsAsInts bool
// EmitDefaults specifies whether to render fields with zero values.
EmitDefaults bool
// Indent controls whether the output is compact or not.
// If empty, the output is compact JSON. Otherwise, every JSON object
// entry and JSON array value will be on its own line.
// Each line will be preceded by repeated copies of Indent, where the
// number of copies is the current indentation depth.
Indent string
// AnyResolver is used to resolve the google.protobuf.Any well-known type.
// If unset, the global registry is used by default.
AnyResolver AnyResolver
// JSONPBMarshaler is implemented by protobuf messages that customize the
// way they are marshaled to JSON. Messages that implement this should also
// implement JSONPBUnmarshaler so that the custom format can be parsed.
// The JSON marshaling must follow the proto to JSON specification:
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json
// Deprecated: Custom types should implement protobuf reflection instead.
type JSONPBMarshaler interface {
MarshalJSONPB(*Marshaler) ([]byte, error)
// Marshal serializes a protobuf message as JSON into w.
func (jm *Marshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, m proto.Message) error {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if len(b) > 0 {
if _, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
return err
return err
// MarshalToString serializes a protobuf message as JSON in string form.
func (jm *Marshaler) MarshalToString(m proto.Message) (string, error) {
b, err := jm.marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(b), nil
func (jm *Marshaler) marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
v := reflect.ValueOf(m)
if m == nil || (v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil()) {
return nil, errors.New("Marshal called with nil")
// Check for custom marshalers first since they may not properly
// implement protobuf reflection that the logic below relies on.
if jsm, ok := m.(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
return jsm.MarshalJSONPB(jm)
if wrapJSONMarshalV2 {
opts := protojson.MarshalOptions{
UseProtoNames: jm.OrigName,
UseEnumNumbers: jm.EnumsAsInts,
EmitUnpopulated: jm.EmitDefaults,
Indent: jm.Indent,
if jm.AnyResolver != nil {
opts.Resolver = anyResolver{jm.AnyResolver}
return opts.Marshal(proto.MessageReflect(m).Interface())
} else {
// Check for unpopulated required fields first.
m2 := proto.MessageReflect(m)
if err := protoV2.CheckInitialized(m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return nil, err
w := jsonWriter{Marshaler: jm}
err := w.marshalMessage(m2, "", "")
return w.buf, err
type jsonWriter struct {
buf []byte
func (w *jsonWriter) write(s string) {
w.buf = append(w.buf, s...)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, indent, typeURL string) error {
if jsm, ok := proto.MessageV1(m.Interface()).(JSONPBMarshaler); ok {
b, err := jsm.MarshalJSONPB(w.Marshaler)
if err != nil {
return err
if typeURL != "" {
// we are marshaling this object to an Any type
var js map[string]*json.RawMessage
if err = json.Unmarshal(b, &js); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("type %T produced invalid JSON: %v", m.Interface(), err)
turl, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal type URL %q to JSON: %v", typeURL, err)
js["@type"] = (*json.RawMessage)(&turl)
if b, err = json.Marshal(js); err != nil {
return err
return nil
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
// Handle well-known types.
const secondInNanos = int64(time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
switch wellKnownType(md.FullName()) {
case "Any":
return w.marshalAny(m, indent)
case "BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue":
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Duration":
const maxSecondsInDuration = 315576000000
// "Generated output always contains 0, 3, 6, or 9 fractional digits,
// depending on required precision."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if s < -maxSecondsInDuration || s > maxSecondsInDuration {
return fmt.Errorf("seconds out of range %v", s)
if ns <= -secondInNanos || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range (%v, %v)", -secondInNanos, secondInNanos)
if (s > 0 && ns < 0) || (s < 0 && ns > 0) {
return errors.New("signs of seconds and nanos do not match")
var sign string
if s < 0 || ns < 0 {
sign, s, ns = "-", -1*s, -1*ns
x := fmt.Sprintf("%s%d.%09d", sign, s, ns)
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vs"`, x))
return nil
case "Timestamp":
// "RFC 3339, where generated output will always be Z-normalized
// and uses 0, 3, 6 or 9 fractional digits."
s := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(1)).Int()
ns := m.Get(fds.ByNumber(2)).Int()
if ns < 0 || ns >= secondInNanos {
return fmt.Errorf("ns out of range [0, %v)", secondInNanos)
t := time.Unix(s, ns).UTC()
// time.RFC3339Nano isn't exactly right (we need to get 3/6/9 fractional digits).
x := t.Format("2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, "000")
x = strings.TrimSuffix(x, ".000")
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%vZ"`, x))
return nil
case "Value":
// JSON value; which is a null, number, string, bool, object, or array.
od := md.Oneofs().Get(0)
fd := m.WhichOneof(od)
if fd == nil {
return errors.New("nil Value")
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
case "Struct", "ListValue":
// JSON object or array.
fd := fds.ByNumber(1)
return w.marshalValue(fd, m.Get(fd), indent)
if w.Indent != "" {
firstField := true
if typeURL != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil {
fd = m.WhichOneof(od)
i += od.Fields().Len()
if fd == nil {
} else {
v := m.Get(fd)
if !m.Has(fd) {
if !w.EmitDefaults || fd.ContainingOneof() != nil {
if fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated && (fd.Message() != nil || fd.Syntax() == protoreflect.Proto2) {
v = protoreflect.Value{} // use "null" for singular messages or proto2 scalars
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(fd, v, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
// Handle proto2 extensions.
if md.ExtensionRanges().Len() > 0 {
// Collect a sorted list of all extension descriptor and values.
type ext struct {
desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
val protoreflect.Value
var exts []ext
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
exts = append(exts, ext{fd, v})
return true
sort.Slice(exts, func(i, j int) bool {
return exts[i].desc.Number() < exts[j].desc.Number()
for _, ext := range exts {
if !firstField {
if err := w.marshalField(ext.desc, ext.val, indent); err != nil {
return err
firstField = false
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) writeComma() {
if w.Indent != "" {
} else {
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalAny(m protoreflect.Message, indent string) error {
// "If the Any contains a value that has a special JSON mapping,
// it will be converted as follows: {"@type": xxx, "value": yyy}.
// Otherwise, the value will be converted into a JSON object,
// and the "@type" field will be inserted to indicate the actual data type."
md := m.Descriptor()
typeURL := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(1)).String()
rawVal := m.Get(md.Fields().ByNumber(2)).Bytes()
var m2 protoreflect.Message
if w.AnyResolver != nil {
mi, err := w.AnyResolver.Resolve(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = proto.MessageReflect(mi)
} else {
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
m2 = mt.New()
if err := protoV2.Unmarshal(rawVal, m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
if wellKnownType(m2.Descriptor().FullName()) == "" {
return w.marshalMessage(m2, indent, typeURL)
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(`"value": `)
} else {
if err := w.marshalMessage(m2, indent+w.Indent, ""); err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalTypeURL(indent, typeURL string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
b, err := json.Marshal(typeURL)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// marshalField writes field description and value to the Writer.
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
if w.Indent != "" {
switch {
case fd.IsExtension():
// For message set, use the fname of the message as the extension name.
name := string(fd.FullName())
if isMessageSet(fd.ContainingMessage()) {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".message_set_extension")
w.write("[" + name + "]")
case w.OrigName:
name := string(fd.Name())
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
name = string(fd.Message().Name())
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(" ")
return w.marshalValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
comma := ""
lv := v.List()
for i := 0; i < lv.Len(); i++ {
if w.Indent != "" {
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(fd, lv.Get(i), indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
case fd.IsMap():
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
// Collect a sorted list of all map keys and values.
type entry struct{ key, val protoreflect.Value }
var entries []entry
mv.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
entries = append(entries, entry{k.Value(), v})
return true
sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
switch kfd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return !entries[i].key.Bool() && entries[j].key.Bool()
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Int() < entries[j].key.Int()
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Uint() < entries[j].key.Uint()
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return entries[i].key.String() < entries[j].key.String()
panic("invalid kind")
comma := ""
for _, entry := range entries {
if w.Indent != "" {
s := fmt.Sprint(entry.key.Interface())
b, err := json.Marshal(s)
if err != nil {
return err
if w.Indent != "" {
w.write(` `)
if err := w.marshalSingularValue(vfd, entry.val, indent+w.Indent); err != nil {
return err
comma = ","
if w.Indent != "" {
return nil
return w.marshalSingularValue(fd, v, indent)
func (w *jsonWriter) marshalSingularValue(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value, indent string) error {
switch {
case !v.IsValid():
return nil
case fd.Message() != nil:
return w.marshalMessage(v.Message(), indent+w.Indent, "")
case fd.Enum() != nil:
if fd.Enum().FullName() == "google.protobuf.NullValue" {
return nil
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(v.Enum())
if vd == nil || w.EnumsAsInts {
} else {
w.write(`"` + string(vd.Name()) + `"`)
return nil
switch v.Interface().(type) {
case float32, float64:
switch {
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), +1):
return nil
case math.IsInf(v.Float(), -1):
return nil
case math.IsNaN(v.Float()):
return nil
case int64, uint64:
w.write(fmt.Sprintf(`"%d"`, v.Interface()))
return nil
b, err := json.Marshal(v.Interface())
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package jsonpb provides functionality to marshal and unmarshal between a
// protocol buffer message and JSON. It follows the specification at
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json.
// Do not rely on the default behavior of the standard encoding/json package
// when called on generated message types as it does not operate correctly.
// Deprecated: Use the "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson"
// package instead.
package jsonpb
import (
// AnyResolver takes a type URL, present in an Any message,
// and resolves it into an instance of the associated message.
type AnyResolver interface {
Resolve(typeURL string) (proto.Message, error)
type anyResolver struct{ AnyResolver }
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
return r.FindMessageByURL(string(message))
func (r anyResolver) FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) {
m, err := r.Resolve(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return protoimpl.X.MessageTypeOf(m), nil
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(field)
func (r anyResolver) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field)
func wellKnownType(s protoreflect.FullName) string {
if s.Parent() == "google.protobuf" {
switch s.Name() {
case "Empty", "Any",
"BoolValue", "BytesValue", "StringValue",
"Int32Value", "UInt32Value", "FloatValue",
"Int64Value", "UInt64Value", "DoubleValue",
"Duration", "Timestamp",
"NullValue", "Struct", "Value", "ListValue":
return string(s.Name())
return ""
func isMessageSet(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) bool {
ms, ok := md.(interface{ IsMessageSet() bool })
return ok && ms.IsMessageSet()

View File

@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
const (
WireVarint = 0
WireFixed32 = 5
WireFixed64 = 1
WireBytes = 2
WireStartGroup = 3
WireEndGroup = 4
// EncodeVarint returns the varint encoded bytes of v.
func EncodeVarint(v uint64) []byte {
return protowire.AppendVarint(nil, v)
// SizeVarint returns the length of the varint encoded bytes of v.
// This is equal to len(EncodeVarint(v)).
func SizeVarint(v uint64) int {
return protowire.SizeVarint(v)
// DecodeVarint parses a varint encoded integer from b,
// returning the integer value and the length of the varint.
// It returns (0, 0) if there is a parse error.
func DecodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
if n < 0 {
return 0, 0
return v, n
// Buffer is a buffer for encoding and decoding the protobuf wire format.
// It may be reused between invocations to reduce memory usage.
type Buffer struct {
buf []byte
idx int
deterministic bool
// NewBuffer allocates a new Buffer initialized with buf,
// where the contents of buf are considered the unread portion of the buffer.
func NewBuffer(buf []byte) *Buffer {
return &Buffer{buf: buf}
// SetDeterministic specifies whether to use deterministic serialization.
// Deterministic serialization guarantees that for a given binary, equal
// messages will always be serialized to the same bytes. This implies:
// - Repeated serialization of a message will return the same bytes.
// - Different processes of the same binary (which may be executing on
// different machines) will serialize equal messages to the same bytes.
// Note that the deterministic serialization is NOT canonical across
// languages. It is not guaranteed to remain stable over time. It is unstable
// across different builds with schema changes due to unknown fields.
// Users who need canonical serialization (e.g., persistent storage in a
// canonical form, fingerprinting, etc.) should define their own
// canonicalization specification and implement their own serializer rather
// than relying on this API.
// If deterministic serialization is requested, map entries will be sorted
// by keys in lexographical order. This is an implementation detail and
// subject to change.
func (b *Buffer) SetDeterministic(deterministic bool) {
b.deterministic = deterministic
// SetBuf sets buf as the internal buffer,
// where the contents of buf are considered the unread portion of the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) SetBuf(buf []byte) {
b.buf = buf
b.idx = 0
// Reset clears the internal buffer of all written and unread data.
func (b *Buffer) Reset() {
b.buf = b.buf[:0]
b.idx = 0
// Bytes returns the internal buffer.
func (b *Buffer) Bytes() []byte {
return b.buf
// Unread returns the unread portion of the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) Unread() []byte {
return b.buf[b.idx:]
// Marshal appends the wire-format encoding of m to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) Marshal(m Message) error {
var err error
b.buf, err = marshalAppend(b.buf, m, b.deterministic)
return err
// Unmarshal parses the wire-format message in the buffer and
// places the decoded results in m.
// It does not reset m before unmarshaling.
func (b *Buffer) Unmarshal(m Message) error {
err := UnmarshalMerge(b.Unread(), m)
b.idx = len(b.buf)
return err
type unknownFields struct{ XXX_unrecognized protoimpl.UnknownFields }
func (m *unknownFields) String() string { panic("not implemented") }
func (m *unknownFields) Reset() { panic("not implemented") }
func (m *unknownFields) ProtoMessage() { panic("not implemented") }
// DebugPrint dumps the encoded bytes of b with a header and footer including s
// to stdout. This is only intended for debugging.
func (*Buffer) DebugPrint(s string, b []byte) {
m := MessageReflect(new(unknownFields))
b, _ = prototext.MarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true, Indent: "\t"}.Marshal(m.Interface())
fmt.Printf("==== %s ====\n%s==== %s ====\n", s, b, s)
// EncodeVarint appends an unsigned varint encoding to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeVarint(v uint64) error {
b.buf = protowire.AppendVarint(b.buf, v)
return nil
// EncodeZigzag32 appends a 32-bit zig-zag varint encoding to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeZigzag32(v uint64) error {
return b.EncodeVarint(uint64((uint32(v) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(v) >> 31))))
// EncodeZigzag64 appends a 64-bit zig-zag varint encoding to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeZigzag64(v uint64) error {
return b.EncodeVarint(uint64((uint64(v) << 1) ^ uint64((int64(v) >> 63))))
// EncodeFixed32 appends a 32-bit little-endian integer to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeFixed32(v uint64) error {
b.buf = protowire.AppendFixed32(b.buf, uint32(v))
return nil
// EncodeFixed64 appends a 64-bit little-endian integer to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeFixed64(v uint64) error {
b.buf = protowire.AppendFixed64(b.buf, uint64(v))
return nil
// EncodeRawBytes appends a length-prefixed raw bytes to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeRawBytes(v []byte) error {
b.buf = protowire.AppendBytes(b.buf, v)
return nil
// EncodeStringBytes appends a length-prefixed raw bytes to the buffer.
// It does not validate whether v contains valid UTF-8.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeStringBytes(v string) error {
b.buf = protowire.AppendString(b.buf, v)
return nil
// EncodeMessage appends a length-prefixed encoded message to the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) EncodeMessage(m Message) error {
var err error
b.buf = protowire.AppendVarint(b.buf, uint64(Size(m)))
b.buf, err = marshalAppend(b.buf, m, b.deterministic)
return err
// DecodeVarint consumes an encoded unsigned varint from the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (uint64, error) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b.buf[b.idx:])
if n < 0 {
return 0, protowire.ParseError(n)
b.idx += n
return uint64(v), nil
// DecodeZigzag32 consumes an encoded 32-bit zig-zag varint from the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeZigzag32() (uint64, error) {
v, err := b.DecodeVarint()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint64((uint32(v) >> 1) ^ uint32((int32(v&1)<<31)>>31)), nil
// DecodeZigzag64 consumes an encoded 64-bit zig-zag varint from the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeZigzag64() (uint64, error) {
v, err := b.DecodeVarint()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return uint64((uint64(v) >> 1) ^ uint64((int64(v&1)<<63)>>63)), nil
// DecodeFixed32 consumes a 32-bit little-endian integer from the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeFixed32() (uint64, error) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b.buf[b.idx:])
if n < 0 {
return 0, protowire.ParseError(n)
b.idx += n
return uint64(v), nil
// DecodeFixed64 consumes a 64-bit little-endian integer from the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeFixed64() (uint64, error) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b.buf[b.idx:])
if n < 0 {
return 0, protowire.ParseError(n)
b.idx += n
return uint64(v), nil
// DecodeRawBytes consumes a length-prefixed raw bytes from the buffer.
// If alloc is specified, it returns a copy the raw bytes
// rather than a sub-slice of the buffer.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeRawBytes(alloc bool) ([]byte, error) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b.buf[b.idx:])
if n < 0 {
return nil, protowire.ParseError(n)
b.idx += n
if alloc {
v = append([]byte(nil), v...)
return v, nil
// DecodeStringBytes consumes a length-prefixed raw bytes from the buffer.
// It does not validate whether the raw bytes contain valid UTF-8.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeStringBytes() (string, error) {
v, n := protowire.ConsumeString(b.buf[b.idx:])
if n < 0 {
return "", protowire.ParseError(n)
b.idx += n
return v, nil
// DecodeMessage consumes a length-prefixed message from the buffer.
// It does not reset m before unmarshaling.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeMessage(m Message) error {
v, err := b.DecodeRawBytes(false)
if err != nil {
return err
return UnmarshalMerge(v, m)
// DecodeGroup consumes a message group from the buffer.
// It assumes that the start group marker has already been consumed and
// consumes all bytes until (and including the end group marker).
// It does not reset m before unmarshaling.
func (b *Buffer) DecodeGroup(m Message) error {
v, n, err := consumeGroup(b.buf[b.idx:])
if err != nil {
return err
b.idx += n
return UnmarshalMerge(v, m)
// consumeGroup parses b until it finds an end group marker, returning
// the raw bytes of the message (excluding the end group marker) and the
// the total length of the message (including the end group marker).
func consumeGroup(b []byte) ([]byte, int, error) {
b0 := b
depth := 1 // assume this follows a start group marker
for {
_, wtyp, tagLen := protowire.ConsumeTag(b)
if tagLen < 0 {
return nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(tagLen)
b = b[tagLen:]
var valLen int
switch wtyp {
case protowire.VarintType:
_, valLen = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
case protowire.Fixed32Type:
_, valLen = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b)
case protowire.Fixed64Type:
_, valLen = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b)
case protowire.BytesType:
_, valLen = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b)
case protowire.StartGroupType:
case protowire.EndGroupType:
return nil, 0, errors.New("proto: cannot parse reserved wire type")
if valLen < 0 {
return nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(valLen)
b = b[valLen:]
if depth == 0 {
return b0[:len(b0)-len(b)-tagLen], len(b0) - len(b), nil

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
// SetDefaults sets unpopulated scalar fields to their default values.
// Fields within a oneof are not set even if they have a default value.
// SetDefaults is recursively called upon any populated message fields.
func SetDefaults(m Message) {
if m != nil {
func setDefaults(m protoreflect.Message) {
fds := m.Descriptor().Fields()
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if !m.Has(fd) {
if fd.HasDefault() && fd.ContainingOneof() == nil {
v := fd.Default()
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.BytesKind {
v = protoreflect.ValueOf(append([]byte(nil), v.Bytes()...)) // copy the default bytes
m.Set(fd, v)
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
switch {
// Handle singular message.
case fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated:
if fd.Message() != nil {
// Handle list of messages.
case fd.IsList():
if fd.Message() != nil {
ls := m.Get(fd).List()
for i := 0; i < ls.Len(); i++ {
// Handle map of messages.
case fd.IsMap():
if fd.MapValue().Message() != nil {
ms := m.Get(fd).Map()
ms.Range(func(_ protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
return true
return true

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
var (
// Deprecated: No longer returned.
ErrNil = errors.New("proto: Marshal called with nil")
// Deprecated: No longer returned.
ErrTooLarge = errors.New("proto: message encodes to over 2 GB")
// Deprecated: No longer returned.
ErrInternalBadWireType = errors.New("proto: internal error: bad wiretype for oneof")
// Deprecated: Do not use.
type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 }
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} }
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error {
return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error {
return errors.New("proto: not implemented")
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {}
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func EnumName(m map[int32]string, v int32) string {
s, ok := m[v]
if ok {
return s
return strconv.Itoa(int(v))
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func UnmarshalJSONEnum(m map[string]int32, data []byte, enumName string) (int32, error) {
if data[0] == '"' {
// New style: enums are strings.
var repr string
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &repr); err != nil {
return -1, err
val, ok := m[repr]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized enum %s value %q", enumName, repr)
return val, nil
// Old style: enums are ints.
var val int32
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &val); err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %#q into enum %s", data, enumName)
return val, nil
// Deprecated: Do not use; this type existed for intenal-use only.
type InternalMessageInfo struct{}
// Deprecated: Do not use; this method existed for intenal-use only.
func (*InternalMessageInfo) DiscardUnknown(m Message) {
// Deprecated: Do not use; this method existed for intenal-use only.
func (*InternalMessageInfo) Marshal(b []byte, m Message, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
return protoV2.MarshalOptions{Deterministic: deterministic}.MarshalAppend(b, MessageV2(m))
// Deprecated: Do not use; this method existed for intenal-use only.
func (*InternalMessageInfo) Merge(dst, src Message) {
protoV2.Merge(MessageV2(dst), MessageV2(src))
// Deprecated: Do not use; this method existed for intenal-use only.
func (*InternalMessageInfo) Size(m Message) int {
return protoV2.Size(MessageV2(m))
// Deprecated: Do not use; this method existed for intenal-use only.
func (*InternalMessageInfo) Unmarshal(m Message, b []byte) error {
return protoV2.UnmarshalOptions{Merge: true}.Unmarshal(b, MessageV2(m))

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@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
// DiscardUnknown recursively discards all unknown fields from this message
// and all embedded messages.
// When unmarshaling a message with unrecognized fields, the tags and values
// of such fields are preserved in the Message. This allows a later call to
// marshal to be able to produce a message that continues to have those
// unrecognized fields. To avoid this, DiscardUnknown is used to
// explicitly clear the unknown fields after unmarshaling.
func DiscardUnknown(m Message) {
if m != nil {
func discardUnknown(m protoreflect.Message) {
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, val protoreflect.Value) bool {
switch {
// Handle singular message.
case fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated:
if fd.Message() != nil {
// Handle list of messages.
case fd.IsList():
if fd.Message() != nil {
ls := m.Get(fd).List()
for i := 0; i < ls.Len(); i++ {
// Handle map of messages.
case fd.IsMap():
if fd.MapValue().Message() != nil {
ms := m.Get(fd).Map()
ms.Range(func(_ protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
return true
return true
// Discard unknown fields.
if len(m.GetUnknown()) > 0 {

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@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
type (
// ExtensionDesc represents an extension descriptor and
// is used to interact with an extension field in a message.
// Variables of this type are generated in code by protoc-gen-go.
ExtensionDesc = protoimpl.ExtensionInfo
// ExtensionRange represents a range of message extensions.
// Used in code generated by protoc-gen-go.
ExtensionRange = protoiface.ExtensionRangeV1
// Deprecated: Do not use; this is an internal type.
Extension = protoimpl.ExtensionFieldV1
// Deprecated: Do not use; this is an internal type.
XXX_InternalExtensions = protoimpl.ExtensionFields
// ErrMissingExtension reports whether the extension was not present.
var ErrMissingExtension = errors.New("proto: missing extension")
var errNotExtendable = errors.New("proto: not an extendable proto.Message")
// HasExtension reports whether the extension field is present in m
// either as an explicitly populated field or as an unknown field.
func HasExtension(m Message, xt *ExtensionDesc) (has bool) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
return false
// Check whether any populated known field matches the field number.
xtd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if isValidExtension(mr.Descriptor(), xtd) {
has = mr.Has(xtd)
} else {
mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, _ protoreflect.Value) bool {
has = int32(fd.Number()) == xt.Field
return !has
// Check whether any unknown field matches the field number.
for b := mr.GetUnknown(); !has && len(b) > 0; {
num, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(b)
has = int32(num) == xt.Field
b = b[n:]
return has
// ClearExtension removes the extension field from m
// either as an explicitly populated field or as an unknown field.
func ClearExtension(m Message, xt *ExtensionDesc) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
xtd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if isValidExtension(mr.Descriptor(), xtd) {
} else {
mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, _ protoreflect.Value) bool {
if int32(fd.Number()) == xt.Field {
return false
return true
clearUnknown(mr, fieldNum(xt.Field))
// ClearAllExtensions clears all extensions from m.
// This includes populated fields and unknown fields in the extension range.
func ClearAllExtensions(m Message) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, _ protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
return true
clearUnknown(mr, mr.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges())
// GetExtension retrieves a proto2 extended field from m.
// If the descriptor is type complete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is non-nil),
// then GetExtension parses the encoded field and returns a Go value of the specified type.
// If the field is not present, then the default value is returned (if one is specified),
// otherwise ErrMissingExtension is reported.
// If the descriptor is type incomplete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is nil),
// then GetExtension returns the raw encoded bytes for the extension field.
func GetExtension(m Message, xt *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() || mr.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges().Len() == 0 {
return nil, errNotExtendable
// Retrieve the unknown fields for this extension field.
var bo protoreflect.RawFields
for bi := mr.GetUnknown(); len(bi) > 0; {
num, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(bi)
if int32(num) == xt.Field {
bo = append(bo, bi[:n]...)
bi = bi[n:]
// For type incomplete descriptors, only retrieve the unknown fields.
if xt.ExtensionType == nil {
return []byte(bo), nil
// If the extension field only exists as unknown fields, unmarshal it.
// This is rarely done since proto.Unmarshal eagerly unmarshals extensions.
xtd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if !isValidExtension(mr.Descriptor(), xtd) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extended type; %T does not extend %T", xt.ExtendedType, m)
if !mr.Has(xtd) && len(bo) > 0 {
m2 := mr.New()
if err := (proto.UnmarshalOptions{
Resolver: extensionResolver{xt},
}.Unmarshal(bo, m2.Interface())); err != nil {
return nil, err
if m2.Has(xtd) {
mr.Set(xtd, m2.Get(xtd))
clearUnknown(mr, fieldNum(xt.Field))
// Check whether the message has the extension field set or a default.
var pv protoreflect.Value
switch {
case mr.Has(xtd):
pv = mr.Get(xtd)
case xtd.HasDefault():
pv = xtd.Default()
return nil, ErrMissingExtension
v := xt.InterfaceOf(pv)
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if isScalarKind(rv.Kind()) {
rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type())
v = rv2.Interface()
return v, nil
// extensionResolver is a custom extension resolver that stores a single
// extension type that takes precedence over the global registry.
type extensionResolver struct{ xt protoreflect.ExtensionType }
func (r extensionResolver) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
if xtd := r.xt.TypeDescriptor(); xtd.FullName() == field {
return r.xt, nil
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(field)
func (r extensionResolver) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) {
if xtd := r.xt.TypeDescriptor(); xtd.ContainingMessage().FullName() == message && xtd.Number() == field {
return r.xt, nil
return protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByNumber(message, field)
// GetExtensions returns a list of the extensions values present in m,
// corresponding with the provided list of extension descriptors, xts.
// If an extension is missing in m, the corresponding value is nil.
func GetExtensions(m Message, xts []*ExtensionDesc) ([]interface{}, error) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
return nil, errNotExtendable
vs := make([]interface{}, len(xts))
for i, xt := range xts {
v, err := GetExtension(m, xt)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrMissingExtension {
return vs, err
vs[i] = v
return vs, nil
// SetExtension sets an extension field in m to the provided value.
func SetExtension(m Message, xt *ExtensionDesc, v interface{}) error {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() || mr.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges().Len() == 0 {
return errNotExtendable
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if reflect.TypeOf(v) != reflect.TypeOf(xt.ExtensionType) {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", v, xt.ExtensionType)
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if rv.IsNil() {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: SetExtension called with nil value of type %T", v)
if isScalarKind(rv.Elem().Kind()) {
v = rv.Elem().Interface()
xtd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if !isValidExtension(mr.Descriptor(), xtd) {
return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extended type; %T does not extend %T", xt.ExtendedType, m)
mr.Set(xtd, xt.ValueOf(v))
clearUnknown(mr, fieldNum(xt.Field))
return nil
// SetRawExtension inserts b into the unknown fields of m.
// Deprecated: Use Message.ProtoReflect.SetUnknown instead.
func SetRawExtension(m Message, fnum int32, b []byte) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
// Verify that the raw field is valid.
for b0 := b; len(b0) > 0; {
num, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(b0)
if int32(num) != fnum {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mismatching field number: got %d, want %d", num, fnum))
b0 = b0[n:]
ClearExtension(m, &ExtensionDesc{Field: fnum})
mr.SetUnknown(append(mr.GetUnknown(), b...))
// ExtensionDescs returns a list of extension descriptors found in m,
// containing descriptors for both populated extension fields in m and
// also unknown fields of m that are in the extension range.
// For the later case, an type incomplete descriptor is provided where only
// the ExtensionDesc.Field field is populated.
// The order of the extension descriptors is undefined.
func ExtensionDescs(m Message) ([]*ExtensionDesc, error) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() || mr.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges().Len() == 0 {
return nil, errNotExtendable
// Collect a set of known extension descriptors.
extDescs := make(map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]*ExtensionDesc)
mr.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
xt := fd.(protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor)
if xd, ok := xt.Type().(*ExtensionDesc); ok {
extDescs[fd.Number()] = xd
return true
// Collect a set of unknown extension descriptors.
extRanges := mr.Descriptor().ExtensionRanges()
for b := mr.GetUnknown(); len(b) > 0; {
num, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(b)
if extRanges.Has(num) && extDescs[num] == nil {
extDescs[num] = nil
b = b[n:]
// Transpose the set of descriptors into a list.
var xts []*ExtensionDesc
for num, xt := range extDescs {
if xt == nil {
xt = &ExtensionDesc{Field: int32(num)}
xts = append(xts, xt)
return xts, nil
// isValidExtension reports whether xtd is a valid extension descriptor for md.
func isValidExtension(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, xtd protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor) bool {
return xtd.ContainingMessage() == md && md.ExtensionRanges().Has(xtd.Number())
// isScalarKind reports whether k is a protobuf scalar kind (except bytes).
// This function exists for historical reasons since the representation of
// scalars differs between v1 and v2, where v1 uses *T and v2 uses T.
func isScalarKind(k reflect.Kind) bool {
switch k {
case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String:
return true
return false
// clearUnknown removes unknown fields from m where remover.Has reports true.
func clearUnknown(m protoreflect.Message, remover interface {
Has(protoreflect.FieldNumber) bool
}) {
var bo protoreflect.RawFields
for bi := m.GetUnknown(); len(bi) > 0; {
num, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(bi)
if !remover.Has(num) {
bo = append(bo, bi[:n]...)
bi = bi[n:]
if bi := m.GetUnknown(); len(bi) != len(bo) {
type fieldNum protoreflect.FieldNumber
func (n1 fieldNum) Has(n2 protoreflect.FieldNumber) bool {
return protoreflect.FieldNumber(n1) == n2

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@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
// StructProperties represents protocol buffer type information for a
// generated protobuf message in the open-struct API.
// Deprecated: Do not use.
type StructProperties struct {
// Prop are the properties for each field.
// Fields belonging to a oneof are stored in OneofTypes instead, with a
// single Properties representing the parent oneof held here.
// The order of Prop matches the order of fields in the Go struct.
// Struct fields that are not related to protobufs have a "XXX_" prefix
// in the Properties.Name and must be ignored by the user.
Prop []*Properties
// OneofTypes contains information about the oneof fields in this message.
// It is keyed by the protobuf field name.
OneofTypes map[string]*OneofProperties
// Properties represents the type information for a protobuf message field.
// Deprecated: Do not use.
type Properties struct {
// Name is a placeholder name with little meaningful semantic value.
// If the name has an "XXX_" prefix, the entire Properties must be ignored.
Name string
// OrigName is the protobuf field name or oneof name.
OrigName string
// JSONName is the JSON name for the protobuf field.
JSONName string
// Enum is a placeholder name for enums.
// For historical reasons, this is neither the Go name for the enum,
// nor the protobuf name for the enum.
Enum string // Deprecated: Do not use.
// Weak contains the full name of the weakly referenced message.
Weak string
// Wire is a string representation of the wire type.
Wire string
// WireType is the protobuf wire type for the field.
WireType int
// Tag is the protobuf field number.
Tag int
// Required reports whether this is a required field.
Required bool
// Optional reports whether this is a optional field.
Optional bool
// Repeated reports whether this is a repeated field.
Repeated bool
// Packed reports whether this is a packed repeated field of scalars.
Packed bool
// Proto3 reports whether this field operates under the proto3 syntax.
Proto3 bool
// Oneof reports whether this field belongs within a oneof.
Oneof bool
// Default is the default value in string form.
Default string
// HasDefault reports whether the field has a default value.
HasDefault bool
// MapKeyProp is the properties for the key field for a map field.
MapKeyProp *Properties
// MapValProp is the properties for the value field for a map field.
MapValProp *Properties
// OneofProperties represents the type information for a protobuf oneof.
// Deprecated: Do not use.
type OneofProperties struct {
// Type is a pointer to the generated wrapper type for the field value.
// This is nil for messages that are not in the open-struct API.
Type reflect.Type
// Field is the index into StructProperties.Prop for the containing oneof.
Field int
// Prop is the properties for the field.
Prop *Properties
// String formats the properties in the protobuf struct field tag style.
func (p *Properties) String() string {
s := p.Wire
s += "," + strconv.Itoa(p.Tag)
if p.Required {
s += ",req"
if p.Optional {
s += ",opt"
if p.Repeated {
s += ",rep"
if p.Packed {
s += ",packed"
s += ",name=" + p.OrigName
if p.JSONName != "" {
s += ",json=" + p.JSONName
if len(p.Enum) > 0 {
s += ",enum=" + p.Enum
if len(p.Weak) > 0 {
s += ",weak=" + p.Weak
if p.Proto3 {
s += ",proto3"
if p.Oneof {
s += ",oneof"
if p.HasDefault {
s += ",def=" + p.Default
return s
// Parse populates p by parsing a string in the protobuf struct field tag style.
func (p *Properties) Parse(tag string) {
// For example: "bytes,49,opt,name=foo,def=hello!"
for len(tag) > 0 {
i := strings.IndexByte(tag, ',')
if i < 0 {
i = len(tag)
switch s := tag[:i]; {
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "name="):
p.OrigName = s[len("name="):]
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "json="):
p.JSONName = s[len("json="):]
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "enum="):
p.Enum = s[len("enum="):]
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "weak="):
p.Weak = s[len("weak="):]
case strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") == "":
n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32)
p.Tag = int(n)
case s == "opt":
p.Optional = true
case s == "req":
p.Required = true
case s == "rep":
p.Repeated = true
case s == "varint" || s == "zigzag32" || s == "zigzag64":
p.Wire = s
p.WireType = WireVarint
case s == "fixed32":
p.Wire = s
p.WireType = WireFixed32
case s == "fixed64":
p.Wire = s
p.WireType = WireFixed64
case s == "bytes":
p.Wire = s
p.WireType = WireBytes
case s == "group":
p.Wire = s
p.WireType = WireStartGroup
case s == "packed":
p.Packed = true
case s == "proto3":
p.Proto3 = true
case s == "oneof":
p.Oneof = true
case strings.HasPrefix(s, "def="):
// The default tag is special in that everything afterwards is the
// default regardless of the presence of commas.
p.HasDefault = true
p.Default, i = tag[len("def="):], len(tag)
tag = strings.TrimPrefix(tag[i:], ",")
// Init populates the properties from a protocol buffer struct tag.
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func (p *Properties) Init(typ reflect.Type, name, tag string, f *reflect.StructField) {
p.Name = name
p.OrigName = name
if tag == "" {
if typ != nil && typ.Kind() == reflect.Map {
p.MapKeyProp = new(Properties)
p.MapKeyProp.Init(nil, "Key", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"), nil)
p.MapValProp = new(Properties)
p.MapValProp.Init(nil, "Value", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"), nil)
var propertiesCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]*StructProperties
// GetProperties returns the list of properties for the type represented by t,
// which must be a generated protocol buffer message in the open-struct API,
// where protobuf message fields are represented by exported Go struct fields.
// Deprecated: Use protobuf reflection instead.
func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
if p, ok := propertiesCache.Load(t); ok {
return p.(*StructProperties)
p, _ := propertiesCache.LoadOrStore(t, newProperties(t))
return p.(*StructProperties)
func newProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties {
if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a generated message in the open-struct API", t))
var hasOneof bool
prop := new(StructProperties)
// Construct a list of properties for each field in the struct.
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
p := new(Properties)
f := t.Field(i)
tagField := f.Tag.Get("protobuf")
p.Init(f.Type, f.Name, tagField, &f)
tagOneof := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof")
if tagOneof != "" {
hasOneof = true
p.OrigName = tagOneof
// Rename unrelated struct fields with the "XXX_" prefix since so much
// user code simply checks for this to exclude special fields.
if tagField == "" && tagOneof == "" && !strings.HasPrefix(p.Name, "XXX_") {
p.Name = "XXX_" + p.Name
p.OrigName = "XXX_" + p.OrigName
} else if p.Weak != "" {
p.Name = p.OrigName // avoid possible "XXX_" prefix on weak field
prop.Prop = append(prop.Prop, p)
// Construct a mapping of oneof field names to properties.
if hasOneof {
var oneofWrappers []interface{}
if fn, ok := reflect.PtrTo(t).MethodByName("XXX_OneofFuncs"); ok {
oneofWrappers = fn.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.Zero(fn.Type.In(0))})[3].Interface().([]interface{})
if fn, ok := reflect.PtrTo(t).MethodByName("XXX_OneofWrappers"); ok {
oneofWrappers = fn.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.Zero(fn.Type.In(0))})[0].Interface().([]interface{})
if m, ok := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(protoreflect.ProtoMessage); ok {
if m, ok := m.ProtoReflect().(interface{ ProtoMessageInfo() *protoimpl.MessageInfo }); ok {
oneofWrappers = m.ProtoMessageInfo().OneofWrappers
prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties)
for _, wrapper := range oneofWrappers {
p := &OneofProperties{
Type: reflect.ValueOf(wrapper).Type(), // *T
Prop: new(Properties),
f := p.Type.Elem().Field(0)
p.Prop.Name = f.Name
// Determine the struct field that contains this oneof.
// Each wrapper is assignable to exactly one parent field.
var foundOneof bool
for i := 0; i < t.NumField() && !foundOneof; i++ {
if p.Type.AssignableTo(t.Field(i).Type) {
p.Field = i
foundOneof = true
if !foundOneof {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a generated message in the open-struct API", t))
prop.OneofTypes[p.Prop.OrigName] = p
return prop
func (sp *StructProperties) Len() int { return len(sp.Prop) }
func (sp *StructProperties) Less(i, j int) bool { return false }
func (sp *StructProperties) Swap(i, j int) { return }

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@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package proto provides functionality for handling protocol buffer messages.
// In particular, it provides marshaling and unmarshaling between a protobuf
// message and the binary wire format.
// See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/gotutorial for
// more information.
// Deprecated: Use the "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" package instead.
package proto
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const (
ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true
ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true
ProtoPackageIsVersion3 = true
ProtoPackageIsVersion4 = true
// GeneratedEnum is any enum type generated by protoc-gen-go
// which is a named int32 kind.
// This type exists for documentation purposes.
type GeneratedEnum interface{}
// GeneratedMessage is any message type generated by protoc-gen-go
// which is a pointer to a named struct kind.
// This type exists for documentation purposes.
type GeneratedMessage interface{}
// Message is a protocol buffer message.
// This is the v1 version of the message interface and is marginally better
// than an empty interface as it lacks any method to programatically interact
// with the contents of the message.
// A v2 message is declared in "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto".Message and
// exposes protobuf reflection as a first-class feature of the interface.
// To convert a v1 message to a v2 message, use the MessageV2 function.
// To convert a v2 message to a v1 message, use the MessageV1 function.
type Message = protoiface.MessageV1
// MessageV1 converts either a v1 or v2 message to a v1 message.
// It returns nil if m is nil.
func MessageV1(m GeneratedMessage) protoiface.MessageV1 {
return protoimpl.X.ProtoMessageV1Of(m)
// MessageV2 converts either a v1 or v2 message to a v2 message.
// It returns nil if m is nil.
func MessageV2(m GeneratedMessage) protoV2.Message {
return protoimpl.X.ProtoMessageV2Of(m)
// MessageReflect returns a reflective view for a message.
// It returns nil if m is nil.
func MessageReflect(m Message) protoreflect.Message {
return protoimpl.X.MessageOf(m)
// Marshaler is implemented by messages that can marshal themselves.
// This interface is used by the following functions: Size, Marshal,
// Buffer.Marshal, and Buffer.EncodeMessage.
// Deprecated: Do not implement.
type Marshaler interface {
// Marshal formats the encoded bytes of the message.
// It should be deterministic and emit valid protobuf wire data.
// The caller takes ownership of the returned buffer.
Marshal() ([]byte, error)
// Unmarshaler is implemented by messages that can unmarshal themselves.
// This interface is used by the following functions: Unmarshal, UnmarshalMerge,
// Buffer.Unmarshal, Buffer.DecodeMessage, and Buffer.DecodeGroup.
// Deprecated: Do not implement.
type Unmarshaler interface {
// Unmarshal parses the encoded bytes of the protobuf wire input.
// The provided buffer is only valid for during method call.
// It should not reset the receiver message.
Unmarshal([]byte) error
// Merger is implemented by messages that can merge themselves.
// This interface is used by the following functions: Clone and Merge.
// Deprecated: Do not implement.
type Merger interface {
// Merge merges the contents of src into the receiver message.
// It clones all data structures in src such that it aliases no mutable
// memory referenced by src.
Merge(src Message)
// RequiredNotSetError is an error type returned when
// marshaling or unmarshaling a message with missing required fields.
type RequiredNotSetError struct {
err error
func (e *RequiredNotSetError) Error() string {
if e.err != nil {
return e.err.Error()
return "proto: required field not set"
func (e *RequiredNotSetError) RequiredNotSet() bool {
return true
func checkRequiredNotSet(m protoV2.Message) error {
if err := protoV2.CheckInitialized(m); err != nil {
return &RequiredNotSetError{err: err}
return nil
// Clone returns a deep copy of src.
func Clone(src Message) Message {
return MessageV1(protoV2.Clone(MessageV2(src)))
// Merge merges src into dst, which must be messages of the same type.
// Populated scalar fields in src are copied to dst, while populated
// singular messages in src are merged into dst by recursively calling Merge.
// The elements of every list field in src is appended to the corresponded
// list fields in dst. The entries of every map field in src is copied into
// the corresponding map field in dst, possibly replacing existing entries.
// The unknown fields of src are appended to the unknown fields of dst.
func Merge(dst, src Message) {
protoV2.Merge(MessageV2(dst), MessageV2(src))
// Equal reports whether two messages are equal.
// If two messages marshal to the same bytes under deterministic serialization,
// then Equal is guaranteed to report true.
// Two messages are equal if they are the same protobuf message type,
// have the same set of populated known and extension field values,
// and the same set of unknown fields values.
// Scalar values are compared with the equivalent of the == operator in Go,
// except bytes values which are compared using bytes.Equal and
// floating point values which specially treat NaNs as equal.
// Message values are compared by recursively calling Equal.
// Lists are equal if each element value is also equal.
// Maps are equal if they have the same set of keys, where the pair of values
// for each key is also equal.
func Equal(x, y Message) bool {
return protoV2.Equal(MessageV2(x), MessageV2(y))
func isMessageSet(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) bool {
ms, ok := md.(interface{ IsMessageSet() bool })
return ok && ms.IsMessageSet()

View File

@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
// filePath is the path to the proto source file.
type filePath = string // e.g., "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"
// fileDescGZIP is the compressed contents of the encoded FileDescriptorProto.
type fileDescGZIP = []byte
var fileCache sync.Map // map[filePath]fileDescGZIP
// RegisterFile is called from generated code to register the compressed
// FileDescriptorProto with the file path for a proto source file.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalFiles.RegisterFile instead.
func RegisterFile(s filePath, d fileDescGZIP) {
// Decompress the descriptor.
zr, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(d))
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: invalid compressed file descriptor: %v", err))
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zr)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto: invalid compressed file descriptor: %v", err))
// Construct a protoreflect.FileDescriptor from the raw descriptor.
// Note that DescBuilder.Build automatically registers the constructed
// file descriptor with the v2 registry.
protoimpl.DescBuilder{RawDescriptor: b}.Build()
// Locally cache the raw descriptor form for the file.
fileCache.Store(s, d)
// FileDescriptor returns the compressed FileDescriptorProto given the file path
// for a proto source file. It returns nil if not found.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindFileByPath instead.
func FileDescriptor(s filePath) fileDescGZIP {
if v, ok := fileCache.Load(s); ok {
return v.(fileDescGZIP)
// Find the descriptor in the v2 registry.
var b []byte
if fd, _ := protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindFileByPath(s); fd != nil {
b, _ = Marshal(protodesc.ToFileDescriptorProto(fd))
// Locally cache the raw descriptor form for the file.
if len(b) > 0 {
v, _ := fileCache.LoadOrStore(s, protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(b))
return v.(fileDescGZIP)
return nil
// enumName is the name of an enum. For historical reasons, the enum name is
// neither the full Go name nor the full protobuf name of the enum.
// The name is the dot-separated combination of just the proto package that the
// enum is declared within followed by the Go type name of the generated enum.
type enumName = string // e.g., "my.proto.package.GoMessage_GoEnum"
// enumsByName maps enum values by name to their numeric counterpart.
type enumsByName = map[string]int32
// enumsByNumber maps enum values by number to their name counterpart.
type enumsByNumber = map[int32]string
var enumCache sync.Map // map[enumName]enumsByName
var numFilesCache sync.Map // map[protoreflect.FullName]int
// RegisterEnum is called from the generated code to register the mapping of
// enum value names to enum numbers for the enum identified by s.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RegisterEnum instead.
func RegisterEnum(s enumName, _ enumsByNumber, m enumsByName) {
if _, ok := enumCache.Load(s); ok {
panic("proto: duplicate enum registered: " + s)
enumCache.Store(s, m)
// This does not forward registration to the v2 registry since this API
// lacks sufficient information to construct a complete v2 enum descriptor.
// EnumValueMap returns the mapping from enum value names to enum numbers for
// the enum of the given name. It returns nil if not found.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindEnumByName instead.
func EnumValueMap(s enumName) enumsByName {
if v, ok := enumCache.Load(s); ok {
return v.(enumsByName)
// Check whether the cache is stale. If the number of files in the current
// package differs, then it means that some enums may have been recently
// registered upstream that we do not know about.
var protoPkg protoreflect.FullName
if i := strings.LastIndexByte(s, '.'); i >= 0 {
protoPkg = protoreflect.FullName(s[:i])
v, _ := numFilesCache.Load(protoPkg)
numFiles, _ := v.(int)
if protoregistry.GlobalFiles.NumFilesByPackage(protoPkg) == numFiles {
return nil // cache is up-to-date; was not found earlier
// Update the enum cache for all enums declared in the given proto package.
numFiles = 0
protoregistry.GlobalFiles.RangeFilesByPackage(protoPkg, func(fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool {
walkEnums(fd, func(ed protoreflect.EnumDescriptor) {
name := protoimpl.X.LegacyEnumName(ed)
if _, ok := enumCache.Load(name); !ok {
m := make(enumsByName)
evs := ed.Values()
for i := evs.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ev := evs.Get(i)
m[string(ev.Name())] = int32(ev.Number())
enumCache.LoadOrStore(name, m)
return true
numFilesCache.Store(protoPkg, numFiles)
// Check cache again for enum map.
if v, ok := enumCache.Load(s); ok {
return v.(enumsByName)
return nil
// walkEnums recursively walks all enums declared in d.
func walkEnums(d interface {
Enums() protoreflect.EnumDescriptors
Messages() protoreflect.MessageDescriptors
}, f func(protoreflect.EnumDescriptor)) {
eds := d.Enums()
for i := eds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
mds := d.Messages()
for i := mds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
walkEnums(mds.Get(i), f)
// messageName is the full name of protobuf message.
type messageName = string
var messageTypeCache sync.Map // map[messageName]reflect.Type
// RegisterType is called from generated code to register the message Go type
// for a message of the given name.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RegisterMessage instead.
func RegisterType(m Message, s messageName) {
mt := protoimpl.X.LegacyMessageTypeOf(m, protoreflect.FullName(s))
if err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RegisterMessage(mt); err != nil {
messageTypeCache.Store(s, reflect.TypeOf(m))
// RegisterMapType is called from generated code to register the Go map type
// for a protobuf message representing a map entry.
// Deprecated: Do not use.
func RegisterMapType(m interface{}, s messageName) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(m)
if t.Kind() != reflect.Map {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid map kind: %v", t))
if _, ok := messageTypeCache.Load(s); ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("proto: duplicate proto message registered: %s", s))
messageTypeCache.Store(s, t)
// MessageType returns the message type for a named message.
// It returns nil if not found.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName instead.
func MessageType(s messageName) reflect.Type {
if v, ok := messageTypeCache.Load(s); ok {
return v.(reflect.Type)
// Derive the message type from the v2 registry.
var t reflect.Type
if mt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(protoreflect.FullName(s)); mt != nil {
t = messageGoType(mt)
// If we could not get a concrete type, it is possible that it is a
// pseudo-message for a map entry.
if t == nil {
d, _ := protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindDescriptorByName(protoreflect.FullName(s))
if md, _ := d.(protoreflect.MessageDescriptor); md != nil && md.IsMapEntry() {
kt := goTypeForField(md.Fields().ByNumber(1))
vt := goTypeForField(md.Fields().ByNumber(2))
t = reflect.MapOf(kt, vt)
// Locally cache the message type for the given name.
if t != nil {
v, _ := messageTypeCache.LoadOrStore(s, t)
return v.(reflect.Type)
return nil
func goTypeForField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) reflect.Type {
switch k := fd.Kind(); k {
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if et, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindEnumByName(fd.Enum().FullName()); et != nil {
return enumGoType(et)
return reflect.TypeOf(protoreflect.EnumNumber(0))
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
if mt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(fd.Message().FullName()); mt != nil {
return messageGoType(mt)
return reflect.TypeOf((*protoreflect.Message)(nil)).Elem()
return reflect.TypeOf(fd.Default().Interface())
func enumGoType(et protoreflect.EnumType) reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf(et.New(0))
func messageGoType(mt protoreflect.MessageType) reflect.Type {
return reflect.TypeOf(MessageV1(mt.Zero().Interface()))
// MessageName returns the full protobuf name for the given message type.
// Deprecated: Use protoreflect.MessageDescriptor.FullName instead.
func MessageName(m Message) messageName {
if m == nil {
return ""
if m, ok := m.(interface{ XXX_MessageName() messageName }); ok {
return m.XXX_MessageName()
return messageName(protoimpl.X.MessageDescriptorOf(m).FullName())
// RegisterExtension is called from the generated code to register
// the extension descriptor.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RegisterExtension instead.
func RegisterExtension(d *ExtensionDesc) {
if err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RegisterExtension(d); err != nil {
type extensionsByNumber = map[int32]*ExtensionDesc
var extensionCache sync.Map // map[messageName]extensionsByNumber
// RegisteredExtensions returns a map of the registered extensions for the
// provided protobuf message, indexed by the extension field number.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RangeExtensionsByMessage instead.
func RegisteredExtensions(m Message) extensionsByNumber {
// Check whether the cache is stale. If the number of extensions for
// the given message differs, then it means that some extensions were
// recently registered upstream that we do not know about.
s := MessageName(m)
v, _ := extensionCache.Load(s)
xs, _ := v.(extensionsByNumber)
if protoregistry.GlobalTypes.NumExtensionsByMessage(protoreflect.FullName(s)) == len(xs) {
return xs // cache is up-to-date
// Cache is stale, re-compute the extensions map.
xs = make(extensionsByNumber)
protoregistry.GlobalTypes.RangeExtensionsByMessage(protoreflect.FullName(s), func(xt protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool {
if xd, ok := xt.(*ExtensionDesc); ok {
xs[int32(xt.TypeDescriptor().Number())] = xd
} else {
// TODO: This implies that the protoreflect.ExtensionType is a
// custom type not generated by protoc-gen-go. We could try and
// convert the type to an ExtensionDesc.
return true
extensionCache.Store(s, xs)
return xs

View File

@ -1,801 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
const wrapTextUnmarshalV2 = false
// ParseError is returned by UnmarshalText.
type ParseError struct {
Message string
// Deprecated: Do not use.
Line, Offset int
func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
if wrapTextUnmarshalV2 {
return e.Message
if e.Line == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("line 1.%d: %v", e.Offset, e.Message)
return fmt.Sprintf("line %d: %v", e.Line, e.Message)
// UnmarshalText parses a proto text formatted string into m.
func UnmarshalText(s string, m Message) error {
if u, ok := m.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok {
return u.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
mi := MessageV2(m)
if wrapTextUnmarshalV2 {
err := prototext.UnmarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
}.Unmarshal([]byte(s), mi)
if err != nil {
return &ParseError{Message: err.Error()}
return checkRequiredNotSet(mi)
} else {
if err := newTextParser(s).unmarshalMessage(mi.ProtoReflect(), ""); err != nil {
return err
return checkRequiredNotSet(mi)
type textParser struct {
s string // remaining input
done bool // whether the parsing is finished (success or error)
backed bool // whether back() was called
offset, line int
cur token
type token struct {
value string
err *ParseError
line int // line number
offset int // byte number from start of input, not start of line
unquoted string // the unquoted version of value, if it was a quoted string
func newTextParser(s string) *textParser {
p := new(textParser)
p.s = s
p.line = 1
p.cur.line = 1
return p
func (p *textParser) unmarshalMessage(m protoreflect.Message, terminator string) (err error) {
md := m.Descriptor()
fds := md.Fields()
// A struct is a sequence of "name: value", terminated by one of
// '>' or '}', or the end of the input. A name may also be
// "[extension]" or "[type/url]".
// The whole struct can also be an expanded Any message, like:
// [type/url] < ... struct contents ... >
seen := make(map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]bool)
for {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
if tok.value == terminator {
if tok.value == "[" {
if err := p.unmarshalExtensionOrAny(m, seen); err != nil {
return err
// This is a normal, non-extension field.
name := protoreflect.Name(tok.value)
fd := fds.ByName(name)
switch {
case fd == nil:
gd := fds.ByName(protoreflect.Name(strings.ToLower(string(name))))
if gd != nil && gd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind && gd.Message().Name() == name {
fd = gd
case fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind && fd.Message().Name() != name:
fd = nil
case fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder():
fd = nil
if fd == nil {
typeName := string(md.FullName())
if m, ok := m.Interface().(Message); ok {
t := reflect.TypeOf(m)
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
typeName = t.Elem().String()
return p.errorf("unknown field name %q in %v", name, typeName)
if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil && m.WhichOneof(od) != nil {
return p.errorf("field '%s' would overwrite already parsed oneof '%s'", name, od.Name())
if fd.Cardinality() != protoreflect.Repeated && seen[fd.Number()] {
return p.errorf("non-repeated field %q was repeated", fd.Name())
seen[fd.Number()] = true
// Consume any colon.
if err := p.checkForColon(fd); err != nil {
return err
// Parse into the field.
v := m.Get(fd)
if !m.Has(fd) && (fd.IsList() || fd.IsMap() || fd.Message() != nil) {
v = m.Mutable(fd)
if v, err = p.unmarshalValue(v, fd); err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *textParser) unmarshalExtensionOrAny(m protoreflect.Message, seen map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]bool) error {
name, err := p.consumeExtensionOrAnyName()
if err != nil {
return err
// If it contains a slash, it's an Any type URL.
if slashIdx := strings.LastIndex(name, "/"); slashIdx >= 0 {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
// consume an optional colon
if tok.value == ":" {
tok = p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
var terminator string
switch tok.value {
case "<":
terminator = ">"
case "{":
terminator = "}"
return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(name)
if err != nil {
return p.errorf("unrecognized message %q in google.protobuf.Any", name[slashIdx+len("/"):])
m2 := mt.New()
if err := p.unmarshalMessage(m2, terminator); err != nil {
return err
b, err := protoV2.Marshal(m2.Interface())
if err != nil {
return p.errorf("failed to marshal message of type %q: %v", name[slashIdx+len("/"):], err)
urlFD := m.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("type_url")
valFD := m.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("value")
if seen[urlFD.Number()] {
return p.errorf("Any message unpacked multiple times, or %q already set", urlFD.Name())
if seen[valFD.Number()] {
return p.errorf("Any message unpacked multiple times, or %q already set", valFD.Name())
m.Set(urlFD, protoreflect.ValueOfString(name))
m.Set(valFD, protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(b))
seen[urlFD.Number()] = true
seen[valFD.Number()] = true
return nil
xname := protoreflect.FullName(name)
xt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname)
if xt == nil && isMessageSet(m.Descriptor()) {
xt, _ = protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindExtensionByName(xname.Append("message_set_extension"))
if xt == nil {
return p.errorf("unrecognized extension %q", name)
fd := xt.TypeDescriptor()
if fd.ContainingMessage().FullName() != m.Descriptor().FullName() {
return p.errorf("extension field %q does not extend message %q", name, m.Descriptor().FullName())
if err := p.checkForColon(fd); err != nil {
return err
v := m.Get(fd)
if !m.Has(fd) && (fd.IsList() || fd.IsMap() || fd.Message() != nil) {
v = m.Mutable(fd)
v, err = p.unmarshalValue(v, fd)
if err != nil {
return err
m.Set(fd, v)
return p.consumeOptionalSeparator()
func (p *textParser) unmarshalValue(v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return v, tok.err
if tok.value == "" {
return v, p.errorf("unexpected EOF")
switch {
case fd.IsList():
lv := v.List()
var err error
if tok.value == "[" {
// Repeated field with list notation, like [1,2,3].
for {
vv := lv.NewElement()
vv, err = p.unmarshalSingularValue(vv, fd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return v, tok.err
if tok.value == "]" {
if tok.value != "," {
return v, p.errorf("Expected ']' or ',' found %q", tok.value)
return v, nil
// One value of the repeated field.
vv := lv.NewElement()
vv, err = p.unmarshalSingularValue(vv, fd)
if err != nil {
return v, err
return v, nil
case fd.IsMap():
// The map entry should be this sequence of tokens:
// < key : KEY value : VALUE >
// However, implementations may omit key or value, and technically
// we should support them in any order.
var terminator string
switch tok.value {
case "<":
terminator = ">"
case "{":
terminator = "}"
return v, p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
keyFD := fd.MapKey()
valFD := fd.MapValue()
mv := v.Map()
kv := keyFD.Default()
vv := mv.NewValue()
for {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return v, tok.err
if tok.value == terminator {
var err error
switch tok.value {
case "key":
if err := p.consumeToken(":"); err != nil {
return v, err
if kv, err = p.unmarshalSingularValue(kv, keyFD); err != nil {
return v, err
if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
return v, err
case "value":
if err := p.checkForColon(valFD); err != nil {
return v, err
if vv, err = p.unmarshalSingularValue(vv, valFD); err != nil {
return v, err
if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil {
return v, err
return v, p.errorf(`expected "key", "value", or %q, found %q`, terminator, tok.value)
mv.Set(kv.MapKey(), vv)
return v, nil
return p.unmarshalSingularValue(v, fd)
func (p *textParser) unmarshalSingularValue(v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (protoreflect.Value, error) {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return v, tok.err
if tok.value == "" {
return v, p.errorf("unexpected EOF")
switch fd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
switch tok.value {
case "true", "1", "t", "True":
return protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true), nil
case "false", "0", "f", "False":
return protoreflect.ValueOfBool(false), nil
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind:
if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(x)), nil
// The C++ parser accepts large positive hex numbers that uses
// two's complement arithmetic to represent negative numbers.
// This feature is here for backwards compatibility with C++.
if strings.HasPrefix(tok.value, "0x") {
if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(-(int64(^x) + 1))), nil
case protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(x)), nil
// The C++ parser accepts large positive hex numbers that uses
// two's complement arithmetic to represent negative numbers.
// This feature is here for backwards compatibility with C++.
if strings.HasPrefix(tok.value, "0x") {
if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(-(int64(^x) + 1))), nil
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind:
if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(x)), nil
case protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(uint64(x)), nil
case protoreflect.FloatKind:
// Ignore 'f' for compatibility with output generated by C++,
// but don't remove 'f' when the value is "-inf" or "inf".
v := tok.value
if strings.HasSuffix(v, "f") && v != "-inf" && v != "inf" {
v = v[:len(v)-len("f")]
if x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 32); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(float32(x)), nil
case protoreflect.DoubleKind:
// Ignore 'f' for compatibility with output generated by C++,
// but don't remove 'f' when the value is "-inf" or "inf".
v := tok.value
if strings.HasSuffix(v, "f") && v != "-inf" && v != "inf" {
v = v[:len(v)-len("f")]
if x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, 64); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(float64(x)), nil
case protoreflect.StringKind:
if isQuote(tok.value[0]) {
return protoreflect.ValueOfString(tok.unquoted), nil
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
if isQuote(tok.value[0]) {
return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes([]byte(tok.unquoted)), nil
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(x)), nil
vd := fd.Enum().Values().ByName(protoreflect.Name(tok.value))
if vd != nil {
return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(vd.Number()), nil
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
var terminator string
switch tok.value {
case "{":
terminator = "}"
case "<":
terminator = ">"
return v, p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value)
err := p.unmarshalMessage(v.Message(), terminator)
return v, err
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid kind %v", fd.Kind()))
return v, p.errorf("invalid %v: %v", fd.Kind(), tok.value)
// Consume a ':' from the input stream (if the next token is a colon),
// returning an error if a colon is needed but not present.
func (p *textParser) checkForColon(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) *ParseError {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
if tok.value != ":" {
if fd.Message() == nil {
return p.errorf("expected ':', found %q", tok.value)
return nil
// consumeExtensionOrAnyName consumes an extension name or an Any type URL and
// the following ']'. It returns the name or URL consumed.
func (p *textParser) consumeExtensionOrAnyName() (string, error) {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return "", tok.err
// If extension name or type url is quoted, it's a single token.
if len(tok.value) > 2 && isQuote(tok.value[0]) && tok.value[len(tok.value)-1] == tok.value[0] {
name, err := unquoteC(tok.value[1:len(tok.value)-1], rune(tok.value[0]))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return name, p.consumeToken("]")
// Consume everything up to "]"
var parts []string
for tok.value != "]" {
parts = append(parts, tok.value)
tok = p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return "", p.errorf("unrecognized type_url or extension name: %s", tok.err)
if p.done && tok.value != "]" {
return "", p.errorf("unclosed type_url or extension name")
return strings.Join(parts, ""), nil
// consumeOptionalSeparator consumes an optional semicolon or comma.
// It is used in unmarshalMessage to provide backward compatibility.
func (p *textParser) consumeOptionalSeparator() error {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
if tok.value != ";" && tok.value != "," {
return nil
func (p *textParser) errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) *ParseError {
pe := &ParseError{fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), p.cur.line, p.cur.offset}
p.cur.err = pe
p.done = true
return pe
func (p *textParser) skipWhitespace() {
i := 0
for i < len(p.s) && (isWhitespace(p.s[i]) || p.s[i] == '#') {
if p.s[i] == '#' {
// comment; skip to end of line or input
for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != '\n' {
if i == len(p.s) {
if p.s[i] == '\n' {
p.offset += i
p.s = p.s[i:len(p.s)]
if len(p.s) == 0 {
p.done = true
func (p *textParser) advance() {
// Skip whitespace
if p.done {
// Start of non-whitespace
p.cur.err = nil
p.cur.offset, p.cur.line = p.offset, p.line
p.cur.unquoted = ""
switch p.s[0] {
case '<', '>', '{', '}', ':', '[', ']', ';', ',', '/':
// Single symbol
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:1], p.s[1:len(p.s)]
case '"', '\'':
// Quoted string
i := 1
for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != p.s[0] && p.s[i] != '\n' {
if p.s[i] == '\\' && i+1 < len(p.s) {
// skip escaped char
if i >= len(p.s) || p.s[i] != p.s[0] {
p.errorf("unmatched quote")
unq, err := unquoteC(p.s[1:i], rune(p.s[0]))
if err != nil {
p.errorf("invalid quoted string %s: %v", p.s[0:i+1], err)
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i+1], p.s[i+1:len(p.s)]
p.cur.unquoted = unq
i := 0
for i < len(p.s) && isIdentOrNumberChar(p.s[i]) {
if i == 0 {
p.errorf("unexpected byte %#x", p.s[0])
p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i], p.s[i:len(p.s)]
p.offset += len(p.cur.value)
// Back off the parser by one token. Can only be done between calls to next().
// It makes the next advance() a no-op.
func (p *textParser) back() { p.backed = true }
// Advances the parser and returns the new current token.
func (p *textParser) next() *token {
if p.backed || p.done {
p.backed = false
return &p.cur
if p.done {
p.cur.value = ""
} else if len(p.cur.value) > 0 && isQuote(p.cur.value[0]) {
// Look for multiple quoted strings separated by whitespace,
// and concatenate them.
cat := p.cur
for {
if p.done || !isQuote(p.s[0]) {
if p.cur.err != nil {
return &p.cur
cat.value += " " + p.cur.value
cat.unquoted += p.cur.unquoted
p.done = false // parser may have seen EOF, but we want to return cat
p.cur = cat
return &p.cur
func (p *textParser) consumeToken(s string) error {
tok := p.next()
if tok.err != nil {
return tok.err
if tok.value != s {
return p.errorf("expected %q, found %q", s, tok.value)
return nil
var errBadUTF8 = errors.New("proto: bad UTF-8")
func unquoteC(s string, quote rune) (string, error) {
// This is based on C++'s tokenizer.cc.
// Despite its name, this is *not* parsing C syntax.
// For instance, "\0" is an invalid quoted string.
// Avoid allocation in trivial cases.
simple := true
for _, r := range s {
if r == '\\' || r == quote {
simple = false
if simple {
return s, nil
buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2)
for len(s) > 0 {
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
return "", errBadUTF8
s = s[n:]
if r != '\\' {
if r < utf8.RuneSelf {
buf = append(buf, byte(r))
} else {
buf = append(buf, string(r)...)
ch, tail, err := unescape(s)
if err != nil {
return "", err
buf = append(buf, ch...)
s = tail
return string(buf), nil
func unescape(s string) (ch string, tail string, err error) {
r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s)
if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 {
return "", "", errBadUTF8
s = s[n:]
switch r {
case 'a':
return "\a", s, nil
case 'b':
return "\b", s, nil
case 'f':
return "\f", s, nil
case 'n':
return "\n", s, nil
case 'r':
return "\r", s, nil
case 't':
return "\t", s, nil
case 'v':
return "\v", s, nil
case '?':
return "?", s, nil // trigraph workaround
case '\'', '"', '\\':
return string(r), s, nil
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
if len(s) < 2 {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires 2 following digits`, r)
ss := string(r) + s[:2]
s = s[2:]
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 8, 8)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%s contains non-octal digits`, ss)
return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil
case 'x', 'X', 'u', 'U':
var n int
switch r {
case 'x', 'X':
n = 2
case 'u':
n = 4
case 'U':
n = 8
if len(s) < n {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires %d following digits`, r, n)
ss := s[:n]
s = s[n:]
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 16, 64)
if err != nil {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s contains non-hexadecimal digits`, r, ss)
if r == 'x' || r == 'X' {
return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil
if i > utf8.MaxRune {
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s is not a valid Unicode code point`, r, ss)
return string(rune(i)), s, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`unknown escape \%c`, r)
func isIdentOrNumberChar(c byte) bool {
switch {
case 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z', 'a' <= c && c <= 'z':
return true
case '0' <= c && c <= '9':
return true
switch c {
case '-', '+', '.', '_':
return true
return false
func isWhitespace(c byte) bool {
switch c {
case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r':
return true
return false
func isQuote(c byte) bool {
switch c {
case '"', '\'':
return true
return false

View File

@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
const wrapTextMarshalV2 = false
// TextMarshaler is a configurable text format marshaler.
type TextMarshaler struct {
Compact bool // use compact text format (one line)
ExpandAny bool // expand google.protobuf.Any messages of known types
// Marshal writes the proto text format of m to w.
func (tm *TextMarshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, m Message) error {
b, err := tm.marshal(m)
if len(b) > 0 {
if _, err := w.Write(b); err != nil {
return err
return err
// Text returns a proto text formatted string of m.
func (tm *TextMarshaler) Text(m Message) string {
b, _ := tm.marshal(m)
return string(b)
func (tm *TextMarshaler) marshal(m Message) ([]byte, error) {
mr := MessageReflect(m)
if mr == nil || !mr.IsValid() {
return []byte("<nil>"), nil
if wrapTextMarshalV2 {
if m, ok := m.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
return m.MarshalText()
opts := prototext.MarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
EmitUnknown: true,
if !tm.Compact {
opts.Indent = " "
if !tm.ExpandAny {
opts.Resolver = (*protoregistry.Types)(nil)
return opts.Marshal(mr.Interface())
} else {
w := &textWriter{
compact: tm.Compact,
expandAny: tm.ExpandAny,
complete: true,
if m, ok := m.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
b, err := m.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return w.buf, nil
err := w.writeMessage(mr)
return w.buf, err
var (
defaultTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{}
compactTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{Compact: true}
// MarshalText writes the proto text format of m to w.
func MarshalText(w io.Writer, m Message) error { return defaultTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, m) }
// MarshalTextString returns a proto text formatted string of m.
func MarshalTextString(m Message) string { return defaultTextMarshaler.Text(m) }
// CompactText writes the compact proto text format of m to w.
func CompactText(w io.Writer, m Message) error { return compactTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, m) }
// CompactTextString returns a compact proto text formatted string of m.
func CompactTextString(m Message) string { return compactTextMarshaler.Text(m) }
var (
newline = []byte("\n")
endBraceNewline = []byte("}\n")
posInf = []byte("inf")
negInf = []byte("-inf")
nan = []byte("nan")
// textWriter is an io.Writer that tracks its indentation level.
type textWriter struct {
compact bool // same as TextMarshaler.Compact
expandAny bool // same as TextMarshaler.ExpandAny
complete bool // whether the current position is a complete line
indent int // indentation level; never negative
buf []byte
func (w *textWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, _ error) {
newlines := bytes.Count(p, newline)
if newlines == 0 {
if !w.compact && w.complete {
w.buf = append(w.buf, p...)
w.complete = false
return len(p), nil
frags := bytes.SplitN(p, newline, newlines+1)
if w.compact {
for i, frag := range frags {
if i > 0 {
w.buf = append(w.buf, ' ')
w.buf = append(w.buf, frag...)
n += len(frag)
return n, nil
for i, frag := range frags {
if w.complete {
w.buf = append(w.buf, frag...)
n += len(frag)
if i+1 < len(frags) {
w.buf = append(w.buf, '\n')
w.complete = len(frags[len(frags)-1]) == 0
return n, nil
func (w *textWriter) WriteByte(c byte) error {
if w.compact && c == '\n' {
c = ' '
if !w.compact && w.complete {
w.buf = append(w.buf, c)
w.complete = c == '\n'
return nil
func (w *textWriter) writeName(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) {
if !w.compact && w.complete {
w.complete = false
if fd.Kind() != protoreflect.GroupKind {
w.buf = append(w.buf, fd.Name()...)
} else {
// Use message type name for group field name.
w.buf = append(w.buf, fd.Message().Name()...)
if !w.compact {
w.WriteByte(' ')
func requiresQuotes(u string) bool {
// When type URL contains any characters except [0-9A-Za-z./\-]*, it must be quoted.
for _, ch := range u {
switch {
case ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == '_':
case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9':
case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z':
case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z':
return true
return false
// writeProto3Any writes an expanded google.protobuf.Any message.
// It returns (false, nil) if sv value can't be unmarshaled (e.g. because
// required messages are not linked in).
// It returns (true, error) when sv was written in expanded format or an error
// was encountered.
func (w *textWriter) writeProto3Any(m protoreflect.Message) (bool, error) {
md := m.Descriptor()
fdURL := md.Fields().ByName("type_url")
fdVal := md.Fields().ByName("value")
url := m.Get(fdURL).String()
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByURL(url)
if err != nil {
return false, nil
b := m.Get(fdVal).Bytes()
m2 := mt.New()
if err := proto.Unmarshal(b, m2.Interface()); err != nil {
return false, nil
if requiresQuotes(url) {
} else {
if w.compact {
} else {
w.Write([]byte("]: <\n"))
if err := w.writeMessage(m2); err != nil {
return true, err
if w.compact {
w.Write([]byte("> "))
} else {
return true, nil
func (w *textWriter) writeMessage(m protoreflect.Message) error {
md := m.Descriptor()
if w.expandAny && md.FullName() == "google.protobuf.Any" {
if canExpand, err := w.writeProto3Any(m); canExpand {
return err
fds := md.Fields()
for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); {
fd := fds.Get(i)
if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil {
fd = m.WhichOneof(od)
i += od.Fields().Len()
} else {
if fd == nil || !m.Has(fd) {
switch {
case fd.IsList():
lv := m.Get(fd).List()
for j := 0; j < lv.Len(); j++ {
v := lv.Get(j)
if err := w.writeSingularValue(v, fd); err != nil {
return err
case fd.IsMap():
kfd := fd.MapKey()
vfd := fd.MapValue()
mv := m.Get(fd).Map()
type entry struct{ key, val protoreflect.Value }
var entries []entry
mv.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
entries = append(entries, entry{k.Value(), v})
return true
sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool {
switch kfd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.BoolKind:
return !entries[i].key.Bool() && entries[j].key.Bool()
case protoreflect.Int32Kind, protoreflect.Sint32Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind, protoreflect.Int64Kind, protoreflect.Sint64Kind, protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Int() < entries[j].key.Int()
case protoreflect.Uint32Kind, protoreflect.Fixed32Kind, protoreflect.Uint64Kind, protoreflect.Fixed64Kind:
return entries[i].key.Uint() < entries[j].key.Uint()
case protoreflect.StringKind:
return entries[i].key.String() < entries[j].key.String()
panic("invalid kind")
for _, entry := range entries {
if !w.compact {
if err := w.writeSingularValue(entry.key, kfd); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.writeSingularValue(entry.val, vfd); err != nil {
return err
if err := w.writeSingularValue(m.Get(fd), fd); err != nil {
return err
if b := m.GetUnknown(); len(b) > 0 {
return w.writeExtensions(m)
func (w *textWriter) writeSingularValue(v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) error {
switch fd.Kind() {
case protoreflect.FloatKind, protoreflect.DoubleKind:
switch vf := v.Float(); {
case math.IsInf(vf, +1):
case math.IsInf(vf, -1):
case math.IsNaN(vf):
fmt.Fprint(w, v.Interface())
case protoreflect.StringKind:
// NOTE: This does not validate UTF-8 for historical reasons.
case protoreflect.BytesKind:
case protoreflect.MessageKind, protoreflect.GroupKind:
var bra, ket byte = '<', '>'
if fd.Kind() == protoreflect.GroupKind {
bra, ket = '{', '}'
if !w.compact {
m := v.Message()
if m2, ok := m.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok {
b, err := m2.MarshalText()
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
case protoreflect.EnumKind:
if ev := fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(v.Enum()); ev != nil {
fmt.Fprint(w, ev.Name())
} else {
fmt.Fprint(w, v.Enum())
fmt.Fprint(w, v.Interface())
return nil
// writeQuotedString writes a quoted string in the protocol buffer text format.
func (w *textWriter) writeQuotedString(s string) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch c := s[i]; c {
case '\n':
w.buf = append(w.buf, `\n`...)
case '\r':
w.buf = append(w.buf, `\r`...)
case '\t':
w.buf = append(w.buf, `\t`...)
case '"':
w.buf = append(w.buf, `\"`...)
case '\\':
w.buf = append(w.buf, `\\`...)
if isPrint := c >= 0x20 && c < 0x7f; isPrint {
w.buf = append(w.buf, c)
} else {
w.buf = append(w.buf, fmt.Sprintf(`\%03o`, c)...)
func (w *textWriter) writeUnknownFields(b []byte) {
if !w.compact {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %d unknown bytes */\n", len(b))
for len(b) > 0 {
num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
if wtyp == protowire.EndGroupType {
fmt.Fprint(w, num)
if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType {
if !w.compact || wtyp == protowire.StartGroupType {
w.WriteByte(' ')
switch wtyp {
case protowire.VarintType:
v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
fmt.Fprint(w, v)
case protowire.Fixed32Type:
v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
fmt.Fprint(w, v)
case protowire.Fixed64Type:
v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
fmt.Fprint(w, v)
case protowire.BytesType:
v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b)
if n < 0 {
b = b[n:]
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", v)
case protowire.StartGroupType:
fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* unknown wire type %d */", wtyp)
// writeExtensions writes all the extensions in m.
func (w *textWriter) writeExtensions(m protoreflect.Message) error {
md := m.Descriptor()
if md.ExtensionRanges().Len() == 0 {
return nil
type ext struct {
desc protoreflect.FieldDescriptor
val protoreflect.Value
var exts []ext
m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool {
if fd.IsExtension() {
exts = append(exts, ext{fd, v})
return true
sort.Slice(exts, func(i, j int) bool {
return exts[i].desc.Number() < exts[j].desc.Number()
for _, ext := range exts {
// For message set, use the name of the message as the extension name.
name := string(ext.desc.FullName())
if isMessageSet(ext.desc.ContainingMessage()) {
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".message_set_extension")
if !ext.desc.IsList() {
if err := w.writeSingularExtension(name, ext.val, ext.desc); err != nil {
return err
} else {
lv := ext.val.List()
for i := 0; i < lv.Len(); i++ {
if err := w.writeSingularExtension(name, lv.Get(i), ext.desc); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *textWriter) writeSingularExtension(name string, v protoreflect.Value, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) error {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "[%s]:", name)
if !w.compact {
w.WriteByte(' ')
if err := w.writeSingularValue(v, fd); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (w *textWriter) writeIndent() {
if !w.complete {
for i := 0; i < w.indent*2; i++ {
w.buf = append(w.buf, ' ')
w.complete = false

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
import (
protoV2 "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto"
// Size returns the size in bytes of the wire-format encoding of m.
func Size(m Message) int {
if m == nil {
return 0
mi := MessageV2(m)
return protoV2.Size(mi)
// Marshal returns the wire-format encoding of m.
func Marshal(m Message) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := marshalAppend(nil, m, false)
if b == nil {
b = zeroBytes
return b, err
var zeroBytes = make([]byte, 0, 0)
func marshalAppend(buf []byte, m Message, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
if m == nil {
return nil, ErrNil
mi := MessageV2(m)
nbuf, err := protoV2.MarshalOptions{
Deterministic: deterministic,
AllowPartial: true,
}.MarshalAppend(buf, mi)
if err != nil {
return buf, err
if len(buf) == len(nbuf) {
if !mi.ProtoReflect().IsValid() {
return buf, ErrNil
return nbuf, checkRequiredNotSet(mi)
// Unmarshal parses a wire-format message in b and places the decoded results in m.
// Unmarshal resets m before starting to unmarshal, so any existing data in m is always
// removed. Use UnmarshalMerge to preserve and append to existing data.
func Unmarshal(b []byte, m Message) error {
return UnmarshalMerge(b, m)
// UnmarshalMerge parses a wire-format message in b and places the decoded results in m.
func UnmarshalMerge(b []byte, m Message) error {
mi := MessageV2(m)
out, err := protoV2.UnmarshalOptions{
AllowPartial: true,
Merge: true,
Buf: b,
Message: mi.ProtoReflect(),
if err != nil {
return err
if out.Flags&protoiface.UnmarshalInitialized > 0 {
return nil
return checkRequiredNotSet(mi)

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package proto
// Bool stores v in a new bool value and returns a pointer to it.
func Bool(v bool) *bool { return &v }
// Int stores v in a new int32 value and returns a pointer to it.
// Deprecated: Use Int32 instead.
func Int(v int) *int32 { return Int32(int32(v)) }
// Int32 stores v in a new int32 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Int32(v int32) *int32 { return &v }
// Int64 stores v in a new int64 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Int64(v int64) *int64 { return &v }
// Uint32 stores v in a new uint32 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Uint32(v uint32) *uint32 { return &v }
// Uint64 stores v in a new uint64 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Uint64(v uint64) *uint64 { return &v }
// Float32 stores v in a new float32 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Float32(v float32) *float32 { return &v }
// Float64 stores v in a new float64 value and returns a pointer to it.
func Float64(v float64) *float64 { return &v }
// String stores v in a new string value and returns a pointer to it.
func String(v string) *string { return &v }

View File

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
anypb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any"
const urlPrefix = "type.googleapis.com/"
// AnyMessageName returns the message name contained in an anypb.Any message.
// Most type assertions should use the Is function instead.
// Deprecated: Call the any.MessageName method instead.
func AnyMessageName(any *anypb.Any) (string, error) {
name, err := anyMessageName(any)
return string(name), err
func anyMessageName(any *anypb.Any) (protoreflect.FullName, error) {
if any == nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message is nil")
name := protoreflect.FullName(any.TypeUrl)
if i := strings.LastIndex(any.TypeUrl, "/"); i >= 0 {
name = name[i+len("/"):]
if !name.IsValid() {
return "", fmt.Errorf("message type url %q is invalid", any.TypeUrl)
return name, nil
// MarshalAny marshals the given message m into an anypb.Any message.
// Deprecated: Call the anypb.New function instead.
func MarshalAny(m proto.Message) (*anypb.Any, error) {
switch dm := m.(type) {
case DynamicAny:
m = dm.Message
case *DynamicAny:
if dm == nil {
return nil, proto.ErrNil
m = dm.Message
b, err := proto.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &anypb.Any{TypeUrl: urlPrefix + proto.MessageName(m), Value: b}, nil
// Empty returns a new message of the type specified in an anypb.Any message.
// It returns protoregistry.NotFound if the corresponding message type could not
// be resolved in the global registry.
// Deprecated: Use protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName instead
// to resolve the message name and create a new instance of it.
func Empty(any *anypb.Any) (proto.Message, error) {
name, err := anyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mt, err := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto.MessageV1(mt.New().Interface()), nil
// UnmarshalAny unmarshals the encoded value contained in the anypb.Any message
// into the provided message m. It returns an error if the target message
// does not match the type in the Any message or if an unmarshal error occurs.
// The target message m may be a *DynamicAny message. If the underlying message
// type could not be resolved, then this returns protoregistry.NotFound.
// Deprecated: Call the any.UnmarshalTo method instead.
func UnmarshalAny(any *anypb.Any, m proto.Message) error {
if dm, ok := m.(*DynamicAny); ok {
if dm.Message == nil {
var err error
dm.Message, err = Empty(any)
if err != nil {
return err
m = dm.Message
anyName, err := AnyMessageName(any)
if err != nil {
return err
msgName := proto.MessageName(m)
if anyName != msgName {
return fmt.Errorf("mismatched message type: got %q want %q", anyName, msgName)
return proto.Unmarshal(any.Value, m)
// Is reports whether the Any message contains a message of the specified type.
// Deprecated: Call the any.MessageIs method instead.
func Is(any *anypb.Any, m proto.Message) bool {
if any == nil || m == nil {
return false
name := proto.MessageName(m)
if !strings.HasSuffix(any.TypeUrl, name) {
return false
return len(any.TypeUrl) == len(name) || any.TypeUrl[len(any.TypeUrl)-len(name)-1] == '/'
// DynamicAny is a value that can be passed to UnmarshalAny to automatically
// allocate a proto.Message for the type specified in an anypb.Any message.
// The allocated message is stored in the embedded proto.Message.
// Example:
// var x ptypes.DynamicAny
// if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &x); err != nil { ... }
// fmt.Printf("unmarshaled message: %v", x.Message)
// Deprecated: Use the any.UnmarshalNew method instead to unmarshal
// the any message contents into a new instance of the underlying message.
type DynamicAny struct{ proto.Message }
func (m DynamicAny) String() string {
if m.Message == nil {
return "<nil>"
return m.Message.String()
func (m DynamicAny) Reset() {
if m.Message == nil {
func (m DynamicAny) ProtoMessage() {
func (m DynamicAny) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message {
if m.Message == nil {
return nil
return dynamicAny{proto.MessageReflect(m.Message)}
type dynamicAny struct{ protoreflect.Message }
func (m dynamicAny) Type() protoreflect.MessageType {
return dynamicAnyType{m.Message.Type()}
func (m dynamicAny) New() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAnyType{m.Message.Type()}.New()
func (m dynamicAny) Interface() protoreflect.ProtoMessage {
return DynamicAny{proto.MessageV1(m.Message.Interface())}
type dynamicAnyType struct{ protoreflect.MessageType }
func (t dynamicAnyType) New() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAny{t.MessageType.New()}
func (t dynamicAnyType) Zero() protoreflect.Message {
return dynamicAny{t.MessageType.Zero()}

View File

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any/any.proto
package any
import (
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
anypb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb"
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/any.proto.
type Any = anypb.Any
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74,
0x6f, 0x1a, 0x19, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62,
0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x2b, 0x5a, 0x29,
0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e,
0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65,
0x73, 0x2f, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x3b, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x79, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f,
0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_any_any_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package ptypes provides functionality for interacting with well-known types.
// Deprecated: Well-known types have specialized functionality directly
// injected into the generated packages for each message type.
// See the deprecation notice for each function for the suggested alternative.
package ptypes

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
durationpb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration"
// Range of google.protobuf.Duration as specified in duration.proto.
// This is about 10,000 years in seconds.
const (
maxSeconds = int64(10000 * 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60)
minSeconds = -maxSeconds
// Duration converts a durationpb.Duration to a time.Duration.
// Duration returns an error if dur is invalid or overflows a time.Duration.
// Deprecated: Call the dur.AsDuration and dur.CheckValid methods instead.
func Duration(dur *durationpb.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
if err := validateDuration(dur); err != nil {
return 0, err
d := time.Duration(dur.Seconds) * time.Second
if int64(d/time.Second) != dur.Seconds {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", dur)
if dur.Nanos != 0 {
d += time.Duration(dur.Nanos) * time.Nanosecond
if (d < 0) != (dur.Nanos < 0) {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("duration: %v is out of range for time.Duration", dur)
return d, nil
// DurationProto converts a time.Duration to a durationpb.Duration.
// Deprecated: Call the durationpb.New function instead.
func DurationProto(d time.Duration) *durationpb.Duration {
nanos := d.Nanoseconds()
secs := nanos / 1e9
nanos -= secs * 1e9
return &durationpb.Duration{
Seconds: int64(secs),
Nanos: int32(nanos),
// validateDuration determines whether the durationpb.Duration is valid
// according to the definition in google/protobuf/duration.proto.
// A valid durpb.Duration may still be too large to fit into a time.Duration
// Note that the range of durationpb.Duration is about 10,000 years,
// while the range of time.Duration is about 290 years.
func validateDuration(dur *durationpb.Duration) error {
if dur == nil {
return errors.New("duration: nil Duration")
if dur.Seconds < minSeconds || dur.Seconds > maxSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds out of range", dur)
if dur.Nanos <= -1e9 || dur.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: nanos out of range", dur)
// Seconds and Nanos must have the same sign, unless d.Nanos is zero.
if (dur.Seconds < 0 && dur.Nanos > 0) || (dur.Seconds > 0 && dur.Nanos < 0) {
return fmt.Errorf("duration: %v: seconds and nanos have different signs", dur)
return nil

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration/duration.proto
package duration
import (
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
durationpb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/durationpb"
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/duration.proto.
type Duration = durationpb.Duration
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x39, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72,
0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x1a, 0x1e, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6f,
0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72,
0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x35, 0x5a, 0x33, 0x67,
0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x67,
0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x65, 0x73,
0x2f, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x3b, 0x64, 0x75, 0x72, 0x61, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6f, 0x6e, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_duration_duration_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ptypes
import (
timestamppb "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp"
// Range of google.protobuf.Duration as specified in timestamp.proto.
const (
// Seconds field of the earliest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
minValidSeconds = -62135596800
// Seconds field just after the latest valid Timestamp.
// This is time.Date(10000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix().
maxValidSeconds = 253402300800
// Timestamp converts a timestamppb.Timestamp to a time.Time.
// It returns an error if the argument is invalid.
// Unlike most Go functions, if Timestamp returns an error, the first return
// value is not the zero time.Time. Instead, it is the value obtained from the
// time.Unix function when passed the contents of the Timestamp, in the UTC
// locale. This may or may not be a meaningful time; many invalid Timestamps
// do map to valid time.Times.
// A nil Timestamp returns an error. The first return value in that case is
// undefined.
// Deprecated: Call the ts.AsTime and ts.CheckValid methods instead.
func Timestamp(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) (time.Time, error) {
// Don't return the zero value on error, because corresponds to a valid
// timestamp. Instead return whatever time.Unix gives us.
var t time.Time
if ts == nil {
t = time.Unix(0, 0).UTC() // treat nil like the empty Timestamp
} else {
t = time.Unix(ts.Seconds, int64(ts.Nanos)).UTC()
return t, validateTimestamp(ts)
// TimestampNow returns a google.protobuf.Timestamp for the current time.
// Deprecated: Call the timestamppb.Now function instead.
func TimestampNow() *timestamppb.Timestamp {
ts, err := TimestampProto(time.Now())
if err != nil {
panic("ptypes: time.Now() out of Timestamp range")
return ts
// TimestampProto converts the time.Time to a google.protobuf.Timestamp proto.
// It returns an error if the resulting Timestamp is invalid.
// Deprecated: Call the timestamppb.New function instead.
func TimestampProto(t time.Time) (*timestamppb.Timestamp, error) {
ts := &timestamppb.Timestamp{
Seconds: t.Unix(),
Nanos: int32(t.Nanosecond()),
if err := validateTimestamp(ts); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ts, nil
// TimestampString returns the RFC 3339 string for valid Timestamps.
// For invalid Timestamps, it returns an error message in parentheses.
// Deprecated: Call the ts.AsTime method instead,
// followed by a call to the Format method on the time.Time value.
func TimestampString(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) string {
t, err := Timestamp(ts)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("(%v)", err)
return t.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)
// validateTimestamp determines whether a Timestamp is valid.
// A valid timestamp represents a time in the range [0001-01-01, 10000-01-01)
// and has a Nanos field in the range [0, 1e9).
// If the Timestamp is valid, validateTimestamp returns nil.
// Otherwise, it returns an error that describes the problem.
// Every valid Timestamp can be represented by a time.Time,
// but the converse is not true.
func validateTimestamp(ts *timestamppb.Timestamp) error {
if ts == nil {
return errors.New("timestamp: nil Timestamp")
if ts.Seconds < minValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v before 0001-01-01", ts)
if ts.Seconds >= maxValidSeconds {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v after 10000-01-01", ts)
if ts.Nanos < 0 || ts.Nanos >= 1e9 {
return fmt.Errorf("timestamp: %v: nanos not in range [0, 1e9)", ts)
return nil

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/timestamp/timestamp.proto
package timestamp
import (
protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect"
protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl"
timestamppb "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/timestamppb"
reflect "reflect"
// Symbols defined in public import of google/protobuf/timestamp.proto.
type Timestamp = timestamppb.Timestamp
var File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc = []byte{
0x0a, 0x3b, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x1a, 0x1f, 0x67,
0x6f, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x74,
0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x42, 0x37,
0x5a, 0x35, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6c,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x75, 0x66, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x74, 0x79,
0x70, 0x65, 0x73, 0x2f, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x3b, 0x74, 0x69,
0x6d, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x50, 0x00, 0x62, 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f,
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{}
var file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs = []int32{
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method output_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for method input_type
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension type_name
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for extension extendee
0, // [0:0] is the sub-list for field type_name
func init() { file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_init() }
func file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_init() {
if File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto != nil {
type x struct{}
out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{
File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{
GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(),
RawDescriptor: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc,
NumEnums: 0,
NumMessages: 0,
NumExtensions: 0,
NumServices: 0,
GoTypes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes,
DependencyIndexes: file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs,
File_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto = out.File
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_rawDesc = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_goTypes = nil
file_github_com_golang_protobuf_ptypes_timestamp_timestamp_proto_depIdxs = nil

View File

@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2019 Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
Files: gzhttp/*
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
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or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
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communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
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publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
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where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
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with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
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Files: s2/cmd/internal/readahead/*
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 Klaus Post
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Files: snappy/*
Files: internal/snapref/*
Copyright (c) 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
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Files: s2/cmd/internal/filepathx/*
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
// dictDecoder implements the LZ77 sliding dictionary as used in decompression.
// LZ77 decompresses data through sequences of two forms of commands:
// - Literal insertions: Runs of one or more symbols are inserted into the data
// stream as is. This is accomplished through the writeByte method for a
// single symbol, or combinations of writeSlice/writeMark for multiple symbols.
// Any valid stream must start with a literal insertion if no preset dictionary
// is used.
// - Backward copies: Runs of one or more symbols are copied from previously
// emitted data. Backward copies come as the tuple (dist, length) where dist
// determines how far back in the stream to copy from and length determines how
// many bytes to copy. Note that it is valid for the length to be greater than
// the distance. Since LZ77 uses forward copies, that situation is used to
// perform a form of run-length encoding on repeated runs of symbols.
// The writeCopy and tryWriteCopy are used to implement this command.
// For performance reasons, this implementation performs little to no sanity
// checks about the arguments. As such, the invariants documented for each
// method call must be respected.
type dictDecoder struct {
hist []byte // Sliding window history
// Invariant: 0 <= rdPos <= wrPos <= len(hist)
wrPos int // Current output position in buffer
rdPos int // Have emitted hist[:rdPos] already
full bool // Has a full window length been written yet?
// init initializes dictDecoder to have a sliding window dictionary of the given
// size. If a preset dict is provided, it will initialize the dictionary with
// the contents of dict.
func (dd *dictDecoder) init(size int, dict []byte) {
*dd = dictDecoder{hist: dd.hist}
if cap(dd.hist) < size {
dd.hist = make([]byte, size)
dd.hist = dd.hist[:size]
if len(dict) > len(dd.hist) {
dict = dict[len(dict)-len(dd.hist):]
dd.wrPos = copy(dd.hist, dict)
if dd.wrPos == len(dd.hist) {
dd.wrPos = 0
dd.full = true
dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos
// histSize reports the total amount of historical data in the dictionary.
func (dd *dictDecoder) histSize() int {
if dd.full {
return len(dd.hist)
return dd.wrPos
// availRead reports the number of bytes that can be flushed by readFlush.
func (dd *dictDecoder) availRead() int {
return dd.wrPos - dd.rdPos
// availWrite reports the available amount of output buffer space.
func (dd *dictDecoder) availWrite() int {
return len(dd.hist) - dd.wrPos
// writeSlice returns a slice of the available buffer to write data to.
// This invariant will be kept: len(s) <= availWrite()
func (dd *dictDecoder) writeSlice() []byte {
return dd.hist[dd.wrPos:]
// writeMark advances the writer pointer by cnt.
// This invariant must be kept: 0 <= cnt <= availWrite()
func (dd *dictDecoder) writeMark(cnt int) {
dd.wrPos += cnt
// writeByte writes a single byte to the dictionary.
// This invariant must be kept: 0 < availWrite()
func (dd *dictDecoder) writeByte(c byte) {
dd.hist[dd.wrPos] = c
// writeCopy copies a string at a given (dist, length) to the output.
// This returns the number of bytes copied and may be less than the requested
// length if the available space in the output buffer is too small.
// This invariant must be kept: 0 < dist <= histSize()
func (dd *dictDecoder) writeCopy(dist, length int) int {
dstBase := dd.wrPos
dstPos := dstBase
srcPos := dstPos - dist
endPos := dstPos + length
if endPos > len(dd.hist) {
endPos = len(dd.hist)
// Copy non-overlapping section after destination position.
// This section is non-overlapping in that the copy length for this section
// is always less than or equal to the backwards distance. This can occur
// if a distance refers to data that wraps-around in the buffer.
// Thus, a backwards copy is performed here; that is, the exact bytes in
// the source prior to the copy is placed in the destination.
if srcPos < 0 {
srcPos += len(dd.hist)
dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:])
srcPos = 0
// Copy possibly overlapping section before destination position.
// This section can overlap if the copy length for this section is larger
// than the backwards distance. This is allowed by LZ77 so that repeated
// strings can be succinctly represented using (dist, length) pairs.
// Thus, a forwards copy is performed here; that is, the bytes copied is
// possibly dependent on the resulting bytes in the destination as the copy
// progresses along. This is functionally equivalent to the following:
// for i := 0; i < endPos-dstPos; i++ {
// dd.hist[dstPos+i] = dd.hist[srcPos+i]
// }
// dstPos = endPos
for dstPos < endPos {
dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:dstPos])
dd.wrPos = dstPos
return dstPos - dstBase
// tryWriteCopy tries to copy a string at a given (distance, length) to the
// output. This specialized version is optimized for short distances.
// This method is designed to be inlined for performance reasons.
// This invariant must be kept: 0 < dist <= histSize()
func (dd *dictDecoder) tryWriteCopy(dist, length int) int {
dstPos := dd.wrPos
endPos := dstPos + length
if dstPos < dist || endPos > len(dd.hist) {
return 0
dstBase := dstPos
srcPos := dstPos - dist
// Copy possibly overlapping section before destination position.
dstPos += copy(dd.hist[dstPos:endPos], dd.hist[srcPos:dstPos])
if dstPos < endPos {
goto loop // Avoid for-loop so that this function can be inlined
dd.wrPos = dstPos
return dstPos - dstBase
// readFlush returns a slice of the historical buffer that is ready to be
// emitted to the user. The data returned by readFlush must be fully consumed
// before calling any other dictDecoder methods.
func (dd *dictDecoder) readFlush() []byte {
toRead := dd.hist[dd.rdPos:dd.wrPos]
dd.rdPos = dd.wrPos
if dd.wrPos == len(dd.hist) {
dd.wrPos, dd.rdPos = 0, 0
dd.full = true
return toRead

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@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2011 The Snappy-Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Modified for deflate by Klaus Post (c) 2015.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
import (
type fastEnc interface {
Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte)
func newFastEnc(level int) fastEnc {
switch level {
case 1:
return &fastEncL1{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
case 2:
return &fastEncL2{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
case 3:
return &fastEncL3{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
case 4:
return &fastEncL4{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
case 5:
return &fastEncL5{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
case 6:
return &fastEncL6{fastGen: fastGen{cur: maxStoreBlockSize}}
panic("invalid level specified")
const (
tableBits = 15 // Bits used in the table
tableSize = 1 << tableBits // Size of the table
tableShift = 32 - tableBits // Right-shift to get the tableBits most significant bits of a uint32.
baseMatchOffset = 1 // The smallest match offset
baseMatchLength = 3 // The smallest match length per the RFC section 3.2.5
maxMatchOffset = 1 << 15 // The largest match offset
bTableBits = 17 // Bits used in the big tables
bTableSize = 1 << bTableBits // Size of the table
allocHistory = maxStoreBlockSize * 5 // Size to preallocate for history.
bufferReset = (1 << 31) - allocHistory - maxStoreBlockSize - 1 // Reset the buffer offset when reaching this.
const (
prime3bytes = 506832829
prime4bytes = 2654435761
prime5bytes = 889523592379
prime6bytes = 227718039650203
prime7bytes = 58295818150454627
prime8bytes = 0xcf1bbcdcb7a56463
func load3232(b []byte, i int32) uint32 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[i:])
func load6432(b []byte, i int32) uint64 {
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b[i:])
type tableEntry struct {
offset int32
// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
// and the previous byte block for level 2.
// This is the generic implementation.
type fastGen struct {
hist []byte
cur int32
func (e *fastGen) addBlock(src []byte) int32 {
// check if we have space already
if len(e.hist)+len(src) > cap(e.hist) {
if cap(e.hist) == 0 {
e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
} else {
if cap(e.hist) < maxMatchOffset*2 {
panic("unexpected buffer size")
// Move down
offset := int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
// copy(e.hist[0:maxMatchOffset], e.hist[offset:])
*(*[maxMatchOffset]byte)(e.hist) = *(*[maxMatchOffset]byte)(e.hist[offset:])
e.cur += offset
e.hist = e.hist[:maxMatchOffset]
s := int32(len(e.hist))
e.hist = append(e.hist, src...)
return s
type tableEntryPrev struct {
Cur tableEntry
Prev tableEntry
// hash7 returns the hash of the lowest 7 bytes of u to fit in a hash table with h bits.
// Preferably h should be a constant and should always be <64.
func hash7(u uint64, h uint8) uint32 {
return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> ((64 - h) & reg8SizeMask64))
// hashLen returns a hash of the lowest mls bytes of with length output bits.
// mls must be >=3 and <=8. Any other value will return hash for 4 bytes.
// length should always be < 32.
// Preferably length and mls should be a constant for inlining.
func hashLen(u uint64, length, mls uint8) uint32 {
switch mls {
case 3:
return (uint32(u<<8) * prime3bytes) >> (32 - length)
case 5:
return uint32(((u << (64 - 40)) * prime5bytes) >> (64 - length))
case 6:
return uint32(((u << (64 - 48)) * prime6bytes) >> (64 - length))
case 7:
return uint32(((u << (64 - 56)) * prime7bytes) >> (64 - length))
case 8:
return uint32((u * prime8bytes) >> (64 - length))
return (uint32(u) * prime4bytes) >> (32 - length)
// matchlen will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
// The maximum length returned is maxMatchLength - 4.
// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
func (e *fastGen) matchlen(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
if debugDecode {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
if int(s) >= len(src) {
panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
if t < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
s1 := int(s) + maxMatchLength - 4
if s1 > len(src) {
s1 = len(src)
// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
return int32(matchLen(src[s:s1], src[t:]))
// matchlenLong will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
func (e *fastGen) matchlenLong(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
if debugDeflate {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
if int(s) >= len(src) {
panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
if t < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
if s-t > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:]))
// Reset the encoding table.
func (e *fastGen) Reset() {
if cap(e.hist) < allocHistory {
e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
// We offset current position so everything will be out of reach.
// If we are above the buffer reset it will be cleared anyway since len(hist) == 0.
if e.cur <= bufferReset {
e.cur += maxMatchOffset + int32(len(e.hist))
e.hist = e.hist[:0]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
import (
const (
maxBitsLimit = 16
// number of valid literals
literalCount = 286
// hcode is a huffman code with a bit code and bit length.
type hcode uint32
func (h hcode) len() uint8 {
return uint8(h)
func (h hcode) code64() uint64 {
return uint64(h >> 8)
func (h hcode) zero() bool {
return h == 0
type huffmanEncoder struct {
codes []hcode
bitCount [17]int32
// Allocate a reusable buffer with the longest possible frequency table.
// Possible lengths are codegenCodeCount, offsetCodeCount and literalCount.
// The largest of these is literalCount, so we allocate for that case.
freqcache [literalCount + 1]literalNode
type literalNode struct {
literal uint16
freq uint16
// A levelInfo describes the state of the constructed tree for a given depth.
type levelInfo struct {
// Our level. for better printing
level int32
// The frequency of the last node at this level
lastFreq int32
// The frequency of the next character to add to this level
nextCharFreq int32
// The frequency of the next pair (from level below) to add to this level.
// Only valid if the "needed" value of the next lower level is 0.
nextPairFreq int32
// The number of chains remaining to generate for this level before moving
// up to the next level
needed int32
// set sets the code and length of an hcode.
func (h *hcode) set(code uint16, length uint8) {
*h = hcode(length) | (hcode(code) << 8)
func newhcode(code uint16, length uint8) hcode {
return hcode(length) | (hcode(code) << 8)
func reverseBits(number uint16, bitLength byte) uint16 {
return bits.Reverse16(number << ((16 - bitLength) & 15))
func maxNode() literalNode { return literalNode{math.MaxUint16, math.MaxUint16} }
func newHuffmanEncoder(size int) *huffmanEncoder {
// Make capacity to next power of two.
c := uint(bits.Len32(uint32(size - 1)))
return &huffmanEncoder{codes: make([]hcode, size, 1<<c)}
// Generates a HuffmanCode corresponding to the fixed literal table
func generateFixedLiteralEncoding() *huffmanEncoder {
h := newHuffmanEncoder(literalCount)
codes := h.codes
var ch uint16
for ch = 0; ch < literalCount; ch++ {
var bits uint16
var size uint8
switch {
case ch < 144:
// size 8, 000110000 .. 10111111
bits = ch + 48
size = 8
case ch < 256:
// size 9, 110010000 .. 111111111
bits = ch + 400 - 144
size = 9
case ch < 280:
// size 7, 0000000 .. 0010111
bits = ch - 256
size = 7
// size 8, 11000000 .. 11000111
bits = ch + 192 - 280
size = 8
codes[ch] = newhcode(reverseBits(bits, size), size)
return h
func generateFixedOffsetEncoding() *huffmanEncoder {
h := newHuffmanEncoder(30)
codes := h.codes
for ch := range codes {
codes[ch] = newhcode(reverseBits(uint16(ch), 5), 5)
return h
var fixedLiteralEncoding = generateFixedLiteralEncoding()
var fixedOffsetEncoding = generateFixedOffsetEncoding()
func (h *huffmanEncoder) bitLength(freq []uint16) int {
var total int
for i, f := range freq {
if f != 0 {
total += int(f) * int(h.codes[i].len())
return total
func (h *huffmanEncoder) bitLengthRaw(b []byte) int {
var total int
for _, f := range b {
total += int(h.codes[f].len())
return total
// canReuseBits returns the number of bits or math.MaxInt32 if the encoder cannot be reused.
func (h *huffmanEncoder) canReuseBits(freq []uint16) int {
var total int
for i, f := range freq {
if f != 0 {
code := h.codes[i]
if code.zero() {
return math.MaxInt32
total += int(f) * int(code.len())
return total
// Return the number of literals assigned to each bit size in the Huffman encoding
// This method is only called when list.length >= 3
// The cases of 0, 1, and 2 literals are handled by special case code.
// list An array of the literals with non-zero frequencies
// and their associated frequencies. The array is in order of increasing
// frequency, and has as its last element a special element with frequency
// MaxInt32
// maxBits The maximum number of bits that should be used to encode any literal.
// Must be less than 16.
// return An integer array in which array[i] indicates the number of literals
// that should be encoded in i bits.
func (h *huffmanEncoder) bitCounts(list []literalNode, maxBits int32) []int32 {
if maxBits >= maxBitsLimit {
panic("flate: maxBits too large")
n := int32(len(list))
list = list[0 : n+1]
list[n] = maxNode()
// The tree can't have greater depth than n - 1, no matter what. This
// saves a little bit of work in some small cases
if maxBits > n-1 {
maxBits = n - 1
// Create information about each of the levels.
// A bogus "Level 0" whose sole purpose is so that
// level1.prev.needed==0. This makes level1.nextPairFreq
// be a legitimate value that never gets chosen.
var levels [maxBitsLimit]levelInfo
// leafCounts[i] counts the number of literals at the left
// of ancestors of the rightmost node at level i.
// leafCounts[i][j] is the number of literals at the left
// of the level j ancestor.
var leafCounts [maxBitsLimit][maxBitsLimit]int32
// Descending to only have 1 bounds check.
l2f := int32(list[2].freq)
l1f := int32(list[1].freq)
l0f := int32(list[0].freq) + int32(list[1].freq)
for level := int32(1); level <= maxBits; level++ {
// For every level, the first two items are the first two characters.
// We initialize the levels as if we had already figured this out.
levels[level] = levelInfo{
level: level,
lastFreq: l1f,
nextCharFreq: l2f,
nextPairFreq: l0f,
leafCounts[level][level] = 2
if level == 1 {
levels[level].nextPairFreq = math.MaxInt32
// We need a total of 2*n - 2 items at top level and have already generated 2.
levels[maxBits].needed = 2*n - 4
level := uint32(maxBits)
for level < 16 {
l := &levels[level]
if l.nextPairFreq == math.MaxInt32 && l.nextCharFreq == math.MaxInt32 {
// We've run out of both leafs and pairs.
// End all calculations for this level.
// To make sure we never come back to this level or any lower level,
// set nextPairFreq impossibly large.
l.needed = 0
levels[level+1].nextPairFreq = math.MaxInt32
prevFreq := l.lastFreq
if l.nextCharFreq < l.nextPairFreq {
// The next item on this row is a leaf node.
n := leafCounts[level][level] + 1
l.lastFreq = l.nextCharFreq
// Lower leafCounts are the same of the previous node.
leafCounts[level][level] = n
e := list[n]
if e.literal < math.MaxUint16 {
l.nextCharFreq = int32(e.freq)
} else {
l.nextCharFreq = math.MaxInt32
} else {
// The next item on this row is a pair from the previous row.
// nextPairFreq isn't valid until we generate two
// more values in the level below
l.lastFreq = l.nextPairFreq
// Take leaf counts from the lower level, except counts[level] remains the same.
if true {
save := leafCounts[level][level]
leafCounts[level] = leafCounts[level-1]
leafCounts[level][level] = save
} else {
copy(leafCounts[level][:level], leafCounts[level-1][:level])
levels[l.level-1].needed = 2
if l.needed--; l.needed == 0 {
// We've done everything we need to do for this level.
// Continue calculating one level up. Fill in nextPairFreq
// of that level with the sum of the two nodes we've just calculated on
// this level.
if l.level == maxBits {
// All done!
levels[l.level+1].nextPairFreq = prevFreq + l.lastFreq
} else {
// If we stole from below, move down temporarily to replenish it.
for levels[level-1].needed > 0 {
// Somethings is wrong if at the end, the top level is null or hasn't used
// all of the leaves.
if leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n {
panic("leafCounts[maxBits][maxBits] != n")
bitCount := h.bitCount[:maxBits+1]
bits := 1
counts := &leafCounts[maxBits]
for level := maxBits; level > 0; level-- {
// chain.leafCount gives the number of literals requiring at least "bits"
// bits to encode.
bitCount[bits] = counts[level] - counts[level-1]
return bitCount
// Look at the leaves and assign them a bit count and an encoding as specified
// in RFC 1951 3.2.2
func (h *huffmanEncoder) assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount []int32, list []literalNode) {
code := uint16(0)
for n, bits := range bitCount {
code <<= 1
if n == 0 || bits == 0 {
// The literals list[len(list)-bits] .. list[len(list)-bits]
// are encoded using "bits" bits, and get the values
// code, code + 1, .... The code values are
// assigned in literal order (not frequency order).
chunk := list[len(list)-int(bits):]
for _, node := range chunk {
h.codes[node.literal] = newhcode(reverseBits(code, uint8(n)), uint8(n))
list = list[0 : len(list)-int(bits)]
// Update this Huffman Code object to be the minimum code for the specified frequency count.
// freq An array of frequencies, in which frequency[i] gives the frequency of literal i.
// maxBits The maximum number of bits to use for any literal.
func (h *huffmanEncoder) generate(freq []uint16, maxBits int32) {
list := h.freqcache[:len(freq)+1]
codes := h.codes[:len(freq)]
// Number of non-zero literals
count := 0
// Set list to be the set of all non-zero literals and their frequencies
for i, f := range freq {
if f != 0 {
list[count] = literalNode{uint16(i), f}
} else {
codes[i] = 0
list[count] = literalNode{}
list = list[:count]
if count <= 2 {
// Handle the small cases here, because they are awkward for the general case code. With
// two or fewer literals, everything has bit length 1.
for i, node := range list {
// "list" is in order of increasing literal value.
h.codes[node.literal].set(uint16(i), 1)
// Get the number of literals for each bit count
bitCount := h.bitCounts(list, maxBits)
// And do the assignment
h.assignEncodingAndSize(bitCount, list)
// atLeastOne clamps the result between 1 and 15.
func atLeastOne(v float32) float32 {
if v < 1 {
return 1
if v > 15 {
return 15
return v
func histogram(b []byte, h []uint16) {
if true && len(b) >= 8<<10 {
// Split for bigger inputs
histogramSplit(b, h)
} else {
h = h[:256]
for _, t := range b {
func histogramSplit(b []byte, h []uint16) {
// Tested, and slightly faster than 2-way.
// Writing to separate arrays and combining is also slightly slower.
h = h[:256]
for len(b)&3 != 0 {
b = b[1:]
n := len(b) / 4
x, y, z, w := b[:n], b[n:], b[n+n:], b[n+n+n:]
y, z, w = y[:len(x)], z[:len(x)], w[:len(x)]
for i, t := range x {
v0 := &h[t]
v1 := &h[y[i]]
v3 := &h[w[i]]
v2 := &h[z[i]]

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@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
// Sort sorts data.
// It makes one call to data.Len to determine n, and O(n*log(n)) calls to
// data.Less and data.Swap. The sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
func sortByFreq(data []literalNode) {
n := len(data)
quickSortByFreq(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n))
func quickSortByFreq(data []literalNode, a, b, maxDepth int) {
for b-a > 12 { // Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements
if maxDepth == 0 {
heapSort(data, a, b)
mlo, mhi := doPivotByFreq(data, a, b)
// Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees
// a stack depth of at most lg(b-a).
if mlo-a < b-mhi {
quickSortByFreq(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)
a = mhi // i.e., quickSortByFreq(data, mhi, b)
} else {
quickSortByFreq(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)
b = mlo // i.e., quickSortByFreq(data, a, mlo)
if b-a > 1 {
// Do ShellSort pass with gap 6
// It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12
for i := a + 6; i < b; i++ {
if data[i].freq == data[i-6].freq && data[i].literal < data[i-6].literal || data[i].freq < data[i-6].freq {
data[i], data[i-6] = data[i-6], data[i]
insertionSortByFreq(data, a, b)
func doPivotByFreq(data []literalNode, lo, hi int) (midlo, midhi int) {
m := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1) // Written like this to avoid integer overflow.
if hi-lo > 40 {
// Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three.
s := (hi - lo) / 8
medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, lo, lo+s, lo+2*s)
medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, m, m-s, m+s)
medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, hi-1, hi-1-s, hi-1-2*s)
medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data, lo, m, hi-1)
// Invariants are:
// data[lo] = pivot (set up by ChoosePivot)
// data[lo < i < a] < pivot
// data[a <= i < b] <= pivot
// data[b <= i < c] unexamined
// data[c <= i < hi-1] > pivot
// data[hi-1] >= pivot
pivot := lo
a, c := lo+1, hi-1
for ; a < c && (data[a].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal || data[a].freq < data[pivot].freq); a++ {
b := a
for {
for ; b < c && (data[pivot].freq == data[b].freq && data[pivot].literal > data[b].literal || data[pivot].freq > data[b].freq); b++ { // data[b] <= pivot
for ; b < c && (data[pivot].freq == data[c-1].freq && data[pivot].literal < data[c-1].literal || data[pivot].freq < data[c-1].freq); c-- { // data[c-1] > pivot
if b >= c {
// data[b] > pivot; data[c-1] <= pivot
data[b], data[c-1] = data[c-1], data[b]
// If hi-c<3 then there are duplicates (by property of median of nine).
// Let's be a bit more conservative, and set border to 5.
protect := hi-c < 5
if !protect && hi-c < (hi-lo)/4 {
// Lets test some points for equality to pivot
dups := 0
if data[pivot].freq == data[hi-1].freq && data[pivot].literal > data[hi-1].literal || data[pivot].freq > data[hi-1].freq { // data[hi-1] = pivot
data[c], data[hi-1] = data[hi-1], data[c]
if data[b-1].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[b-1].freq > data[pivot].freq { // data[b-1] = pivot
// m-lo = (hi-lo)/2 > 6
// b-lo > (hi-lo)*3/4-1 > 8
// ==> m < b ==> data[m] <= pivot
if data[m].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[m].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[m].freq > data[pivot].freq { // data[m] = pivot
data[m], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[m]
// if at least 2 points are equal to pivot, assume skewed distribution
protect = dups > 1
if protect {
// Protect against a lot of duplicates
// Add invariant:
// data[a <= i < b] unexamined
// data[b <= i < c] = pivot
for {
for ; a < b && (data[b-1].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal || data[b-1].freq > data[pivot].freq); b-- { // data[b] == pivot
for ; a < b && (data[a].freq == data[pivot].freq && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal || data[a].freq < data[pivot].freq); a++ { // data[a] < pivot
if a >= b {
// data[a] == pivot; data[b-1] < pivot
data[a], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[a]
// Swap pivot into middle
data[pivot], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[pivot]
return b - 1, c
// Insertion sort
func insertionSortByFreq(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
for j := i; j > a && (data[j].freq == data[j-1].freq && data[j].literal < data[j-1].literal || data[j].freq < data[j-1].freq); j-- {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
// quickSortByFreq, loosely following Bentley and McIlroy,
// ``Engineering a Sort Function,'' SP&E November 1993.
// medianOfThreeSortByFreq moves the median of the three values data[m0], data[m1], data[m2] into data[m1].
func medianOfThreeSortByFreq(data []literalNode, m1, m0, m2 int) {
// sort 3 elements
if data[m1].freq == data[m0].freq && data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal || data[m1].freq < data[m0].freq {
data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
// data[m0] <= data[m1]
if data[m2].freq == data[m1].freq && data[m2].literal < data[m1].literal || data[m2].freq < data[m1].freq {
data[m2], data[m1] = data[m1], data[m2]
// data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2]
if data[m1].freq == data[m0].freq && data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal || data[m1].freq < data[m0].freq {
data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
// now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2]

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@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
// Sort sorts data.
// It makes one call to data.Len to determine n, and O(n*log(n)) calls to
// data.Less and data.Swap. The sort is not guaranteed to be stable.
func sortByLiteral(data []literalNode) {
n := len(data)
quickSort(data, 0, n, maxDepth(n))
func quickSort(data []literalNode, a, b, maxDepth int) {
for b-a > 12 { // Use ShellSort for slices <= 12 elements
if maxDepth == 0 {
heapSort(data, a, b)
mlo, mhi := doPivot(data, a, b)
// Avoiding recursion on the larger subproblem guarantees
// a stack depth of at most lg(b-a).
if mlo-a < b-mhi {
quickSort(data, a, mlo, maxDepth)
a = mhi // i.e., quickSort(data, mhi, b)
} else {
quickSort(data, mhi, b, maxDepth)
b = mlo // i.e., quickSort(data, a, mlo)
if b-a > 1 {
// Do ShellSort pass with gap 6
// It could be written in this simplified form cause b-a <= 12
for i := a + 6; i < b; i++ {
if data[i].literal < data[i-6].literal {
data[i], data[i-6] = data[i-6], data[i]
insertionSort(data, a, b)
func heapSort(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
first := a
lo := 0
hi := b - a
// Build heap with greatest element at top.
for i := (hi - 1) / 2; i >= 0; i-- {
siftDown(data, i, hi, first)
// Pop elements, largest first, into end of data.
for i := hi - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
data[first], data[first+i] = data[first+i], data[first]
siftDown(data, lo, i, first)
// siftDown implements the heap property on data[lo, hi).
// first is an offset into the array where the root of the heap lies.
func siftDown(data []literalNode, lo, hi, first int) {
root := lo
for {
child := 2*root + 1
if child >= hi {
if child+1 < hi && data[first+child].literal < data[first+child+1].literal {
if data[first+root].literal > data[first+child].literal {
data[first+root], data[first+child] = data[first+child], data[first+root]
root = child
func doPivot(data []literalNode, lo, hi int) (midlo, midhi int) {
m := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1) // Written like this to avoid integer overflow.
if hi-lo > 40 {
// Tukey's ``Ninther,'' median of three medians of three.
s := (hi - lo) / 8
medianOfThree(data, lo, lo+s, lo+2*s)
medianOfThree(data, m, m-s, m+s)
medianOfThree(data, hi-1, hi-1-s, hi-1-2*s)
medianOfThree(data, lo, m, hi-1)
// Invariants are:
// data[lo] = pivot (set up by ChoosePivot)
// data[lo < i < a] < pivot
// data[a <= i < b] <= pivot
// data[b <= i < c] unexamined
// data[c <= i < hi-1] > pivot
// data[hi-1] >= pivot
pivot := lo
a, c := lo+1, hi-1
for ; a < c && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal; a++ {
b := a
for {
for ; b < c && data[pivot].literal > data[b].literal; b++ { // data[b] <= pivot
for ; b < c && data[pivot].literal < data[c-1].literal; c-- { // data[c-1] > pivot
if b >= c {
// data[b] > pivot; data[c-1] <= pivot
data[b], data[c-1] = data[c-1], data[b]
// If hi-c<3 then there are duplicates (by property of median of nine).
// Let's be a bit more conservative, and set border to 5.
protect := hi-c < 5
if !protect && hi-c < (hi-lo)/4 {
// Lets test some points for equality to pivot
dups := 0
if data[pivot].literal > data[hi-1].literal { // data[hi-1] = pivot
data[c], data[hi-1] = data[hi-1], data[c]
if data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal { // data[b-1] = pivot
// m-lo = (hi-lo)/2 > 6
// b-lo > (hi-lo)*3/4-1 > 8
// ==> m < b ==> data[m] <= pivot
if data[m].literal > data[pivot].literal { // data[m] = pivot
data[m], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[m]
// if at least 2 points are equal to pivot, assume skewed distribution
protect = dups > 1
if protect {
// Protect against a lot of duplicates
// Add invariant:
// data[a <= i < b] unexamined
// data[b <= i < c] = pivot
for {
for ; a < b && data[b-1].literal > data[pivot].literal; b-- { // data[b] == pivot
for ; a < b && data[a].literal < data[pivot].literal; a++ { // data[a] < pivot
if a >= b {
// data[a] == pivot; data[b-1] < pivot
data[a], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[a]
// Swap pivot into middle
data[pivot], data[b-1] = data[b-1], data[pivot]
return b - 1, c
// Insertion sort
func insertionSort(data []literalNode, a, b int) {
for i := a + 1; i < b; i++ {
for j := i; j > a && data[j].literal < data[j-1].literal; j-- {
data[j], data[j-1] = data[j-1], data[j]
// maxDepth returns a threshold at which quicksort should switch
// to heapsort. It returns 2*ceil(lg(n+1)).
func maxDepth(n int) int {
var depth int
for i := n; i > 0; i >>= 1 {
return depth * 2
// medianOfThree moves the median of the three values data[m0], data[m1], data[m2] into data[m1].
func medianOfThree(data []literalNode, m1, m0, m2 int) {
// sort 3 elements
if data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal {
data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
// data[m0] <= data[m1]
if data[m2].literal < data[m1].literal {
data[m2], data[m1] = data[m1], data[m2]
// data[m0] <= data[m2] && data[m1] < data[m2]
if data[m1].literal < data[m0].literal {
data[m1], data[m0] = data[m0], data[m1]
// now data[m0] <= data[m1] <= data[m2]

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@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package flate implements the DEFLATE compressed data format, described in
// RFC 1951. The gzip and zlib packages implement access to DEFLATE-based file
// formats.
package flate
import (
const (
maxCodeLen = 16 // max length of Huffman code
maxCodeLenMask = 15 // mask for max length of Huffman code
// The next three numbers come from the RFC section 3.2.7, with the
// additional proviso in section 3.2.5 which implies that distance codes
// 30 and 31 should never occur in compressed data.
maxNumLit = 286
maxNumDist = 30
numCodes = 19 // number of codes in Huffman meta-code
debugDecode = false
// Value of length - 3 and extra bits.
type lengthExtra struct {
length, extra uint8
var decCodeToLen = [32]lengthExtra{{length: 0x0, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x1, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x2, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x3, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x4, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x5, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x6, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x7, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x8, extra: 0x1}, {length: 0xa, extra: 0x1}, {length: 0xc, extra: 0x1}, {length: 0xe, extra: 0x1}, {length: 0x10, extra: 0x2}, {length: 0x14, extra: 0x2}, {length: 0x18, extra: 0x2}, {length: 0x1c, extra: 0x2}, {length: 0x20, extra: 0x3}, {length: 0x28, extra: 0x3}, {length: 0x30, extra: 0x3}, {length: 0x38, extra: 0x3}, {length: 0x40, extra: 0x4}, {length: 0x50, extra: 0x4}, {length: 0x60, extra: 0x4}, {length: 0x70, extra: 0x4}, {length: 0x80, extra: 0x5}, {length: 0xa0, extra: 0x5}, {length: 0xc0, extra: 0x5}, {length: 0xe0, extra: 0x5}, {length: 0xff, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x0, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x0, extra: 0x0}, {length: 0x0, extra: 0x0}}
var bitMask32 = [32]uint32{
0, 1, 3, 7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF,
0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF,
0x1ffff, 0x3ffff, 0x7FFFF, 0xfFFFF, 0x1fFFFF, 0x3fFFFF, 0x7fFFFF, 0xffFFFF,
0x1ffFFFF, 0x3ffFFFF, 0x7ffFFFF, 0xfffFFFF, 0x1fffFFFF, 0x3fffFFFF, 0x7fffFFFF,
} // up to 32 bits
// Initialize the fixedHuffmanDecoder only once upon first use.
var fixedOnce sync.Once
var fixedHuffmanDecoder huffmanDecoder
// A CorruptInputError reports the presence of corrupt input at a given offset.
type CorruptInputError = flate.CorruptInputError
// An InternalError reports an error in the flate code itself.
type InternalError string
func (e InternalError) Error() string { return "flate: internal error: " + string(e) }
// A ReadError reports an error encountered while reading input.
// Deprecated: No longer returned.
type ReadError = flate.ReadError
// A WriteError reports an error encountered while writing output.
// Deprecated: No longer returned.
type WriteError = flate.WriteError
// Resetter resets a ReadCloser returned by NewReader or NewReaderDict to
// to switch to a new underlying Reader. This permits reusing a ReadCloser
// instead of allocating a new one.
type Resetter interface {
// Reset discards any buffered data and resets the Resetter as if it was
// newly initialized with the given reader.
Reset(r io.Reader, dict []byte) error
// The data structure for decoding Huffman tables is based on that of
// zlib. There is a lookup table of a fixed bit width (huffmanChunkBits),
// For codes smaller than the table width, there are multiple entries
// (each combination of trailing bits has the same value). For codes
// larger than the table width, the table contains a link to an overflow
// table. The width of each entry in the link table is the maximum code
// size minus the chunk width.
// Note that you can do a lookup in the table even without all bits
// filled. Since the extra bits are zero, and the DEFLATE Huffman codes
// have the property that shorter codes come before longer ones, the
// bit length estimate in the result is a lower bound on the actual
// number of bits.
// See the following:
// http://www.gzip.org/algorithm.txt
// chunk & 15 is number of bits
// chunk >> 4 is value, including table link
const (
huffmanChunkBits = 9
huffmanNumChunks = 1 << huffmanChunkBits
huffmanCountMask = 15
huffmanValueShift = 4
type huffmanDecoder struct {
maxRead int // the maximum number of bits we can read and not overread
chunks *[huffmanNumChunks]uint16 // chunks as described above
links [][]uint16 // overflow links
linkMask uint32 // mask the width of the link table
// Initialize Huffman decoding tables from array of code lengths.
// Following this function, h is guaranteed to be initialized into a complete
// tree (i.e., neither over-subscribed nor under-subscribed). The exception is a
// degenerate case where the tree has only a single symbol with length 1. Empty
// trees are permitted.
func (h *huffmanDecoder) init(lengths []int) bool {
// Sanity enables additional runtime tests during Huffman
// table construction. It's intended to be used during
// development to supplement the currently ad-hoc unit tests.
const sanity = false
if h.chunks == nil {
h.chunks = new([huffmanNumChunks]uint16)
if h.maxRead != 0 {
*h = huffmanDecoder{chunks: h.chunks, links: h.links}
// Count number of codes of each length,
// compute maxRead and max length.
var count [maxCodeLen]int
var min, max int
for _, n := range lengths {
if n == 0 {
if min == 0 || n < min {
min = n
if n > max {
max = n
// Empty tree. The decompressor.huffSym function will fail later if the tree
// is used. Technically, an empty tree is only valid for the HDIST tree and
// not the HCLEN and HLIT tree. However, a stream with an empty HCLEN tree
// is guaranteed to fail since it will attempt to use the tree to decode the
// codes for the HLIT and HDIST trees. Similarly, an empty HLIT tree is
// guaranteed to fail later since the compressed data section must be
// composed of at least one symbol (the end-of-block marker).
if max == 0 {
return true
code := 0
var nextcode [maxCodeLen]int
for i := min; i <= max; i++ {
code <<= 1
nextcode[i&maxCodeLenMask] = code
code += count[i&maxCodeLenMask]
// Check that the coding is complete (i.e., that we've
// assigned all 2-to-the-max possible bit sequences).
// Exception: To be compatible with zlib, we also need to
// accept degenerate single-code codings. See also
// TestDegenerateHuffmanCoding.
if code != 1<<uint(max) && !(code == 1 && max == 1) {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("coding failed, code, max:", code, max, code == 1<<uint(max), code == 1 && max == 1, "(one should be true)")
return false
h.maxRead = min
chunks := h.chunks[:]
for i := range chunks {
chunks[i] = 0
if max > huffmanChunkBits {
numLinks := 1 << (uint(max) - huffmanChunkBits)
h.linkMask = uint32(numLinks - 1)
// create link tables
link := nextcode[huffmanChunkBits+1] >> 1
if cap(h.links) < huffmanNumChunks-link {
h.links = make([][]uint16, huffmanNumChunks-link)
} else {
h.links = h.links[:huffmanNumChunks-link]
for j := uint(link); j < huffmanNumChunks; j++ {
reverse := int(bits.Reverse16(uint16(j)))
reverse >>= uint(16 - huffmanChunkBits)
off := j - uint(link)
if sanity && h.chunks[reverse] != 0 {
panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
h.chunks[reverse] = uint16(off<<huffmanValueShift | (huffmanChunkBits + 1))
if cap(h.links[off]) < numLinks {
h.links[off] = make([]uint16, numLinks)
} else {
h.links[off] = h.links[off][:numLinks]
} else {
h.links = h.links[:0]
for i, n := range lengths {
if n == 0 {
code := nextcode[n]
chunk := uint16(i<<huffmanValueShift | n)
reverse := int(bits.Reverse16(uint16(code)))
reverse >>= uint(16 - n)
if n <= huffmanChunkBits {
for off := reverse; off < len(h.chunks); off += 1 << uint(n) {
// We should never need to overwrite
// an existing chunk. Also, 0 is
// never a valid chunk, because the
// lower 4 "count" bits should be
// between 1 and 15.
if sanity && h.chunks[off] != 0 {
panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
h.chunks[off] = chunk
} else {
j := reverse & (huffmanNumChunks - 1)
if sanity && h.chunks[j]&huffmanCountMask != huffmanChunkBits+1 {
// Longer codes should have been
// associated with a link table above.
panic("impossible: not an indirect chunk")
value := h.chunks[j] >> huffmanValueShift
linktab := h.links[value]
reverse >>= huffmanChunkBits
for off := reverse; off < len(linktab); off += 1 << uint(n-huffmanChunkBits) {
if sanity && linktab[off] != 0 {
panic("impossible: overwriting existing chunk")
linktab[off] = chunk
if sanity {
// Above we've sanity checked that we never overwrote
// an existing entry. Here we additionally check that
// we filled the tables completely.
for i, chunk := range h.chunks {
if chunk == 0 {
// As an exception, in the degenerate
// single-code case, we allow odd
// chunks to be missing.
if code == 1 && i%2 == 1 {
panic("impossible: missing chunk")
for _, linktab := range h.links {
for _, chunk := range linktab {
if chunk == 0 {
panic("impossible: missing chunk")
return true
// Reader is the actual read interface needed by NewReader.
// If the passed in io.Reader does not also have ReadByte,
// the NewReader will introduce its own buffering.
type Reader interface {
type step uint8
const (
copyData step = iota + 1
// Decompress state.
type decompressor struct {
// Input source.
r Reader
roffset int64
// Huffman decoders for literal/length, distance.
h1, h2 huffmanDecoder
// Length arrays used to define Huffman codes.
bits *[maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int
codebits *[numCodes]int
// Output history, buffer.
dict dictDecoder
// Next step in the decompression,
// and decompression state.
step step
stepState int
err error
toRead []byte
hl, hd *huffmanDecoder
copyLen int
copyDist int
// Temporary buffer (avoids repeated allocation).
buf [4]byte
// Input bits, in top of b.
b uint32
nb uint
final bool
func (f *decompressor) nextBlock() {
for f.nb < 1+2 {
if f.err = f.moreBits(); f.err != nil {
f.final = f.b&1 == 1
f.b >>= 1
typ := f.b & 3
f.b >>= 2
f.nb -= 1 + 2
switch typ {
case 0:
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("stored block")
case 1:
// compressed, fixed Huffman tables
f.hl = &fixedHuffmanDecoder
f.hd = nil
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("predefinied huffman block")
case 2:
// compressed, dynamic Huffman tables
if f.err = f.readHuffman(); f.err != nil {
f.hl = &f.h1
f.hd = &f.h2
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("dynamic huffman block")
// 3 is reserved.
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("reserved data block encountered")
f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
func (f *decompressor) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
for {
if len(f.toRead) > 0 {
n := copy(b, f.toRead)
f.toRead = f.toRead[n:]
if len(f.toRead) == 0 {
return n, f.err
return n, nil
if f.err != nil {
return 0, f.err
if f.err != nil && len(f.toRead) == 0 {
f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush() // Flush what's left in case of error
// WriteTo implements the io.WriteTo interface for io.Copy and friends.
func (f *decompressor) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
total := int64(0)
flushed := false
for {
if len(f.toRead) > 0 {
n, err := w.Write(f.toRead)
total += int64(n)
if err != nil {
f.err = err
return total, err
if n != len(f.toRead) {
return total, io.ErrShortWrite
f.toRead = f.toRead[:0]
if f.err != nil && flushed {
if f.err == io.EOF {
return total, nil
return total, f.err
if f.err == nil {
if len(f.toRead) == 0 && f.err != nil && !flushed {
f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush() // Flush what's left in case of error
flushed = true
func (f *decompressor) Close() error {
if f.err == io.EOF {
return nil
return f.err
// RFC 1951 section 3.2.7.
// Compression with dynamic Huffman codes
var codeOrder = [...]int{16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15}
func (f *decompressor) readHuffman() error {
// HLIT[5], HDIST[5], HCLEN[4].
for f.nb < 5+5+4 {
if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
return err
nlit := int(f.b&0x1F) + 257
if nlit > maxNumLit {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("nlit > maxNumLit", nlit)
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
f.b >>= 5
ndist := int(f.b&0x1F) + 1
if ndist > maxNumDist {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("ndist > maxNumDist", ndist)
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
f.b >>= 5
nclen := int(f.b&0xF) + 4
// numCodes is 19, so nclen is always valid.
f.b >>= 4
f.nb -= 5 + 5 + 4
// (HCLEN+4)*3 bits: code lengths in the magic codeOrder order.
for i := 0; i < nclen; i++ {
for f.nb < 3 {
if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
return err
f.codebits[codeOrder[i]] = int(f.b & 0x7)
f.b >>= 3
f.nb -= 3
for i := nclen; i < len(codeOrder); i++ {
f.codebits[codeOrder[i]] = 0
if !f.h1.init(f.codebits[0:]) {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("init codebits failed")
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
// HLIT + 257 code lengths, HDIST + 1 code lengths,
// using the code length Huffman code.
for i, n := 0, nlit+ndist; i < n; {
x, err := f.huffSym(&f.h1)
if err != nil {
return err
if x < 16 {
// Actual length.
f.bits[i] = x
// Repeat previous length or zero.
var rep int
var nb uint
var b int
switch x {
return InternalError("unexpected length code")
case 16:
rep = 3
nb = 2
if i == 0 {
if debugDecode {
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
b = f.bits[i-1]
case 17:
rep = 3
nb = 3
b = 0
case 18:
rep = 11
nb = 7
b = 0
for f.nb < nb {
if err := f.moreBits(); err != nil {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("morebits:", err)
return err
rep += int(f.b & uint32(1<<(nb&regSizeMaskUint32)-1))
f.b >>= nb & regSizeMaskUint32
f.nb -= nb
if i+rep > n {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("i+rep > n", i, rep, n)
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
for j := 0; j < rep; j++ {
f.bits[i] = b
if !f.h1.init(f.bits[0:nlit]) || !f.h2.init(f.bits[nlit:nlit+ndist]) {
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("init2 failed")
return CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
// As an optimization, we can initialize the maxRead bits to read at a time
// for the HLIT tree to the length of the EOB marker since we know that
// every block must terminate with one. This preserves the property that
// we never read any extra bytes after the end of the DEFLATE stream.
if f.h1.maxRead < f.bits[endBlockMarker] {
f.h1.maxRead = f.bits[endBlockMarker]
if !f.final {
// If not the final block, the smallest block possible is
// a predefined table, BTYPE=01, with a single EOB marker.
// This will take up 3 + 7 bits.
f.h1.maxRead += 10
return nil
// Copy a single uncompressed data block from input to output.
func (f *decompressor) dataBlock() {
// Uncompressed.
// Discard current half-byte.
left := (f.nb) & 7
f.nb -= left
f.b >>= left
offBytes := f.nb >> 3
// Unfilled values will be overwritten.
f.buf[0] = uint8(f.b)
f.buf[1] = uint8(f.b >> 8)
f.buf[2] = uint8(f.b >> 16)
f.buf[3] = uint8(f.b >> 24)
f.roffset += int64(offBytes)
f.nb, f.b = 0, 0
// Length then ones-complement of length.
nr, err := io.ReadFull(f.r, f.buf[offBytes:4])
f.roffset += int64(nr)
if err != nil {
f.err = noEOF(err)
n := uint16(f.buf[0]) | uint16(f.buf[1])<<8
nn := uint16(f.buf[2]) | uint16(f.buf[3])<<8
if nn != ^n {
if debugDecode {
ncomp := ^n
fmt.Println("uint16(nn) != uint16(^n)", nn, ncomp)
f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
if n == 0 {
f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
f.copyLen = int(n)
// copyData copies f.copyLen bytes from the underlying reader into f.hist.
// It pauses for reads when f.hist is full.
func (f *decompressor) copyData() {
buf := f.dict.writeSlice()
if len(buf) > f.copyLen {
buf = buf[:f.copyLen]
cnt, err := io.ReadFull(f.r, buf)
f.roffset += int64(cnt)
f.copyLen -= cnt
if err != nil {
f.err = noEOF(err)
if f.dict.availWrite() == 0 || f.copyLen > 0 {
f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
f.step = copyData
func (f *decompressor) finishBlock() {
if f.final {
if f.dict.availRead() > 0 {
f.toRead = f.dict.readFlush()
f.err = io.EOF
f.step = nextBlock
func (f *decompressor) doStep() {
switch f.step {
case copyData:
case nextBlock:
case huffmanBytesBuffer:
case huffmanBytesReader:
case huffmanBufioReader:
case huffmanStringsReader:
case huffmanGenericReader:
panic("BUG: unexpected step state")
// noEOF returns err, unless err == io.EOF, in which case it returns io.ErrUnexpectedEOF.
func noEOF(e error) error {
if e == io.EOF {
return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
return e
func (f *decompressor) moreBits() error {
c, err := f.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return noEOF(err)
f.b |= uint32(c) << (f.nb & regSizeMaskUint32)
f.nb += 8
return nil
// Read the next Huffman-encoded symbol from f according to h.
func (f *decompressor) huffSym(h *huffmanDecoder) (int, error) {
// Since a huffmanDecoder can be empty or be composed of a degenerate tree
// with single element, huffSym must error on these two edge cases. In both
// cases, the chunks slice will be 0 for the invalid sequence, leading it
// satisfy the n == 0 check below.
n := uint(h.maxRead)
// Optimization. Compiler isn't smart enough to keep f.b,f.nb in registers,
// but is smart enough to keep local variables in registers, so use nb and b,
// inline call to moreBits and reassign b,nb back to f on return.
nb, b := f.nb, f.b
for {
for nb < n {
c, err := f.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
f.b = b
f.nb = nb
return 0, noEOF(err)
b |= uint32(c) << (nb & regSizeMaskUint32)
nb += 8
chunk := h.chunks[b&(huffmanNumChunks-1)]
n = uint(chunk & huffmanCountMask)
if n > huffmanChunkBits {
chunk = h.links[chunk>>huffmanValueShift][(b>>huffmanChunkBits)&h.linkMask]
n = uint(chunk & huffmanCountMask)
if n <= nb {
if n == 0 {
f.b = b
f.nb = nb
if debugDecode {
fmt.Println("huffsym: n==0")
f.err = CorruptInputError(f.roffset)
return 0, f.err
f.b = b >> (n & regSizeMaskUint32)
f.nb = nb - n
return int(chunk >> huffmanValueShift), nil
func makeReader(r io.Reader) Reader {
if rr, ok := r.(Reader); ok {
return rr
return bufio.NewReader(r)
func fixedHuffmanDecoderInit() {
fixedOnce.Do(func() {
// These come from the RFC section 3.2.6.
var bits [288]int
for i := 0; i < 144; i++ {
bits[i] = 8
for i := 144; i < 256; i++ {
bits[i] = 9
for i := 256; i < 280; i++ {
bits[i] = 7
for i := 280; i < 288; i++ {
bits[i] = 8
func (f *decompressor) Reset(r io.Reader, dict []byte) error {
*f = decompressor{
r: makeReader(r),
bits: f.bits,
codebits: f.codebits,
h1: f.h1,
h2: f.h2,
dict: f.dict,
step: nextBlock,
f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, dict)
return nil
// NewReader returns a new ReadCloser that can be used
// to read the uncompressed version of r.
// If r does not also implement io.ByteReader,
// the decompressor may read more data than necessary from r.
// It is the caller's responsibility to call Close on the ReadCloser
// when finished reading.
// The ReadCloser returned by NewReader also implements Resetter.
func NewReader(r io.Reader) io.ReadCloser {
var f decompressor
f.r = makeReader(r)
f.bits = new([maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int)
f.codebits = new([numCodes]int)
f.step = nextBlock
f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, nil)
return &f
// NewReaderDict is like NewReader but initializes the reader
// with a preset dictionary. The returned Reader behaves as if
// the uncompressed data stream started with the given dictionary,
// which has already been read. NewReaderDict is typically used
// to read data compressed by NewWriterDict.
// The ReadCloser returned by NewReader also implements Resetter.
func NewReaderDict(r io.Reader, dict []byte) io.ReadCloser {
var f decompressor
f.r = makeReader(r)
f.bits = new([maxNumLit + maxNumDist]int)
f.codebits = new([numCodes]int)
f.step = nextBlock
f.dict.init(maxMatchOffset, dict)
return &f

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
package flate
import (
// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
// and the previous byte block for level 2.
// This is the generic implementation.
type fastEncL1 struct {
table [tableSize]tableEntry
// EncodeL1 uses a similar algorithm to level 1
func (e *fastEncL1) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashBytes = 5
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 5
const doEvery = 2
nextS := s
var candidate tableEntry
for {
nextHash := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashBytes)
candidate = e.table[nextHash]
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
now := load6432(src, nextS)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
nextHash = hashLen(now, tableBits, hashBytes)
offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
// Do one right away...
cv = now
s = nextS
candidate = e.table[nextHash]
now >>= 8
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
offset = s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
cv = now
s = nextS
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
for {
// Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
// literal bytes prior to s.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
t := candidate.offset - e.cur
var l = int32(4)
if false {
l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
} else {
// inlined:
a := src[s+4:]
b := src[t+4:]
for len(a) >= 8 {
if diff := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(a) ^ binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b); diff != 0 {
l += int32(bits.TrailingZeros64(diff) >> 3)
l += 8
a = a[8:]
b = b[8:]
if len(a) < 8 {
b = b[:len(a)]
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
// Save the match found
if false {
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
} else {
// Inlined...
xoffset := uint32(s - t - baseMatchOffset)
xlength := l
oc := offsetCode(xoffset)
xoffset |= oc << 16
for xlength > 0 {
xl := xlength
if xl > 258 {
if xl > 258+baseMatchLength {
xl = 258
} else {
xl = 258 - baseMatchLength
xlength -= xl
xl -= baseMatchLength
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(matchType | uint32(xl)<<lengthShift | xoffset)
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
// Index first pair after match end.
if int(s+l+8) < len(src) {
cv := load6432(src, s)
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashBytes)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
goto emitRemainder
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-2 and at s. If
// another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
// at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
// are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
// three load32 calls.
x := load6432(src, s-2)
o := e.cur + s - 2
prevHash := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o}
x >>= 16
currHash := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashBytes)
candidate = e.table[currHash]
e.table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2}
offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset > maxMatchOffset || uint32(x) != load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
cv = x >> 8
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
package flate
import "fmt"
// fastGen maintains the table for matches,
// and the previous byte block for level 2.
// This is the generic implementation.
type fastEncL2 struct {
table [bTableSize]tableEntry
// EncodeL2 uses a similar algorithm to level 1, but is capable
// of matching across blocks giving better compression at a small slowdown.
func (e *fastEncL2) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashBytes = 5
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
// When should we start skipping if we haven't found matches in a long while.
const skipLog = 5
const doEvery = 2
nextS := s
var candidate tableEntry
for {
nextHash := hashLen(cv, bTableBits, hashBytes)
s = nextS
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
candidate = e.table[nextHash]
now := load6432(src, nextS)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
nextHash = hashLen(now, bTableBits, hashBytes)
offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
// Do one right away...
cv = now
s = nextS
candidate = e.table[nextHash]
now >>= 8
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
offset = s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
cv = now
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
// Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next
// move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after
// what was consumed by the last emitCopy call.
// If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next,
// though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that
// by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can
// exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
for {
// Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
// literal bytes prior to s.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
t := candidate.offset - e.cur
l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
// Index first pair after match end.
if int(s+l+8) < len(src) {
cv := load6432(src, s)
e.table[hashLen(cv, bTableBits, hashBytes)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
goto emitRemainder
// Store every second hash in-between, but offset by 1.
for i := s - l + 2; i < s-5; i += 7 {
x := load6432(src, i)
nextHash := hashLen(x, bTableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i}
// Skip one
x >>= 16
nextHash = hashLen(x, bTableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i + 2}
// Skip one
x >>= 16
nextHash = hashLen(x, bTableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i + 4}
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-2 to s. If
// another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
// at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
// are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
// three load32 calls.
x := load6432(src, s-2)
o := e.cur + s - 2
prevHash := hashLen(x, bTableBits, hashBytes)
prevHash2 := hashLen(x>>8, bTableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o}
e.table[prevHash2] = tableEntry{offset: o + 1}
currHash := hashLen(x>>16, bTableBits, hashBytes)
candidate = e.table[currHash]
e.table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2}
offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
if offset > maxMatchOffset || uint32(x>>16) != load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
cv = x >> 24
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
package flate
import "fmt"
// fastEncL3
type fastEncL3 struct {
table [1 << 16]tableEntryPrev
// Encode uses a similar algorithm to level 2, will check up to two candidates.
func (e *fastEncL3) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
tableBits = 16
tableSize = 1 << tableBits
hashBytes = 5
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i]
if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
v.Cur.offset = 0
} else {
v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i] = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// Skip if too small.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 7
nextS := s
var candidate tableEntry
for {
nextHash := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashBytes)
s = nextS
nextS = s + 1 + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
candidates := e.table[nextHash]
now := load6432(src, nextS)
// Safe offset distance until s + 4...
minOffset := e.cur + s - (maxMatchOffset - 4)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntryPrev{Prev: candidates.Cur, Cur: tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}}
// Check both candidates
candidate = candidates.Cur
if candidate.offset < minOffset {
cv = now
// Previous will also be invalid, we have nothing.
if uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
if candidates.Prev.offset < minOffset || uint32(cv) != load3232(src, candidates.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
// Both match and are valid, pick longest.
offset := s - (candidate.offset - e.cur)
o2 := s - (candidates.Prev.offset - e.cur)
l1, l2 := matchLen(src[s+4:], src[s-offset+4:]), matchLen(src[s+4:], src[s-o2+4:])
if l2 > l1 {
candidate = candidates.Prev
} else {
// We only check if value mismatches.
// Offset will always be invalid in other cases.
candidate = candidates.Prev
if candidate.offset > minOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
cv = now
// Call emitCopy, and then see if another emitCopy could be our next
// move. Repeat until we find no match for the input immediately after
// what was consumed by the last emitCopy call.
// If we exit this loop normally then we need to call emitLiteral next,
// though we don't yet know how big the literal will be. We handle that
// by proceeding to the next iteration of the main loop. We also can
// exit this loop via goto if we get close to exhausting the input.
for {
// Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
// literal bytes prior to s.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
t := candidate.offset - e.cur
l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
t += l
// Index first pair after match end.
if int(t+8) < len(src) && t > 0 {
cv = load6432(src, t)
nextHash := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntryPrev{
Prev: e.table[nextHash].Cur,
Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + t},
goto emitRemainder
// Store every 5th hash in-between.
for i := s - l + 2; i < s-5; i += 6 {
nextHash := hashLen(load6432(src, i), tableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[nextHash] = tableEntryPrev{
Prev: e.table[nextHash].Cur,
Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + i}}
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-2 to s.
x := load6432(src, s-2)
prevHash := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[prevHash] = tableEntryPrev{
Prev: e.table[prevHash].Cur,
Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + s - 2},
x >>= 8
prevHash = hashLen(x, tableBits, hashBytes)
e.table[prevHash] = tableEntryPrev{
Prev: e.table[prevHash].Cur,
Cur: tableEntry{offset: e.cur + s - 1},
x >>= 8
currHash := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashBytes)
candidates := e.table[currHash]
cv = x
e.table[currHash] = tableEntryPrev{
Prev: candidates.Cur,
Cur: tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur},
// Check both candidates
candidate = candidates.Cur
minOffset := e.cur + s - (maxMatchOffset - 4)
if candidate.offset > minOffset {
if uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Found a match...
candidate = candidates.Prev
if candidate.offset > minOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, candidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Match at prev...
cv = x >> 8
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
package flate
import "fmt"
type fastEncL4 struct {
table [tableSize]tableEntry
bTable [tableSize]tableEntry
func (e *fastEncL4) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashShortBytes = 4
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
e.bTable[i] = tableEntry{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
v := e.bTable[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.bTable[i].offset = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 6
const doEvery = 1
nextS := s
var t int32
for {
nextHashS := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
s = nextS
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Fetch a short+long candidate
sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
next := load6432(src, nextS)
entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
e.table[nextHashS] = entry
e.bTable[nextHashL] = entry
t = lCandidate.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.offset-e.cur) {
// We got a long match. Use that.
t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, sCandidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Found a 4 match...
lCandidate = e.bTable[hash7(next, tableBits)]
// If the next long is a candidate, check if we should use that instead...
lOff := nextS - (lCandidate.offset - e.cur)
if lOff < maxMatchOffset && load3232(src, lCandidate.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
l1, l2 := matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:]), matchLen(src[nextS+4:], src[nextS-lOff+4:])
if l2 > l1 {
s = nextS
t = lCandidate.offset - e.cur
cv = next
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
l := e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
if debugDeflate {
if t >= s {
if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", t))
if l < baseMatchLength {
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
// Index first pair after match end.
if int(s+8) < len(src) {
cv := load6432(src, s)
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
goto emitRemainder
// Store every 3rd hash in-between
if true {
i := nextS
if i < s-1 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = t
e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)] = t2
e.table[hashLen(cv>>8, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t2
i += 3
for ; i < s-1; i += 3 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)] = t
e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)] = t2
e.table[hashLen(cv>>8, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t2
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
x := load6432(src, s-1)
o := e.cur + s - 1
prevHashS := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
prevHashL := hash7(x, tableBits)
e.table[prevHashS] = tableEntry{offset: o}
e.bTable[prevHashL] = tableEntry{offset: o}
cv = x >> 8
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
package flate
import "fmt"
type fastEncL5 struct {
table [tableSize]tableEntry
bTable [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
func (e *fastEncL5) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashShortBytes = 4
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
e.bTable[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
v := e.bTable[i]
if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
v.Cur.offset = 0
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.bTable[i] = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 6
const doEvery = 1
nextS := s
var l int32
var t int32
for {
nextHashS := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
s = nextS
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Fetch a short+long candidate
sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
next := load6432(src, nextS)
entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
e.table[nextHashS] = entry
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = entry, eLong.Cur
nextHashS = hashLen(next, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL = hash7(next, tableBits)
t = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset {
if uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) {
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
t2 := lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t2 < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
ml1 := e.matchlen(s+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml1 > l {
t = t2
l = ml1
t = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, sCandidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Found a 4 match...
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
lCandidate = e.bTable[nextHashL]
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
// If the next long is a candidate, use that...
t2 := lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset {
if load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
// If the previous long is a candidate, use that...
t2 = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset && load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
cv = next
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
if l == 0 {
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
} else if l == maxMatchLength {
l += e.matchlenLong(s+l, t+l, src)
// Try to locate a better match by checking the end of best match...
if sAt := s + l; l < 30 && sAt < sLimit {
// Allow some bytes at the beginning to mismatch.
// Sweet spot is 2/3 bytes depending on input.
// 3 is only a little better when it is but sometimes a lot worse.
// The skipped bytes are tested in Extend backwards,
// and still picked up as part of the match if they do.
const skipBeginning = 2
eLong := e.bTable[hash7(load6432(src, sAt), tableBits)].Cur.offset
t2 := eLong - e.cur - l + skipBeginning
s2 := s + skipBeginning
off := s2 - t2
if t2 >= 0 && off < maxMatchOffset && off > 0 {
if l2 := e.matchlenLong(s2, t2, src); l2 > l {
t = t2
l = l2
s = s2
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
if debugDeflate {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("s-t", s, t))
if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", s-t))
if l < baseMatchLength {
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Store every 3rd hash in-between.
if true {
const hashEvery = 3
i := s - l + 1
if i < s-1 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
// Do an long at i+1
cv >>= 8
t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
eLong = &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
// We only have enough bits for a short entry at i+2
cv >>= 8
t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t
// Skip one - otherwise we risk hitting 's'
i += 4
for ; i < s-1; i += hashEvery {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
e.table[hashLen(cv>>8, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t2
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
x := load6432(src, s-1)
o := e.cur + s - 1
prevHashS := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
prevHashL := hash7(x, tableBits)
e.table[prevHashS] = tableEntry{offset: o}
eLong := &e.bTable[prevHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: o}, eLong.Cur
cv = x >> 8
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
// fastEncL5Window is a level 5 encoder,
// but with a custom window size.
type fastEncL5Window struct {
hist []byte
cur int32
maxOffset int32
table [tableSize]tableEntry
bTable [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
func (e *fastEncL5Window) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashShortBytes = 4
maxMatchOffset := e.maxOffset
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
e.bTable[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
v := e.bTable[i]
if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
v.Cur.offset = 0
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.bTable[i] = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 6
const doEvery = 1
nextS := s
var l int32
var t int32
for {
nextHashS := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
s = nextS
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Fetch a short+long candidate
sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
next := load6432(src, nextS)
entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
e.table[nextHashS] = entry
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = entry, eLong.Cur
nextHashS = hashLen(next, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL = hash7(next, tableBits)
t = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset {
if uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) {
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
t2 := lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t2 < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
ml1 := e.matchlen(s+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml1 > l {
t = t2
l = ml1
t = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, sCandidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Found a 4 match...
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
lCandidate = e.bTable[nextHashL]
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
// If the next long is a candidate, use that...
t2 := lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset {
if load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
// If the previous long is a candidate, use that...
t2 = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset && load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
cv = next
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
if l == 0 {
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
} else if l == maxMatchLength {
l += e.matchlenLong(s+l, t+l, src)
// Try to locate a better match by checking the end of best match...
if sAt := s + l; l < 30 && sAt < sLimit {
// Allow some bytes at the beginning to mismatch.
// Sweet spot is 2/3 bytes depending on input.
// 3 is only a little better when it is but sometimes a lot worse.
// The skipped bytes are tested in Extend backwards,
// and still picked up as part of the match if they do.
const skipBeginning = 2
eLong := e.bTable[hash7(load6432(src, sAt), tableBits)].Cur.offset
t2 := eLong - e.cur - l + skipBeginning
s2 := s + skipBeginning
off := s2 - t2
if t2 >= 0 && off < maxMatchOffset && off > 0 {
if l2 := e.matchlenLong(s2, t2, src); l2 > l {
t = t2
l = l2
s = s2
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
if debugDeflate {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("s-t", s, t))
if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", s-t))
if l < baseMatchLength {
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Store every 3rd hash in-between.
if true {
const hashEvery = 3
i := s - l + 1
if i < s-1 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
// Do an long at i+1
cv >>= 8
t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
eLong = &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
// We only have enough bits for a short entry at i+2
cv >>= 8
t = tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t
// Skip one - otherwise we risk hitting 's'
i += 4
for ; i < s-1; i += hashEvery {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
e.table[hashLen(cv>>8, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t2
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
x := load6432(src, s-1)
o := e.cur + s - 1
prevHashS := hashLen(x, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
prevHashL := hash7(x, tableBits)
e.table[prevHashS] = tableEntry{offset: o}
eLong := &e.bTable[prevHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: o}, eLong.Cur
cv = x >> 8
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])
// Reset the encoding table.
func (e *fastEncL5Window) Reset() {
// We keep the same allocs, since we are compressing the same block sizes.
if cap(e.hist) < allocHistory {
e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
// We offset current position so everything will be out of reach.
// If we are above the buffer reset it will be cleared anyway since len(hist) == 0.
if e.cur <= int32(bufferReset) {
e.cur += e.maxOffset + int32(len(e.hist))
e.hist = e.hist[:0]
func (e *fastEncL5Window) addBlock(src []byte) int32 {
// check if we have space already
maxMatchOffset := e.maxOffset
if len(e.hist)+len(src) > cap(e.hist) {
if cap(e.hist) == 0 {
e.hist = make([]byte, 0, allocHistory)
} else {
if cap(e.hist) < int(maxMatchOffset*2) {
panic("unexpected buffer size")
// Move down
offset := int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
copy(e.hist[0:maxMatchOffset], e.hist[offset:])
e.cur += offset
e.hist = e.hist[:maxMatchOffset]
s := int32(len(e.hist))
e.hist = append(e.hist, src...)
return s
// matchlen will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
// The maximum length returned is maxMatchLength - 4.
// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
func (e *fastEncL5Window) matchlen(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
if debugDecode {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
if int(s) >= len(src) {
panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
if t < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
if s-t > e.maxOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
s1 := int(s) + maxMatchLength - 4
if s1 > len(src) {
s1 = len(src)
// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
return int32(matchLen(src[s:s1], src[t:]))
// matchlenLong will return the match length between offsets and t in src.
// It is assumed that s > t, that t >=0 and s < len(src).
func (e *fastEncL5Window) matchlenLong(s, t int32, src []byte) int32 {
if debugDeflate {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t >=s:", t, s))
if int(s) >= len(src) {
panic(fmt.Sprint("s >= len(src):", s, len(src)))
if t < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("t < 0:", t))
if s-t > e.maxOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprint(s, "-", t, "(", s-t, ") > maxMatchLength (", maxMatchOffset, ")"))
// Extend the match to be as long as possible.
return int32(matchLen(src[s:], src[t:]))

View File

@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
package flate
import "fmt"
type fastEncL6 struct {
table [tableSize]tableEntry
bTable [tableSize]tableEntryPrev
func (e *fastEncL6) Encode(dst *tokens, src []byte) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
hashShortBytes = 4
if debugDeflate && e.cur < 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprint("e.cur < 0: ", e.cur))
// Protect against e.cur wraparound.
for e.cur >= bufferReset {
if len(e.hist) == 0 {
for i := range e.table[:] {
e.table[i] = tableEntry{}
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
e.bTable[i] = tableEntryPrev{}
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
// Shift down everything in the table that isn't already too far away.
minOff := e.cur + int32(len(e.hist)) - maxMatchOffset
for i := range e.table[:] {
v := e.table[i].offset
if v <= minOff {
v = 0
} else {
v = v - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.table[i].offset = v
for i := range e.bTable[:] {
v := e.bTable[i]
if v.Cur.offset <= minOff {
v.Cur.offset = 0
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Cur.offset = v.Cur.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
if v.Prev.offset <= minOff {
v.Prev.offset = 0
} else {
v.Prev.offset = v.Prev.offset - e.cur + maxMatchOffset
e.bTable[i] = v
e.cur = maxMatchOffset
s := e.addBlock(src)
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = uint16(len(src))
// Override src
src = e.hist
nextEmit := s
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int32(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load6432(src, s)
// Repeat MUST be > 1 and within range
repeat := int32(1)
for {
const skipLog = 7
const doEvery = 1
nextS := s
var l int32
var t int32
for {
nextHashS := hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL := hash7(cv, tableBits)
s = nextS
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// Fetch a short+long candidate
sCandidate := e.table[nextHashS]
lCandidate := e.bTable[nextHashL]
next := load6432(src, nextS)
entry := tableEntry{offset: s + e.cur}
e.table[nextHashS] = entry
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = entry, eLong.Cur
// Calculate hashes of 'next'
nextHashS = hashLen(next, tableBits, hashShortBytes)
nextHashL = hash7(next, tableBits)
t = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset {
if uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) {
// Long candidate matches at least 4 bytes.
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
// Check the previous long candidate as well.
t2 := lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t2 < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
ml1 := e.matchlen(s+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml1 > l {
t = t2
l = ml1
// Current value did not match, but check if previous long value does.
t = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) {
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
t = sCandidate.offset - e.cur
if s-t < maxMatchOffset && uint32(cv) == load3232(src, sCandidate.offset-e.cur) {
// Found a 4 match...
l = e.matchlen(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
// Look up next long candidate (at nextS)
lCandidate = e.bTable[nextHashL]
// Store the next match
e.table[nextHashS] = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[nextHashL]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: nextS + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
// Check repeat at s + repOff
const repOff = 1
t2 := s - repeat + repOff
if load3232(src, t2) == uint32(cv>>(8*repOff)) {
ml := e.matchlen(s+4+repOff, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
l = ml
s += repOff
// Not worth checking more.
// If the next long is a candidate, use that...
t2 = lCandidate.Cur.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset {
if load3232(src, lCandidate.Cur.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
// This is ok, but check previous as well.
// If the previous long is a candidate, use that...
t2 = lCandidate.Prev.offset - e.cur
if nextS-t2 < maxMatchOffset && load3232(src, lCandidate.Prev.offset-e.cur) == uint32(next) {
ml := e.matchlen(nextS+4, t2+4, src) + 4
if ml > l {
t = t2
s = nextS
l = ml
cv = next
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
if l == 0 {
l = e.matchlenLong(s+4, t+4, src) + 4
} else if l == maxMatchLength {
l += e.matchlenLong(s+l, t+l, src)
// Try to locate a better match by checking the end-of-match...
if sAt := s + l; sAt < sLimit {
// Allow some bytes at the beginning to mismatch.
// Sweet spot is 2/3 bytes depending on input.
// 3 is only a little better when it is but sometimes a lot worse.
// The skipped bytes are tested in Extend backwards,
// and still picked up as part of the match if they do.
const skipBeginning = 2
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(load6432(src, sAt), tableBits)]
// Test current
t2 := eLong.Cur.offset - e.cur - l + skipBeginning
s2 := s + skipBeginning
off := s2 - t2
if off < maxMatchOffset {
if off > 0 && t2 >= 0 {
if l2 := e.matchlenLong(s2, t2, src); l2 > l {
t = t2
l = l2
s = s2
// Test next:
t2 = eLong.Prev.offset - e.cur - l + skipBeginning
off := s2 - t2
if off > 0 && off < maxMatchOffset && t2 >= 0 {
if l2 := e.matchlenLong(s2, t2, src); l2 > l {
t = t2
l = l2
s = s2
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
if false {
if t >= s {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("s-t", s, t))
if (s - t) > maxMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Sprintln("mmo", s-t))
if l < baseMatchLength {
dst.AddMatchLong(l, uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
repeat = s - t
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
// Index after match end.
for i := nextS + 1; i < int32(len(src))-8; i += 2 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}, eLong.Cur
goto emitRemainder
// Store every long hash in-between and every second short.
if true {
for i := nextS + 1; i < s-1; i += 2 {
cv := load6432(src, i)
t := tableEntry{offset: i + e.cur}
t2 := tableEntry{offset: t.offset + 1}
eLong := &e.bTable[hash7(cv, tableBits)]
eLong2 := &e.bTable[hash7(cv>>8, tableBits)]
e.table[hashLen(cv, tableBits, hashShortBytes)] = t
eLong.Cur, eLong.Prev = t, eLong.Cur
eLong2.Cur, eLong2.Prev = t2, eLong2.Cur
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-1 and at s.
cv = load6432(src, s)
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
//go:build amd64 && !appengine && !noasm && gc
// +build amd64,!appengine,!noasm,gc
// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
// License information can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
// matchLen returns how many bytes match in a and b
// It assumes that:
// len(a) <= len(b) and len(a) > 0
func matchLen(a []byte, b []byte) int

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
// Copied from S2 implementation.
//go:build !appengine && !noasm && gc && !noasm
#include "textflag.h"
// func matchLen(a []byte, b []byte) int
// Requires: BMI
TEXT ·matchLen(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-56
MOVQ a_base+0(FP), AX
MOVQ b_base+24(FP), CX
MOVQ a_len+8(FP), DX
// matchLen
CMPL DX, $0x08
JB matchlen_match4_standalone
JZ matchlen_loop_standalone
#ifdef GOAMD64_v3
SARQ $0x03, BX
JMP gen_match_len_end
CMPL DX, $0x08
JAE matchlen_loopback_standalone
CMPL DX, $0x04
JB matchlen_match2_standalone
JNE matchlen_match2_standalone
CMPL DX, $0x02
JB matchlen_match1_standalone
JNE matchlen_match1_standalone
CMPL DX, $0x01
JB gen_match_len_end
JNE gen_match_len_end
MOVQ SI, ret+48(FP)

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
//go:build !amd64 || appengine || !gc || noasm
// +build !amd64 appengine !gc noasm
// Copyright 2019+ Klaus Post. All rights reserved.
// License information can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
import (
// matchLen returns the maximum common prefix length of a and b.
// a must be the shortest of the two.
func matchLen(a, b []byte) (n int) {
for ; len(a) >= 8 && len(b) >= 8; a, b = a[8:], b[8:] {
diff := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(a) ^ binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b)
if diff != 0 {
return n + bits.TrailingZeros64(diff)>>3
n += 8
for i := range a {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return n

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
package flate
const (
// Masks for shifts with register sizes of the shift value.
// This can be used to work around the x86 design of shifting by mod register size.
// It can be used when a variable shift is always smaller than the register size.
// reg8SizeMaskX - shift value is 8 bits, shifted is X
reg8SizeMask8 = 7
reg8SizeMask16 = 15
reg8SizeMask32 = 31
reg8SizeMask64 = 63
// reg16SizeMaskX - shift value is 16 bits, shifted is X
reg16SizeMask8 = reg8SizeMask8
reg16SizeMask16 = reg8SizeMask16
reg16SizeMask32 = reg8SizeMask32
reg16SizeMask64 = reg8SizeMask64
// reg32SizeMaskX - shift value is 32 bits, shifted is X
reg32SizeMask8 = reg8SizeMask8
reg32SizeMask16 = reg8SizeMask16
reg32SizeMask32 = reg8SizeMask32
reg32SizeMask64 = reg8SizeMask64
// reg64SizeMaskX - shift value is 64 bits, shifted is X
reg64SizeMask8 = reg8SizeMask8
reg64SizeMask16 = reg8SizeMask16
reg64SizeMask32 = reg8SizeMask32
reg64SizeMask64 = reg8SizeMask64
// regSizeMaskUintX - shift value is uint, shifted is X
regSizeMaskUint8 = reg8SizeMask8
regSizeMaskUint16 = reg8SizeMask16
regSizeMaskUint32 = reg8SizeMask32
regSizeMaskUint64 = reg8SizeMask64

View File

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
//go:build !amd64
// +build !amd64
package flate
const (
// Masks for shifts with register sizes of the shift value.
// This can be used to work around the x86 design of shifting by mod register size.
// It can be used when a variable shift is always smaller than the register size.
// reg8SizeMaskX - shift value is 8 bits, shifted is X
reg8SizeMask8 = 0xff
reg8SizeMask16 = 0xff
reg8SizeMask32 = 0xff
reg8SizeMask64 = 0xff
// reg16SizeMaskX - shift value is 16 bits, shifted is X
reg16SizeMask8 = 0xffff
reg16SizeMask16 = 0xffff
reg16SizeMask32 = 0xffff
reg16SizeMask64 = 0xffff
// reg32SizeMaskX - shift value is 32 bits, shifted is X
reg32SizeMask8 = 0xffffffff
reg32SizeMask16 = 0xffffffff
reg32SizeMask32 = 0xffffffff
reg32SizeMask64 = 0xffffffff
// reg64SizeMaskX - shift value is 64 bits, shifted is X
reg64SizeMask8 = 0xffffffffffffffff
reg64SizeMask16 = 0xffffffffffffffff
reg64SizeMask32 = 0xffffffffffffffff
reg64SizeMask64 = 0xffffffffffffffff
// regSizeMaskUintX - shift value is uint, shifted is X
regSizeMaskUint8 = ^uint(0)
regSizeMaskUint16 = ^uint(0)
regSizeMaskUint32 = ^uint(0)
regSizeMaskUint64 = ^uint(0)

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
package flate
import (
const (
maxStatelessBlock = math.MaxInt16
// dictionary will be taken from maxStatelessBlock, so limit it.
maxStatelessDict = 8 << 10
slTableBits = 13
slTableSize = 1 << slTableBits
slTableShift = 32 - slTableBits
type statelessWriter struct {
dst io.Writer
closed bool
func (s *statelessWriter) Close() error {
if s.closed {
return nil
s.closed = true
// Emit EOF block
return StatelessDeflate(s.dst, nil, true, nil)
func (s *statelessWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
err = StatelessDeflate(s.dst, p, false, nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return len(p), nil
func (s *statelessWriter) Reset(w io.Writer) {
s.dst = w
s.closed = false
// NewStatelessWriter will do compression but without maintaining any state
// between Write calls.
// There will be no memory kept between Write calls,
// but compression and speed will be suboptimal.
// Because of this, the size of actual Write calls will affect output size.
func NewStatelessWriter(dst io.Writer) io.WriteCloser {
return &statelessWriter{dst: dst}
// bitWriterPool contains bit writers that can be reused.
var bitWriterPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return newHuffmanBitWriter(nil)
// StatelessDeflate allows compressing directly to a Writer without retaining state.
// When returning everything will be flushed.
// Up to 8KB of an optional dictionary can be given which is presumed to precede the block.
// Longer dictionaries will be truncated and will still produce valid output.
// Sending nil dictionary is perfectly fine.
func StatelessDeflate(out io.Writer, in []byte, eof bool, dict []byte) error {
var dst tokens
bw := bitWriterPool.Get().(*huffmanBitWriter)
defer func() {
// don't keep a reference to our output
if eof && len(in) == 0 {
// Just write an EOF block.
// Could be faster...
bw.writeStoredHeader(0, true)
return bw.err
// Truncate dict
if len(dict) > maxStatelessDict {
dict = dict[len(dict)-maxStatelessDict:]
// For subsequent loops, keep shallow dict reference to avoid alloc+copy.
var inDict []byte
for len(in) > 0 {
todo := in
if len(inDict) > 0 {
if len(todo) > maxStatelessBlock-maxStatelessDict {
todo = todo[:maxStatelessBlock-maxStatelessDict]
} else if len(todo) > maxStatelessBlock-len(dict) {
todo = todo[:maxStatelessBlock-len(dict)]
inOrg := in
in = in[len(todo):]
uncompressed := todo
if len(dict) > 0 {
// combine dict and source
bufLen := len(todo) + len(dict)
combined := make([]byte, bufLen)
copy(combined, dict)
copy(combined[len(dict):], todo)
todo = combined
// Compress
if len(inDict) == 0 {
statelessEnc(&dst, todo, int16(len(dict)))
} else {
statelessEnc(&dst, inDict[:maxStatelessDict+len(todo)], maxStatelessDict)
isEof := eof && len(in) == 0
if dst.n == 0 {
bw.writeStoredHeader(len(uncompressed), isEof)
if bw.err != nil {
return bw.err
} else if int(dst.n) > len(uncompressed)-len(uncompressed)>>4 {
// If we removed less than 1/16th, huffman compress the block.
bw.writeBlockHuff(isEof, uncompressed, len(in) == 0)
} else {
bw.writeBlockDynamic(&dst, isEof, uncompressed, len(in) == 0)
if len(in) > 0 {
// Retain a dict if we have more
inDict = inOrg[len(uncompressed)-maxStatelessDict:]
dict = nil
if bw.err != nil {
return bw.err
if !eof {
// Align, only a stored block can do that.
bw.writeStoredHeader(0, false)
return bw.err
func hashSL(u uint32) uint32 {
return (u * 0x1e35a7bd) >> slTableShift
func load3216(b []byte, i int16) uint32 {
// Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
b = b[i:]
b = b[:4]
return uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24
func load6416(b []byte, i int16) uint64 {
// Help the compiler eliminate bounds checks on the read so it can be done in a single read.
b = b[i:]
b = b[:8]
return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 |
uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56
func statelessEnc(dst *tokens, src []byte, startAt int16) {
const (
inputMargin = 12 - 1
minNonLiteralBlockSize = 1 + 1 + inputMargin
type tableEntry struct {
offset int16
var table [slTableSize]tableEntry
// This check isn't in the Snappy implementation, but there, the caller
// instead of the callee handles this case.
if len(src)-int(startAt) < minNonLiteralBlockSize {
// We do not fill the token table.
// This will be picked up by caller.
dst.n = 0
// Index until startAt
if startAt > 0 {
cv := load3232(src, 0)
for i := int16(0); i < startAt; i++ {
table[hashSL(cv)] = tableEntry{offset: i}
cv = (cv >> 8) | (uint32(src[i+4]) << 24)
s := startAt + 1
nextEmit := startAt
// sLimit is when to stop looking for offset/length copies. The inputMargin
// lets us use a fast path for emitLiteral in the main loop, while we are
// looking for copies.
sLimit := int16(len(src) - inputMargin)
// nextEmit is where in src the next emitLiteral should start from.
cv := load3216(src, s)
for {
const skipLog = 5
const doEvery = 2
nextS := s
var candidate tableEntry
for {
nextHash := hashSL(cv)
candidate = table[nextHash]
nextS = s + doEvery + (s-nextEmit)>>skipLog
if nextS > sLimit || nextS <= 0 {
goto emitRemainder
now := load6416(src, nextS)
table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s}
nextHash = hashSL(uint32(now))
if cv == load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS}
// Do one right away...
cv = uint32(now)
s = nextS
candidate = table[nextHash]
now >>= 8
table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: s}
if cv == load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
table[nextHash] = tableEntry{offset: nextS}
cv = uint32(now)
s = nextS
// A 4-byte match has been found. We'll later see if more than 4 bytes
// match. But, prior to the match, src[nextEmit:s] are unmatched. Emit
// them as literal bytes.
for {
// Invariant: we have a 4-byte match at s, and no need to emit any
// literal bytes prior to s.
// Extend the 4-byte match as long as possible.
t := candidate.offset
l := int16(matchLen(src[s+4:], src[t+4:]) + 4)
// Extend backwards
for t > 0 && s > nextEmit && src[t-1] == src[s-1] {
if nextEmit < s {
if false {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:s])
} else {
for _, v := range src[nextEmit:s] {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
// Save the match found
dst.AddMatchLong(int32(l), uint32(s-t-baseMatchOffset))
s += l
nextEmit = s
if nextS >= s {
s = nextS + 1
if s >= sLimit {
goto emitRemainder
// We could immediately start working at s now, but to improve
// compression we first update the hash table at s-2 and at s. If
// another emitCopy is not our next move, also calculate nextHash
// at s+1. At least on GOARCH=amd64, these three hash calculations
// are faster as one load64 call (with some shifts) instead of
// three load32 calls.
x := load6416(src, s-2)
o := s - 2
prevHash := hashSL(uint32(x))
table[prevHash] = tableEntry{offset: o}
x >>= 16
currHash := hashSL(uint32(x))
candidate = table[currHash]
table[currHash] = tableEntry{offset: o + 2}
if uint32(x) != load3216(src, candidate.offset) {
cv = uint32(x >> 8)
if int(nextEmit) < len(src) {
// If nothing was added, don't encode literals.
if dst.n == 0 {
emitLiteral(dst, src[nextEmit:])

View File

@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package flate
import (
const (
// bits 0-16 xoffset = offset - MIN_OFFSET_SIZE, or literal - 16 bits
// bits 16-22 offsetcode - 5 bits
// bits 22-30 xlength = length - MIN_MATCH_LENGTH - 8 bits
// bits 30-32 type 0 = literal 1=EOF 2=Match 3=Unused - 2 bits
lengthShift = 22
offsetMask = 1<<lengthShift - 1
typeMask = 3 << 30
literalType = 0 << 30
matchType = 1 << 30
matchOffsetOnlyMask = 0xffff
// The length code for length X (MIN_MATCH_LENGTH <= X <= MAX_MATCH_LENGTH)
// is lengthCodes[length - MIN_MATCH_LENGTH]
var lengthCodes = [256]uint8{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8,
9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15,
15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18,
18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19,
19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22,
22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22,
22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
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27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28,
// lengthCodes1 is length codes, but starting at 1.
var lengthCodes1 = [256]uint8{
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9,
10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13,
14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16,
16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17,
18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19,
19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20,
20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21,
21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21,
22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22,
22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25,
25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
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28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
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28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29,
var offsetCodes = [256]uint32{
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7,
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9,
10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
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13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
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// offsetCodes14 are offsetCodes, but with 14 added.
var offsetCodes14 = [256]uint32{
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21,
22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
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type token uint32
type tokens struct {
extraHist [32]uint16 // codes 256->maxnumlit
offHist [32]uint16 // offset codes
litHist [256]uint16 // codes 0->255
nFilled int
n uint16 // Must be able to contain maxStoreBlockSize
tokens [maxStoreBlockSize + 1]token
func (t *tokens) Reset() {
if t.n == 0 {
t.n = 0
t.nFilled = 0
for i := range t.litHist[:] {
t.litHist[i] = 0
for i := range t.extraHist[:] {
t.extraHist[i] = 0
for i := range t.offHist[:] {
t.offHist[i] = 0
func (t *tokens) Fill() {
if t.n == 0 {
for i, v := range t.litHist[:] {
if v == 0 {
t.litHist[i] = 1
for i, v := range t.extraHist[:literalCount-256] {
if v == 0 {
t.extraHist[i] = 1
for i, v := range t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount] {
if v == 0 {
t.offHist[i] = 1
func indexTokens(in []token) tokens {
var t tokens
return t
func (t *tokens) indexTokens(in []token) {
for _, tok := range in {
if tok < matchType {
t.AddMatch(uint32(tok.length()), tok.offset()&matchOffsetOnlyMask)
// emitLiteral writes a literal chunk and returns the number of bytes written.
func emitLiteral(dst *tokens, lit []byte) {
for _, v := range lit {
dst.tokens[dst.n] = token(v)
func (t *tokens) AddLiteral(lit byte) {
t.tokens[t.n] = token(lit)
// from https://stackoverflow.com/a/28730362
func mFastLog2(val float32) float32 {
ux := int32(math.Float32bits(val))
log2 := (float32)(((ux >> 23) & 255) - 128)
ux &= -0x7f800001
ux += 127 << 23
uval := math.Float32frombits(uint32(ux))
log2 += ((-0.34484843)*uval+2.02466578)*uval - 0.67487759
return log2
// EstimatedBits will return an minimum size estimated by an *optimal*
// compression of the block.
// The size of the block
func (t *tokens) EstimatedBits() int {
shannon := float32(0)
bits := int(0)
nMatches := 0
total := int(t.n) + t.nFilled
if total > 0 {
invTotal := 1.0 / float32(total)
for _, v := range t.litHist[:] {
if v > 0 {
n := float32(v)
shannon += atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(n*invTotal)) * n
// Just add 15 for EOB
shannon += 15
for i, v := range t.extraHist[1 : literalCount-256] {
if v > 0 {
n := float32(v)
shannon += atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(n*invTotal)) * n
bits += int(lengthExtraBits[i&31]) * int(v)
nMatches += int(v)
if nMatches > 0 {
invTotal := 1.0 / float32(nMatches)
for i, v := range t.offHist[:offsetCodeCount] {
if v > 0 {
n := float32(v)
shannon += atLeastOne(-mFastLog2(n*invTotal)) * n
bits += int(offsetExtraBits[i&31]) * int(v)
return int(shannon) + bits
// AddMatch adds a match to the tokens.
// This function is very sensitive to inlining and right on the border.
func (t *tokens) AddMatch(xlength uint32, xoffset uint32) {
if debugDeflate {
if xlength >= maxMatchLength+baseMatchLength {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid length: %v", xlength))
if xoffset >= maxMatchOffset+baseMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid offset: %v", xoffset))
oCode := offsetCode(xoffset)
xoffset |= oCode << 16
t.tokens[t.n] = token(matchType | xlength<<lengthShift | xoffset)
// AddMatchLong adds a match to the tokens, potentially longer than max match length.
// Length should NOT have the base subtracted, only offset should.
func (t *tokens) AddMatchLong(xlength int32, xoffset uint32) {
if debugDeflate {
if xoffset >= maxMatchOffset+baseMatchOffset {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid offset: %v", xoffset))
oc := offsetCode(xoffset)
xoffset |= oc << 16
for xlength > 0 {
xl := xlength
if xl > 258 {
// We need to have at least baseMatchLength left over for next loop.
if xl > 258+baseMatchLength {
xl = 258
} else {
xl = 258 - baseMatchLength
xlength -= xl
xl -= baseMatchLength
t.tokens[t.n] = token(matchType | uint32(xl)<<lengthShift | xoffset)
func (t *tokens) AddEOB() {
t.tokens[t.n] = token(endBlockMarker)
func (t *tokens) Slice() []token {
return t.tokens[:t.n]
// VarInt returns the tokens as varint encoded bytes.
func (t *tokens) VarInt() []byte {
var b = make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen32*int(t.n))
var off int
for _, v := range t.tokens[:t.n] {
off += binary.PutUvarint(b[off:], uint64(v))
return b[:off]
// FromVarInt restores t to the varint encoded tokens provided.
// Any data in t is removed.
func (t *tokens) FromVarInt(b []byte) error {
var buf = bytes.NewReader(b)
var toks []token
for {
r, err := binary.ReadUvarint(buf)
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return err
toks = append(toks, token(r))
return nil
// Returns the type of a token
func (t token) typ() uint32 { return uint32(t) & typeMask }
// Returns the literal of a literal token
func (t token) literal() uint8 { return uint8(t) }
// Returns the extra offset of a match token
func (t token) offset() uint32 { return uint32(t) & offsetMask }
func (t token) length() uint8 { return uint8(t >> lengthShift) }
// Convert length to code.
func lengthCode(len uint8) uint8 { return lengthCodes[len] }
// Returns the offset code corresponding to a specific offset
func offsetCode(off uint32) uint32 {
if false {
if off < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
return offsetCodes[off&255]
} else if off>>7 < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
return offsetCodes[(off>>7)&255] + 14
} else {
return offsetCodes[(off>>14)&255] + 28
if off < uint32(len(offsetCodes)) {
return offsetCodes[uint8(off)]
return offsetCodes14[uint8(off>>7)]

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
# Folders
# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
# Emacs
# vi/vim
# Mac
# Eclipse
# bin
# Goland
# VS Code

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
max-issues-per-linter: 0
max-same-issues: 0
- linters:
- errcheck
text: "Unsubscribe"
- linters:
- errcheck
text: "msg.Ack"
- linters:
- errcheck
text: "watcher.Stop"

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
language: go
- "1.21.x"
- "1.20.x"
go_import_path: github.com/nats-io/nats.go
- go get -t ./...
- curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" =~ 1.21 ]]; then
go install github.com/mattn/goveralls@latest;
go install github.com/wadey/gocovmerge@latest;
go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@latest;
go install github.com/client9/misspell/cmd/misspell@latest;
- $(exit $(go fmt ./... | wc -l))
- go vet -modfile=go_test.mod ./...
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" =~ 1.21 ]]; then
find . -type f -name "*.go" | xargs misspell -error -locale US;
GOFLAGS="-mod=mod -modfile=go_test.mod" staticcheck ./...;
- golangci-lint run ./jetstream/...
- go test -modfile=go_test.mod -v -run=TestNoRace -p=1 ./... --failfast -vet=off
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" =~ 1.21 ]]; then ./scripts/cov.sh TRAVIS; else go test -modfile=go_test.mod -race -v -p=1 ./... --failfast -vet=off -tags=internal_testing; fi
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_GO_VERSION" =~ 1.21 ]]; then $HOME/gopath/bin/goveralls -coverprofile=acc.out -service travis-ci; fi
- name: "Go: 1.21.x (nats-server@main)"
go: "1.21.x"
- go get -modfile go_test.mod github.com/nats-io/nats-server/v2@main
- name: "Go: 1.21.x (nats-server@main)"

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
The .words file is used by gospel (v1.2+), which wraps the Hunspell libraries
but populates the dictionary with identifiers from the Go source.
Alas, no comments are allowed in the .words file and newer versions of gospel
error out on seeing them. This is really a hunspell restriction.
We assume en_US hunspell dictionaries are installed and used.
The /AFFIXRULES are defined in en_US.aff (eg: /usr/share/hunspell/en_US.aff)
Invoke `hunspell -D` to see the actual locations.
Words which are in the base dictionary can't have extra affix rules added to
them, so we have to start with the affixed variant we want to add.
Thus `creds` rather than `cred/S` and so on.
So we can't use receive/DRSZGBU, adding 'U', to allow unreceive and variants,
we have to use unreceive as the stem.
We can't define our own affix or compound rules,
to capture rfc\d{3,} or 0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}
The spelling tokenizer doesn't take "permessage-deflate" as allowing for ...
"permessage-deflate", which is an RFC7692 registered extension for websockets.
We have to explicitly list "permessage".

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
## Community Code of Conduct
NATS follows the [CNCF Code of Conduct](https://github.com/cncf/foundation/blob/master/code-of-conduct.md).

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# NATS Go Client Governance
NATS Go Client (go-nats) is part of the NATS project and is subject to the [NATS Governance](https://github.com/nats-io/nats-general/blob/master/GOVERNANCE.md).

View File

@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
# Maintainers
Maintainership is on a per project basis.
### Maintainers
- Derek Collison <derek@nats.io> [@derekcollison](https://github.com/derekcollison)
- Ivan Kozlovic <ivan@nats.io> [@kozlovic](https://github.com/kozlovic)
- Waldemar Quevedo <wally@nats.io> [@wallyqs](https://github.com/wallyqs)

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@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
# NATS - Go Client
A [Go](http://golang.org) client for the [NATS messaging system](https://nats.io).
[![License Apache 2][License-Image]][License-Url] [![Go Report Card][ReportCard-Image]][ReportCard-Url] [![Build Status][Build-Status-Image]][Build-Status-Url] [![GoDoc][GoDoc-Image]][GoDoc-Url] [![Coverage Status][Coverage-image]][Coverage-Url]
[License-Url]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
[License-Image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache2-blue.svg
[ReportCard-Url]: https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/nats-io/nats.go
[ReportCard-Image]: https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/nats-io/nats.go
[Build-Status-Url]: https://travis-ci.com/github/nats-io/nats.go
[Build-Status-Image]: https://travis-ci.com/nats-io/nats.go.svg?branch=main
[GoDoc-Url]: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/nats-io/nats.go
[GoDoc-Image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/GoDoc-reference-007d9c
[Coverage-Url]: https://coveralls.io/r/nats-io/nats.go?branch=main
[Coverage-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/nats-io/nats.go/badge.svg?branch=main
## Installation
# Go client
go get github.com/nats-io/nats.go/
# Server
go get github.com/nats-io/nats-server
When using or transitioning to Go modules support:
# Go client latest or explicit version
go get github.com/nats-io/nats.go/@latest
go get github.com/nats-io/nats.go/@v1.31.0
# For latest NATS Server, add /v2 at the end
go get github.com/nats-io/nats-server/v2
# NATS Server v1 is installed otherwise
# go get github.com/nats-io/nats-server
## Basic Usage
import "github.com/nats-io/nats.go"
// Connect to a server
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// Simple Publisher
nc.Publish("foo", []byte("Hello World"))
// Simple Async Subscriber
nc.Subscribe("foo", func(m *nats.Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Received a message: %s\n", string(m.Data))
// Responding to a request message
nc.Subscribe("request", func(m *nats.Msg) {
m.Respond([]byte("answer is 42"))
// Simple Sync Subscriber
sub, err := nc.SubscribeSync("foo")
m, err := sub.NextMsg(timeout)
// Channel Subscriber
ch := make(chan *nats.Msg, 64)
sub, err := nc.ChanSubscribe("foo", ch)
msg := <- ch
// Unsubscribe
// Drain
// Requests
msg, err := nc.Request("help", []byte("help me"), 10*time.Millisecond)
// Replies
nc.Subscribe("help", func(m *nats.Msg) {
nc.Publish(m.Reply, []byte("I can help!"))
// Drain connection (Preferred for responders)
// Close() not needed if this is called.
// Close connection
## JetStream
JetStream is the built-in NATS persistence system. `nats.go` provides a built-in
API enabling both managing JetStream assets as well as publishing/consuming
persistent messages.
### Basic usage
// connect to nats server
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// create jetstream context from nats connection
js, _ := jetstream.New(nc)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
defer cancel()
// get existing stream handle
stream, _ := js.Stream(ctx, "foo")
// retrieve consumer handle from a stream
cons, _ := stream.Consumer(ctx, "cons")
// consume messages from the consumer in callback
cc, _ := cons.Consume(func(msg jetstream.Msg) {
fmt.Println("Received jetstream message: ", string(msg.Data()))
defer cc.Stop()
To find more information on `nats.go` JetStream API, visit
> The current JetStream API replaces the [legacy JetStream API](legacy_jetstream.md)
## Service API
The service API (`micro`) allows you to [easily build NATS services](micro/README.md) The
services API is currently in beta release.
## Encoded Connections
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
c, _ := nats.NewEncodedConn(nc, nats.JSON_ENCODER)
defer c.Close()
// Simple Publisher
c.Publish("foo", "Hello World")
// Simple Async Subscriber
c.Subscribe("foo", func(s string) {
fmt.Printf("Received a message: %s\n", s)
// EncodedConn can Publish any raw Go type using the registered Encoder
type person struct {
Name string
Address string
Age int
// Go type Subscriber
c.Subscribe("hello", func(p *person) {
fmt.Printf("Received a person: %+v\n", p)
me := &person{Name: "derek", Age: 22, Address: "140 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA"}
// Go type Publisher
c.Publish("hello", me)
// Unsubscribe
sub, err := c.Subscribe("foo", nil)
// ...
// Requests
var response string
err = c.Request("help", "help me", &response, 10*time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Request failed: %v\n", err)
// Replying
c.Subscribe("help", func(subj, reply string, msg string) {
c.Publish(reply, "I can help!")
// Close connection
## New Authentication (Nkeys and User Credentials)
This requires server with version >= 2.0.0
NATS servers have a new security and authentication mechanism to authenticate with user credentials and Nkeys.
The simplest form is to use the helper method UserCredentials(credsFilepath).
nc, err := nats.Connect(url, nats.UserCredentials("user.creds"))
The helper methods creates two callback handlers to present the user JWT and sign the nonce challenge from the server.
The core client library never has direct access to your private key and simply performs the callback for signing the server challenge.
The helper will load and wipe and erase memory it uses for each connect or reconnect.
The helper also can take two entries, one for the JWT and one for the NKey seed file.
nc, err := nats.Connect(url, nats.UserCredentials("user.jwt", "user.nk"))
You can also set the callback handlers directly and manage challenge signing directly.
nc, err := nats.Connect(url, nats.UserJWT(jwtCB, sigCB))
Bare Nkeys are also supported. The nkey seed should be in a read only file, e.g. seed.txt
> cat seed.txt
# This is my seed nkey!
This is a helper function which will load and decode and do the proper signing for the server nonce.
It will clear memory in between invocations.
You can choose to use the low level option and provide the public key and a signature callback on your own.
opt, err := nats.NkeyOptionFromSeed("seed.txt")
nc, err := nats.Connect(serverUrl, opt)
// Direct
nc, err := nats.Connect(serverUrl, nats.Nkey(pubNkey, sigCB))
## TLS
// tls as a scheme will enable secure connections by default. This will also verify the server name.
nc, err := nats.Connect("tls://nats.demo.io:4443")
// If you are using a self-signed certificate, you need to have a tls.Config with RootCAs setup.
// We provide a helper method to make this case easier.
nc, err = nats.Connect("tls://localhost:4443", nats.RootCAs("./configs/certs/ca.pem"))
// If the server requires client certificate, there is an helper function for that too:
cert := nats.ClientCert("./configs/certs/client-cert.pem", "./configs/certs/client-key.pem")
nc, err = nats.Connect("tls://localhost:4443", cert)
// You can also supply a complete tls.Config
certFile := "./configs/certs/client-cert.pem"
keyFile := "./configs/certs/client-key.pem"
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error parsing X509 certificate/key pair: %v", err)
config := &tls.Config{
ServerName: opts.Host,
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cert},
RootCAs: pool,
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
nc, err = nats.Connect("nats://localhost:4443", nats.Secure(config))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Got an error on Connect with Secure Options: %+v\n", err)
## Using Go Channels (netchan)
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
ec, _ := nats.NewEncodedConn(nc, nats.JSON_ENCODER)
defer ec.Close()
type person struct {
Name string
Address string
Age int
recvCh := make(chan *person)
ec.BindRecvChan("hello", recvCh)
sendCh := make(chan *person)
ec.BindSendChan("hello", sendCh)
me := &person{Name: "derek", Age: 22, Address: "140 New Montgomery Street"}
// Send via Go channels
sendCh <- me
// Receive via Go channels
who := <- recvCh
## Wildcard Subscriptions
// "*" matches any token, at any level of the subject.
nc.Subscribe("foo.*.baz", func(m *Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Msg received on [%s] : %s\n", m.Subject, string(m.Data));
nc.Subscribe("foo.bar.*", func(m *Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Msg received on [%s] : %s\n", m.Subject, string(m.Data));
// ">" matches any length of the tail of a subject, and can only be the last token
// E.g. 'foo.>' will match 'foo.bar', 'foo.bar.baz', 'foo.foo.bar.bax.22'
nc.Subscribe("foo.>", func(m *Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Msg received on [%s] : %s\n", m.Subject, string(m.Data));
// Matches all of the above
nc.Publish("foo.bar.baz", []byte("Hello World"))
## Queue Groups
// All subscriptions with the same queue name will form a queue group.
// Each message will be delivered to only one subscriber per queue group,
// using queuing semantics. You can have as many queue groups as you wish.
// Normal subscribers will continue to work as expected.
nc.QueueSubscribe("foo", "job_workers", func(_ *Msg) {
received += 1;
## Advanced Usage
// Normally, the library will return an error when trying to connect and
// there is no server running. The RetryOnFailedConnect option will set
// the connection in reconnecting state if it failed to connect right away.
nc, err := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL,
nats.ReconnectHandler(func(_ *nats.Conn) {
// Note that this will be invoked for the first asynchronous connect.
if err != nil {
// Should not return an error even if it can't connect, but you still
// need to check in case there are some configuration errors.
// Flush connection to server, returns when all messages have been processed.
fmt.Println("All clear!")
// FlushTimeout specifies a timeout value as well.
err := nc.FlushTimeout(1*time.Second)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("All clear!")
} else {
fmt.Println("Flushed timed out!")
// Auto-unsubscribe after MAX_WANTED messages received
const MAX_WANTED = 10
sub, err := nc.Subscribe("foo")
// Multiple connections
nc1 := nats.Connect("nats://host1:4222")
nc2 := nats.Connect("nats://host2:4222")
nc1.Subscribe("foo", func(m *Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Received a message: %s\n", string(m.Data))
nc2.Publish("foo", []byte("Hello World!"));
## Clustered Usage
var servers = "nats://localhost:1222, nats://localhost:1223, nats://localhost:1224"
nc, err := nats.Connect(servers)
// Optionally set ReconnectWait and MaxReconnect attempts.
// This example means 10 seconds total per backend.
nc, err = nats.Connect(servers, nats.MaxReconnects(5), nats.ReconnectWait(2 * time.Second))
// You can also add some jitter for the reconnection.
// This call will add up to 500 milliseconds for non TLS connections and 2 seconds for TLS connections.
// If not specified, the library defaults to 100 milliseconds and 1 second, respectively.
nc, err = nats.Connect(servers, nats.ReconnectJitter(500*time.Millisecond, 2*time.Second))
// You can also specify a custom reconnect delay handler. If set, the library will invoke it when it has tried
// all URLs in its list. The value returned will be used as the total sleep time, so add your own jitter.
// The library will pass the number of times it went through the whole list.
nc, err = nats.Connect(servers, nats.CustomReconnectDelay(func(attempts int) time.Duration {
return someBackoffFunction(attempts)
// Optionally disable randomization of the server pool
nc, err = nats.Connect(servers, nats.DontRandomize())
// Setup callbacks to be notified on disconnects, reconnects and connection closed.
nc, err = nats.Connect(servers,
nats.DisconnectErrHandler(func(nc *nats.Conn, err error) {
fmt.Printf("Got disconnected! Reason: %q\n", err)
nats.ReconnectHandler(func(nc *nats.Conn) {
fmt.Printf("Got reconnected to %v!\n", nc.ConnectedUrl())
nats.ClosedHandler(func(nc *nats.Conn) {
fmt.Printf("Connection closed. Reason: %q\n", nc.LastError())
// When connecting to a mesh of servers with auto-discovery capabilities,
// you may need to provide a username/password or token in order to connect
// to any server in that mesh when authentication is required.
// Instead of providing the credentials in the initial URL, you will use
// new option setters:
nc, err = nats.Connect("nats://localhost:4222", nats.UserInfo("foo", "bar"))
// For token based authentication:
nc, err = nats.Connect("nats://localhost:4222", nats.Token("S3cretT0ken"))
// You can even pass the two at the same time in case one of the server
// in the mesh requires token instead of user name and password.
nc, err = nats.Connect("nats://localhost:4222",
nats.UserInfo("foo", "bar"),
// Note that if credentials are specified in the initial URLs, they take
// precedence on the credentials specified through the options.
// For instance, in the connect call below, the client library will use
// the user "my" and password "pwd" to connect to localhost:4222, however,
// it will use username "foo" and password "bar" when (re)connecting to
// a different server URL that it got as part of the auto-discovery.
nc, err = nats.Connect("nats://my:pwd@localhost:4222", nats.UserInfo("foo", "bar"))
## Context support (+Go 1.7)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
defer cancel()
nc, err := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// Request with context
msg, err := nc.RequestWithContext(ctx, "foo", []byte("bar"))
// Synchronous subscriber with context
sub, err := nc.SubscribeSync("foo")
msg, err := sub.NextMsgWithContext(ctx)
// Encoded Request with context
c, err := nats.NewEncodedConn(nc, nats.JSON_ENCODER)
type request struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
type response struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
req := &request{Message: "Hello"}
resp := &response{}
err := c.RequestWithContext(ctx, "foo", req, resp)
## License
Unless otherwise noted, the NATS source files are distributed
under the Apache Version 2.0 license found in the LICENSE file.
[![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.io/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fnats-io%2Fgo-nats.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fnats-io%2Fgo-nats?ref=badge_large)

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@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2016-2022 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// RequestMsgWithContext takes a context, a subject and payload
// in bytes and request expecting a single response.
func (nc *Conn) RequestMsgWithContext(ctx context.Context, msg *Msg) (*Msg, error) {
if msg == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidMsg
hdr, err := msg.headerBytes()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nc.requestWithContext(ctx, msg.Subject, hdr, msg.Data)
// RequestWithContext takes a context, a subject and payload
// in bytes and request expecting a single response.
func (nc *Conn) RequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, subj string, data []byte) (*Msg, error) {
return nc.requestWithContext(ctx, subj, nil, data)
func (nc *Conn) requestWithContext(ctx context.Context, subj string, hdr, data []byte) (*Msg, error) {
if ctx == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidContext
if nc == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidConnection
// Check whether the context is done already before making
// the request.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
var m *Msg
var err error
// If user wants the old style.
if nc.useOldRequestStyle() {
m, err = nc.oldRequestWithContext(ctx, subj, hdr, data)
} else {
mch, token, err := nc.createNewRequestAndSend(subj, hdr, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var ok bool
select {
case m, ok = <-mch:
if !ok {
return nil, ErrConnectionClosed
case <-ctx.Done():
delete(nc.respMap, token)
return nil, ctx.Err()
// Check for no responder status.
if err == nil && len(m.Data) == 0 && m.Header.Get(statusHdr) == noResponders {
m, err = nil, ErrNoResponders
return m, err
// oldRequestWithContext utilizes inbox and subscription per request.
func (nc *Conn) oldRequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, subj string, hdr, data []byte) (*Msg, error) {
inbox := nc.NewInbox()
ch := make(chan *Msg, RequestChanLen)
s, err := nc.subscribe(inbox, _EMPTY_, nil, ch, true, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer s.Unsubscribe()
err = nc.publish(subj, inbox, hdr, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return s.NextMsgWithContext(ctx)
func (s *Subscription) nextMsgWithContext(ctx context.Context, pullSubInternal, waitIfNoMsg bool) (*Msg, error) {
if ctx == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidContext
if s == nil {
return nil, ErrBadSubscription
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return nil, ctx.Err()
err := s.validateNextMsgState(pullSubInternal)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// snapshot
mch := s.mch
var ok bool
var msg *Msg
// If something is available right away, let's optimize that case.
select {
case msg, ok = <-mch:
if !ok {
return nil, s.getNextMsgErr()
if err := s.processNextMsgDelivered(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return msg, nil
// If internal and we don't want to wait, signal that there is no
// message in the internal queue.
if pullSubInternal && !waitIfNoMsg {
return nil, errNoMessages
select {
case msg, ok = <-mch:
if !ok {
return nil, s.getNextMsgErr()
if err := s.processNextMsgDelivered(msg); err != nil {
return nil, err
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
return msg, nil
// NextMsgWithContext takes a context and returns the next message
// available to a synchronous subscriber, blocking until it is delivered
// or context gets canceled.
func (s *Subscription) NextMsgWithContext(ctx context.Context) (*Msg, error) {
return s.nextMsgWithContext(ctx, false, true)
// FlushWithContext will allow a context to control the duration
// of a Flush() call. This context should be non-nil and should
// have a deadline set. We will return an error if none is present.
func (nc *Conn) FlushWithContext(ctx context.Context) error {
if nc == nil {
return ErrInvalidConnection
if ctx == nil {
return ErrInvalidContext
_, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if !ok {
return ErrNoDeadlineContext
if nc.isClosed() {
return ErrConnectionClosed
// Create a buffered channel to prevent chan send to block
// in processPong()
ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
var err error
select {
case _, ok := <-ch:
if !ok {
err = ErrConnectionClosed
} else {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
if err != nil {
return err
// RequestWithContext will create an Inbox and perform a Request
// using the provided cancellation context with the Inbox reply
// for the data v. A response will be decoded into the vPtr last parameter.
func (c *EncodedConn) RequestWithContext(ctx context.Context, subject string, v any, vPtr any) error {
if ctx == nil {
return ErrInvalidContext
b, err := c.Enc.Encode(subject, v)
if err != nil {
return err
m, err := c.Conn.RequestWithContext(ctx, subject, b)
if err != nil {
return err
if reflect.TypeOf(vPtr) == emptyMsgType {
mPtr := vPtr.(*Msg)
*mPtr = *m
} else {
err := c.Enc.Decode(m.Subject, m.Data, vPtr)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# External Dependencies
This file lists the dependencies used in this repository.
| Dependency | License |
| Go | BSD 3-Clause |
| github.com/golang/protobuf/proto | BSD-3-Clause |
| github.com/klauspost/compress | BSD-3-Clause |
| github.com/nats-io/nats-server/v2 | Apache-2.0 |
| github.com/nats-io/nkeys | Apache-2.0 |
| github.com/nats-io/nuid | Apache-2.0 |
| go.uber.org/goleak | MIT |
| golang.org/x/text | BSD-3-Clause |
| google.golang.org/protobuf | BSD-3-Clause |

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@ -1,269 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2019 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// Default Encoders
// Encoder interface is for all register encoders
type Encoder interface {
Encode(subject string, v any) ([]byte, error)
Decode(subject string, data []byte, vPtr any) error
var encMap map[string]Encoder
var encLock sync.Mutex
// Indexed names into the Registered Encoders.
const (
func init() {
encMap = make(map[string]Encoder)
// Register json, gob and default encoder
RegisterEncoder(JSON_ENCODER, &builtin.JsonEncoder{})
RegisterEncoder(GOB_ENCODER, &builtin.GobEncoder{})
RegisterEncoder(DEFAULT_ENCODER, &builtin.DefaultEncoder{})
// EncodedConn are the preferred way to interface with NATS. They wrap a bare connection to
// a nats server and have an extendable encoder system that will encode and decode messages
// from raw Go types.
type EncodedConn struct {
Conn *Conn
Enc Encoder
// NewEncodedConn will wrap an existing Connection and utilize the appropriate registered
// encoder.
func NewEncodedConn(c *Conn, encType string) (*EncodedConn, error) {
if c == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nats: Nil Connection")
if c.IsClosed() {
return nil, ErrConnectionClosed
ec := &EncodedConn{Conn: c, Enc: EncoderForType(encType)}
if ec.Enc == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no encoder registered for '%s'", encType)
return ec, nil
// RegisterEncoder will register the encType with the given Encoder. Useful for customization.
func RegisterEncoder(encType string, enc Encoder) {
defer encLock.Unlock()
encMap[encType] = enc
// EncoderForType will return the registered Encoder for the encType.
func EncoderForType(encType string) Encoder {
defer encLock.Unlock()
return encMap[encType]
// Publish publishes the data argument to the given subject. The data argument
// will be encoded using the associated encoder.
func (c *EncodedConn) Publish(subject string, v any) error {
b, err := c.Enc.Encode(subject, v)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Conn.publish(subject, _EMPTY_, nil, b)
// PublishRequest will perform a Publish() expecting a response on the
// reply subject. Use Request() for automatically waiting for a response
// inline.
func (c *EncodedConn) PublishRequest(subject, reply string, v any) error {
b, err := c.Enc.Encode(subject, v)
if err != nil {
return err
return c.Conn.publish(subject, reply, nil, b)
// Request will create an Inbox and perform a Request() call
// with the Inbox reply for the data v. A response will be
// decoded into the vPtr Response.
func (c *EncodedConn) Request(subject string, v any, vPtr any, timeout time.Duration) error {
b, err := c.Enc.Encode(subject, v)
if err != nil {
return err
m, err := c.Conn.Request(subject, b, timeout)
if err != nil {
return err
if reflect.TypeOf(vPtr) == emptyMsgType {
mPtr := vPtr.(*Msg)
*mPtr = *m
} else {
err = c.Enc.Decode(m.Subject, m.Data, vPtr)
return err
// Handler is a specific callback used for Subscribe. It is generalized to
// an any, but we will discover its format and arguments at runtime
// and perform the correct callback, including demarshaling encoded data
// back into the appropriate struct based on the signature of the Handler.
// Handlers are expected to have one of four signatures.
// type person struct {
// Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Age uint `json:"age,omitempty"`
// }
// handler := func(m *Msg)
// handler := func(p *person)
// handler := func(subject string, o *obj)
// handler := func(subject, reply string, o *obj)
// These forms allow a callback to request a raw Msg ptr, where the processing
// of the message from the wire is untouched. Process a JSON representation
// and demarshal it into the given struct, e.g. person.
// There are also variants where the callback wants either the subject, or the
// subject and the reply subject.
type Handler any
// Dissect the cb Handler's signature
func argInfo(cb Handler) (reflect.Type, int) {
cbType := reflect.TypeOf(cb)
if cbType.Kind() != reflect.Func {
panic("nats: Handler needs to be a func")
numArgs := cbType.NumIn()
if numArgs == 0 {
return nil, numArgs
return cbType.In(numArgs - 1), numArgs
var emptyMsgType = reflect.TypeOf(&Msg{})
// Subscribe will create a subscription on the given subject and process incoming
// messages using the specified Handler. The Handler should be a func that matches
// a signature from the description of Handler from above.
func (c *EncodedConn) Subscribe(subject string, cb Handler) (*Subscription, error) {
return c.subscribe(subject, _EMPTY_, cb)
// QueueSubscribe will create a queue subscription on the given subject and process
// incoming messages using the specified Handler. The Handler should be a func that
// matches a signature from the description of Handler from above.
func (c *EncodedConn) QueueSubscribe(subject, queue string, cb Handler) (*Subscription, error) {
return c.subscribe(subject, queue, cb)
// Internal implementation that all public functions will use.
func (c *EncodedConn) subscribe(subject, queue string, cb Handler) (*Subscription, error) {
if cb == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nats: Handler required for EncodedConn Subscription")
argType, numArgs := argInfo(cb)
if argType == nil {
return nil, errors.New("nats: Handler requires at least one argument")
cbValue := reflect.ValueOf(cb)
wantsRaw := (argType == emptyMsgType)
natsCB := func(m *Msg) {
var oV []reflect.Value
if wantsRaw {
oV = []reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(m)}
} else {
var oPtr reflect.Value
if argType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
oPtr = reflect.New(argType)
} else {
oPtr = reflect.New(argType.Elem())
if err := c.Enc.Decode(m.Subject, m.Data, oPtr.Interface()); err != nil {
if c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB != nil {
c.Conn.ach.push(func() {
c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB(c.Conn, m.Sub, errors.New("nats: Got an error trying to unmarshal: "+err.Error()))
if argType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
oPtr = reflect.Indirect(oPtr)
// Callback Arity
switch numArgs {
case 1:
oV = []reflect.Value{oPtr}
case 2:
subV := reflect.ValueOf(m.Subject)
oV = []reflect.Value{subV, oPtr}
case 3:
subV := reflect.ValueOf(m.Subject)
replyV := reflect.ValueOf(m.Reply)
oV = []reflect.Value{subV, replyV, oPtr}
return c.Conn.subscribe(subject, queue, natsCB, nil, false, nil)
// FlushTimeout allows a Flush operation to have an associated timeout.
func (c *EncodedConn) FlushTimeout(timeout time.Duration) (err error) {
return c.Conn.FlushTimeout(timeout)
// Flush will perform a round trip to the server and return when it
// receives the internal reply.
func (c *EncodedConn) Flush() error {
return c.Conn.Flush()
// Close will close the connection to the server. This call will release
// all blocking calls, such as Flush(), etc.
func (c *EncodedConn) Close() {
// Drain will put a connection into a drain state. All subscriptions will
// immediately be put into a drain state. Upon completion, the publishers
// will be drained and can not publish any additional messages. Upon draining
// of the publishers, the connection will be closed. Use the ClosedCB()
// option to know when the connection has moved from draining to closed.
func (c *EncodedConn) Drain() error {
return c.Conn.Drain()
// LastError reports the last error encountered via the Connection.
func (c *EncodedConn) LastError() error {
return c.Conn.LastError()

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2018 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builtin
import (
// DefaultEncoder implementation for EncodedConn.
// This encoder will leave []byte and string untouched, but will attempt to
// turn numbers into appropriate strings that can be decoded. It will also
// propely encoded and decode bools. If will encode a struct, but if you want
// to properly handle structures you should use JsonEncoder.
type DefaultEncoder struct {
// Empty
var trueB = []byte("true")
var falseB = []byte("false")
var nilB = []byte("")
// Encode
func (je *DefaultEncoder) Encode(subject string, v any) ([]byte, error) {
switch arg := v.(type) {
case string:
bytes := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&arg))
return bytes, nil
case []byte:
return arg, nil
case bool:
if arg {
return trueB, nil
} else {
return falseB, nil
case nil:
return nilB, nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%+v", arg)
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// Decode
func (je *DefaultEncoder) Decode(subject string, data []byte, vPtr any) error {
// Figure out what it's pointing to...
sData := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&data))
switch arg := vPtr.(type) {
case *string:
*arg = sData
return nil
case *[]byte:
*arg = data
return nil
case *int:
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(sData, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = int(n)
return nil
case *int32:
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(sData, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = int32(n)
return nil
case *int64:
n, err := strconv.ParseInt(sData, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = int64(n)
return nil
case *float32:
n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sData, 32)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = float32(n)
return nil
case *float64:
n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(sData, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = float64(n)
return nil
case *bool:
b, err := strconv.ParseBool(sData)
if err != nil {
return err
*arg = b
return nil
vt := reflect.TypeOf(arg).Elem()
return fmt.Errorf("nats: Default Encoder can't decode to type %s", vt)

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013-2018 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builtin
import (
// GobEncoder is a Go specific GOB Encoder implementation for EncodedConn.
// This encoder will use the builtin encoding/gob to Marshal
// and Unmarshal most types, including structs.
type GobEncoder struct {
// Empty
// FIXME(dlc) - This could probably be more efficient.
// Encode
func (ge *GobEncoder) Encode(subject string, v any) ([]byte, error) {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := gob.NewEncoder(b)
if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
return nil, err
return b.Bytes(), nil
// Decode
func (ge *GobEncoder) Decode(subject string, data []byte, vPtr any) (err error) {
dec := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(data))
err = dec.Decode(vPtr)

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2018 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package builtin
import (
// JsonEncoder is a JSON Encoder implementation for EncodedConn.
// This encoder will use the builtin encoding/json to Marshal
// and Unmarshal most types, including structs.
type JsonEncoder struct {
// Empty
// Encode
func (je *JsonEncoder) Encode(subject string, v any) ([]byte, error) {
b, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return b, nil
// Decode
func (je *JsonEncoder) Decode(subject string, data []byte, vPtr any) (err error) {
switch arg := vPtr.(type) {
case *string:
// If they want a string and it is a JSON string, strip quotes
// This allows someone to send a struct but receive as a plain string
// This cast should be efficient for Go 1.3 and beyond.
str := string(data)
if strings.HasPrefix(str, `"`) && strings.HasSuffix(str, `"`) {
*arg = str[1 : len(str)-1]
} else {
*arg = str
case *[]byte:
*arg = data
err = json.Unmarshal(data, arg)

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
module github.com/nats-io/nats.go
go 1.19
require (
github.com/golang/protobuf v1.4.2
github.com/klauspost/compress v1.17.0
github.com/nats-io/nats-server/v2 v2.10.0
github.com/nats-io/nkeys v0.4.5
github.com/nats-io/nuid v1.0.1
go.uber.org/goleak v1.2.1
golang.org/x/text v0.13.0
google.golang.org/protobuf v1.23.0
require (
github.com/minio/highwayhash v1.0.2 // indirect
github.com/nats-io/jwt/v2 v2.5.2 // indirect
golang.org/x/crypto v0.13.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/sys v0.12.0 // indirect
golang.org/x/time v0.3.0 // indirect

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github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.0 h1:pSgiaMZlXftHpm5L7V1+rVB+AZJydKsMxsQBIJw4PKk=
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gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA=

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@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020-2022 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package parser
import (
const (
AckDomainTokenPos = iota + 2
var ErrInvalidSubjectFormat = errors.New("invalid format of ACK subject")
// Quick parser for positive numbers in ack reply encoding.
// NOTE: This parser does not detect uint64 overflow
func ParseNum(d string) (n uint64) {
if len(d) == 0 {
return 0
// ASCII numbers 0-9
const (
asciiZero = 48
asciiNine = 57
for _, dec := range d {
if dec < asciiZero || dec > asciiNine {
return 0
n = n*10 + uint64(dec) - asciiZero
func GetMetadataFields(subject string) ([]string, error) {
v1TokenCounts, v2TokenCounts := 9, 12
var start int
tokens := make([]string, 0, v2TokenCounts)
for i := 0; i < len(subject); i++ {
if subject[i] == '.' {
tokens = append(tokens, subject[start:i])
start = i + 1
tokens = append(tokens, subject[start:])
// Newer server will include the domain name and account hash in the subject,
// and a token at the end.
// Old subject was:
// $JS.ACK.<stream>.<consumer>.<delivered>.<sseq>.<cseq>.<tm>.<pending>
// New subject would be:
// $JS.ACK.<domain>.<account hash>.<stream>.<consumer>.<delivered>.<sseq>.<cseq>.<tm>.<pending>.<a token with a random value>
// v1 has 9 tokens, v2 has 12, but we must not be strict on the 12th since
// it may be removed in the future. Also, the library has no use for it.
// The point is that a v2 ACK subject is valid if it has at least 11 tokens.
tokensLen := len(tokens)
// If lower than 9 or more than 9 but less than 11, report an error
if tokensLen < v1TokenCounts || (tokensLen > v1TokenCounts && tokensLen < v2TokenCounts-1) {
return nil, ErrInvalidSubjectFormat
if tokens[0] != "$JS" || tokens[1] != "ACK" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: subject should start with $JS.ACK", ErrInvalidSubjectFormat)
// For v1 style, we insert 2 empty tokens (domain and hash) so that the
// rest of the library references known fields at a constant location.
if tokensLen == v1TokenCounts {
// Extend the array (we know the backend is big enough)
tokens = append(tokens[:AckDomainTokenPos+2], tokens[AckDomainTokenPos:]...)
// Clear the domain and hash tokens
tokens[AckDomainTokenPos], tokens[AckAccHashTokenPos] = "", ""
} else if tokens[AckDomainTokenPos] == "_" {
// If domain is "_", replace with empty value.
tokens[AckDomainTokenPos] = ""
return tokens, nil

vendor/github.com/nats-io/nats.go/js.go generated vendored

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2020-2022 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
var (
// API errors
// ErrJetStreamNotEnabled is an error returned when JetStream is not enabled for an account.
ErrJetStreamNotEnabled JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeJetStreamNotEnabled, Description: "jetstream not enabled", Code: 503}}
// ErrJetStreamNotEnabledForAccount is an error returned when JetStream is not enabled for an account.
ErrJetStreamNotEnabledForAccount JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeJetStreamNotEnabledForAccount, Description: "jetstream not enabled for account", Code: 503}}
// ErrStreamNotFound is an error returned when stream with given name does not exist.
ErrStreamNotFound JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeStreamNotFound, Description: "stream not found", Code: 404}}
// ErrStreamNameAlreadyInUse is returned when a stream with given name already exists and has a different configuration.
ErrStreamNameAlreadyInUse JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeStreamNameInUse, Description: "stream name already in use", Code: 400}}
// ErrStreamSubjectTransformNotSupported is returned when the connected nats-server version does not support setting
// the stream subject transform. If this error is returned when executing AddStream(), the stream with invalid
// configuration was already created in the server.
ErrStreamSubjectTransformNotSupported JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream subject transformation not supported by nats-server"}
// ErrStreamSourceSubjectTransformNotSupported is returned when the connected nats-server version does not support setting
// the stream source subject transform. If this error is returned when executing AddStream(), the stream with invalid
// configuration was already created in the server.
ErrStreamSourceSubjectTransformNotSupported JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream subject transformation not supported by nats-server"}
// ErrStreamSourceNotSupported is returned when the connected nats-server version does not support setting
// the stream sources. If this error is returned when executing AddStream(), the stream with invalid
// configuration was already created in the server.
ErrStreamSourceNotSupported JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream sourcing is not supported by nats-server"}
// ErrStreamSourceMultipleSubjectTransformsNotSupported is returned when the connected nats-server version does not support setting
// the stream sources. If this error is returned when executing AddStream(), the stream with invalid
// configuration was already created in the server.
ErrStreamSourceMultipleSubjectTransformsNotSupported JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream sourceing with multiple subject transforms not supported by nats-server"}
// ErrConsumerNotFound is an error returned when consumer with given name does not exist.
ErrConsumerNotFound JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeConsumerNotFound, Description: "consumer not found", Code: 404}}
// ErrMsgNotFound is returned when message with provided sequence number does npt exist.
ErrMsgNotFound JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeMessageNotFound, Description: "message not found", Code: 404}}
// ErrBadRequest is returned when invalid request is sent to JetStream API.
ErrBadRequest JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeBadRequest, Description: "bad request", Code: 400}}
// ErrDuplicateFilterSubjects is returned when both FilterSubject and FilterSubjects are specified when creating consumer.
ErrDuplicateFilterSubjects JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeDuplicateFilterSubjects, Description: "consumer cannot have both FilterSubject and FilterSubjects specified", Code: 500}}
// ErrDuplicateFilterSubjects is returned when filter subjects overlap when creating consumer.
ErrOverlappingFilterSubjects JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeOverlappingFilterSubjects, Description: "consumer subject filters cannot overlap", Code: 500}}
// ErrEmptyFilter is returned when a filter in FilterSubjects is empty.
ErrEmptyFilter JetStreamError = &jsError{apiErr: &APIError{ErrorCode: JSErrCodeConsumerEmptyFilter, Description: "consumer filter in FilterSubjects cannot be empty", Code: 500}}
// Client errors
// ErrConsumerNameAlreadyInUse is an error returned when consumer with given name already exists.
ErrConsumerNameAlreadyInUse JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "consumer name already in use"}
// ErrConsumerNotActive is an error returned when consumer is not active.
ErrConsumerNotActive JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "consumer not active"}
// ErrInvalidJSAck is returned when JetStream ack from message publish is invalid.
ErrInvalidJSAck JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "invalid jetstream publish response"}
// ErrStreamConfigRequired is returned when empty stream configuration is supplied to add/update stream.
ErrStreamConfigRequired JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream configuration is required"}
// ErrStreamNameRequired is returned when the provided stream name is empty.
ErrStreamNameRequired JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "stream name is required"}
// ErrConsumerNameRequired is returned when the provided consumer durable name is empty.
ErrConsumerNameRequired JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "consumer name is required"}
// ErrConsumerMultipleFilterSubjectsNotSupported is returned when the connected nats-server version does not support setting
// multiple filter subjects with filter_subjects field. If this error is returned when executing AddConsumer(), the consumer with invalid
// configuration was already created in the server.
ErrConsumerMultipleFilterSubjectsNotSupported JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "multiple consumer filter subjects not supported by nats-server"}
// ErrConsumerConfigRequired is returned when empty consumer consuguration is supplied to add/update consumer.
ErrConsumerConfigRequired JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "consumer configuration is required"}
// ErrPullSubscribeToPushConsumer is returned when attempting to use PullSubscribe on push consumer.
ErrPullSubscribeToPushConsumer JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "cannot pull subscribe to push based consumer"}
// ErrPullSubscribeRequired is returned when attempting to use subscribe methods not suitable for pull consumers for pull consumers.
ErrPullSubscribeRequired JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "must use pull subscribe to bind to pull based consumer"}
// ErrMsgAlreadyAckd is returned when attempting to acknowledge message more than once.
ErrMsgAlreadyAckd JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "message was already acknowledged"}
// ErrNoStreamResponse is returned when there is no response from stream (e.g. no responders error).
ErrNoStreamResponse JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "no response from stream"}
// ErrNotJSMessage is returned when attempting to get metadata from non JetStream message .
ErrNotJSMessage JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "not a jetstream message"}
// ErrInvalidStreamName is returned when the provided stream name is invalid (contains '.' or ' ').
ErrInvalidStreamName JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "invalid stream name"}
// ErrInvalidConsumerName is returned when the provided consumer name is invalid (contains '.' or ' ').
ErrInvalidConsumerName JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "invalid consumer name"}
// ErrNoMatchingStream is returned when stream lookup by subject is unsuccessful.
ErrNoMatchingStream JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "no stream matches subject"}
// ErrSubjectMismatch is returned when the provided subject does not match consumer's filter subject.
ErrSubjectMismatch JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "subject does not match consumer"}
// ErrContextAndTimeout is returned when attempting to use both context and timeout.
ErrContextAndTimeout JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "context and timeout can not both be set"}
// ErrCantAckIfConsumerAckNone is returned when attempting to ack a message for consumer with AckNone policy set.
ErrCantAckIfConsumerAckNone JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "cannot acknowledge a message for a consumer with AckNone policy"}
// ErrConsumerDeleted is returned when attempting to send pull request to a consumer which does not exist
ErrConsumerDeleted JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "consumer deleted"}
// ErrConsumerLeadershipChanged is returned when pending requests are no longer valid after leadership has changed
ErrConsumerLeadershipChanged JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "Leadership Changed"}
// ErrNoHeartbeat is returned when no heartbeat is received from server when sending requests with pull consumer.
ErrNoHeartbeat JetStreamError = &jsError{message: "no heartbeat received"}
// DEPRECATED: ErrInvalidDurableName is no longer returned and will be removed in future releases.
// Use ErrInvalidConsumerName instead.
ErrInvalidDurableName = errors.New("nats: invalid durable name")
// Error code represents JetStream error codes returned by the API
type ErrorCode uint16
const (
JSErrCodeJetStreamNotEnabledForAccount ErrorCode = 10039
JSErrCodeJetStreamNotEnabled ErrorCode = 10076
JSErrCodeInsufficientResourcesErr ErrorCode = 10023
JSErrCodeStreamNotFound ErrorCode = 10059
JSErrCodeStreamNameInUse ErrorCode = 10058
JSErrCodeConsumerNotFound ErrorCode = 10014
JSErrCodeConsumerNameExists ErrorCode = 10013
JSErrCodeConsumerAlreadyExists ErrorCode = 10105
JSErrCodeDuplicateFilterSubjects ErrorCode = 10136
JSErrCodeOverlappingFilterSubjects ErrorCode = 10138
JSErrCodeConsumerEmptyFilter ErrorCode = 10139
JSErrCodeMessageNotFound ErrorCode = 10037
JSErrCodeBadRequest ErrorCode = 10003
JSStreamInvalidConfig ErrorCode = 10052
JSErrCodeStreamWrongLastSequence ErrorCode = 10071
// APIError is included in all API responses if there was an error.
type APIError struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
ErrorCode ErrorCode `json:"err_code"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// Error prints the JetStream API error code and description
func (e *APIError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("nats: %s", e.Description)
// APIError implements the JetStreamError interface.
func (e *APIError) APIError() *APIError {
return e
// Is matches against an APIError.
func (e *APIError) Is(err error) bool {
if e == nil {
return false
// Extract internal APIError to match against.
var aerr *APIError
ok := errors.As(err, &aerr)
if !ok {
return ok
return e.ErrorCode == aerr.ErrorCode
// JetStreamError is an error result that happens when using JetStream.
// In case of client-side error, `APIError()` returns nil
type JetStreamError interface {
APIError() *APIError
type jsError struct {
apiErr *APIError
message string
func (err *jsError) APIError() *APIError {
return err.apiErr
func (err *jsError) Error() string {
if err.apiErr != nil && err.apiErr.Description != "" {
return err.apiErr.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("nats: %s", err.message)
func (err *jsError) Unwrap() error {
// Allow matching to embedded APIError in case there is one.
if err.apiErr == nil {
return nil
return err.apiErr

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vendor/github.com/nats-io/nats.go/kv.go generated vendored

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# Legacy JetStream API
This is a documentation for the legacy JetStream API. A README for the current
API can be found [here](jetstream/README.md)
## JetStream Basic Usage
import "github.com/nats-io/nats.go"
// Connect to NATS
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// Create JetStream Context
js, _ := nc.JetStream(nats.PublishAsyncMaxPending(256))
// Simple Stream Publisher
js.Publish("ORDERS.scratch", []byte("hello"))
// Simple Async Stream Publisher
for i := 0; i < 500; i++ {
js.PublishAsync("ORDERS.scratch", []byte("hello"))
select {
case <-js.PublishAsyncComplete():
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
fmt.Println("Did not resolve in time")
// Simple Async Ephemeral Consumer
js.Subscribe("ORDERS.*", func(m *nats.Msg) {
fmt.Printf("Received a JetStream message: %s\n", string(m.Data))
// Simple Sync Durable Consumer (optional SubOpts at the end)
sub, err := js.SubscribeSync("ORDERS.*", nats.Durable("MONITOR"), nats.MaxDeliver(3))
m, err := sub.NextMsg(timeout)
// Simple Pull Consumer
sub, err := js.PullSubscribe("ORDERS.*", "MONITOR")
msgs, err := sub.Fetch(10)
// Unsubscribe
// Drain
## JetStream Basic Management
import "github.com/nats-io/nats.go"
// Connect to NATS
nc, _ := nats.Connect(nats.DefaultURL)
// Create JetStream Context
js, _ := nc.JetStream()
// Create a Stream
Name: "ORDERS",
Subjects: []string{"ORDERS.*"},
// Update a Stream
Name: "ORDERS",
MaxBytes: 8,
// Create a Consumer
js.AddConsumer("ORDERS", &nats.ConsumerConfig{
Durable: "MONITOR",
// Delete Consumer
js.DeleteConsumer("ORDERS", "MONITOR")
// Delete Stream

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// Copyright 2013-2022 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// This allows the functionality for network channels by binding send and receive Go chans
// to subjects and optionally queue groups.
// Data will be encoded and decoded via the EncodedConn and its associated encoders.
// BindSendChan binds a channel for send operations to NATS.
func (c *EncodedConn) BindSendChan(subject string, channel any) error {
chVal := reflect.ValueOf(channel)
if chVal.Kind() != reflect.Chan {
return ErrChanArg
go chPublish(c, chVal, subject)
return nil
// Publish all values that arrive on the channel until it is closed or we
// encounter an error.
func chPublish(c *EncodedConn, chVal reflect.Value, subject string) {
for {
val, ok := chVal.Recv()
if !ok {
// Channel has most likely been closed.
if e := c.Publish(subject, val.Interface()); e != nil {
// Do this under lock.
defer c.Conn.mu.Unlock()
if c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB != nil {
// FIXME(dlc) - Not sure this is the right thing to do.
// FIXME(ivan) - If the connection is not yet closed, try to schedule the callback
if c.Conn.isClosed() {
go c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB(c.Conn, nil, e)
} else {
c.Conn.ach.push(func() { c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB(c.Conn, nil, e) })
// BindRecvChan binds a channel for receive operations from NATS.
func (c *EncodedConn) BindRecvChan(subject string, channel any) (*Subscription, error) {
return c.bindRecvChan(subject, _EMPTY_, channel)
// BindRecvQueueChan binds a channel for queue-based receive operations from NATS.
func (c *EncodedConn) BindRecvQueueChan(subject, queue string, channel any) (*Subscription, error) {
return c.bindRecvChan(subject, queue, channel)
// Internal function to bind receive operations for a channel.
func (c *EncodedConn) bindRecvChan(subject, queue string, channel any) (*Subscription, error) {
chVal := reflect.ValueOf(channel)
if chVal.Kind() != reflect.Chan {
return nil, ErrChanArg
argType := chVal.Type().Elem()
cb := func(m *Msg) {
var oPtr reflect.Value
if argType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
oPtr = reflect.New(argType)
} else {
oPtr = reflect.New(argType.Elem())
if err := c.Enc.Decode(m.Subject, m.Data, oPtr.Interface()); err != nil {
c.Conn.err = errors.New("nats: Got an error trying to unmarshal: " + err.Error())
if c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB != nil {
c.Conn.ach.push(func() { c.Conn.Opts.AsyncErrorCB(c.Conn, m.Sub, c.Conn.err) })
if argType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
oPtr = reflect.Indirect(oPtr)
// This is a bit hacky, but in this instance we may be trying to send to a closed channel.
// and the user does not know when it is safe to close the channel.
defer func() {
// If we have panicked, recover and close the subscription.
if r := recover(); r != nil {
// Actually do the send to the channel.
return c.Conn.subscribe(subject, queue, cb, nil, false, nil)

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@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012-2023 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
type msgArg struct {
subject []byte
reply []byte
sid int64
hdr int
size int
type parseState struct {
state int
as int
drop int
hdr int
ma msgArg
argBuf []byte
msgBuf []byte
msgCopied bool
const (
OP_START = iota
// parse is the fast protocol parser engine.
func (nc *Conn) parse(buf []byte) error {
var i int
var b byte
// Move to loop instead of range syntax to allow jumping of i
for i = 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
b = buf[i]
switch nc.ps.state {
case OP_START:
switch b {
case 'M', 'm':
nc.ps.state = OP_M
nc.ps.hdr = -1
nc.ps.ma.hdr = -1
case 'H', 'h':
nc.ps.state = OP_H
nc.ps.hdr = 0
nc.ps.ma.hdr = 0
case 'P', 'p':
nc.ps.state = OP_P
case '+':
nc.ps.state = OP_PLUS
case '-':
nc.ps.state = OP_MINUS
case 'I', 'i':
nc.ps.state = OP_I
goto parseErr
case OP_H:
switch b {
case 'M', 'm':
nc.ps.state = OP_M
goto parseErr
case OP_M:
switch b {
case 'S', 's':
nc.ps.state = OP_MS
goto parseErr
case OP_MS:
switch b {
case 'G', 'g':
nc.ps.state = OP_MSG
goto parseErr
case OP_MSG:
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = OP_MSG_SPC
goto parseErr
case OP_MSG_SPC:
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = MSG_ARG
nc.ps.as = i
case MSG_ARG:
switch b {
case '\r':
nc.ps.drop = 1
case '\n':
var arg []byte
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
arg = nc.ps.argBuf
} else {
arg = buf[nc.ps.as : i-nc.ps.drop]
if err := nc.processMsgArgs(arg); err != nil {
return err
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.as, nc.ps.state = 0, i+1, MSG_PAYLOAD
// jump ahead with the index. If this overruns
// what is left we fall out and process a split buffer.
i = nc.ps.as + nc.ps.ma.size - 1
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, b)
if nc.ps.msgBuf != nil {
if len(nc.ps.msgBuf) >= nc.ps.ma.size {
nc.ps.argBuf, nc.ps.msgBuf, nc.ps.msgCopied, nc.ps.state = nil, nil, false, MSG_END
} else {
// copy as much as we can to the buffer and skip ahead.
toCopy := nc.ps.ma.size - len(nc.ps.msgBuf)
avail := len(buf) - i
if avail < toCopy {
toCopy = avail
if toCopy > 0 {
start := len(nc.ps.msgBuf)
// This is needed for copy to work.
nc.ps.msgBuf = nc.ps.msgBuf[:start+toCopy]
copy(nc.ps.msgBuf[start:], buf[i:i+toCopy])
// Update our index
i = (i + toCopy) - 1
} else {
nc.ps.msgBuf = append(nc.ps.msgBuf, b)
} else if i-nc.ps.as >= nc.ps.ma.size {
nc.ps.argBuf, nc.ps.msgBuf, nc.ps.msgCopied, nc.ps.state = nil, nil, false, MSG_END
case MSG_END:
switch b {
case '\n':
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.as, nc.ps.state = 0, i+1, OP_START
case OP_PLUS:
switch b {
case 'O', 'o':
nc.ps.state = OP_PLUS_O
goto parseErr
case OP_PLUS_O:
switch b {
case 'K', 'k':
nc.ps.state = OP_PLUS_OK
goto parseErr
case OP_PLUS_OK:
switch b {
case '\n':
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.state = 0, OP_START
case OP_MINUS:
switch b {
case 'E', 'e':
nc.ps.state = OP_MINUS_E
goto parseErr
case OP_MINUS_E:
switch b {
case 'R', 'r':
nc.ps.state = OP_MINUS_ER
goto parseErr
switch b {
case 'R', 'r':
nc.ps.state = OP_MINUS_ERR
goto parseErr
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = OP_MINUS_ERR_SPC
goto parseErr
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = MINUS_ERR_ARG
nc.ps.as = i
switch b {
case '\r':
nc.ps.drop = 1
case '\n':
var arg []byte
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
arg = nc.ps.argBuf
nc.ps.argBuf = nil
} else {
arg = buf[nc.ps.as : i-nc.ps.drop]
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.as, nc.ps.state = 0, i+1, OP_START
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, b)
case OP_P:
switch b {
case 'I', 'i':
nc.ps.state = OP_PI
case 'O', 'o':
nc.ps.state = OP_PO
goto parseErr
case OP_PO:
switch b {
case 'N', 'n':
nc.ps.state = OP_PON
goto parseErr
case OP_PON:
switch b {
case 'G', 'g':
nc.ps.state = OP_PONG
goto parseErr
case OP_PONG:
switch b {
case '\n':
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.state = 0, OP_START
case OP_PI:
switch b {
case 'N', 'n':
nc.ps.state = OP_PIN
goto parseErr
case OP_PIN:
switch b {
case 'G', 'g':
nc.ps.state = OP_PING
goto parseErr
case OP_PING:
switch b {
case '\n':
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.state = 0, OP_START
case OP_I:
switch b {
case 'N', 'n':
nc.ps.state = OP_IN
goto parseErr
case OP_IN:
switch b {
case 'F', 'f':
nc.ps.state = OP_INF
goto parseErr
case OP_INF:
switch b {
case 'O', 'o':
nc.ps.state = OP_INFO
goto parseErr
case OP_INFO:
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = OP_INFO_SPC
goto parseErr
switch b {
case ' ', '\t':
nc.ps.state = INFO_ARG
nc.ps.as = i
case INFO_ARG:
switch b {
case '\r':
nc.ps.drop = 1
case '\n':
var arg []byte
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
arg = nc.ps.argBuf
nc.ps.argBuf = nil
} else {
arg = buf[nc.ps.as : i-nc.ps.drop]
nc.ps.drop, nc.ps.as, nc.ps.state = 0, i+1, OP_START
if nc.ps.argBuf != nil {
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, b)
goto parseErr
// Check for split buffer scenarios
if (nc.ps.state == MSG_ARG || nc.ps.state == MINUS_ERR_ARG || nc.ps.state == INFO_ARG) && nc.ps.argBuf == nil {
nc.ps.argBuf = nc.ps.scratch[:0]
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, buf[nc.ps.as:i-nc.ps.drop]...)
// FIXME, check max len
// Check for split msg
if nc.ps.state == MSG_PAYLOAD && nc.ps.msgBuf == nil {
// We need to clone the msgArg if it is still referencing the
// read buffer and we are not able to process the msg.
if nc.ps.argBuf == nil {
// If we will overflow the scratch buffer, just create a
// new buffer to hold the split message.
if nc.ps.ma.size > cap(nc.ps.scratch)-len(nc.ps.argBuf) {
lrem := len(buf[nc.ps.as:])
nc.ps.msgBuf = make([]byte, lrem, nc.ps.ma.size)
copy(nc.ps.msgBuf, buf[nc.ps.as:])
nc.ps.msgCopied = true
} else {
nc.ps.msgBuf = nc.ps.scratch[len(nc.ps.argBuf):len(nc.ps.argBuf)]
nc.ps.msgBuf = append(nc.ps.msgBuf, (buf[nc.ps.as:])...)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("nats: Parse Error [%d]: '%s'", nc.ps.state, buf[i:])
// cloneMsgArg is used when the split buffer scenario has the pubArg in the existing read buffer, but
// we need to hold onto it into the next read.
func (nc *Conn) cloneMsgArg() {
nc.ps.argBuf = nc.ps.scratch[:0]
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, nc.ps.ma.subject...)
nc.ps.argBuf = append(nc.ps.argBuf, nc.ps.ma.reply...)
nc.ps.ma.subject = nc.ps.argBuf[:len(nc.ps.ma.subject)]
if nc.ps.ma.reply != nil {
nc.ps.ma.reply = nc.ps.argBuf[len(nc.ps.ma.subject):]
const argsLenMax = 4
func (nc *Conn) processMsgArgs(arg []byte) error {
// Use separate function for header based messages.
if nc.ps.hdr >= 0 {
return nc.processHeaderMsgArgs(arg)
// Unroll splitArgs to avoid runtime/heap issues
a := [argsLenMax][]byte{}
args := a[:0]
start := -1
for i, b := range arg {
switch b {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
if start >= 0 {
args = append(args, arg[start:i])
start = -1
if start < 0 {
start = i
if start >= 0 {
args = append(args, arg[start:])
switch len(args) {
case 3:
nc.ps.ma.subject = args[0]
nc.ps.ma.sid = parseInt64(args[1])
nc.ps.ma.reply = nil
nc.ps.ma.size = int(parseInt64(args[2]))
case 4:
nc.ps.ma.subject = args[0]
nc.ps.ma.sid = parseInt64(args[1])
nc.ps.ma.reply = args[2]
nc.ps.ma.size = int(parseInt64(args[3]))
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processMsgArgs Parse Error: '%s'", arg)
if nc.ps.ma.sid < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processMsgArgs Bad or Missing Sid: '%s'", arg)
if nc.ps.ma.size < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processMsgArgs Bad or Missing Size: '%s'", arg)
return nil
// processHeaderMsgArgs is for a header based message.
func (nc *Conn) processHeaderMsgArgs(arg []byte) error {
// Unroll splitArgs to avoid runtime/heap issues
a := [argsLenMax][]byte{}
args := a[:0]
start := -1
for i, b := range arg {
switch b {
case ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n':
if start >= 0 {
args = append(args, arg[start:i])
start = -1
if start < 0 {
start = i
if start >= 0 {
args = append(args, arg[start:])
switch len(args) {
case 4:
nc.ps.ma.subject = args[0]
nc.ps.ma.sid = parseInt64(args[1])
nc.ps.ma.reply = nil
nc.ps.ma.hdr = int(parseInt64(args[2]))
nc.ps.ma.size = int(parseInt64(args[3]))
case 5:
nc.ps.ma.subject = args[0]
nc.ps.ma.sid = parseInt64(args[1])
nc.ps.ma.reply = args[2]
nc.ps.ma.hdr = int(parseInt64(args[3]))
nc.ps.ma.size = int(parseInt64(args[4]))
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processHeaderMsgArgs Parse Error: '%s'", arg)
if nc.ps.ma.sid < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processHeaderMsgArgs Bad or Missing Sid: '%s'", arg)
if nc.ps.ma.hdr < 0 || nc.ps.ma.hdr > nc.ps.ma.size {
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processHeaderMsgArgs Bad or Missing Header Size: '%s'", arg)
if nc.ps.ma.size < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("nats: processHeaderMsgArgs Bad or Missing Size: '%s'", arg)
return nil
// ASCII numbers 0-9
const (
ascii_0 = 48
ascii_9 = 57
// parseInt64 expects decimal positive numbers. We
// return -1 to signal error
func parseInt64(d []byte) (n int64) {
if len(d) == 0 {
return -1
for _, dec := range d {
if dec < ascii_0 || dec > ascii_9 {
return -1
n = n*10 + (int64(dec) - ascii_0)
return n

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build !go1.20
// +build !go1.20
// A Go client for the NATS messaging system (https://nats.io).
package nats
import (
func init() {
// This is not needed since Go 1.20 because now rand.Seed always happens
// by default (uses runtime.fastrand64 instead as source).

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2023 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:build internal_testing
// +build internal_testing
// Functions in this file are only available when building nats.go with the
// internal_testing build tag. They are used by the nats.go test suite.
package nats
// AddMsgFilter adds a message filter for the given subject
// to the connection. The filter will be called for each
// message received on the subject. If the filter returns
// nil, the message will be dropped.
func (nc *Conn) AddMsgFilter(subject string, filter msgFilter) {
defer nc.subsMu.Unlock()
if nc.filters == nil {
nc.filters = make(map[string]msgFilter)
nc.filters[subject] = filter
// RemoveMsgFilter removes a message filter for the given subject.
func (nc *Conn) RemoveMsgFilter(subject string) {
defer nc.subsMu.Unlock()
if nc.filters != nil {
delete(nc.filters, subject)
if len(nc.filters) == 0 {
nc.filters = nil
// IsJSControlMessage returns true if the message is a JetStream control message.
func IsJSControlMessage(msg *Msg) (bool, int) {
return isJSControlMessage(msg)
// CloseTCPConn closes the underlying TCP connection.
// It can be used to simulate a disconnect.
func (nc *Conn) CloseTCPConn() {
defer nc.mu.Unlock()

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2017-2022 The NATS Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package nats
import (
// global pool of *time.Timer's. can be used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
var globalTimerPool timerPool
// timerPool provides GC-able pooling of *time.Timer's.
// can be used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
type timerPool struct {
p sync.Pool
// Get returns a timer that completes after the given duration.
func (tp *timerPool) Get(d time.Duration) *time.Timer {
if t, _ := tp.p.Get().(*time.Timer); t != nil {
return t
return time.NewTimer(d)
// Put pools the given timer.
// There is no need to call t.Stop() before calling Put.
// Put will try to stop the timer before pooling. If the
// given timer already expired, Put will read the unreceived
// value if there is one.
func (tp *timerPool) Put(t *time.Timer) {
if !t.Stop() {
select {
case <-t.C:

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