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379 lines
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379 lines
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package postgres
import (
type TableColumn struct {
TableName string `json:"table_name" gorm:"column:table_name;default:''"`
ColumnName string `json:"column_name" gorm:"column:column_name;default:''"`
ColumnType string `json:"type_name" gorm:"column:type_name;default:''"`
ColumnIsIdentity string `json:"is_identity" gorm:"column:is_identity;default:''"`
ColumnIsNullable string `json:"is_nullable" gorm:"column:is_nullable;default:''"`
ColumnDescription string `json:"description" gorm:"column:description;default:''"`
ColumnTableKey string `json:"table_key" gorm:"column:table_key;default:''"`
ColumnColumnKey string `json:"column_key" gorm:"column:column_key;default:''"`
TableComment string `json:"table_comment" gorm:"column:table_comment;default:''"`
// FillMapTable - возвращает массив MassTable данными из БД
func FillMapTable() (map[string]*types.Table, error) {
var err error
//MassTable := make([]types.Table, 0)
MapTable := make(map[string]*types.Table, 0)
TextSQL := `
drop table if exists temp_keys;
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_keys (table_from text, column_from text, table_to text, column_to text);
------------------------------------------- Все внешние ключи ------------------------------
insert into temp_keys
(select r.relname from pg_class r where r.oid = c.conrelid) as table_from,
UNNEST((select array_agg(attname) from pg_attribute where attrelid = c.conrelid and array[attnum] <@ c.conkey)) as column_from,
(select r.relname from pg_class r where r.oid = c.confrelid) as table_to,
a.attname as column_to
pg_constraint c
pg_attribute a
c.confrelid=a.attrelid and a.attnum = ANY(confkey)
--and c.confrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = 'lawsuit_invoices')
--AND c.confrelid!=c.conrelid
------------------------------------------- Все таблицы и колонки ------------------------------
c.udt_name as type_name,
c.is_identity as is_identity,
c.is_nullable as is_nullable,
COALESCE(pgd.description, '') as description,
COALESCE(keys.table_to, '') as table_key,
COALESCE(keys.column_to, '') as column_key,
(SELECT obj_description(oid) FROM pg_class as r WHERE relkind = 'r' and r.oid = st.relid) as table_comment
pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st
right join
information_schema.columns c
c.table_schema = st.schemaname
and c.table_name = st.relname
left join
pg_catalog.pg_description pgd
pgd.objoid = st.relid
and pgd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position
LEFT JOIN --внешние ключи
temp_keys as keys
keys.table_from = c.table_name
and keys.column_from = c.column_name
LEFT JOIN --вьюхи
v.table_schema = 'public'
and v.table_name = c.table_name
where 1=1
and c.table_schema='public'
and v.table_name is null
--and c.table_name = 'lawsuit_invoices'
order by
is_identity desc,
SCHEMA := strings.Trim(postgres_gorm.Settings.DB_SCHEMA, " ")
if SCHEMA != "" {
TextSQL = strings.ReplaceAll(TextSQL, "public", SCHEMA)
if config.Settings.INCLUDE_TABLES != "" {
TextSQL = strings.ReplaceAll(TextSQL, "--INCLUDE_TABLES", "and c.table_name ~* '"+config.Settings.INCLUDE_TABLES+"'")
if config.Settings.EXCLUDE_TABLES != "" {
TextSQL = strings.ReplaceAll(TextSQL, "--EXCLUDE_TABLES", "and c.table_name !~* '"+config.Settings.EXCLUDE_TABLES+"'")
ctxMain := contextmain.GetContext()
ctx, ctxCancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctxMain, time.Second*60)
defer ctxCancelFunc()
db := postgres_gorm.GetConnection()
//запустим все запросы отдельно
var tx *gorm.DB
sqlSlice := strings.Split(TextSQL, ";")
len1 := len(sqlSlice)
for i, TextSQL1 := range sqlSlice {
if i == len1-1 {
tx = db.Raw(TextSQL1)
} else {
tx = db.Exec(TextSQL1)
err = tx.Error
if err != nil {
log.Panic("DB.Raw() error:", err)
//tx := db.Raw(TextSQL)
//err = tx.Error
//if err != nil {
// sError := fmt.Sprint("db.Raw() error: ", err)
// log.Panicln(sError)
// return MassTable, err
//ответ в структуру
MassTableColumn := make([]TableColumn, 0)
tx = tx.Scan(&MassTableColumn)
err = tx.Error
if err != nil {
sError := fmt.Sprint("Get_error() error: ", err)
return MapTable, err
//проверка 0 строк
if tx.RowsAffected == 0 {
sError := fmt.Sprint("db.Raw() RowsAffected =0 ")
err = errors.New(sError)
return MapTable, err
//заполним MapTable
MapColumns := make(map[string]*types.Column, 0)
OrderNumberColumn := 0
OrderNumberTable := 0
TableName0 := ""
Table1 := CreateTable()
for _, v := range MassTableColumn {
if v.TableName != TableName0 {
OrderNumberColumn = 0
Table1.MapColumns = MapColumns
MapColumns = make(map[string]*types.Column, 0)
if TableName0 != "" {
//MassTable = append(MassTable, Table1)
MapTable[TableName0] = Table1
//найдём имя модели golang
TableName := v.TableName
ModelName := create_files.FindSingularName(TableName)
ModelName = create_files.FormatName(ModelName)
Table1 = CreateTable()
Table1.Name = TableName
Table1.OrderNumber = OrderNumberTable
Table1.Comment = v.TableComment
Table1.NameGo = ModelName
Column1 := types.Column{}
Column1.Name = v.ColumnName
Column1.Type = v.ColumnType
//SQLMapping1, ok := dbmeta.GetMappings()[Column1.Type]
//if ok == false {
// log.Panic("GetMappings() ", Column1.Type, " error: not found")
//Type_go := SQLMapping1.GoType
//Column1.TypeGo = Type_go
if v.ColumnIsIdentity == "YES" {
Column1.IsIdentity = true
if v.ColumnIsNullable == "YES" {
Column1.IsNullable = true
Column1.Description = v.ColumnDescription
Column1.OrderNumber = OrderNumberColumn
Column1.TableKey = v.ColumnTableKey
Column1.ColumnKey = v.ColumnColumnKey
MapColumns[v.ColumnName] = &Column1
//Table1.Columns = append(Table1.Columns, Column1)
TableName0 = v.TableName
if Table1.Name != "" {
Table1.MapColumns = MapColumns
MapTable[TableName0] = Table1
return MapTable, err
func CreateTable() *types.Table {
Otvet := &types.Table{}
Otvet.MapColumns = make(map[string]*types.Column, 0)
return Otvet
func FillIDMinimum(MapTable map[string]*types.Table) {
var err error
db := postgres_gorm.GetConnection()
ctxMain := contextmain.GetContext()
for TableName, Table1 := range MapTable {
//текст запроса
NameID, TypeGo := FindNameTypeID(Table1)
if NameID == "" {
TextSQL := "SELECT Min(" + NameID + ") from \"" + postgres_gorm.Settings.DB_SCHEMA + "\".\"" + TableName + "\""
ctx, ctxCancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(ctxMain, time.Second*60)
defer ctxCancelFunc()
tx := db.Raw(TextSQL)
err = tx.Error
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Wrong SQL query: ", TextSQL, " error: ", err)
var IDMinimum sql.NullString
tx = tx.Scan(&IDMinimum)
err = tx.Error
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Wrong SQL Scan(): ", TextSQL, " error: ", err)
if TypeGo == "string" {
Table1.IDMinimum = `"` + IDMinimum.String + `"`
} else if mini_func.IsNumberType(TypeGo) == true {
Table1.IDMinimum = IDMinimum.String
func FindNameTypeID(Table1 *types.Table) (string, string) {
Otvet := ""
Type := ""
for ColumnName, Column1 := range Table1.MapColumns {
if Column1.IsIdentity == true {
return ColumnName, Column1.TypeGo
return Otvet, Type
//// FillTypeGo - заполняет тип golang из типа postgres
//func FillTypeGo(MapTable map[string]*types.Table) {
// for _, Table1 := range MapTable {
// for _, Column1 := range Table1.MapColumns {
// SQLMapping1, ok := dbmeta.GetMappings()[Column1.Type]
// if ok == false {
// log.Panic("GetMappings() ", Column1.Type, " error: not found")
// }
// Type_go := SQLMapping1.GoType
// Column1.TypeGo = Type_go
// }
// }
// FillNameGo - заполняет NameGo во все колонки
func FillNameGo(Column1 *types.Column) error {
var err error
ColumnName := Column1.Name
ColumnNameGo := create_files.FormatName(ColumnName)
Column1.NameGo = ColumnNameGo
if ColumnNameGo == "" {
err = errors.New("Column: " + ColumnName + " Type: " + Column1.Type + " NameGo= \"\"")
return err
// FillTypeGo - заполняет тип golang из типа postgres
func FillTypeGo(Column1 *types.Column) error {
var err error
SQLMapping1, ok := dbmeta.GetMappings()[Column1.Type]
if ok == false {
log.Panic("GetMappings() ", Column1.Type, " error: not found")
ColumnName := Column1.Name
Type_go := SQLMapping1.GoType
Column1.TypeGo = Type_go
if Type_go == "" {
err = errors.New("Column: " + ColumnName + " Type: " + Column1.Type + " TypeGo= \"\"")
return err