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package echo
import (
type (
Echo struct {
prefix string
middleware []Middleware
head Handler
maxParam *int
notFoundHandler HandlerFunc
httpErrorHandler HTTPErrorHandler
binder Binder
renderer Renderer
pool sync.Pool
debug bool
router *Router
logger *log.Logger
Route struct {
Method string
Path string
Handler string
HTTPError struct {
code int
message string
Middleware interface {
Handle(Handler) Handler
MiddlewareFunc func(Handler) Handler
Handler interface {
Handle(Context) error
HandlerFunc func(Context) error
// HTTPErrorHandler is a centralized HTTP error handler.
HTTPErrorHandler func(error, Context)
// Binder is the interface that wraps the Bind method.
Binder interface {
Bind(interface{}, Context) error
binder struct {
// Validator is the interface that wraps the Validate method.
Validator interface {
Validate() error
// Renderer is the interface that wraps the Render method.
Renderer interface {
Render(io.Writer, string, interface{}, Context) error
const (
// CONNECT HTTP method
// DELETE HTTP method
// GET HTTP method
// HEAD HTTP method
// OPTIONS HTTP method
// PATCH HTTP method
// POST HTTP method
// PUT HTTP method
// TRACE HTTP method
// Media types
ApplicationJSON = "application/json"
ApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8 = ApplicationJSON + "; " + CharsetUTF8
ApplicationJavaScript = "application/javascript"
ApplicationJavaScriptCharsetUTF8 = ApplicationJavaScript + "; " + CharsetUTF8
ApplicationXML = "application/xml"
ApplicationXMLCharsetUTF8 = ApplicationXML + "; " + CharsetUTF8
ApplicationForm = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
ApplicationProtobuf = "application/protobuf"
ApplicationMsgpack = "application/msgpack"
TextHTML = "text/html"
TextHTMLCharsetUTF8 = TextHTML + "; " + CharsetUTF8
TextPlain = "text/plain"
TextPlainCharsetUTF8 = TextPlain + "; " + CharsetUTF8
MultipartForm = "multipart/form-data"
OctetStream = "application/octet-stream"
// Charset
CharsetUTF8 = "charset=utf-8"
// Headers
AcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
Authorization = "Authorization"
ContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"
ContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding"
ContentLength = "Content-Length"
ContentType = "Content-Type"
Location = "Location"
Upgrade = "Upgrade"
Vary = "Vary"
WWWAuthenticate = "WWW-Authenticate"
XForwardedFor = "X-Forwarded-For"
XRealIP = "X-Real-IP"
var (
methods = [...]string{
// Errors
ErrUnsupportedMediaType = NewHTTPError(http.StatusUnsupportedMediaType)
ErrNotFound = NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound)
ErrRendererNotRegistered = errors.New("renderer not registered")
ErrInvalidRedirectCode = errors.New("invalid redirect status code")
// Error handlers
notFoundHandler = HandlerFunc(func(c Context) error {
return NewHTTPError(http.StatusNotFound)
methodNotAllowedHandler = HandlerFunc(func(c Context) error {
return NewHTTPError(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
// New creates an instance of Echo.
func New() (e *Echo) {
e = &Echo{maxParam: new(int)}
e.pool.New = func() interface{} {
// NOTE: v2
return NewContext(nil, nil, e)
e.router = NewRouter(e)
e.head = e.router.Handle(nil)
// Defaults
// Logger
e.logger = log.New("echo")
func (m MiddlewareFunc) Handle(h Handler) Handler {
return m(h)
func (h HandlerFunc) Handle(c Context) error {
return h(c)
// Router returns router.
func (e *Echo) Router() *Router {
return e.router
// SetLogPrefix sets the prefix for the logger. Default value is `echo`.
func (e *Echo) SetLogPrefix(prefix string) {
// SetLogOutput sets the output destination for the logger. Default value is `os.Std*`
func (e *Echo) SetLogOutput(w io.Writer) {
// SetLogLevel sets the log level for the logger. Default value is `log.FATAL`.
func (e *Echo) SetLogLevel(l log.Level) {
// Logger returns the logger instance.
func (e *Echo) Logger() *log.Logger {
return e.logger
// DefaultHTTPErrorHandler invokes the default HTTP error handler.
func (e *Echo) DefaultHTTPErrorHandler(err error, c Context) {
code := http.StatusInternalServerError
msg := http.StatusText(code)
if he, ok := err.(*HTTPError); ok {
code = he.code
msg = he.message
if e.debug {
msg = err.Error()
if !c.Response().Committed() {
c.String(code, msg)
// SetHTTPErrorHandler registers a custom Echo.HTTPErrorHandler.
func (e *Echo) SetHTTPErrorHandler(h HTTPErrorHandler) {
e.httpErrorHandler = h
// SetBinder registers a custom binder. It's invoked by Context.Bind().
func (e *Echo) SetBinder(b Binder) {
e.binder = b
// SetRenderer registers an HTML template renderer. It's invoked by Context.Render().
func (e *Echo) SetRenderer(r Renderer) {
e.renderer = r
// SetDebug enable/disable debug mode.
func (e *Echo) SetDebug(on bool) {
e.debug = on
// Debug returns debug mode (enabled or disabled).
func (e *Echo) Debug() bool {
return e.debug
// Use adds handler to the middleware chain.
func (e *Echo) Use(middleware ...Middleware) {
e.middleware = append(e.middleware, middleware...)
m := append(e.middleware, e.router)
// Chain middleware
for i := len(m) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
e.head = m[i].Handle(e.head)
// Connect adds a CONNECT route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Connect(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(CONNECT, path, h, m...)
// Delete adds a DELETE route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Delete(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(DELETE, path, h, m...)
// Get adds a GET route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Get(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(GET, path, h, m...)
// Head adds a HEAD route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Head(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(HEAD, path, h, m...)
// Options adds an OPTIONS route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Options(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(OPTIONS, path, h, m...)
// Patch adds a PATCH route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Patch(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(PATCH, path, h, m...)
// Post adds a POST route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Post(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(POST, path, h, m...)
// Put adds a PUT route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Put(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(PUT, path, h, m...)
// Trace adds a TRACE route > handler to the router.
func (e *Echo) Trace(path string, h Handler, m ...Middleware) {
e.add(TRACE, path, h, m...)
// Any adds a route > handler to the router for all HTTP methods.
func (e *Echo) Any(path string, handler Handler, middleware ...Middleware) {
for _, m := range methods {
e.add(m, path, handler, middleware...)
// Match adds a route > handler to the router for multiple HTTP methods provided.
func (e *Echo) Match(methods []string, path string, handler Handler, middleware ...Middleware) {
for _, m := range methods {
e.add(m, path, handler, middleware...)
func (e *Echo) add(method, path string, handler Handler, middleware ...Middleware) {
name := handlerName(handler)
e.router.Add(method, path, HandlerFunc(func(c Context) error {
for _, m := range middleware {
handler = m.Handle(handler)
return handler.Handle(c)
}), e)
r := Route{
Method: method,
Path: path,
Handler: name,
e.router.routes = append(e.router.routes, r)
// Group creates a new sub-router with prefix.
func (e *Echo) Group(prefix string, m ...Middleware) (g *Group) {
g = &Group{prefix: prefix, echo: e}
// URI generates a URI from handler.
func (e *Echo) URI(handler Handler, params ...interface{}) string {
uri := new(bytes.Buffer)
ln := len(params)
n := 0
name := handlerName(handler)
for _, r := range e.router.routes {
if r.Handler == name {
for i, l := 0, len(r.Path); i < l; i++ {
if r.Path[i] == ':' && n < ln {
for ; i < l && r.Path[i] != '/'; i++ {
uri.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", params[n]))
if i < l {
return uri.String()
// URL is an alias for `URI` function.
func (e *Echo) URL(h Handler, params ...interface{}) string {
return e.URI(h, params...)
// Routes returns the registered routes.
func (e *Echo) Routes() []Route {
return e.router.routes
func (e *Echo) ServeHTTP(req engine.Request, res engine.Response) {
c := e.pool.Get().(*context)
c.reset(req, res)
// Execute chain
if err := e.head.Handle(c); err != nil {
e.httpErrorHandler(err, c)
// Run starts the HTTP engine.
func (e *Echo) Run(eng engine.Engine) {
func NewHTTPError(code int, msg ...string) *HTTPError {
he := &HTTPError{code: code, message: http.StatusText(code)}
if len(msg) > 0 {
m := msg[0]
he.message = m
return he
// SetCode sets code.
func (e *HTTPError) SetCode(code int) {
e.code = code
// Code returns code.
func (e *HTTPError) Code() int {
return e.code
// Error returns message.
func (e *HTTPError) Error() string {
return e.message
func (binder) Bind(i interface{}, c Context) (err error) {
req := c.Request()
ct := req.Header().Get(ContentType)
err = ErrUnsupportedMediaType
if strings.HasPrefix(ct, ApplicationJSON) {
if err = json.NewDecoder(req.Body()).Decode(i); err != nil {
err = NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
} else if strings.HasPrefix(ct, ApplicationXML) {
if err = xml.NewDecoder(req.Body()).Decode(i); err != nil {
err = NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, err.Error())
// WrapMiddleware wrap `echo.Handler` into `echo.MiddlewareFunc`.
func WrapMiddleware(h Handler) MiddlewareFunc {
return func(next Handler) Handler {
return HandlerFunc(func(c Context) error {
if !c.Response().Committed() {
return next.Handle(c)
func handlerName(h Handler) string {
t := reflect.ValueOf(h).Type()
if t.Kind() == reflect.Func {
return runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(h).Pointer()).Name()
return t.String()