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"/root/one/bar/two/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"POST", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four", ""}, {"POST", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/foo/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/foo/path/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/two/path/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/bar/two/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four", ""}, {"PUT", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/foo/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/foo/path/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/two/path/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/bar/two/after/the/asterisk", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four", ""}, {"DELETE", "/root/one/qux/two/three/four/after/the/asterisk", ""}, } missesAPI = []testRoute{ {"GET", "/missOne", ""}, {"GET", "/miss/two", ""}, {"GET", "/miss/three/levels", ""}, {"GET", "/miss/four/levels/nooo", ""}, {"POST", "/missOne", ""}, {"POST", "/miss/two", ""}, {"POST", "/miss/three/levels", ""}, {"POST", "/miss/four/levels/nooo", ""}, {"PUT", "/missOne", ""}, {"PUT", "/miss/two", ""}, {"PUT", "/miss/three/levels", ""}, {"PUT", "/miss/four/levels/nooo", ""}, {"DELETE", "/missOne", ""}, {"DELETE", "/miss/two", ""}, {"DELETE", "/miss/three/levels", ""}, {"DELETE", "/miss/four/levels/nooo", ""}, } // handlerHelper created a function that will set a context key for assertion handlerHelper = func(key string, value int) func(c Context) error { return func(c Context) error { c.Set(key, value) c.Set("path", c.RouteInfo().Path()) return nil } } handlerFunc = func(c Context) error { c.Set("path", c.RouteInfo().Path()) return nil } ) func checkUnusedParamValues(t *testing.T, c *context, expectParam map[string]string) { for _, p := range c.PathParams() { value := p.Value if value != "" { if expectParam == nil { t.Errorf("pValue '%v' is set for param name '%v' but we are not expecting it with expectParam", value, p) } else { if _, ok := expectParam[p.Name]; !ok { t.Errorf("pValue '%v' is set for param name '%v' but we are not expecting it with expectParam", value, p) } } } } } func TestRouterStatic(t *testing.T) { path := "/folders/a/files/echo.gif" req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", path, nil) e := New() e.GET(path, handlerFunc) pathParams := make(PathParams, 0, 2) match := e.router.Match(req, &pathParams) assert.Equal(t, path, match.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, 2, cap(pathParams)) assert.Len(t, pathParams, 0) } func TestRouterParam(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/users/:id", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { name string whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string }{ { name: "route /users/1 to /users/:id", whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { name: "route /users/1/ to /users/:id", whenURL: "/users/1/", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1/"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouter_addAndMatchAllSupportedMethods(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string whenMethod string }{ {name: "ok, CONNECT", whenMethod: http.MethodConnect}, {name: "ok, DELETE", whenMethod: http.MethodDelete}, {name: "ok, GET", whenMethod: http.MethodGet}, {name: "ok, HEAD", whenMethod: http.MethodHead}, {name: "ok, OPTIONS", whenMethod: http.MethodOptions}, {name: "ok, PATCH", whenMethod: http.MethodPatch}, {name: "ok, POST", whenMethod: http.MethodPost}, {name: "ok, PROPFIND", whenMethod: PROPFIND}, {name: "ok, PUT", whenMethod: http.MethodPut}, {name: "ok, TRACE", whenMethod: http.MethodTrace}, {name: "ok, REPORT", whenMethod: REPORT}, {name: "ok, NON_TRADITIONAL_METHOD", whenMethod: "NON_TRADITIONAL_METHOD"}, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) e.Add(tc.whenMethod, "/my/*", handlerFunc) req := httptest.NewRequest(tc.whenMethod, "/my/some-url", nil) rec := httptest.NewRecorder() c := e.NewContext(req, rec).(*context) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "/my/*", match.RoutePath) }) } } func TestMethodNotAllowedAndNotFound(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes ri, err := e.AddRoute(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/*", Handler: handlerFunc}) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "GET:/*", ri.Name()) ri, err = e.AddRoute(Route{Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/users/:id", Handler: handlerFunc}) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "POST:/users/:id", ri.Name()) var testCases = []struct { name string whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { name: "exact match for route+method", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { name: "matches node but not method. sends 405 from best match node", whenMethod: http.MethodPut, whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectError: ErrMethodNotAllowed, }, { name: "best match is any route up in tree", whenMethod: http.MethodGet, whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "users/1"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterTwoParam(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/users/:uid/files/:fid", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/users/1/files/1", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) assert.Equal(t, "/users/:uid/files/:fid", match.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, "1", c.pathParams.Get("uid", "")) assert.Equal(t, "1", c.pathParams.Get("fid", "")) } // Issue #378 func TestRouterParamWithSlash(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/a/:b/c/d/:e", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/:b/c/:d/:f", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) // `2/3` should mapped to path `/a/:b/c/d/:e` and into `:e` req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/a/1/c/d/2/3", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) assert.Equal(t, "/a/:b/c/d/:e", match.RoutePath) assert.NoError(t, err) } // Issue #1754 - router needs to backtrack multiple levels upwards in tree to find the matching route // route evaluation order // // Routes: // 1) /a/:b/c // 2) /a/c/d // 3) /a/c/df // // 4) /a/*/f // 5) /:e/c/f // // 6) /* // // Searching route for "/a/c/f" should match "/a/*/f" // When route `4) /a/*/f` is not added then request for "/a/c/f" should match "/:e/c/f" // // +----------+ // +-----+ "/" root +--------------------+--------------------------+ // | +----------+ | | // | | | // +-------v-------+ +---v---------+ +-------v---+ // | "a/" (static) +---------------+ | ":" (param) | | "*" (any) | // +-+----------+--+ | +-----------+-+ +-----------+ // | | | | // +---------------v+ +-- ---v------+ +------v----+ +-----v-----------+ // | "c/d" (static) | | ":" (param) | | "*" (any) | | "/c/f" (static) | // +---------+------+ +--------+----+ +----------++ +-----------------+ // | | | // | | | // +---------v----+ +------v--------+ +------v--------+ // | "f" (static) | | "/c" (static) | | "/f" (static) | // +--------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+ func TestRouteMultiLevelBacktracking(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string }{ { name: "route /a/c/df to /a/c/df", whenURL: "/a/c/df", expectRoute: "/a/c/df", }, { name: "route /a/x/df to /a/:b/c", whenURL: "/a/x/c", expectRoute: "/a/:b/c", expectParam: map[string]string{"b": "x"}, }, { name: "route /a/x/f to /a/*/f", whenURL: "/a/x/f", expectRoute: "/a/*/f", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "x/f"}, // NOTE: `x` would be probably more suitable }, { name: "route /b/c/f to /:e/c/f", whenURL: "/b/c/f", expectRoute: "/:e/c/f", expectParam: map[string]string{"e": "b"}, }, { name: "route /b/c/c to /*", whenURL: "/b/c/c", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "b/c/c"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/a/:b/c", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/c/d", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/c/df", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/*/f", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:e/c/f", handlerFunc) e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #1754 - router needs to backtrack multiple levels upwards in tree to find the matching route // route evaluation order // // Request for "/a/c/f" should match "/:e/c/f" // // +-0,7--------+ // | "/" (root) |----------------------------------+ // +------------+ | // | | | // | | | // +-1,6-----------+ | | +-8-----------+ +------v----+ // | "a/" (static) +<--+ +--------->+ ":" (param) | | "*" (any) | // +---------------+ +-------------+ +-----------+ // | | | // +-2--------v-----+ +v-3,5--------+ +-9------v--------+ // | "c/d" (static) | | ":" (param) | | "/c/f" (static) | // +----------------+ +-------------+ +-----------------+ // | // +-4--v----------+ // | "/c" (static) | // +---------------+ func TestRouteMultiLevelBacktracking2(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/a/:b/c", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/c/d", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/c/df", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:e/c/f", handlerFunc) e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { name string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string }{ { name: "route /a/c/df to /a/c/df", whenURL: "/a/c/df", expectRoute: "/a/c/df", }, { name: "route /a/x/df to /a/:b/c", whenURL: "/a/x/c", expectRoute: "/a/:b/c", expectParam: map[string]string{"b": "x"}, }, { name: "route /a/c/f to /:e/c/f", whenURL: "/a/c/f", expectRoute: "/:e/c/f", expectParam: map[string]string{"e": "a"}, }, { name: "route /b/c/f to /:e/c/f", whenURL: "/b/c/f", expectRoute: "/:e/c/f", expectParam: map[string]string{"e": "b"}, }, { name: "route /b/c/c to /*", whenURL: "/b/c/c", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "b/c/c"}, }, { // this traverses `/a/:b/c` and `/:e/c/f` branches and eventually backtracks to `/*` name: "route /a/c/cf to /*", whenURL: "/a/c/cf", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "a/c/cf"}, }, { name: "route /anyMatch to /*", whenURL: "/anyMatch", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "anyMatch"}, }, { name: "route /anyMatch/withSlash to /*", whenURL: "/anyMatch/withSlash", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "anyMatch/withSlash"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterBacktrackingFromMultipleParamKinds(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) // this can match only path that does not have slash in it e.GET("/:1/second", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:1/:2", handlerFunc) // this acts as match ANY for all routes that have at least one slash e.GET("/:1/:2/third", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:1/:2/:3/fourth", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:1/:2/:3/:4/fifth", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) var testCases = []struct { name string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string }{ { name: "route /first to /*", whenURL: "/first", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "first"}, }, { name: "route /first/second to /:1/second", whenURL: "/first/second", expectRoute: "/:1/second", expectParam: map[string]string{"1": "first"}, }, { name: "route /first/second-new to /:1/:2", whenURL: "/first/second-new", expectRoute: "/:1/:2", expectParam: map[string]string{ "1": "first", "2": "second-new", }, }, { // FIXME: should match `/:1/:2` when backtracking in tree. this 1 level backtracking fails even with old implementation name: "route /first/second/ to /:1/:2", whenURL: "/first/second/", /// <-- slash at the end is problematic expectRoute: "/*", // "/:1/:2", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "first/second/"}, // map[string]string{"1": "first", "2": "second/"}, }, { // FIXME: should match `/:1/:2`. same backtracking problem. when backtracking is at `/:1/:2` during backtracking this node should be match as it has executable handler name: "route /first/second/third/fourth/fifth/nope to /:1/:2", whenURL: "/first/second/third/fourth/fifth/nope", expectRoute: "/*", // "/:1/:2", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "first/second/third/fourth/fifth/nope"}, // map[string]string{"1": "first", "2": "second/third/fourth/fifth/nope"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #1509 func TestRouterParamStaticConflict(t *testing.T) { e := New() g := e.Group("/g") g.GET("/skills", handlerFunc) g.GET("/status", handlerFunc) g.GET("/:name", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string }{ { whenURL: "/g/s", expectRoute: "/g/:name", expectParam: map[string]string{"name": "s"}, }, { whenURL: "/g/status", expectRoute: "/g/status", expectParam: map[string]string{"name": ""}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterParam_escapeColon(t *testing.T) { // to allow Google cloud API like route paths with colon in them // i.e. <- that `:customVerb` is not path param. It is just a string e := New() e.POST("/files/a/long/file\\:undelete", handlerFunc) e.POST("/v1/some/resource/name:customVerb", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string expectError string }{ { whenURL: "/files/a/long/file\\:undelete", expectRoute: "/files/a/long/file\\:undelete", expectParam: map[string]string{}, }, { whenURL: "/files/a/long/file\\:notMatching", expectRoute: nil, expectError: "code=404, message=Not Found", expectParam: nil, }, { whenURL: "/v1/some/resource/name:PATCH", expectRoute: "/v1/some/resource/name:customVerb", expectParam: map[string]string{"customVerb": ":PATCH"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, c.Get("path")) if tc.expectError != "" { assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectError) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.PathParam(param)) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterMatchAny(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/", handlerFunc) e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string }{ { whenURL: "/", expectRoute: "/", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/download", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "download"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/joe", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "joe"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // NOTE: this is to document current implementation. Last added route with `*` asterisk is always the match and no // backtracking or more precise matching is done to find more suitable match. // // Current behaviour might not be correct or expected. // But this is where we are without well defined requirements/rules how (multiple) asterisks work in route func TestRouterAnyMatchesLastAddedAnyRoute(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/users/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/*/action*", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/users/xxx/action/sea", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "/users/*/action*", match.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, "xxx/action/sea", c.pathParams.Get("*", "")) // if we add another route then it is the last added and so it is matched e.GET("/users/*/action/search", handlerFunc) c2 := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req2 := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/users/xxx/action/sea", nil) match2 := e.router.Match(req2, c2.pathParams) c2.route = match2.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match2.Handler(c2)) assert.Equal(t, "/users/*/action/search", match2.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, "xxx/action/sea", c2.pathParams.Get("*", "")) } // Issue #1739 func TestRouterMatchAnyPrefixIssue(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string }{ { whenURL: "/", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/users", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "users"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/users_prefix", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "users_prefix"}, }, { whenURL: "/users_prefix/", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "users_prefix/"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // TestRouterMatchAnySlash shall verify finding the best route // for any routes with trailing slash requests func TestRouterMatchAnySlash(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/users", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/img/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/img/load", handlerFunc) e.GET("/img/load/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/assets/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/", expectRoute: "", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, expectError: ErrNotFound, }, { // Test trailing slash request for simple any route (see #1526) whenURL: "/users/", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/users/joe", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "joe"}, }, // Test trailing slash request for nested any route (see #1526) { whenURL: "/img/load", expectRoute: "/img/load", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/img/load/", expectRoute: "/img/load/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/img/load/ben", expectRoute: "/img/load/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "ben"}, }, // Test /assets/* any route { // ... without trailing slash must not match whenURL: "/assets", expectRoute: "", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, expectError: ErrNotFound, }, { // ... with trailing slash must match whenURL: "/assets/", expectRoute: "/assets/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterMatchAnyMultiLevel(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/api/users/jack", handlerFunc) e.GET("/api/users/jill", handlerFunc) e.GET("/api/users/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/api/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/other/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/api/users/jack", expectRoute: "/api/users/jack", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/api/users/jill", expectRoute: "/api/users/jill", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/api/users/joe", expectRoute: "/api/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "joe"}, }, { whenURL: "/api/nousers/joe", expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "nousers/joe"}, }, { whenURL: "/api/none", expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "none"}, }, { whenURL: "/api/none", expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "none"}, }, { whenURL: "/noapi/users/jim", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "noapi/users/jim"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterMatchAnyMultiLevelWithPost(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.POST("/api/auth/login", handlerFunc) e.POST("/api/auth/forgotPassword", handlerFunc) e.Any("/api/*", handlerFunc) e.Any("/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { // POST /api/auth/login shall choose login method whenURL: "/api/auth/login", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, expectRoute: "/api/auth/login", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { // POST /api/auth/logout shall choose nearest any route whenURL: "/api/auth/logout", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "auth/logout"}, }, { // POST to /api/other/test shall choose nearest any route whenURL: "/api/other/test", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "other/test"}, }, { // GET to /api/other/test shall choose nearest any route whenURL: "/api/other/test", whenMethod: http.MethodGet, expectRoute: "/api/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "other/test"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterMicroParam(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/:a/:b/:c", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/1/2/3", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "1", c.pathParams.Get("a", "---none---")) assert.Equal(t, "2", c.pathParams.Get("b", "---none---")) assert.Equal(t, "3", c.pathParams.Get("c", "---none---")) } func TestRouterMixParamMatchAny(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Route e.GET("/users/:id/*", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/users/joe/comments", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "/users/:id/*", match.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, "joe", c.pathParams.Get("id", "---none---")) assert.Equal(t, "comments", c.pathParams.Get("*", "---none---")) } func TestRouterMultiRoute(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/users", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/users", expectRoute: "/users", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { whenURL: "/user", expectRoute: "", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, expectError: ErrNotFound, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterPriority(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/users", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/new", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/dew", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id/files", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/newsee", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/new/*", handlerFunc) e.GET("/*", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/users", expectRoute: "/users", }, { whenURL: "/users/new", expectRoute: "/users/new", }, { whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/dew", expectRoute: "/users/dew", }, { whenURL: "/users/1/files", expectRoute: "/users/:id/files", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/new", expectRoute: "/users/new", }, { whenURL: "/users/news", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "news"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/newsee", expectRoute: "/users/newsee", }, { whenURL: "/users/joe/books", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "joe/books"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/new/someone", expectRoute: "/users/new/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "someone"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/dew/someone", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "dew/someone"}, }, { // Route > /users/* should be matched although /users/dew exists whenURL: "/users/notexists/someone", expectRoute: "/users/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "notexists/someone"}, }, { whenURL: "/nousers", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "nousers"}, }, { whenURL: "/nousers/new", expectRoute: "/*", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": "nousers/new"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterIssue1348(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/:lang/", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:lang/dupa", handlerFunc) } // Issue #372 func TestRouterPriorityNotFound(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Add e.GET("/a/foo", handlerFunc) e.GET("/a/bar", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/a/foo", expectRoute: "/a/foo", }, { whenURL: "/a/bar", expectRoute: "/a/bar", }, { whenURL: "/abc/def", expectRoute: "", expectError: ErrNotFound, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRouterParamNames(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Routes e.GET("/users", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:uid/files/:fid", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute interface{} expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/users", expectRoute: "/users", }, { whenURL: "/users/1", expectRoute: "/users/:id", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "1"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/1/files/1", expectRoute: "/users/:uid/files/:fid", expectParam: map[string]string{ "uid": "1", "fid": "1", }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #623 and #1406 func TestRouterStaticDynamicConflict(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/dictionary/skills", handlerFunc) e.GET("/dictionary/:name", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/new", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:name", handlerFunc) e.GET("/server", handlerFunc) e.GET("/", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/dictionary/skills", expectRoute: "/dictionary/skills", expectParam: map[string]string{"*": ""}, }, { whenURL: "/dictionary/skillsnot", expectRoute: "/dictionary/:name", expectParam: map[string]string{"name": "skillsnot"}, }, { whenURL: "/dictionary/type", expectRoute: "/dictionary/:name", expectParam: map[string]string{"name": "type"}, }, { whenURL: "/server", expectRoute: "/server", }, { whenURL: "/users/new", expectRoute: "/users/new", }, { whenURL: "/users/new2", expectRoute: "/users/:name", expectParam: map[string]string{"name": "new2"}, }, { whenURL: "/", expectRoute: "/", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #1348 func TestRouterParamBacktraceNotFound(t *testing.T) { e := New() // Add e.GET("/:param1", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:param1/foo", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:param1/bar", handlerFunc) e.GET("/:param1/bar/:param2", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { name string whenMethod string whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { name: "route /a to /:param1", whenURL: "/a", expectRoute: "/:param1", expectParam: map[string]string{"param1": "a"}, }, { name: "route /a/foo to /:param1/foo", whenURL: "/a/foo", expectRoute: "/:param1/foo", expectParam: map[string]string{"param1": "a"}, }, { name: "route /a/bar to /:param1/bar", whenURL: "/a/bar", expectRoute: "/:param1/bar", expectParam: map[string]string{"param1": "a"}, }, { name: "route /a/bar/b to /:param1/bar/:param2", whenURL: "/a/bar/b", expectRoute: "/:param1/bar/:param2", expectParam: map[string]string{ "param1": "a", "param2": "b", }, }, { name: "route /a/bbbbb should return 404", whenURL: "/a/bbbbb", expectRoute: "", expectError: ErrNotFound, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) method := http.MethodGet if tc.whenMethod != "" { method = tc.whenMethod } req := httptest.NewRequest(method, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func testRouterAPI(t *testing.T, api []testRoute) { e := New() for _, route := range api { ri, err := e.AddRoute(Route{ Method: route.Method, Path: route.Path, Handler: func(c Context) error { return nil }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, ri) } c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) for _, route := range api { t.Run(route.Path, func(t *testing.T) { req := httptest.NewRequest(route.Method, route.Path, nil) e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) tokens := strings.Split(route.Path[1:], "/") for _, token := range tokens { if token[0] == ':' { assert.Equal(t, c.pathParams.Get(token[1:], "---none---"), token) } } }) } } func TestRouterGitHubAPI(t *testing.T) { testRouterAPI(t, gitHubAPI) } func TestRouter_Match_DifferentParamNamesForSamePlace(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string whenURL string whenMethod string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { name: "ok, 1=id + 2=file", whenURL: "/users/123/file/payroll.csv", whenMethod: http.MethodGet, expectRoute: "/users/:id/file/:file", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "123", "file": "payroll.csv"}, }, { name: "ok, 1=id2 + 2=file2", whenURL: "/users/123/file/payroll.csv", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, expectRoute: "/users/:id2/file/:file2", expectParam: map[string]string{"id2": "123", "file2": "payroll.csv"}, }, { name: "ok, 1=uid", whenURL: "/users/999/files", whenMethod: http.MethodGet, expectRoute: "/users/:uid/files", expectParam: map[string]string{"uid": "999"}, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/users/create", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id/file/:file", handlerFunc) e.POST("/users/:id2/file/:file2", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:uid/files", handlerFunc) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(tc.whenMethod, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #729 func TestRouterParamAlias(t *testing.T) { api := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/users/:userID/following", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/users/:userID/followedBy", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/users/:userID/follow", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api) } // Issue #1052 func TestRouterParamOrdering(t *testing.T) { api := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:b/:c/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:e/:id", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api) api2 := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:e/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:b/:c/:id", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api2) api3 := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:b/:c/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:e/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/:a/:id", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api3) } // Issue #1139 func TestRouterMixedParams(t *testing.T) { api := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/teacher/:tid/room/suggestions", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/teacher/:id", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api) api2 := []testRoute{ {http.MethodGet, "/teacher/:id", ""}, {http.MethodGet, "/teacher/:tid/room/suggestions", ""}, } testRouterAPI(t, api2) } // Issue #1466 func TestRouterParam1466(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.POST("/users/signup", handlerFunc) e.POST("/users/signup/bulk", handlerFunc) e.POST("/users/survey", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:username", handlerFunc) e.GET("/interests/:name/users", handlerFunc) e.GET("/skills/:name/users", handlerFunc) // Additional routes for Issue 1479 e.GET("/users/:username/likes/projects/ids", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:username/profile", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:username/uploads/:type", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/users/ajitem", expectRoute: "/users/:username", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "ajitem"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/sharewithme", expectRoute: "/users/:username", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "sharewithme"}, }, { // route `/users/signup` is registered for POST. so param route `/users/:username` (lesser priority) is matched as it has GET handler whenURL: "/users/signup", expectRoute: "/users/:username", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "signup"}, }, // Additional assertions for #1479 { whenURL: "/users/sharewithme/likes/projects/ids", expectRoute: "/users/:username/likes/projects/ids", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "sharewithme"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/ajitem/likes/projects/ids", expectRoute: "/users/:username/likes/projects/ids", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "ajitem"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/sharewithme/profile", expectRoute: "/users/:username/profile", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "sharewithme"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/ajitem/profile", expectRoute: "/users/:username/profile", expectParam: map[string]string{"username": "ajitem"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/sharewithme/uploads/self", expectRoute: "/users/:username/uploads/:type", expectParam: map[string]string{ "username": "sharewithme", "type": "self", }, }, { whenURL: "/users/ajitem/uploads/self", expectRoute: "/users/:username/uploads/:type", expectParam: map[string]string{ "username": "ajitem", "type": "self", }, }, { whenURL: "/users/tree/free", expectRoute: "", // not found expectParam: map[string]string{"id": ""}, expectError: ErrNotFound, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } // Issue #1655 func TestRouterFindNotPanicOrLoopsWhenContextSetParamValuesIsCalledWithLessValuesThanEchoMaxParam(t *testing.T) { e := New() v0 := e.Group("/:version") v0.GET("/admin", func(c Context) error { c.SetPathParams(PathParams{{ Name: "version", Value: "v1", }}) return nil }) v0.GET("/images/view/:id", handlerHelper("iv", 1)) v0.GET("/images/:id", handlerHelper("i", 1)) v0.GET("/view/*", handlerHelper("v", 1)) //If this API is called before the next two one panic the other loops ( of course without my fix ;) ) c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/v1/admin", nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "v1", c.PathParam("version")) //panic c = e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/v1/view/same-data", nil) match = e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "same-data", c.PathParam("*")) assert.Equal(t, 1, c.Get("v")) //looping c = e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/v1/images/view", nil) match = e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo assert.NoError(t, match.Handler(c)) assert.Equal(t, "view", c.PathParam("id")) assert.Equal(t, 1, c.Get("i")) } // Issue #1653 func TestRouterPanicWhenParamNoRootOnlyChildsFailsFind(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/users/create", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id/edit", handlerFunc) e.GET("/users/:id/active", handlerFunc) var testCases = []struct { whenURL string expectRoute string expectParam map[string]string expectError error }{ { whenURL: "/users/alice/edit", expectRoute: "/users/:id/edit", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "alice"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/bob/active", expectRoute: "/users/:id/active", expectParam: map[string]string{"id": "bob"}, }, { whenURL: "/users/create", expectRoute: "/users/create", expectParam: nil, }, //This panic before the fix for Issue #1653 { whenURL: "/users/createNotFound", expectError: ErrNotFound, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(tc.whenURL, func(t *testing.T) { c := e.NewContext(nil, nil).(*context) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, tc.whenURL, nil) match := e.router.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo err := match.Handler(c) if tc.expectError != nil { assert.Equal(t, tc.expectError, err) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } assert.Equal(t, tc.expectRoute, match.RoutePath) for param, expectedValue := range tc.expectParam { assert.Equal(t, expectedValue, c.pathParams.Get(param, "---none---")) } checkUnusedParamValues(t, c, tc.expectParam) }) } } func TestRoutes_ReverseHandlerName(t *testing.T) { static := func(Context) error { return nil } getUser := func(Context) error { return nil } getAny := func(Context) error { return nil } getFile := func(Context) error { return nil } var testCases = []struct { name string when string whenArgs []interface{} expect string expectErr string }{ { name: "ok, HandlerName + args", when: HandlerName(getFile), whenArgs: []interface{}{"1"}, expect: "/group/users/1/files/:fid", }, { name: "ok, HandlerName", when: HandlerName(getFile), expect: "/group/users/:uid/files/:fid", }, { name: "ok, unnamed fixed name", when: "GET:/static/file", expect: "/static/file", }, { name: "ok, unnamed fixed name", when: "GET:/users/:id", expect: "/users/:id", }, { name: "ok, unnamed any route", when: "POST:/documents/*", expect: "/documents/*", }, { name: "ok, unnamed any route + args", when: "GET:/documents/*", whenArgs: []interface{}{"index.html"}, expect: "/documents/index.html", }, { name: "ok, named route + args", when: HandlerName(getFile), whenArgs: []interface{}{"1", "abc"}, expect: "/group/users/1/files/abc", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.GET("/static/file", static) e.GET("/users/:id", getUser) e.Any("/documents/*", getAny) g := e.Group("/group") g.GET("/roles/:rid/files/:fid", getFile) g.AddRoute(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/users/:uid/files/:fid", Handler: getFile, Name: HandlerName(getFile)}) reversed, err := e.Router().Routes().Reverse(tc.when, tc.whenArgs...) assert.Equal(t, tc.expect, reversed) if tc.expectErr != "" { assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectErr) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } }) } } func TestRoutes_Reverse(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string when string whenArgs []interface{} expect string expectErr string }{ { name: "ok, static", when: "/static", expect: "/static", }, { name: "ok, static + args", when: "/static", whenArgs: []interface{}{"missing param"}, expect: "/static", }, { name: "ok, static/*", when: "/static/*", expect: "/static/*", }, { name: "ok, static/*", when: "/static/*", whenArgs: []interface{}{"foo.txt"}, expect: "/static/foo.txt", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo", when: "/params/:foo", expect: "/params/:foo", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo + args", when: "/params/:foo", whenArgs: []interface{}{"one"}, expect: "/params/one", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo/bar/:qux", when: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", expect: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo/bar/:qux + args1", when: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", whenArgs: []interface{}{"one"}, expect: "/params/one/bar/:qux", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo/bar/:qux + args2", when: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", whenArgs: []interface{}{"one", "two"}, expect: "/params/one/bar/two", }, { name: "ok, /params/:foo/bar/:qux/* + args3", when: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux/*", whenArgs: []interface{}{"one", "two", "three"}, expect: "/params/one/bar/two/three", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { dummyHandler := func(Context) error { return nil } router := NewRouter(New(), RouterConfig{}) router.Add(Route{Path: "/static", Name: "/static", Method: http.MethodGet, Handler: dummyHandler}) router.Add(Route{Path: "/static/*", Name: "/static/*", Method: http.MethodGet, Handler: dummyHandler}) router.Add(Route{Path: "/params/:foo", Name: "/params/:foo", Method: http.MethodGet, Handler: dummyHandler}) router.Add(Route{Path: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", Name: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux", Method: http.MethodGet, Handler: dummyHandler}) router.Add(Route{Path: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux/*", Name: "/params/:foo/bar/:qux/*", Method: http.MethodGet, Handler: dummyHandler}) reversed, err := router.Routes().Reverse(tc.when, tc.whenArgs...) assert.Equal(t, tc.expect, reversed) if tc.expectErr != "" { assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectErr) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } }) } } func TestRouter_Routes(t *testing.T) { routes := []*Route{ {Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/users/:user/events"}, {Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/users/:user/events/public"}, {Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs"}, {Method: http.MethodPost, Path: "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags"}, } router := NewRouter(New(), RouterConfig{}) for _, r := range routes { _, err := router.Add(Route{ Method: r.Method, Path: r.Path, Handler: func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusOK, "OK") }, }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } assert.Equal(t, len(routes), len(router.Routes())) for _, r := range router.Routes() { found := false for _, rr := range routes { if r.Method() == rr.Method && r.Path() == rr.Path { found = true break } } if !found { t.Errorf("Route %s %s not found", r.Method(), r.Path()) } } } func benchmarkRouterRoutes(b *testing.B, routes []testRoute, routesToFind []testRoute) { e := New() r := e.router req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "/", nil) b.ReportAllocs() // Add routes for _, route := range routes { e.AddRoute(Route{ Method: route.Method, Path: route.Path, Handler: func(c Context) error { return nil }, }) } // Routes adding are performed just once, so it doesn't make sense to see that in the benchmark b.ResetTimer() // Find routes for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { for _, route := range routesToFind { c := e.contextPool.Get().(*context) req.Method = route.Method req.URL.Path = route.Path match := r.Match(req, c.pathParams) c.route = match.RouteInfo e.contextPool.Put(c) } } } func TestDefaultRouter_Remove(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string givenPaths []string whenMethod string whenPath string expectErr string }{ { name: "ok, static", whenPath: "/users", }, { name: "ok, static without slash", whenPath: "users", }, { name: "ok, multilevel static", whenPath: "/users/newsee", }, { name: "ok, static with path params", whenPath: "/users/:id/files", }, { name: "ok, path params", whenPath: "/users/:id", }, { name: "ok, any", whenPath: "/users/new/*", }, { name: "ok, any root", whenPath: "/*", }, { name: "ok, multilevel any", whenPath: "/users/dew/*", }, { name: "ok, single root", givenPaths: []string{"/users"}, whenPath: "/users", }, { name: "nok, no routes, nothing to remove", givenPaths: []string{}, whenPath: "/users/", expectErr: "router has no routes to remove", }, { name: "nok, route not found (matches partial node)", whenPath: "/users/", expectErr: "could not find route to remove by given path", }, { name: "nok, route not found (matches partial node)", whenPath: "", expectErr: "could not find route to remove by given path", }, { name: "nok, route not found", whenPath: "/this_is_not_existent", expectErr: "could not find route to remove by given path", }, { name: "nok, multilevel static but different method", whenPath: "/users/newsee", whenMethod: http.MethodPost, expectErr: "could not find route to remove by given path and method", }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() paths := []string{ "/users", "/users/new", "/users/:id", "/users/dew", "/users/dew/*", "/users/:id/files", "/users/newsee", "/users/new/new", "/users/new/*", "/*", } if tc.givenPaths != nil { paths = tc.givenPaths } index := -1 for i, p := range paths { e.GET(p, handlerFunc) if p == tc.whenPath { index = i } } var toCheckPaths []string if index != -1 { toCheckPaths = append(paths[:index], paths[index+1:]...) } method := tc.whenMethod if method == "" { method = http.MethodGet } err := e.Router().Remove(method, tc.whenPath) if tc.expectErr != "" { assert.EqualError(t, err, tc.expectErr) } else { assert.NoError(t, err) } for _, p := range toCheckPaths { req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, p, nil) params := make(PathParams, 0, 5) match := e.Router().Match(req, ¶ms) assert.Equal(t, p, match.RoutePath, "after removing %v we matched wrong route. when matching: %v, got: %v", tc.whenPath, p, match.RoutePath) } }) } } func TestDefaultRouter_AddWithoutHandler(t *testing.T) { e := New() router := NewRouter(e, RouterConfig{}) ri, err := router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/info", Handler: nil}) assert.EqualError(t, err, "GET /info: adding route without handler function") assert.Nil(t, ri) } func TestDefaultRouter_AddDuplicateRouteNotAllowed(t *testing.T) { e := New() router := NewRouter(e, RouterConfig{}) e.router = router ri, err := router.Add(Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/info", Handler: func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "OLD") }, Name: "old", }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, ri) ri, err = router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/info", Handler: handlerFunc, Name: "new"}) assert.Nil(t, ri) assert.EqualError(t, err, "GET /info: adding duplicate route (same method+path) is not allowed") assert.Len(t, router.Routes(), 1) status, body := request(http.MethodGet, "/info", e) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, status) assert.Equal(t, "OLD", body) } func TestName(t *testing.T) { } // See issue #1531, #1258 - there are cases when path parameter need to be unescaped func TestDefaultRouter_UnescapePathParamValues(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string givenUnescapePathParamValues bool whenURL string expectPath string expectPathParams PathParams }{ { name: "ok, unescape = true", givenUnescapePathParamValues: true, whenURL: "/first/value%20with%20space", expectPath: "/first/:raw", expectPathParams: PathParams{ { Name: "raw", Value: "value with space", }, }, }, { name: "ok, multiple, unescape = true", givenUnescapePathParamValues: true, whenURL: "/second/%20/with%20space", expectPath: "/second/:id/:fileName", expectPathParams: PathParams{ {Name: "id", Value: " "}, {Name: "fileName", Value: "with space"}, }, }, { name: "ok, any route, unescape = true", givenUnescapePathParamValues: true, whenURL: "/third/%20%2Fwith%20space", expectPath: "/third/*", expectPathParams: PathParams{ {Name: "*", Value: " /with space"}, }, }, { name: "ok, unescape = false", givenUnescapePathParamValues: false, whenURL: "/first/value%20with%20space", expectPath: "/first/:raw", expectPathParams: PathParams{ { Name: "raw", Value: "value%20with%20space", }, }, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() router := NewRouter(e, RouterConfig{UnescapePathParamValues: tc.givenUnescapePathParamValues}) e.router = router _, err := router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/first/:raw", Handler: handlerFunc}) assert.NoError(t, err) _, err = router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/second/:id/:fileName", Handler: handlerFunc}) assert.NoError(t, err) _, err = router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/third/*", Handler: handlerFunc}) assert.NoError(t, err) target, _ := url.Parse(tc.whenURL) req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, target.String(), nil) req.URL.RawPath = tc.whenURL params := make(PathParams, 0, 5) match := e.Router().Match(req, ¶ms) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectPath, match.RoutePath) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectPathParams, params) }) } } func TestDefaultRouter_AddDuplicateRouteAllowed(t *testing.T) { e := New() router := NewRouter(e, RouterConfig{AllowOverwritingRoute: true}) e.router = router ri, err := router.Add(Route{Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/info", Handler: handlerFunc, Name: "old"}) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, ri, routeInfo{ method: http.MethodGet, path: "/info", name: "old", }) ri, err = router.Add(Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/info", Handler: func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "NEW") }, Name: "new", }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, ri, routeInfo{ method: http.MethodGet, path: "/info", name: "new", }) routes := router.Routes() assert.Len(t, routes, 1) assert.Equal(t, "new", routes[0].Name()) status, body := request(http.MethodGet, "/info", e) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, status) assert.Equal(t, "NEW", body) } func TestDefaultRouter_UseEscapedPathForRouting(t *testing.T) { var testCases = []struct { name string givenDoNotUseEscapedPathForRouting bool whenRawPath string expectBody string expectStatus int }{ { name: "ok, static route", whenRawPath: "/what's%20up", expectBody: "/what's up", expectStatus: http.StatusTeapot, }, { name: "nok, rawPath does not match with route path", givenDoNotUseEscapedPathForRouting: true, whenRawPath: "/what's%20up", // route is "/what's up" expectBody: "{\"message\":\"Not Found\"}\n", expectStatus: http.StatusNotFound, }, { name: "ok, match path param", whenRawPath: "/test/what's%20up", expectBody: "/test/:param|what's up", expectStatus: http.StatusTeapot, }, { name: "ok, path param is unescaped as it is in rawPath", givenDoNotUseEscapedPathForRouting: true, whenRawPath: "/test/what's%20up", expectBody: "/test/:param|what's%20up", expectStatus: http.StatusTeapot, }, } for _, tc := range testCases { t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { e := New() router := NewRouter(e, RouterConfig{UseEscapedPathForMatching: !tc.givenDoNotUseEscapedPathForRouting}) e.router = router e.contextPathParamAllocSize = 1 ri, err := router.Add(Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/what's up", Handler: func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, c.RouteInfo().Path()) }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, ri) ri, err = router.Add(Route{ Method: http.MethodGet, Path: "/test/:param", Handler: func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, c.RouteInfo().Path()+"|"+c.PathParam("param")) }, }) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, ri) status, body := request(http.MethodGet, tc.whenRawPath, e) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectStatus, status) assert.Equal(t, tc.expectBody, body) }) } } type mySimpleRouter struct { route Route } func (m *mySimpleRouter) Add(addRoute Routable) (RouteInfo, error) { route := addRoute.ToRoute() h := route.Handler route.Handler = func(c Context) error { c.Set("router", "mySimpleRouter") return h(c) } m.route = route return route.ToRouteInfo([]string{ /* no values */ }), nil } func (m *mySimpleRouter) Remove(method string, path string) error { return nil } func (m *mySimpleRouter) Routes() Routes { return Routes{m.route.ToRouteInfo(nil)} } func (m *mySimpleRouter) Match(req *http.Request, params *PathParams) RouteMatch { return RouteMatch{ RoutePath: m.route.Path, Handler: m.route.Handler, } } func TestCustomRouter_defaultAndVHostRouting(t *testing.T) { e := New() e.ResetRouterCreator(func(e *Echo) Router { return &mySimpleRouter{} }) e.GET("/info", func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "default from "+c.Get("router").(string)) }) g := e.Host("my.vhost.test") g.GET("/info", func(c Context) error { return c.String(http.StatusTeapot, "my.vhost.test default from "+c.Get("router").(string)) }) // see if default router was our mySimpleRouter req := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/info", nil) rec := httptest.NewRecorder() e.ServeHTTP(rec, req) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code) assert.Equal(t, "default from mySimpleRouter", rec.Body.String()) // see if vhost router was our mySimpleRouter req = httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/info", nil) req.Host = "my.vhost.test" rec = httptest.NewRecorder() e.ServeHTTP(rec, req) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusTeapot, rec.Code) assert.Equal(t, "my.vhost.test default from mySimpleRouter", rec.Body.String()) } func BenchmarkRouterStaticRoutes(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, staticRoutes, staticRoutes) } func BenchmarkRouterStaticRoutesMisses(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, staticRoutes, missesAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterGitHubAPI(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, gitHubAPI, gitHubAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterGitHubAPIMisses(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, gitHubAPI, missesAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterParseAPI(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, parseAPI, parseAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterParseAPIMisses(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, parseAPI, missesAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterGooglePlusAPI(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, googlePlusAPI, googlePlusAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterGooglePlusAPIMisses(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, googlePlusAPI, missesAPI) } func BenchmarkRouterParamsAndAnyAPI(b *testing.B) { benchmarkRouterRoutes(b, paramAndAnyAPI, paramAndAnyAPIToFind) } func (n *node) printTree(pfx string, tail bool) { p := prefix(tail, pfx, "└── ", "├── ") fmt.Printf("%s%s, %p: type=%d, parent=%p, handler=%v, paramNames=%v\n", p, n.prefix, n, n.kind, n.parent, n.methods, n.paramsCount) p = prefix(tail, pfx, " ", "│ ") children := n.staticChildren l := len(children) if n.paramChild != nil { n.paramChild.printTree(p, n.anyChild == nil && l == 0) } if n.anyChild != nil { n.anyChild.printTree(p, l == 0) } for i := 0; i < l-1; i++ { children[i].printTree(p, false) } if l > 0 { children[l-1].printTree(p, true) } } func prefix(tail bool, p, on, off string) string { if tail { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p, on) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p, off) }