# [Echo](http://echo.labstack.com) [![GoDoc](http://img.shields.io/badge/go-documentation-blue.svg?style=flat-square)](http://godoc.org/github.com/labstack/echo) [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/labstack/echo) [![Coverage Status](http://img.shields.io/coveralls/labstack/echo.svg?style=flat-square)](https://coveralls.io/r/labstack/echo) [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/labstack/echo](https://img.shields.io/badge/gitter-join%20chat-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](https://gitter.im/labstack/echo) Echo, a fast and unfancy micro web framework for Golang. ## Features - Fast HTTP router which smartly prioritize routes. - Extensible middleware, supports: - `echo.MiddlewareFunc` - `func(echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc` - `echo.HandlerFunc` - `func(*echo.Context) error` - `func(http.Handler) http.Handler` - `http.Handler` - `http.HandlerFunc` - `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)` - Extensible handler, supports: - `echo.HandlerFunc` - `func(*echo.Context) error` - `http.Handler` - `http.HandlerFunc` - `func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)` - Sub-router/Groups - Handy encoding/decoding functions. - Build-in support for: - Static files - WebSocket - API to serve index and favicon. - Centralized HTTP error handling. - Customizable request binding function. - Customizable response rendering function, allowing you to use any HTML template engine. ## Benchmark Based on [vishr/go-http-routing-benchmark] (https://github.com/vishr/go-http-routing-benchmark), June 5, 2015. ##### [GitHub API](http://developer.github.com/v3) > Echo: 38662 ns/op, 0 B/op, 0 allocs/op ![Performance](http://i.imgur.com/hB2qdRS.png) ``` BenchmarkAce_GithubAll 20000 93675 ns/op 13792 B/op 167 allocs/op BenchmarkBear_GithubAll 10000 264194 ns/op 79952 B/op 943 allocs/op BenchmarkBeego_GithubAll 2000 1109160 ns/op 146272 B/op 2092 allocs/op BenchmarkBone_GithubAll 1000 2063973 ns/op 648016 B/op 8119 allocs/op BenchmarkDenco_GithubAll 20000 83114 ns/op 20224 B/op 167 allocs/op BenchmarkEcho_GithubAll 30000 38662 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkGin_GithubAll 30000 43467 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op BenchmarkGocraftWeb_GithubAll 5000 386829 ns/op 133280 B/op 1889 allocs/op BenchmarkGoji_GithubAll 3000 561131 ns/op 56113 B/op 334 allocs/op BenchmarkGoJsonRest_GithubAll 3000 490789 ns/op 135995 B/op 2940 allocs/op BenchmarkGoRestful_GithubAll 100 15569513 ns/op 797239 B/op 7725 allocs/op BenchmarkGorillaMux_GithubAll 200 7431130 ns/op 153137 B/op 1791 allocs/op BenchmarkHttpRouter_GithubAll 30000 51192 ns/op 13792 B/op 167 allocs/op BenchmarkHttpTreeMux_GithubAll 10000 138164 ns/op 56112 B/op 334 allocs/op BenchmarkKocha_GithubAll 10000 139625 ns/op 23304 B/op 843 allocs/op BenchmarkMacaron_GithubAll 2000 709932 ns/op 224960 B/op 2315 allocs/op BenchmarkMartini_GithubAll 100 10261331 ns/op 237953 B/op 2686 allocs/op BenchmarkPat_GithubAll 500 3989686 ns/op 1504104 B/op 32222 allocs/op BenchmarkPossum_GithubAll 5000 259165 ns/op 97441 B/op 812 allocs/op BenchmarkR2router_GithubAll 10000 240345 ns/op 77328 B/op 1182 allocs/op BenchmarkRevel_GithubAll 2000 1203336 ns/op 345554 B/op 5918 allocs/op BenchmarkRivet_GithubAll 10000 247213 ns/op 84272 B/op 1079 allocs/op BenchmarkTango_GithubAll 5000 379960 ns/op 87081 B/op 2470 allocs/op BenchmarkTigerTonic_GithubAll 2000 931401 ns/op 241089 B/op 6052 allocs/op BenchmarkTraffic_GithubAll 200 7292170 ns/op 2664770 B/op 22390 allocs/op BenchmarkVulcan_GithubAll 5000 271682 ns/op 19894 B/op 609 allocs/op BenchmarkZeus_GithubAll 2000 748827 ns/op 300688 B/op 2648 allocs/op ``` ## Installation ```sh $ go get github.com/labstack/echo ``` ## [Recipes](https://github.com/labstack/echo/tree/master/recipes) - [File Upload](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/file-upload) - [Streaming File Upload](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/streaming-file-upload) - [Streaming Response](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/streaming-response) - [WebSocket](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/websocket) - [Subdomains](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/subdomains) - [Graceful Shutdown](http://echo.labstack.com/recipes/graceful-shutdown) ##[Guide](http://echo.labstack.com/guide) ## Contribute **Use issues for everything** - Report problems - Discuss before sending pull request - Suggest new features - Improve/fix documentation ## Credits - [Vishal Rana](https://github.com/vishr) - Author - [Nitin Rana](https://github.com/nr17) - Consultant - [Contributors](https://github.com/labstack/echo/graphs/contributors) ## License [MIT](https://github.com/labstack/echo/blob/master/LICENSE)