package middleware

import (


// RedirectConfig defines the config for Redirect middleware.
type RedirectConfig struct {
	// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.

	// Status code to be used when redirecting the request.
	// Optional. Default value http.StatusMovedPermanently.
	Code int `yaml:"code"`

// redirectLogic represents a function that given a scheme, host and uri
// can both: 1) determine if redirect is needed (will set ok accordingly) and
// 2) return the appropriate redirect url.
type redirectLogic func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string)

const www = "www"

// DefaultRedirectConfig is the default Redirect middleware config.
var DefaultRedirectConfig = RedirectConfig{
	Skipper: DefaultSkipper,
	Code:    http.StatusMovedPermanently,

// HTTPSRedirect redirects http requests to https.
// For example, will be redirect to
// Usage `Echo#Pre(HTTPSRedirect())`
func HTTPSRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return HTTPSRedirectWithConfig(DefaultRedirectConfig)

// HTTPSRedirectWithConfig returns an HTTPSRedirect middleware with config.
// See `HTTPSRedirect()`.
func HTTPSRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) {
		if ok = scheme != "https"; ok {
			url = "https://" + host + uri

// HTTPSWWWRedirect redirects http requests to https www.
// For example, will be redirect to
// Usage `Echo#Pre(HTTPSWWWRedirect())`
func HTTPSWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return HTTPSWWWRedirectWithConfig(DefaultRedirectConfig)

// HTTPSWWWRedirectWithConfig returns an HTTPSRedirect middleware with config.
// See `HTTPSWWWRedirect()`.
func HTTPSWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) {
		if ok = scheme != "https" && host[:3] != www; ok {
			url = "https://www." + host + uri

// HTTPSNonWWWRedirect redirects http requests to https non www.
// For example, will be redirect to
// Usage `Echo#Pre(HTTPSNonWWWRedirect())`
func HTTPSNonWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return HTTPSNonWWWRedirectWithConfig(DefaultRedirectConfig)

// HTTPSNonWWWRedirectWithConfig returns an HTTPSRedirect middleware with config.
// See `HTTPSNonWWWRedirect()`.
func HTTPSNonWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) {
		if ok = scheme != "https"; ok {
			if host[:3] == www {
				host = host[4:]
			url = "https://" + host + uri

// WWWRedirect redirects non www requests to www.
// For example, will be redirect to
// Usage `Echo#Pre(WWWRedirect())`
func WWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return WWWRedirectWithConfig(DefaultRedirectConfig)

// WWWRedirectWithConfig returns an HTTPSRedirect middleware with config.
// See `WWWRedirect()`.
func WWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) {
		if ok = host[:3] != www; ok {
			url = scheme + "://www." + host + uri

// NonWWWRedirect redirects www requests to non www.
// For example, will be redirect to
// Usage `Echo#Pre(NonWWWRedirect())`
func NonWWWRedirect() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return NonWWWRedirectWithConfig(DefaultRedirectConfig)

// NonWWWRedirectWithConfig returns an HTTPSRedirect middleware with config.
// See `NonWWWRedirect()`.
func NonWWWRedirectWithConfig(config RedirectConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	return redirect(config, func(scheme, host, uri string) (ok bool, url string) {
		if ok = host[:3] == www; ok {
			url = scheme + "://" + host[4:] + uri

func redirect(config RedirectConfig, cb redirectLogic) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
	if config.Skipper == nil {
		config.Skipper = DefaultTrailingSlashConfig.Skipper
	if config.Code == 0 {
		config.Code = DefaultRedirectConfig.Code

	return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
		return func(c echo.Context) error {
			if config.Skipper(c) {
				return next(c)

			req, scheme := c.Request(), c.Scheme()
			host := req.Host
			if ok, url := cb(scheme, host, req.RequestURI); ok {
				return c.Redirect(config.Code, url)

			return next(c)