application: my-application-id # defined when you create your app using google dev console module: default # see version: alpha # you can run multiple versions of an app and A/B test runtime: go # see api_version: go1 # used when appengine supports different go versions default_expiration: "1d" # for CDN serving of static files (use url versioning if long!) handlers: # all the static files that we normally serve ourselves are defined here and Google will handle # serving them for us from it's own CDN / edge locations. For all the configuration options see: # - url: / mime_type: text/html static_files: public/index.html upload: public/index.html - url: /favicon.ico mime_type: image/x-icon static_files: public/favicon.ico upload: public/favicon.ico - url: /scripts mime_type: text/javascript static_dir: public/scripts # static files normally don't touch the server that the app runs on but server-side template files # needs to be readable by the app. The application_readable option makes sure they are available as # part of the app deployment onto the instance. - url: /templates static_dir: /templates application_readable: true # finally, we route all other requests to our application. The script name just means "the go app" - url: /.* script: _go_app