+++ title = "Customization" description = "Customizing Echo" [menu.side] name = "Customization" parent = "guide" weight = 3 +++ ## HTTP Error Handler Default HTTP error handler rules: - If error is of type `Echo#HTTPError` it sends HTTP response with status code `HTTPError.Code` and message `HTTPError.Message`. - Else it sends `500 - Internal Server Error`. - If debug mode is enabled, it uses `error.Error()` as status message. You can also set a custom HTTP error handler using `Echo#HTTPErrorHandler`. ## Debugging `Echo#Debug` enables/disables debug mode. ## Logging ### Log Output `Echo#Logger.SetOutput(io.Writer)` sets the output destination for the logger. Default value `os.Stdout` To completely disable logs use `Echo#Logger.SetOutput(io.Discard)` or `Echo#Logger.SetLevel(log.OFF)` ### Log Level `Echo#Logger.SetLevel(log.Lvl)` SetLogLevel sets the log level for the logger. Default value `OFF`. Possible values: - `DEBUG` - `INFO` - `WARN` - `ERROR` - `OFF` You can also set a custom logger using `Echo#Logger`.