+++ title = "Graceful Shutdown Example" description = "Graceful shutdown example for Echo" [menu.side] name = "Graceful Shutdown" parent = "recipes" weight = 13 +++ Echo now ships with graceful server termination inside it, to accomplish it Echo uses `github.com/tylerb/graceful` library. By Default echo uses 15 seconds as shutdown timeout, giving 15 secs to open connections at the time the server starts to shut-down. In order to change this default 15 seconds you could change the `ShutdownTimeout` property of your Echo instance as needed by doing something like: `server.go` {{< embed "graceful-shutdown/server.go" >}} ## Source Code - [graceful]({{< source "graceful-shutdown/graceful" >}}) ## Maintainers - [mertenvg](https://github.com/mertenvg) - [apaganobeleno](https://github.com/apaganobeleno)