# Changelog ## v4.2.2 - 2021-04-07 **Fixes** * Allow proxy middleware to use query part in rewrite (#1802) * Fix timeout middleware not sending status code when handler returns an error (#1805) * Fix Bind() when target is array/slice and path/query params complains bind target not being struct (#1835) * Fix panic in redirect middleware on short host name (#1813) * Fix timeout middleware docs (#1836) ## v4.2.1 - 2021-03-08 **Important notes** Due to a datarace the config parameters for the newly added timeout middleware required a change. See the [docs](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/timeout). A performance regression has been fixed, even bringing better performance than before for some routing scenarios. **Fixes** * Fix performance regression caused by path escaping (#1777, #1798, #1799, aldas) * Avoid context canceled errors (#1789, clwluvw) * Improve router to use on stack backtracking (#1791, aldas, stffabi) * Fix panic in timeout middleware not being not recovered and cause application crash (#1794, aldas) * Fix Echo.Serve() not serving on HTTP port correctly when TLSListener is used (#1785, #1793, aldas) * Apply go fmt (#1788, Le0tk0k) * Uses strings.Equalfold (#1790, rkilingr) * Improve code quality (#1792, withshubh) This release was made possible by our **contributors**: aldas, clwluvw, lammel, Le0tk0k, maciej-jezierski, rkilingr, stffabi, withshubh ## v4.2.0 - 2021-02-11 **Important notes** The behaviour for binding data has been reworked for compatibility with echo before v4.1.11 by enforcing `explicit tagging` for processing parameters. This **may break** your code if you expect combined handling of query/path/form params. Please see the updated documentation for [request](https://echo.labstack.com/guide/request) and [binding](https://echo.labstack.com/guide/request) The handling for rewrite rules has been slightly adjusted to expand `*` to a non-greedy `(.*?)` capture group. This is only relevant if multiple asterisks are used in your rules. Please see [rewrite](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/rewrite) and [proxy](https://echo.labstack.com/middleware/proxy) for details. **Security** * Fix directory traversal vulnerability for Windows (#1718, little-cui) * Fix open redirect vulnerability with trailing slash (#1771,#1775 aldas,GeoffreyFrogeye) **Enhancements** * Add Echo#ListenerNetwork as configuration (#1667, pafuent) * Add ability to change the status code using response beforeFuncs (#1706, RashadAnsari) * Echo server startup to allow data race free access to listener address * Binder: Restore pre v4.1.11 behaviour for c.Bind() to use query params only for GET or DELETE methods (#1727, aldas) * Binder: Add separate methods to bind only query params, path params or request body (#1681, aldas) * Binder: New fluent binder for query/path/form parameter binding (#1717, #1736, aldas) * Router: Performance improvements for missed routes (#1689, pafuent) * Router: Improve performance for Real-IP detection using IndexByte instead of Split (#1640, imxyb) * Middleware: Support real regex rules for rewrite and proxy middleware (#1767) * Middleware: New rate limiting middleware (#1724, iambenkay) * Middleware: New timeout middleware implementation for go1.13+ (#1743, ) * Middleware: Allow regex pattern for CORS middleware (#1623, KlotzAndrew) * Middleware: Add IgnoreBase parameter to static middleware (#1701, lnenad, iambenkay) * Middleware: Add an optional custom function to CORS middleware to validate origin (#1651, curvegrid) * Middleware: Support form fields in JWT middleware (#1704, rkfg) * Middleware: Use sync.Pool for (de)compress middleware to improve performance (#1699, #1672, pafuent) * Middleware: Add decompress middleware to support gzip compressed requests (#1687, arun0009) * Middleware: Add ErrJWTInvalid for JWT middleware (#1627, juanbelieni) * Middleware: Add SameSite mode for CSRF cookies to support iframes (#1524, pr0head) **Fixes** * Fix handling of special trailing slash case for partial prefix (#1741, stffabi) * Fix handling of static routes with trailing slash (#1747) * Fix Static files route not working (#1671, pwli0755, lammel) * Fix use of caret(^) in regex for rewrite middleware (#1588, chotow) * Fix Echo#Reverse for Any type routes (#1695, pafuent) * Fix Router#Find panic with infinite loop (#1661, pafuent) * Fix Router#Find panic fails on Param paths (#1659, pafuent) * Fix DefaultHTTPErrorHandler with Debug=true (#1477, lammel) * Fix incorrect CORS headers (#1669, ulasakdeniz) * Fix proxy middleware rewritePath to use url with updated tests (#1630, arun0009) * Fix rewritePath for proxy middleware to use escaped path in (#1628, arun0009) * Remove unless defer (#1656, imxyb) **General** * New maintainers for Echo: Roland Lammel (@lammel) and Pablo Andres Fuente (@pafuent) * Add GitHub action to compare benchmarks (#1702, pafuent) * Binding query/path params and form fields to struct only works for explicit tags (#1729,#1734, aldas) * Add support for Go 1.15 in CI (#1683, asahasrabuddhe) * Add test for request id to remain unchanged if provided (#1719, iambenkay) * Refactor echo instance listener access and startup to speed up testing (#1735, aldas) * Refactor and improve various tests for binding and routing * Run test workflow only for relevant changes (#1637, #1636, pofl) * Update .travis.yml (#1662, santosh653) * Update README.md with an recents framework benchmark (#1679, pafuent) This release was made possible by **over 100 commits** from more than **20 contributors**: asahasrabuddhe, aldas, AndrewKlotz, arun0009, chotow, curvegrid, iambenkay, imxyb, juanbelieni, lammel, little-cui, lnenad, pafuent, pofl, pr0head, pwli, RashadAnsari, rkfg, santosh653, segfiner, stffabi, ulasakdeniz