package echo import ( "bytes" "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "testing" ) type route struct { method string path string } var ( context = NewContext(nil, nil, New()) api = []route{ // OAuth Authorizations {"GET", "/authorizations"}, {"GET", "/authorizations/:id"}, {"POST", "/authorizations"}, //{"PUT", "/authorizations/clients/:client_id"}, //{"PATCH", "/authorizations/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/authorizations/:id"}, {"GET", "/applications/:client_id/tokens/:access_token"}, {"DELETE", "/applications/:client_id/tokens"}, {"DELETE", "/applications/:client_id/tokens/:access_token"}, // Activity {"GET", "/events"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/events"}, {"GET", "/networks/:owner/:repo/events"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/events"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/received_events"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/received_events/public"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/events"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/events/public"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/events/orgs/:org"}, {"GET", "/feeds"}, {"GET", "/notifications"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/notifications"}, {"PUT", "/notifications"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/notifications"}, {"GET", "/notifications/threads/:id"}, //{"PATCH", "/notifications/threads/:id"}, {"GET", "/notifications/threads/:id/subscription"}, {"PUT", "/notifications/threads/:id/subscription"}, {"DELETE", "/notifications/threads/:id/subscription"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stargazers"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/starred"}, {"GET", "/user/starred"}, {"GET", "/user/starred/:owner/:repo"}, {"PUT", "/user/starred/:owner/:repo"}, {"DELETE", "/user/starred/:owner/:repo"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/subscribers"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/subscriptions"}, {"GET", "/user/subscriptions"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/subscription"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/subscription"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/subscription"}, {"GET", "/user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo"}, {"PUT", "/user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo"}, {"DELETE", "/user/subscriptions/:owner/:repo"}, // Gists {"GET", "/users/:user/gists"}, {"GET", "/gists"}, //{"GET", "/gists/public"}, //{"GET", "/gists/starred"}, {"GET", "/gists/:id"}, {"POST", "/gists"}, //{"PATCH", "/gists/:id"}, {"PUT", "/gists/:id/star"}, {"DELETE", "/gists/:id/star"}, {"GET", "/gists/:id/star"}, {"POST", "/gists/:id/forks"}, {"DELETE", "/gists/:id"}, // Git Data {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs/:sha"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/blobs"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits/:sha"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/commits"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/*ref"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/*ref"}, //{"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/refs/*ref"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags/:sha"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/tags"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees/:sha"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/git/trees"}, // Issues {"GET", "/issues"}, {"GET", "/user/issues"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/issues"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/assignees"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/assignees/:assignee"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id"}, //{"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/comments/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/events"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/events/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/labels"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/labels"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/labels/:name"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels/:name"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/labels"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number/labels"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/milestones/:number"}, // Miscellaneous {"GET", "/emojis"}, {"GET", "/gitignore/templates"}, {"GET", "/gitignore/templates/:name"}, {"POST", "/markdown"}, {"POST", "/markdown/raw"}, {"GET", "/meta"}, {"GET", "/rate_limit"}, // Organizations {"GET", "/users/:user/orgs"}, {"GET", "/user/orgs"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org"}, //{"PATCH", "/orgs/:org"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/members"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/members/:user"}, {"DELETE", "/orgs/:org/members/:user"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/public_members"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/public_members/:user"}, {"PUT", "/orgs/:org/public_members/:user"}, {"DELETE", "/orgs/:org/public_members/:user"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/teams"}, {"GET", "/teams/:id"}, {"POST", "/orgs/:org/teams"}, //{"PATCH", "/teams/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/teams/:id"}, {"GET", "/teams/:id/members"}, {"GET", "/teams/:id/members/:user"}, {"PUT", "/teams/:id/members/:user"}, {"DELETE", "/teams/:id/members/:user"}, {"GET", "/teams/:id/repos"}, {"GET", "/teams/:id/repos/:owner/:repo"}, {"PUT", "/teams/:id/repos/:owner/:repo"}, {"DELETE", "/teams/:id/repos/:owner/:repo"}, {"GET", "/user/teams"}, // Pull Requests {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/commits"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/files"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/merge"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:number"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:number"}, //{"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:number"}, // Repositories {"GET", "/user/repos"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/repos"}, {"GET", "/orgs/:org/repos"}, {"GET", "/repositories"}, {"POST", "/user/repos"}, {"POST", "/orgs/:org/repos"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/contributors"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/languages"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/teams"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/tags"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/branches"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/branches/:branch"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:user"}, {"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:user"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/collaborators/:user"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/comments"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha/comments"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha/comments"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/comments/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/commits"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/readme"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/contents/*path"}, //{"PUT", "/repos/:owner/:repo/contents/*path"}, //{"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/contents/*path"}, //{"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/:archive_format/:ref"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/keys"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/keys/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/keys"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/keys/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/keys/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/downloads"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/downloads/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/downloads/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/forks"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/forks"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/tests"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/merges"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases"}, //{"PATCH", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/contributors"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/commit_activity"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/code_frequency"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/participation"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/stats/punch_card"}, {"GET", "/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:ref"}, {"POST", "/repos/:owner/:repo/statuses/:ref"}, // Search {"GET", "/search/repositories"}, {"GET", "/search/code"}, {"GET", "/search/issues"}, {"GET", "/search/users"}, {"GET", "/legacy/issues/search/:owner/:repository/:state/:keyword"}, {"GET", "/legacy/repos/search/:keyword"}, {"GET", "/legacy/user/search/:keyword"}, {"GET", "/legacy/user/email/:email"}, // Users {"GET", "/users/:user"}, {"GET", "/user"}, //{"PATCH", "/user"}, {"GET", "/users"}, {"GET", "/user/emails"}, {"POST", "/user/emails"}, {"DELETE", "/user/emails"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/followers"}, {"GET", "/user/followers"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/following"}, {"GET", "/user/following"}, {"GET", "/user/following/:user"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/following/:target_user"}, {"PUT", "/user/following/:user"}, {"DELETE", "/user/following/:user"}, {"GET", "/users/:user/keys"}, {"GET", "/user/keys"}, {"GET", "/user/keys/:id"}, {"POST", "/user/keys"}, //{"PATCH", "/user/keys/:id"}, {"DELETE", "/user/keys/:id"}, } ) func TestRouterStatic(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router b := new(bytes.Buffer) path := "/folders/a/files/echo.gif" r.Add(GET, path, func(*Context) error { b.WriteString(path) return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(GET, path, context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(nil) if b.String() != path { t.Errorf("buffer should %s", path) } } } func TestRouterParam(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router r.Add(GET, "/users/:id", func(c *Context) error { return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param id should be 1") } } } func TestRouterTwoParam(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router r.Add(GET, "/users/:uid/files/:fid", func(*Context) error { return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users/1/files/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param uid should be 1") } if context.P(1) != "1" { t.Error("param fid should be 1") } } h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1", context) if h != nil { t.Error("should not found handler") } } func TestRouterMatchAny(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router r.Add(GET, "/users/*", func(*Context) error { return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users/", context) if h == nil { t.Error("should match empty value") } else { if context.P(0) != "" { t.Error("value should be empty") } } h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/joe", context) if h == nil { t.Error("should match non-empty value") } else { if context.P(0) != "joe" { t.Error("value should be joe") } } } func TestRouterMicroParam(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router r.Add(GET, "/:a/:b/:c", func(c *Context) error { return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/1/2/3", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param a should be 1") } if context.P(1) != "2" { t.Error("param b should be 2") } if context.P(2) != "3" { t.Error("param c should be 3") } } } func TestRouterMultiRoute(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router b := new(bytes.Buffer) // Routes r.Add(GET, "/users", func(*Context) error { b.WriteString("/users") return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/:id", func(c *Context) error { return nil }, nil) // Route > /users h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(nil) if b.String() != "/users" { t.Errorf("buffer should be /users") } } // Route > /users/:id h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param id should be 1") } } // Route > /user h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/user", context) if h != nil { t.Error("handler should be nil") } } func TestRouterPriority(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router // Routes r.Add(GET, "/users", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("a", 1) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/new", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("b", 2) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/:id", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("c", 3) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/dew", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("d", 4) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/:id/files", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("e", 5) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/newsee", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("f", 6) return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/*", func(c *Context) error { c.Set("g", 7) return nil }, nil) // Route > /users h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("a") != 1 { t.Error("a should map to 1") } } // Route > /users/new h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/new", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("b") != 2 { t.Error("b should map to 2") } } // Route > /users/:id h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("c") != 3 { t.Error("c should map to 3") } } // Route > /users/dew h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/dew", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("d") != 4 { t.Error("d should map to 4") } } // Route > /users/:id/files h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1/files", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("e") != 5 { t.Error("e should map to 5") } } // Route > /users/:id h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/news", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("c") != 3 { t.Error("c should map to 3") } } // Route > /users/* h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/joe/books", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if context.Get("g") != 7 { t.Error("g should map to 7") } } } func TestRouterParamNames(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router b := new(bytes.Buffer) // Routes r.Add(GET, "/users", func(*Context) error { b.WriteString("/users") return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/:id", func(c *Context) error { return nil }, nil) r.Add(GET, "/users/:uid/files/:fid", func(c *Context) error { return nil }, nil) // Route > /users h, _ := r.Find(GET, "/users", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { h(context) if b.String() != "/users" { t.Errorf("buffer should be /users") } } // Route > /users/:id h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.pnames[0] != "id" { t.Error("param name should be id") } if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param id should be 1") } } // Route > /users/:uid/files/:fid h, _ = r.Find(GET, "/users/1/files/1", context) if h == nil { t.Error("handler not found") } else { if context.pnames[0] != "uid" { t.Error("param name should be id") } if context.P(0) != "1" { t.Error("param id should be 1") } if context.pnames[1] != "fid" { t.Error("param name should be id") } if context.P(1) != "1" { t.Error("param id should be 1") } } } func TestRouterAPI(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router for _, route := range api { r.Add(route.method, route.path, func(c *Context) error { for i, n := range c.pnames { if n != "" { if ":"+n != c.P(uint8(i)) { t.Errorf("param not found, method=%s, path=%s", route.method, route.path) } } } return nil }, nil) h, _ := r.Find(route.method, route.path, context) if h == nil { t.Fatalf("handler not found, method=%s, path=%s", route.method, route.path) } else { h(context) } } } func TestRouterServeHTTP(t *testing.T) { r := New().Router r.Add(GET, "/users", func(*Context) error { return nil }, nil) // OK req, _ := http.NewRequest(GET, "/users", nil) w := httptest.NewRecorder() r.ServeHTTP(w, req) // NotFound handler req, _ = http.NewRequest(GET, "/files", nil) w = httptest.NewRecorder() r.ServeHTTP(w, req) } func (n *node) printTree(pfx string, tail bool) { p := prefix(tail, pfx, "└── ", "├── ") fmt.Printf("%s%s, %p: type=%d, parent=%p, handler=%v\n", p, n.prefix, n, n.typ, n.parent, n.handler) children := n.children l := len(children) p = prefix(tail, pfx, " ", "│ ") for i := 0; i < l-1; i++ { children[i].printTree(p, false) } if l > 0 { children[l-1].printTree(p, true) } } func prefix(tail bool, p, on, off string) string { if tail { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p, on) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", p, off) }