+++ title = "HTTP/2 Example" description = "HTTP/2 example for Echo" [menu.main] name = "HTTP/2" parent = "recipes" weight = 3 +++ ## What is HTTP/2? HTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is the second major version of the HTTP network protocol used by the World Wide Web ### Features - Binary, instead of textual. - Fully multiplexed, instead of ordered and blocking, can therefore use just one TCP connection. - Uses header compression to reduce overhead. - Allows servers to "push" responses proactively into client caches. ## How to run an HTTP/2 and HTTPS server? ### Generate a self-signed X.509 TLS certificate (HTTP/2 requires TLS to operate) ```sh go run $GOROOT/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --host localhost ``` This will generate `cert.pem` and `key.pem` files. > For demo purpose, we are using a self-signed certificate. Ideally you should obtain a certificate from [CA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority). ### Configure a server with `engine.Config` `server.go` {{< embed "http2/server.go" >}} ### Endpoints - https://localhost:1323/request (Displays the information about received HTTP request) - https://localhost:1323/stream (Streams the current time every second) ## [Source Code]({{< source "http2" >}}) ## Maintainers - [vishr](https://github.com/vishr)