// run tests as external package to get real feel for API package echo_test import ( "encoding/base64" "fmt" "github.com/labstack/echo/v4" "log" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" ) func ExampleValueBinder_BindErrors() { // example route function that binds query params to different destinations and returns all bind errors in one go routeFunc := func(c echo.Context) error { var opts struct { Active bool IDs []int64 } length := int64(50) // default length is 50 b := echo.QueryParamsBinder(c) errs := b.Int64("length", &length). Int64s("ids", &opts.IDs). Bool("active", &opts.Active). BindErrors() // returns all errors if errs != nil { for _, err := range errs { bErr := err.(*echo.BindingError) log.Printf("in case you want to access what field: %s values: %v failed", bErr.Field, bErr.Values) } return fmt.Errorf("%v fields failed to bind", len(errs)) } fmt.Printf("active = %v, length = %v, ids = %v", opts.Active, length, opts.IDs) return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, opts) } e := echo.New() c := e.NewContext( httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/api/endpoint?active=true&length=25&ids=1&ids=2&ids=3", nil), httptest.NewRecorder(), ) _ = routeFunc(c) // Output: active = true, length = 25, ids = [1 2 3] } func ExampleValueBinder_BindError() { // example route function that binds query params to different destinations and stops binding on first bind error failFastRouteFunc := func(c echo.Context) error { var opts struct { Active bool IDs []int64 } length := int64(50) // default length is 50 // create binder that stops binding at first error b := echo.QueryParamsBinder(c) err := b.Int64("length", &length). Int64s("ids", &opts.IDs). Bool("active", &opts.Active). BindError() // returns first binding error if err != nil { bErr := err.(*echo.BindingError) return fmt.Errorf("my own custom error for field: %s values: %v", bErr.Field, bErr.Values) } fmt.Printf("active = %v, length = %v, ids = %v\n", opts.Active, length, opts.IDs) return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, opts) } e := echo.New() c := e.NewContext( httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/api/endpoint?active=true&length=25&ids=1&ids=2&ids=3", nil), httptest.NewRecorder(), ) _ = failFastRouteFunc(c) // Output: active = true, length = 25, ids = [1 2 3] } func ExampleValueBinder_CustomFunc() { // example route function that binds query params using custom function closure routeFunc := func(c echo.Context) error { length := int64(50) // default length is 50 var binary []byte b := echo.QueryParamsBinder(c) errs := b.Int64("length", &length). CustomFunc("base64", func(values []string) []error { if len(values) == 0 { return nil } decoded, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(values[0]) if err != nil { // in this example we use only first param value but url could contain multiple params in reality and // therefore in theory produce multiple binding errors return []error{echo.NewBindingError("base64", values[0:1], "failed to decode base64", err)} } binary = decoded return nil }). BindErrors() // returns all errors if errs != nil { for _, err := range errs { bErr := err.(*echo.BindingError) log.Printf("in case you want to access what field: %s values: %v failed", bErr.Field, bErr.Values) } return fmt.Errorf("%v fields failed to bind", len(errs)) } fmt.Printf("length = %v, base64 = %s", length, binary) return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "ok") } e := echo.New() c := e.NewContext( httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "/api/endpoint?length=25&base64=SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ%3D", nil), httptest.NewRecorder(), ) _ = routeFunc(c) // Output: length = 25, base64 = Hello World }