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package middleware
import (
// LoggerConfig defines the config for Logger middleware.
type LoggerConfig struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper Skipper
// Tags to construct the logger format.
// - time_unix
// - time_unix_milli
// - time_unix_micro
// - time_unix_nano
// - time_rfc3339
// - time_rfc3339_nano
// - time_custom
// - id (Request ID)
// - remote_ip
// - uri
// - host
// - method
// - path
// - route
// - protocol
// - referer
// - user_agent
// - status
// - error
// - latency (In nanoseconds)
// - latency_human (Human readable)
// - bytes_in (Bytes received)
// - bytes_out (Bytes sent)
// - header:<NAME>
// - query:<NAME>
// - form:<NAME>
// - custom (see CustomTagFunc field)
// Example "${remote_ip} ${status}"
// Optional. Default value DefaultLoggerConfig.Format.
Format string
// Optional. Default value DefaultLoggerConfig.CustomTimeFormat.
CustomTimeFormat string
// CustomTagFunc is function called for `${custom}` tag to output user implemented text by writing it to buf.
// Make sure that outputted text creates valid JSON string with other logged tags.
// Optional.
CustomTagFunc func(c echo.Context, buf *bytes.Buffer) (int, error)
// Output is a writer where logs in JSON format are written.
// Optional. Default destination `echo.Logger.Infof()`
Output io.Writer
template *fasttemplate.Template
pool *sync.Pool
// DefaultLoggerConfig is the default Logger middleware config.
var DefaultLoggerConfig = LoggerConfig{
Skipper: DefaultSkipper,
Format: `{"time":"${time_rfc3339_nano}","level":"INFO","id":"${id}","remote_ip":"${remote_ip}",` +
`"host":"${host}","method":"${method}","uri":"${uri}","user_agent":"${user_agent}",` +
`"status":${status},"error":"${error}","latency":${latency},"latency_human":"${latency_human}"` +
`,"bytes_in":${bytes_in},"bytes_out":${bytes_out}}` + "\n",
CustomTimeFormat: "2006-01-02 15:04:05.00000",
// Logger returns a middleware that logs HTTP requests.
func Logger() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return LoggerWithConfig(DefaultLoggerConfig)
// LoggerWithConfig returns a Logger middleware with config or panics on invalid configuration.
func LoggerWithConfig(config LoggerConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return toMiddlewareOrPanic(config)
// ToMiddleware converts LoggerConfig to middleware or returns an error for invalid configuration
func (config LoggerConfig) ToMiddleware() (echo.MiddlewareFunc, error) {
// Defaults
if config.Skipper == nil {
config.Skipper = DefaultLoggerConfig.Skipper
if config.Format == "" {
config.Format = DefaultLoggerConfig.Format
config.template = fasttemplate.New(config.Format, "${", "}")
config.pool = &sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
return bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 256))
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
if config.Skipper(c) {
return next(c)
req := c.Request()
res := c.Response()
start := time.Now()
err := next(c)
if err != nil {
// When global error handler writes the error to the client the Response gets "committed". This state can be
// checked with `c.Response().Committed` field.
stop := time.Now()
buf := config.pool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
defer config.pool.Put(buf)
_, tmplErr := config.template.ExecuteFunc(buf, func(w io.Writer, tag string) (int, error) {
switch tag {
case "custom":
if config.CustomTagFunc == nil {
return 0, nil
return config.CustomTagFunc(c, buf)
case "time_unix":
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(stop.Unix(), 10))
case "time_unix_milli":
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(stop.UnixMilli(), 10))
case "time_unix_micro":
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(stop.UnixMicro(), 10))
case "time_unix_nano":
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(stop.UnixNano(), 10))
case "time_rfc3339":
return buf.WriteString(stop.Format(time.RFC3339))
case "time_rfc3339_nano":
return buf.WriteString(stop.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
case "time_custom":
return buf.WriteString(stop.Format(config.CustomTimeFormat))
case "id":
id := req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderXRequestID)
if id == "" {
id = res.Header().Get(echo.HeaderXRequestID)
return buf.WriteString(id)
case "remote_ip":
return buf.WriteString(c.RealIP())
case "host":
return buf.WriteString(req.Host)
case "uri":
return buf.WriteString(req.RequestURI)
case "method":
return buf.WriteString(req.Method)
case "path":
p := req.URL.Path
if p == "" {
p = "/"
return buf.WriteString(p)
case "route":
return buf.WriteString(c.Path())
case "protocol":
return buf.WriteString(req.Proto)
case "referer":
return buf.WriteString(req.Referer())
case "user_agent":
return buf.WriteString(req.UserAgent())
case "status":
status := res.Status
if err != nil {
var httpErr *echo.HTTPError
if errors.As(err, &httpErr) {
status = httpErr.Code
return buf.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(status))
case "error":
if err != nil {
// Error may contain invalid JSON e.g. `"`
b, _ := json.Marshal(err.Error())
b = b[1 : len(b)-1]
return buf.Write(b)
case "latency":
l := stop.Sub(start)
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(l), 10))
case "latency_human":
return buf.WriteString(stop.Sub(start).String())
case "bytes_in":
cl := req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderContentLength)
if cl == "" {
cl = "0"
return buf.WriteString(cl)
case "bytes_out":
return buf.WriteString(strconv.FormatInt(res.Size, 10))
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "header:"):
return buf.Write([]byte(c.Request().Header.Get(tag[7:])))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "query:"):
return buf.Write([]byte(c.QueryParam(tag[6:])))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "form:"):
return buf.Write([]byte(c.FormValue(tag[5:])))
case strings.HasPrefix(tag, "cookie:"):
cookie, cookieErr := c.Cookie(tag[7:])
if cookieErr == nil {
return buf.Write([]byte(cookie.Value))
return 0, nil
if tmplErr != nil {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error in middleware chain and also failed to create log from template: %v: %w", tmplErr, err)
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create log from template: %w", tmplErr)
if config.Output != nil {
if _, lErr := config.Output.Write(buf.Bytes()); lErr != nil {
return lErr
} else {
if _, lErr := c.Echo().Logger.Write(buf.Bytes()); lErr != nil {
return lErr
return err
}, nil