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synced 2025-03-25 21:38:56 +02:00
WIP: make default logger implemented custom writer for jsonlike logs WIP: improve examples WIP: defaultErrorHandler use errors.As to unwrap errors. Update readme WIP: default logger logs json, restore e.Start method WIP: clean router.Match a bit WIP: func types/fields have echo.Context has first element WIP: remove yaml tags as functions etc can not be serialized anyway WIP: change BindPathParams,BindQueryParams,BindHeaders from methods to functions and reverse arguments to be like DefaultBinder.Bind is WIP: improved comments, logger now extracts status from error WIP: go mod tidy WIP: rebase with 4.5.0 WIP: * removed todos. * removed StartAutoTLS and StartH2CServer methods from `StartConfig` * KeyAuth middleware errorhandler can swallow the error and resume next middleware WIP: add RouterConfig.UseEscapedPathForMatching to use escaped path for matching request against routes WIP: FIXMEs WIP: upgrade golang-jwt/jwt to `v4` WIP: refactor http methods to return RouteInfo WIP: refactor static not creating multiple routes WIP: refactor route and middleware adding functions not to return error directly WIP: Use 401 for problematic/missing headers for key auth and JWT middleware (#1552, #1402). > In summary, a 401 Unauthorized response should be used for missing or bad authentication WIP: replace `HTTPError.SetInternal` with `HTTPError.WithInternal` so we could not mutate global error variables WIP: add RouteInfo and RouteMatchType into Context what we could know from in middleware what route was matched and/or type of that match (200/404/405) WIP: make notFoundHandler and methodNotAllowedHandler private. encourage that all errors be handled in Echo.HTTPErrorHandler WIP: server cleanup ideas WIP: routable.ForGroup WIP: note about logger middleware WIP: bind should not default values on second try. use crypto rand for better randomness WIP: router add route as interface and returns info as interface WIP: improve flaky test (remains still flaky) WIP: add notes about bind default values WIP: every route can have their own path params names WIP: routerCreator and different tests WIP: different things WIP: remove route implementation WIP: support custom method types WIP: extractor tests WIP: v5.0.x proposal over v4.4.0
35 lines
1017 B
35 lines
1017 B
PKG := "github.com/labstack/echo"
PKG_LIST := $(shell go list ${PKG}/...)
@git tag `grep -P '^\tversion = ' echo.go|cut -f2 -d'"'`
@git tag|grep -v ^v
.DEFAULT_GOAL := check
check: lint vet race ## Check project
@go get -u golang.org/x/lint/golint
lint: ## Lint the files
@golint -set_exit_status ${PKG_LIST}
vet: ## Vet the files
@go vet ${PKG_LIST}
test: ## Run tests
@go test -short ${PKG_LIST}
race: ## Run tests with data race detector
@go test -race ${PKG_LIST}
benchmark: ## Run benchmarks
@go test -run="-" -benchmem -bench=".*" ${PKG_LIST}
help: ## Display this help screen
@grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
goversion ?= "1.16"
test_version: ## Run tests inside Docker with given version (defaults to 1.16 oldest supported). Example: make test_version goversion=1.16
@docker run --rm -it -v $(shell pwd):/project golang:$(goversion) /bin/sh -c "cd /project && make init check"