mirror of https://github.com/labstack/echo.git synced 2025-02-09 13:36:57 +02:00
Alex Ungur 6d9e043284 Introduced Go module support as v4, removed obsolete CloseNotifier() mechanism
This reintroduces support for Go modules, as v4.

CloseNotifier() is removed as it has been obsoleted, see https://golang.org/doc/go1.11#net/http

It was already NOT working (not sending signals) as of 1.11 the functionality was gone, we merely
deleted the functions that exposed it. If anyone still relies on it they should migrate to using
`c.Request().Context().Done()` instead.

Closes #1268, #1255
2019-01-30 16:11:42 +02:00

144 lines
4.5 KiB

package middleware
import (
type (
// CORSConfig defines the config for CORS middleware.
CORSConfig struct {
// Skipper defines a function to skip middleware.
Skipper Skipper
// AllowOrigin defines a list of origins that may access the resource.
// Optional. Default value []string{"*"}.
AllowOrigins []string `yaml:"allow_origins"`
// AllowMethods defines a list methods allowed when accessing the resource.
// This is used in response to a preflight request.
// Optional. Default value DefaultCORSConfig.AllowMethods.
AllowMethods []string `yaml:"allow_methods"`
// AllowHeaders defines a list of request headers that can be used when
// making the actual request. This is in response to a preflight request.
// Optional. Default value []string{}.
AllowHeaders []string `yaml:"allow_headers"`
// AllowCredentials indicates whether or not the response to the request
// can be exposed when the credentials flag is true. When used as part of
// a response to a preflight request, this indicates whether or not the
// actual request can be made using credentials.
// Optional. Default value false.
AllowCredentials bool `yaml:"allow_credentials"`
// ExposeHeaders defines a whitelist headers that clients are allowed to
// access.
// Optional. Default value []string{}.
ExposeHeaders []string `yaml:"expose_headers"`
// MaxAge indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request
// can be cached.
// Optional. Default value 0.
MaxAge int `yaml:"max_age"`
var (
// DefaultCORSConfig is the default CORS middleware config.
DefaultCORSConfig = CORSConfig{
Skipper: DefaultSkipper,
AllowOrigins: []string{"*"},
AllowMethods: []string{http.MethodGet, http.MethodHead, http.MethodPut, http.MethodPatch, http.MethodPost, http.MethodDelete},
// CORS returns a Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) middleware.
// See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS
func CORS() echo.MiddlewareFunc {
return CORSWithConfig(DefaultCORSConfig)
// CORSWithConfig returns a CORS middleware with config.
// See: `CORS()`.
func CORSWithConfig(config CORSConfig) echo.MiddlewareFunc {
// Defaults
if config.Skipper == nil {
config.Skipper = DefaultCORSConfig.Skipper
if len(config.AllowOrigins) == 0 {
config.AllowOrigins = DefaultCORSConfig.AllowOrigins
if len(config.AllowMethods) == 0 {
config.AllowMethods = DefaultCORSConfig.AllowMethods
allowMethods := strings.Join(config.AllowMethods, ",")
allowHeaders := strings.Join(config.AllowHeaders, ",")
exposeHeaders := strings.Join(config.ExposeHeaders, ",")
maxAge := strconv.Itoa(config.MaxAge)
return func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
return func(c echo.Context) error {
if config.Skipper(c) {
return next(c)
req := c.Request()
res := c.Response()
origin := req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderOrigin)
allowOrigin := ""
// Check allowed origins
for _, o := range config.AllowOrigins {
if o == "*" && config.AllowCredentials {
allowOrigin = origin
if o == "*" || o == origin {
allowOrigin = o
// Simple request
if req.Method != http.MethodOptions {
res.Header().Add(echo.HeaderVary, echo.HeaderOrigin)
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin, allowOrigin)
if config.AllowCredentials {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials, "true")
if exposeHeaders != "" {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders, exposeHeaders)
return next(c)
// Preflight request
res.Header().Add(echo.HeaderVary, echo.HeaderOrigin)
res.Header().Add(echo.HeaderVary, echo.HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod)
res.Header().Add(echo.HeaderVary, echo.HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders)
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin, allowOrigin)
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods, allowMethods)
if config.AllowCredentials {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials, "true")
if allowHeaders != "" {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders, allowHeaders)
} else {
h := req.Header.Get(echo.HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders)
if h != "" {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders, h)
if config.MaxAge > 0 {
res.Header().Set(echo.HeaderAccessControlMaxAge, maxAge)
return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)