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package testing_test
import (
t "testing"
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestEmpty(t *t.T) {
Empty := base.NewPositiveAssertion(testing.Empty)
Convey("When arg is not passed", t, func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(context.Background())
So(err, ShouldBeError)
_, err = Empty(context.Background(), values.NewInt(1))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("When arg are not measurable", t, func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(context.Background(), values.NewInt(1))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("When arg is a string", t, func() {
Convey("When 'Foo'", func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(context.Background(), values.NewString("Foo"))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [string] 'Foo' to be empty").Error())
Convey("When ''", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(context.Background(), values.NewString(""))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When arg is an array", t, func() {
Convey("When [1,2,3]", func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(
values.NewArrayWith(values.NewInt(1), values.NewInt(2), values.NewInt(3)),
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [array] '[1,2,3]' to be empty").Error())
Convey("When []", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When arg is an object", t, func() {
Convey("When { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }", func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(
values.NewObjectProperty("a", values.NewInt(1)),
values.NewObjectProperty("b", values.NewInt(2)),
values.NewObjectProperty("c", values.NewInt(3)),
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [object] '{\"a\":1,\"b\":2,\"c\":3}' to be empty").Error())
Convey("When {}", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := Empty(
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func TestNotEmpty(t *t.T) {
NotEmpty := base.NewNegativeAssertion(testing.Empty)
Convey("When arg is not passed", t, func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(context.Background())
So(err, ShouldBeError)
_, err = NotEmpty(context.Background(), values.NewInt(1))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("When arg are not measurable", t, func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(context.Background(), values.NewInt(1))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
Convey("When arg is a string", t, func() {
Convey("When 'Foo'", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(context.Background(), values.NewString("Foo"))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When ''", func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(context.Background(), values.NewString(""))
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [string] '' not to be empty").Error())
Convey("When arg is an array", t, func() {
Convey("When [1,2,3]", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(
values.NewArrayWith(values.NewInt(1), values.NewInt(2), values.NewInt(3)),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When []", func() {
Convey("It should return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [array] '[]' not to be empty").Error())
Convey("When arg is an object", t, func() {
Convey("When { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(
values.NewObjectProperty("a", values.NewInt(1)),
values.NewObjectProperty("b", values.NewInt(2)),
values.NewObjectProperty("c", values.NewInt(3)),
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When {}", func() {
Convey("It should not return an error", func() {
_, err := NotEmpty(
So(err, ShouldBeError)
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, core.Error(base.ErrAssertion, "expected [object] '{}' not to be empty").Error())