diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index fc2439f4..6b9738bb 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
## Changelog
+### 0.12.0
+#### Added
+- iframe navigation handling [#535](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/535)
+- Assertion library [#526](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/526)
+#### Changed
+- Removed property caching and tracking [#531](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/531)
+- Updated dependencies [#528](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/528), [#525](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/525)
+#### Fixed
+- ``WAIT`` does not respect cancellation signal [#524](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/524)
+- Missed ``DATE_COMPARE`` [#537](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/537)
+- Spelling [#534](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/534)
### 0.11.1
#### Fixed
- Fixed use of unquoted scroll options [#521](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/521)
- Upgraded ANTLR version [#517](https://github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pull/517)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/append.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/append.go
index 6d60b4a5..26dd8101 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/append.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/append.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Append appends a new item to an array and returns a new array with a given element.
+// APPEND appends a new item to an array and returns a new array with a given element.
// If ``uniqueOnly`` is set to true, then will add the item only if it's unique.
-// @param arr (Array) - Target array.
-// @param item (Read) - Target value to add.
-// @returns arr (Array) - New array.
+// @param {Any[]} arr - Target array.
+// @param {Any} item - Target value to add.
+// @return {Any[]} - New array.
func Append(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/first.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/first.go
index 38977ef4..7cb0e4c2 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/first.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/first.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// First returns a first element from a given array.
-// @param arr (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns element (Read) - First element in a given array.
+// FIRST returns a first element from a given array.
+// @param {Any[]} arr - Target array.
+// @return {Any} - First element in a given array.
func First(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/flatten.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/flatten.go
index fdc13fc3..45172154 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/flatten.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/flatten.go
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import (
-// Flatten turn an array of arrays into a flat array.
+// FLATTEN turns an array of arrays into a flat array.
// All array elements in array will be expanded in the result array.
// Non-array elements are added as they are.
// The function will recurse into sub-arrays up to the specified depth.
// Duplicates will not be removed.
-// @param arr (Array) - Target array.
-// @param depth (Int, optional) - Depth level.
-// @returns (Array) - Flat array.
+// @param {Any[]} arr - Target array.
+// @param {Int} [depth] - Depth level.
+// @return {Any[]} - Flat array.
func Flatten(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/intersection.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/intersection.go
index 0b8cb112..4e8fe4fe 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/intersection.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/intersection.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Intersection return the intersection of all arrays specified.
+// INTERSECTION return the intersection of all arrays specified.
// The result is an array of values that occur in all arguments.
-// @param arrays (Array, repeated) - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
-// @returns (Array) - A single array with only the elements, which exist in all provided arrays.
// The element order is random. Duplicates are removed.
+// @param {Any[], repeated} arrays - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
+// @return {Any[]} - A single array with only the elements, which exist in all provided arrays.
func Intersection(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return sections(args, len(args))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/last.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/last.go
index 78fbef5c..fe2b01dc 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/last.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/last.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Last returns the last element of an array.
-// @param array (Array) - The target array.
-// @returns (Read) - Last element of an array.
+// LAST returns the last element of an array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - The target array.
+// @return {Any} - Last element of an array.
func Last(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/minus.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/minus.go
index 6771dc6a..39506203 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/minus.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/minus.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Minus return the difference of all arrays specified.
-// @param arrays (Array, repeated) - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
-// @returns array (Array) - An array of values that occur in the first array, but not in any of the subsequent arrays.
+// MINUS return the difference of all arrays specified.
// The order of the result array is undefined and should not be relied on. Duplicates will be removed.
+// @param {Any[], repeated} arrays - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
+// @return {Any[]} - An array of values that occur in the first array, but not in any of the subsequent arrays.
func Minus(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/nth.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/nth.go
index 24679eec..dabace1f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/nth.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/nth.go
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ import (
-// Nth returns the element of an array at a given position.
+// NTH returns the element of an array at a given position.
// It is the same as anyArray[position] for positive positions, but does not support negative positions.
-// @param array (Array) - An array with elements of arbitrary type.
-// @param index (Int) - Position of desired element in array, positions start at 0.
-// @returns (Read) - The array element at the given position.
// If position is negative or beyond the upper bound of the array, then NONE will be returned.
+// @param {Any[]} array - An array with elements of arbitrary type.
+// @param {Int} index - Position of desired element in array, positions start at 0.
+// @return {Any} - The array element at the given position.
func Nth(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/outersection.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/outersection.go
index d7b2491e..b2ac5b00 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/outersection.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/outersection.go
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ import (
-// Outersection return the values that occur only once across all arrays specified.
-// @param arrays (Array, repeated) - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
-// @returns (Array) - A single array with only the elements that exist only once across all provided arrays.
+// OUTERSECTION return the values that occur only once across all arrays specified.
// The element order is random.
+// @param {Any[], repeated} arrays - An arbitrary number of arrays as multiple arguments (at least 2).
+// @return {Any[]} - A single array with only the elements that exist only once across all provided arrays.
func Outersection(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return sections(args, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/pop.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/pop.go
index 8230bdfe..db0061b4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/pop.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/pop.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Pop returns a new array without last element.
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns (Array) - Copy of an array without last element.
+// POP returns a new array without last element.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @return {Any[]} - Copy of an array without last element.
func Pop(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/position.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/position.go
index 01f1a3e9..302aaf4e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/position.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/position.go
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Position returns a value indicating whether an element is contained in array. Optionally returns its position.
-// @param array (Array) - The source array.
-// @param value (Read) - The target value.
-// @param returnIndex (Boolean, optional) - Read which indicates whether to return item's position.
+// POSITION returns a value indicating whether an element is contained in array. Optionally returns its position.
+// @param {Any[]} array - The source array.
+// @param {Any} value - The target value.
+// @param {Boolean} [position=False] - Boolean value which indicates whether to return item's position.
+// @return {Boolean | Int} - A value indicating whether an element is contained in array.
func Position(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/push.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/push.go
index 9e9825cb..b60c8e45 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/push.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/push.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Push create a new array with appended value.
-// @param array (Array) - Source array.
-// @param value (Read) - Target value.
-// @param unique (Boolean, optional) - Read indicating whether to do uniqueness check.
-// @returns (Array) - A new array with appended value.
+// PUSH create a new array with appended value.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Source array.
+// @param {Any} value - Target value.
+// @param {Boolean} [unique=False] - Read indicating whether to do uniqueness check.
+// @return {Any[]} - A new array with appended value.
func Push(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_nth.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_nth.go
index c559ee82..498d1d48 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_nth.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_nth.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// RemoveNth returns a new array without an element by a given position.
-// @param array (Array) - Source array.
-// @param position (Int) - Target element position.
-// @return (Array) - A new array without an element by a given position.
+// REMOVE_NTH returns a new array without an element by a given position.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Source array.
+// @param {Int} position - Target element position.
+// @return {Any[]} - A new array without an element by a given position.
func RemoveNth(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_value.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_value.go
index 5ede00d1..8a0babdf 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_value.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_value.go
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ import (
-// RemoveValue returns a new array with removed all occurrences of value in a given array.
+// REMOVE_VALUE returns a new array with removed all occurrences of value in a given array.
// Optionally with a limit to the number of removals.
-// @param array (Array) - Source array.
-// @param value (Read) - Target value.
-// @param limit (Int, optional) - A limit to the number of removals.
-// @returns (Array) - A new array with removed all occurrences of value in a given array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Source array.
+// @param {Any} value - Target value.
+// @param {Int} [limit] - A limit to the number of removals.
+// @return {Any[]} - A new array with removed all occurrences of value in a given array.
func RemoveValue(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_values.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_values.go
index c89a8e99..df71ab13 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_values.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/remove_values.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// RemoveValues returns a new array with removed all occurrences of values in a given array.
-// @param array (Array) - Source array.
-// @param values (Array) - Target values.
-// @returns (Array) - A new array with removed all occurrences of values in a given array.
+// REMOVE_VALUES returns a new array with removed all occurrences of values in a given array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Source array.
+// @param {Any[]} values - Target values.
+// @return {Any[]} - A new array with removed all occurrences of values in a given array.
func RemoveValues(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/shift.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/shift.go
index 56593928..f2aa9e7f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/shift.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/shift.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Shift returns a new array without the first element.
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns (Array) - Copy of an array without the first element.
+// SHIFT returns a new array without the first element.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @return {Any[]} - Copy of an array without the first element.
func Shift(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/slice.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/slice.go
index 945a33bd..e6cb709d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/slice.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/slice.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Slice returns a new sliced array.
-// @param array (Array) - Source array.
-// @param start (Int) - Start position of extraction.
-// @param length (Int, optional) - Read indicating how many elements to extract.
-// @returns (Array) - Sliced array.
+// SLICE returns a new sliced array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Source array.
+// @param {Int} start - Start position of extraction.
+// @param {Int} [length] - Read indicating how many elements to extract.
+// @return {Any[]} - Sliced array.
func Slice(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted.go
index a769956c..8159ee42 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Sorted sorts all elements in anyArray.
+// SORTED sorts all elements in anyArray.
// The function will use the default comparison order for FQL value types.
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns (Array) - Sorted array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @return {Any[]} - Sorted array.
func Sorted(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted_unique.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted_unique.go
index cb7645f6..e188877f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted_unique.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/sorted_unique.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// SortedUnique sorts all elements in anyArray.
+// SORTED_UNIQUE sorts all elements in anyArray.
// The function will use the default comparison order for FQL value types.
// Additionally, the values in the result array will be made unique
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns (Array) - Sorted array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @return {Any[]} - Sorted array.
func SortedUnique(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union.go
index 393ffb53..0a570c2d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Union returns the union of all passed arrays.
-// @param arrays (Array, repeated) - List of arrays to combine.
-// @returns (Array) - All array elements combined in a single array, in any order.
+// UNION returns the union of all passed arrays.
+// @param {Any[], repeated} arrays - List of arrays to combine.
+// @return {Any[]} - All array elements combined in a single array, in any order.
func Union(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_distinct.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_distinct.go
index a1634aed..3a73981a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_distinct.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_distinct.go
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import (
+// UNION_DISTINCT returns the union of all passed arrays with unique values.
+// @param {Any[], repeated} arrays - List of arrays to combine.
+// @return {Any[]} - All unique array elements combined in a single array, in any order.
func UnionDistinct(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_test.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_test.go
index 707c6f77..7387e827 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_test.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/union_test.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// TestUnion returns the union of distinct values of all passed arrays.
-// @param arrays (Array, repeated) - List of arrays to combine.
-// @returns (Array) - All array elements combined in a single array, without duplicates, in any order.
+// @param arrays {Any[], repeated} - List of arrays to combine.
+// @return {Any[]} - All array elements combined in a single array, without duplicates, in any order.
func TestUnion(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Should union all arrays", t, func() {
arr1 := values.NewArrayWith(
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unique.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unique.go
index 32018fc5..40f0c59f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unique.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unique.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Unique returns all unique elements from a given array.
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @returns (Array) - New array without duplicates.
+// UNIQUE returns all unique elements from a given array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @return {Any[]} - New array without duplicates.
func Unique(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unshift.go b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unshift.go
index b4d59db9..c461878f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unshift.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/arrays/unshift.go
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Unshift prepends value to a given array.
-// @param array (Array) - Target array.
-// @param value (Read) - Target value to prepend.
-// @param unique (Boolean, optional) - Optional value indicating whether a value must be unique to be prepended.
-// Default is false.
-// @returns (Array) - New array with prepended value.
+// UNSHIFT prepends value to a given array.
+// @param {Any[]} array - Target array.
+// @param {Any} value - Target value to prepend.
+// @param {Boolean} [unique=False] - Optional value indicating whether a value must be unique to be prepended. Default is false.
+// @return {Any[]} - New array with prepended value.
func Unshift(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/collections/include.go b/pkg/stdlib/collections/include.go
index bc9f7cc5..d0fb44df 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/collections/include.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/collections/include.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Includes checks whether a container includes a given value.
-// @param text (String|Array|Object|Iterable) - The value container.
-// @param text (Mixed) - The target value to assert.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a container contains a given value.
+// INCLUDES checks whether a container includes a given value.
+// @param {String | Any[] | Object | Iterable} haystack - The value container.
+// @param {Any} needle - The target value to assert.
+// @return {Boolean} - A boolean value that indicates whether a container contains a given value.
func Includes(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/collections/length.go b/pkg/stdlib/collections/length.go
index 94994ba8..5bc75cc7 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/collections/length.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/collections/length.go
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ import (
+// LENGTH returns the length of a measurable value.
+// @param {Measurable} value - The value to measure.
+// @return {Int} - The length of the value.
func Length(_ context.Context, inputs ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(inputs, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/collections/reverse.go b/pkg/stdlib/collections/reverse.go
index a07af10f..cc1bdc3a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/collections/reverse.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/collections/reverse.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Reverse returns the reverse of a given string or array value.
-// @param text (String|Array) - The string or array to reverse.
-// @returns (String|Array) - Returns a reversed version of a given value.
+// REVERSE returns the reverse of a given string or array value.
+// @param {String | Any[]} value - The string or array to reverse.
+// @return {String | Any[]} - A reversed version of a given value.
func Reverse(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/add_subtract.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/add_subtract.go
index f208b157..f9ec280a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/add_subtract.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/add_subtract.go
@@ -14,11 +14,7 @@ var (
emptyString values.String
-// DATE_ADD add amount given in unit to date.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source date.
-// @params amount (Int) - amount of units
-// @params unit (String) - unit.
-// @return (DateTime) - calculated date.
+// DATE_ADD adds amount given in unit to date.
// The following units are available:
// * y, year, year
// * m, month, months
@@ -28,6 +24,10 @@ var (
// * i, minute, minutes
// * s, second, seconds
// * f, millisecond, milliseconds
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source date.
+// @param {Int} amount - Amount of units
+// @param {String} unit - Unit.
+// @return {DateTime} - Calculated date.
func DateAdd(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
date, amount, unit, err := getArgs(args)
if err != nil {
@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ func DateAdd(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
// DATE_SUBTRACT subtract amount given in unit to date.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source date.
-// @params amount (Int) - amount of units
-// @params unit (String) - unit.
-// @return (DateTime) - calculated date.
// The following units are available:
// * y, year, year
// * m, month, months
@@ -58,6 +54,10 @@ func DateAdd(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
// * i, minute, minutes
// * s, second, seconds
// * f, millisecond, milliseconds
+// @param {DateTime} date - source date.
+// @param {Int} amount - amount of units
+// @param {String} unit - unit.
+// @return {DateTime} - calculated date.
func DateSubtract(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
date, amount, unit, err := getArgs(args)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/compare.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/compare.go
index 89b37662..5cf6c893 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/compare.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/compare.go
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import (
-// DATE_COMPARE check if two partial dates match.
-// @params date1, date2 (DateTime) - comparable dates.
-// @params unitRangeStart (String) - unit to start from.
-// @params unitRangeEnd (String, Optional) - unit to end with.
-// Error will be returned if unitRangeStart unit less that unitRangeEnd.
-// @return (Boolean) - true if the dates match, else false.
+// DATE_COMPARE checks if two partial dates match.
+// @param {DateTime} date1 - First date.
+// @param {DateTime} date2 - Second date.
+// @param {String} unitRangeStart - Unit to start from.
+// @param {String} [unitRangeEnd="millisecond"] - Unit to end with. Error will be returned if unitRangeStart unit less that unitRangeEnd.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if the dates match, else false.
func DateCompare(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 4)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/date.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/date.go
index 9df26f24..e8def864 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/date.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/date.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// DATE convert RFC3339 date time string to DateTime object.
-// @params timeString (String) - string in RFC3339 format.
-// @return (DateTime) - new DateTime object derived from timeString.
+// DATE converts RFC3339 date time string to DateTime object.
+// @param {String} time - String in RFC3339 format.
+// @return {DateTime} - New DateTime object derived from timeString.
func Date(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/day.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/day.go
index ed039542..d1855dc5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/day.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/day.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_DAY returns the day of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a day number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A day number.
func DateDay(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofweek.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofweek.go
index 6722fdca..ef1eee4d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofweek.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofweek.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_DAYOFWEEK returns number of the weekday from the date. Sunday is the 0th day of week.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - return number of the weekday.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - Number of the weekday.
func DateDayOfWeek(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofyear.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofyear.go
index f0fa70ff..9be9c3bd 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofyear.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/dayofyear.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// DATE_DAYOFYEAR returns the day of year number of date.
// The return value range from 1 to 365 (366 in a leap year).
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a day of year number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A day of year number.
func DateDayOfYear(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/daysinmonth.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/daysinmonth.go
index 7e9f15ad..2df51c9c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/daysinmonth.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/daysinmonth.go
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ var daysCount = map[time.Month]int{
// DATE_DAYS_IN_MONTH returns the number of days in the month of date.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - number of the days.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - Number of the days.
func DateDaysInMonth(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/diff.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/diff.go
index 5f9986d5..817f7a59 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/diff.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/diff.go
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
// DATE_DIFF returns the difference between two dates in given time unit.
-// @params date1 (DateTime) - first DateTime.
-// @params date2 (DateTime) - second DateTime.
-// @params unit (String) - time unit to return the difference in.
-// @params asFloat (Boolean, optional) - if true amount of unit will be as float.
-// @return (Int, Float) - difference between date1 and date2.
+// @param {DateTime} date1 - First date.
+// @param {DateTime} date2 - Second date.
+// @param {String} unit - Time unit to return the difference in.
+// @param {Boolean} [asFloat=False] - If true amount of unit will be as float.
+// @return {Int | Float} - Difference between date1 and date2.
func DateDiff(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 4)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/format.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/format.go
index 2f43e686..68e4f76e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/format.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/format.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_FORMAT format date according to the given format string.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime object.
-// @return (String) - formatted date.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime object.
+// @return {String} - Formatted date.
func DateFormat(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/hour.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/hour.go
index af2e7168..7dac0798 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/hour.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/hour.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_HOUR returns the hour of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a hour number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - An hour number.
func DateHour(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/leapyear.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/leapyear.go
index 93c3a6f0..c3efaa58 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/leapyear.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/leapyear.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_LEAPYEAR returns true if date is in a leap year else false.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Boolean) - date is in a leap year.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Boolean} - Date is in a leap year.
func DateLeapYear(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/millisecond.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/millisecond.go
index 7b3825a4..02c45ccd 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/millisecond.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/millisecond.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_MILLISECOND returns the millisecond of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a millisecond number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A millisecond number.
func DateMillisecond(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/minute.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/minute.go
index f5a71ec6..4a96d93a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/minute.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/minute.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_MINUTE returns the minute of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a minute number.
+// @param {DateTime} date -Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A minute number.
func DateMinute(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/month.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/month.go
index 33f9b0c5..cd6c533a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/month.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/month.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_MONTH returns the month of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a month number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A month number.
func DateMonth(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/now.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/now.go
index d41b597f..2cdd90a5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/now.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/now.go
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
// NOW returns new DateTime object with Time equal to time.Now().
-// @returns (DateTime) - New DateTime object.
+// @return {DateTime} - New DateTime object.
func Now(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 0, 0)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/quarter.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/quarter.go
index 42296a58..b08725b3 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/quarter.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/quarter.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// DATE_QUARTER returns which quarter date belongs to.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a quarter number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A quarter number.
func DateQuarter(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/second.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/second.go
index 9dbfca8c..84fb559c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/second.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/second.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_SECOND returns the second of date as a number.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a second number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A second number.
func DateSecond(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/year.go b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/year.go
index 69303fac..6251d58a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/datetime/year.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/datetime/year.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// DATE_YEAR returns the year extracted from the given date.
-// @params date (DateTime) - source DateTime.
-// @return (Int) - a year number.
+// @param {DateTime} date - Source DateTime.
+// @return {Int} - A year number.
func DateYear(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_get.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_get.go
index 39e9856b..cd74f578 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_get.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_get.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
// ATTR_GET gets single or more attribute(s) of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param names (...String) - Attribute name(s).
-// @returns Object - Key-value pairs of attribute values.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target node.
+// @param {String, repeated} attrNames - Attribute name(s).
+// @return {Object} - Key-value pairs of attribute values.
func AttributeGet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_remove.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_remove.go
index ad5110f0..5d96e9f8 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_remove.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_remove.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// ATTR_REMOVE removes single or more attribute(s) of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param names (...String) - Attribute name(s).
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target node.
+// @param {String, repeated} attrNames - Attribute name(s).
func AttributeRemove(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_set.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_set.go
index 33fcc15d..7cfb868c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_set.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/attr_set.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// ATTR_SET sets or updates a single or more attribute(s) of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param nameOrObj (String | Object) - Attribute name or an object representing a key-value pair of attributes.
-// @param value (String) - If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent an attribute value.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target node.
+// @param {String | Object} nameOrObj - Attribute name or an object representing a key-value pair of attributes.
+// @param {String} value - If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent an attribute value.
func AttributeSet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/blur.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/blur.go
index 8569bcf9..22c619b1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/blur.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/blur.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// BLUR Calls blur on the element.
-// @param target (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Target node.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - Optional CSS selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - CSS selector.
func Blur(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/clear.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/clear.go
index 68834f1b..204d9f3e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/clear.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/clear.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// INPUT_CLEAR clears a value from an underlying input element.
-// @param source (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Event target.
-// @param selector (String, options) - Selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - CSS selector.
func InputClear(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/click.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/click.go
index 13570e4f..a0b2c63d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/click.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/click.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// CLICK dispatches click event on a given element
-// @param source (Open | GetElement) - Event source.
-// @param selectorOrCount (String | Int, optional) - Optional selector or count of clicks.
-// @param count (Int, optional) - Optional count of clicks.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String | Int} [cssSelectorOrClicks] - CSS selector or count of clicks.
+// @param {Int} [clicks=1] - Count of clicks.
func Click(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/click_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/click_all.go
index 186c39d6..2af5ea38 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/click_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/click_all.go
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import (
// CLICK_ALL dispatches click event on all matched element
-// @param source (Open) - Open.
-// @param selector (String) - Selector.
-// @param count (Int, optional) - Optional count of clicks.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if matched at least one element.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector.
+// @param {Int} [clicks=1] - Optional count of clicks.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if matched at least one element.
func ClickAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_del.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_del.go
index ab489ffa..e5225fec 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_del.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_del.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// COOKIE_DEL gets a cookie from a given page by name.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param cookie (...HTTPCookie|String) - Cookie or cookie name to delete.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {HTTPCookie, repeated | String, repeated} cookiesOrNames - Cookie or cookie name to delete.
func CookieDel(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_get.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_get.go
index 60603011..e97d8d12 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_get.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_get.go
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ import (
// COOKIE_GET gets a cookie from a given page by name.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param name (String) - Cookie or cookie name to delete.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {String} name - Cookie or cookie name to delete.
+// @return {HTTPCookie} - Cookie if found, otherwise None.
func CookieGet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_set.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_set.go
index 3c17c09c..f7ea34fd 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_set.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/cookie_set.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// COOKIE_SET sets cookies to a given page
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param cookie... (HTTPCookie) - Target cookies.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {HTTPCookie, repeated} cookies - Target cookies.
func CookieSet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/document.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/document.go
index c2769ee7..bcec602b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/document.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/document.go
@@ -20,16 +20,20 @@ type PageLoadParams struct {
// DOCUMENT opens an HTML page by a given url.
// By default, loads a page by http call - resulted page does not support any interactions.
-// @param params (Object) - Optional, An object containing the following properties :
-// driver (String) - Optional, driver name.
-// timeout (Int) - Optional, timeout.
-// userAgent (String) - Optional, user agent.
-// keepCookies (Boolean) - Optional, boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions.
-// i.e. not to open a page in the Incognito mode.
-// cookies (HTTPCookies) - Optional, set of HTTP cookies.
-// headers (HTTPHeaders) - Optional, HTTP headers.
-// viewport (Viewport) - Optional, viewport params.
-// @returns (HTMLPage) - Returns loaded HTML page.
+// @param {Object} [params] - An object containing the following properties :
+// @param {String} [params.driver] - Driver name to use.
+// @param {Int} [params.timeout=60000] - Page load timeout.
+// @param {String} [params.userAgent] - Custom user agent.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.keepCookies=False] - Boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions i.e. not to open a page in the Incognito mode.
+// @param {HTTPCookies} [params.cookies] - Set of HTTP cookies to use during page loading.
+// @param {HTTPHeaders} [params.headers] - Set of HTTP headers to use during page loading.
+// @param {Object} [params.viewport] - Viewport params.
+// @param {Int} [params.viewport.height] - Viewport height.
+// @param {Int} [params.viewport.width] - Viewport width.
+// @param {Float} [params.viewport.scaleFactor] - Viewport scale factor.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.viewport.mobile] - Value that indicates whether to emulate mobile device.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.viewport.landscape] - Value that indicates whether to render a page in landscape position.
+// @return {HTMLPage} - Loaded HTML page.
func Open(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/download.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/download.go
index 146dcd8a..702488ab 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/download.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/download.go
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
// DOWNLOAD downloads a resource from the given GetURL.
-// @param GetURL (String) - GetURL to download.
-// @returns data (Binary) - Returns a base64 encoded string in binary format.
+// @param {String} url - URL to download.
+// @return {Binary} - A base64 encoded string in binary format.
func Download(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/element.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/element.go
index d86d439b..644f7451 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/element.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/element.go
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import (
// ELEMENT finds an element by a given CSS selector.
// Returns NONE if element not found.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - CSS selector.
-// @returns (HTMLElement | None) - Returns an HTMLElement if found, otherwise NONE.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector.
+// @return {HTMLElement} - A matched HTML element
func Element(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
el, selector, err := queryArgs(args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/element_exists.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/element_exists.go
index d5f8b3d9..e6aeee53 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/element_exists.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/element_exists.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
// ELEMENT_EXISTS returns a boolean value indicating whether there is an element matched by selector.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLNode) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - CSS selector.
-// @returns (Boolean) - A boolean value indicating whether there is an element matched by selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector.
+// @return {Boolean} - A boolean value indicating whether there is an element matched by selector.
func ElementExists(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
el, selector, err := queryArgs(args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/elements.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/elements.go
index a0e5daac..a7d0a7b5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/elements.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/elements.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
// ELEMENTS finds HTML elements by a given CSS selector.
// Returns an empty array if element not found.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLNode) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - CSS selector.
-// @returns (Array) - Returns an array of found HTML element.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector.
+// @return {HTMLElement[]} - An array of matched HTML elements.
func Elements(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
el, selector, err := queryArgs(args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/elements_count.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/elements_count.go
index 33fc21a4..7f3666af 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/elements_count.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/elements_count.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
// ELEMENTS_COUNT returns a number of found HTML elements by a given CSS selector.
// Returns an empty array if element not found.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLNode) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - CSS selector.
-// @returns (Int) - A number of found HTML elements by a given CSS selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector.
+// @return {Int} - A number of matched HTML elements by a given CSS selector.
func ElementsCount(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
el, selector, err := queryArgs(args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/find_frames.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/find_frames.go
index 1de372dc..d3d8d51f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/find_frames.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/find_frames.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
// FRAMES finds HTML frames by a given property selector.
// Returns an empty array if frames not found.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - HTML page.
-// @param prop (String) - Property selector.
-// @param value (Any) - Property value.
-// @returns (Array) - Returns an array of found HTML frames.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - HTML page.
+// @param {String} property - Property selector.
+// @param {Any} value - Property value.
+// @return {HTMLDocument[]} - Returns an array of found HTML frames.
func Frames(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/focus.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/focus.go
index 1cdc8487..f96a6ba2 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/focus.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/focus.go
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import (
// FOCUS Sets focus on the element.
-// @param target (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Target node.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - Optional CSS selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - CSS selector.
func Focus(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html.go
index 11f4c55d..7c036fea 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_HTML returns inner HTML string of a given or matched by CSS selector element
-// @param doc (Open|GetElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - String of CSS selector.
-// @returns (String) - Inner HTML string if an element found, otherwise empty string.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - String of CSS selector.
+// @return {String} - Inner HTML string if a matched element, otherwise empty string.
func GetInnerHTML(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html_all.go
index 4ae83cfa..62bd862f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_html_all.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_HTML_ALL returns an array of inner HTML strings of matched elements.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @returns (String) - An array of inner HTML strings if any element found, otherwise empty array.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @return {String[]} - An array of inner HTML strings if all matched elements, otherwise empty array.
func GetInnerHTMLAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text.go
index 424e2b6a..0c358f0c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_TEXT returns inner text string of a given or matched by CSS selector element
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - String of CSS selector.
-// @returns (String) - Inner text if an element found, otherwise empty string.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - String of CSS selector.
+// @return {String} - Inner text if a matched element, otherwise empty string.
func GetInnerText(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text_all.go
index 169f94cb..050adefa 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/get_inner_text_all.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_TEXT_ALL returns an array of inner text of matched elements.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @returns (String) - An array of inner text if any element found, otherwise empty array.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @return {String[]} - An array of inner text if all matched elements, otherwise empty array.
func GetInnerTextAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/hover.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/hover.go
index f198add6..c6e45a67 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/hover.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/hover.go
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ import (
// HOVER fetches an element with selector, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses page.mouse to hover over the center of the element.
// If there's no element matching selector, the method returns an error.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Target document or element.
-// @param selector (String, options) - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} [selector] - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
func Hover(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/input.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/input.go
index 021b3b44..8d4a954d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/input.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/input.go
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
// INPUT types a value to an underlying input element.
-// @param source (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Event target.
-// @param valueOrSelector (String) - Selector or a value.
-// @param value (String) - Target value.
-// @param delay (Int, optional) - Target value.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if an element was found.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} valueOrSelector - CSS selector or a value.
+// @param {String} value - Target value.
+// @param {Int} [delay] - Target value.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if an element was found.
func Input(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/mouse_xy.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/mouse_xy.go
index 4c240ee1..e2c0606a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/mouse_xy.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/mouse_xy.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// MOUSE moves mouse by given coordinates.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - HTML document.
-// @param x (Int|Float) - X coordinate.
-// @param y (Int|Float) - Y coordinate.
+// @param {HTMLDocument} document - HTML document.
+// @param {Int|Float} x - X coordinate.
+// @param {Int|Float} y - Y coordinate.
func MouseMoveXY(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate.go
index 8a7de4d0..7f1148ae 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate.go
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import (
// NAVIGATE navigates a given page to a new resource.
// The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded.
// Which means there is no need in WAIT_NAVIGATION function.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param url (String) - Target url to navigate.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default is 5000.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {String} url - Target url to navigate.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Navigation timeout.
func Navigate(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_back.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_back.go
index 23ff3b89..5ffe8089 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_back.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_back.go
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import (
// NAVIGATE_BACK navigates a given page back within its navigation history.
// The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded.
// If the history is empty, the function returns FALSE.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param entry (Int, optional) - Optional value indicating how many pages to skip. Default 1.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default is 5000.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns TRUE if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {Int} [entry=1] - An integer value indicating how many pages to skip.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Navigation timeout.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise false.
func NavigateBack(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_forward.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_forward.go
index a6b853a3..eea4339a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_forward.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/navigate_forward.go
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import (
// NAVIGATE_FORWARD navigates a given page forward within its navigation history.
// The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded.
// If the history is empty, the function returns FALSE.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param entry (Int, optional) - Optional value indicating how many pages to skip. Default 1.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default is 5000.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns TRUE if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise FALSE.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {Int} [entry=1] - An integer value indicating how many pages to skip.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Navigation timeout.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise false.
func NavigateForward(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/pagination.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/pagination.go
index 198a0244..c8680565 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/pagination.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/pagination.go
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
// PAGINATION creates an iterator that goes through pages using CSS selector.
// The iterator starts from the current page i.e. it does not change the page on 1st iteration.
// That allows you to keep scraping logic inside FOR loop.
-// @param doc (Open) - Target document.
-// @param selector (String) - CSS selector for a pagination on the page.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - CSS selector for a pagination on the page.
func Pagination(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/parse.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/parse.go
index 97e7451b..00e29118 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/parse.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/parse.go
@@ -16,14 +16,19 @@ type ParseParams struct {
// PARSE loads an HTML page from a given string or byte array
-// @param params (Object) - Optional, an object containing the following properties :
-// driver (String) - Optional, driver name.
-// keepCookies (Boolean) - Optional, boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions.
-// i.e. not to open a page in the Incognito mode.
-// cookies (HTTPCookies) - Optional, set of HTTP cookies.
-// headers (HTTPHeaders) - Optional, HTTP headers.
-// viewport (Viewport) - Optional, viewport params.
-// @returns (HTMLPage) - Returns parsed and loaded HTML page.
+// @param {String} html - HTML string to parse.
+// @param {Object} [params] - An object containing the following properties:
+// @param {String} [params.driver] - Name of a driver to parse with.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.keepCookies=False] - Boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions i.e. not to open a page in the Incognito mode.
+// @param {HTTPCookies} [params.cookies] - Set of HTTP cookies to use during page loading.
+// @param {HTTPHeaders} [params.headers] - Set of HTTP headers to use during page loading.
+// @param {Object} [params.viewport] - Viewport params.
+// @param {Int} [params.viewport.height] - Viewport height.
+// @param {Int} [params.viewport.width] - Viewport width.
+// @param {Float} [params.viewport.scaleFactor] - Viewport scale factor.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.viewport.mobile] - Value that indicates whether to emulate mobile device.
+// @param {Boolean} [params.viewport.landscape] - Value that indicates whether to render a page in landscape position.
+// @return {HTMLPage} - Returns parsed and loaded HTML page.
func Parse(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
if err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2); err != nil {
return values.None, err
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/pdf.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/pdf.go
index d4827e84..da84661a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/pdf.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/pdf.go
@@ -22,24 +22,24 @@ func ValidatePageRanges(pageRanges string) (bool, error) {
// PDF prints a PDF of the current page.
-// @param target (HTMLPage|String) - Target page or url.
-// @param params (Object) - Optional, An object containing the following properties :
-// Landscape (Bool) - Paper orientation. Defaults to false.
-// DisplayHeaderFooter (Bool) - Display header and footer. Defaults to false.
-// PrintBackground (Bool) - Print background graphics. Defaults to false.
-// Scale (Float64) - Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.
-// PaperWidth (Float64) - Paper width in inches. Defaults to 8.5 inches.
-// PaperHeight (Float64) - Paper height in inches. Defaults to 11 inches.
-// MarginTop (Float64) - Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
-// MarginBottom (Float64) - Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
-// MarginLeft (Float64) - Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
-// MarginRight (Float64) - Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
-// PageRanges (String) - Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
-// IgnoreInvalidPageRanges (Bool) - to silently ignore invalid but successfully parsed page ranges, such as '3-2'. Defaults to false.
-// HeaderTemplate (String) - HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them: - `date`: formatted print date - `title`: document title - `url`: document location - `pageNumber`: current page number - `totalPages`: total pages in the document For example, `` would generate span containing the title.
-// FooterTemplate (String) - HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the `headerTemplate`.
-// PreferCSSPageSize (Bool) - Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. Defaults to false, in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size. *
-// @returns data (Binary) - Returns a base64 encoded string in binary format.
+// @param {HTMLPage | String}target - Target page or url.
+// @param {Object} [params] - An object containing the following properties:
+// @param {Bool} [params.landscape=False] - Paper orientation.
+// @param {Bool} [params.displayHeaderFooter=False] - Display header and footer.
+// @param {Bool} [params.printBackground=False] - Print background graphics.
+// @param {Float} [params.scale=1] - Scale of the webpage rendering.
+// @param {Float} [params.paperWidth=22] - Paper width in inches.
+// @param {Float} [params.paperHeight=28] - Paper height in inches.
+// @param {Float} [params.marginTo=1] - Top margin in inches.
+// @param {Float} [params.marginBottom=1] - Bottom margin in inches.
+// @param {Float} [params.marginLeft=1] - Left margin in inches.
+// @param {Float} [params.marginRight=1] - Right margin in inches.
+// @param {String} [params.pageRanges] - Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'.
+// @param {Bool} [params.ignoreInvalidPageRanges=False] - to silently ignore invalid but successfully parsed page ranges, such as '3-2'.
+// @param {String} [params.headerTemplate] - HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes used to inject printing values into them: - `date`: formatted print date - `title`: document title - `url`: document location - `pageNumber`: current page number - `totalPages`: total pages in the document For example, `` would generate span containing the title.
+// @param {String} [params.footerTemplate] - HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same format as the `headerTemplate`.
+// @param {Bool} [params.preferCSSPageSize=False] - Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. Defaults to false, in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size. *
+// @return {Binary} - PDF document in binary format.
func PDF(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/screenshot.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/screenshot.go
index 230e534d..45770c61 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/screenshot.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/screenshot.go
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ import (
// SCREENSHOT takes a screenshot of a given page.
-// @param target (HTMLPage|String) - Target page or url.
-// @param params (Object) - Optional, An object containing the following properties :
-// x (Float|Int) - Optional, X position of the viewport.
-// x (Float|Int) - Optional,Y position of the viewport.
-// width (Float|Int) - Optional, Width of the viewport.
-// height (Float|Int) - Optional, Height of the viewport.
-// format (String) - Optional, Either "jpeg" or "png".
-// quality (Int) - Optional, Quality, in [0, 100], only for jpeg format.
-// @returns data (Binary) - Returns a base64 encoded string in binary format.
+// @param {HTMLPage|String} target - Target page or url.
+// @param {Object} [params] - An object containing the following properties :
+// @param {Float | Int} [params.x=0] - X position of the viewport.
+// @param {Float | Int} [params.y=0] - Y position of the viewport.
+// @param {Float | Int} [params.width] - Width of the viewport.
+// @param {Float | Int} [params.height] - Height of the viewport.
+// @param {String} [params.format="jpeg"] - Either "jpeg" or "png".
+// @param {Int} [params.quality=100] - Quality, in [0, 100], only for jpeg format.
+// @return {Binary} - Screenshot in binary format.
func Screenshot(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_bottom.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_bottom.go
index 26165f73..f2b946e5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_bottom.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_bottom.go
@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ import (
// SCROLL_BOTTOM scrolls the document's window to its bottom.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Target document.
-// @param options (ScrollOptions) - Scroll options. Optional.
+// @param {HTMLDocument} document - HTML document.
+// @param {Int | Float} x - X coordinate.
+// @param {Int | Float} y - Y coordinate.
+// @param {Object} [params] - Scroll params.
+// @param {String} [params.behavior="instant"] - Scroll behavior
+// @param {String} [params.block="center"] - Scroll vertical alignment.
+// @param {String} [params.inline="center"] - Scroll horizontal alignment.
func ScrollBottom(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_element.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_element.go
index 30dcdea0..b802bd76 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_element.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_element.go
@@ -12,9 +12,12 @@ import (
// SCROLL_ELEMENT scrolls an element on.
-// @param docOrEl (HTMLDocument|HTMLElement) - Target document or element.
-// @param selector (String) - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
-// @param options (ScrollOptions) - Scroll options. Optional.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
+// @param {Object} [params] - Scroll params.
+// @param {String} [params.behavior="instant"] - Scroll behavior
+// @param {String} [params.block="center"] - Scroll vertical alignment.
+// @param {String} [params.inline="center"] - Scroll horizontal alignment.
func ScrollInto(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_top.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_top.go
index 2ccea6ee..c3b79bb1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_top.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_top.go
@@ -9,8 +9,13 @@ import (
// SCROLL_TOP scrolls the document's window to its top.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Target document.
-// @param options (ScrollOptions) - Scroll options. Optional.
+// @param {HTMLDocument} document - HTML document.
+// @param {Int | Float} x - X coordinate.
+// @param {Int | Float} y - Y coordinate.
+// @param {Object} [params] - Scroll params.
+// @param {String} [params.behavior="instant"] - Scroll behavior
+// @param {String} [params.block="center"] - Scroll vertical alignment.
+// @param {String} [params.inline="center"] - Scroll horizontal alignment.
func ScrollTop(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_xy.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_xy.go
index 638680e3..b1419168 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_xy.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/scroll_xy.go
@@ -10,10 +10,13 @@ import (
// SCROLL scrolls by given coordinates.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - HTML document.
-// @param x (Int|Float) - X coordinate.
-// @param y (Int|Float) - Y coordinate.
-// @param options (ScrollOptions) - Scroll options. Optional.
+// @param {HTMLDocument} document - HTML document.
+// @param {Int | Float} x - X coordinate.
+// @param {Int | Float} y - Y coordinate.
+// @param {Object} [params] - Scroll params.
+// @param {String} [params.behavior="instant"] - Scroll behavior
+// @param {String} [params.block="center"] - Scroll vertical alignment.
+// @param {String} [params.inline="center"] - Scroll horizontal alignment.
func ScrollXY(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/select.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/select.go
index f1238b40..7eb170cd 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/select.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/select.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
// SELECT selects a value from an underlying select element.
-// @param source (Open | GetElement) - Event target.
-// @param valueOrSelector (String | Array) - Selector or a an array of strings as a value.
-// @param value (Array) - Returns an array of selected values.
+// @param {HTMLElement} element - Target html element.
+// @param {String | String[]} valueOrSelector - Selector or a an array of strings as a value.
+// @param {String[]} value - Target value. Optional.
+// @return {String[]} - Array of selected values.
func Select(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_html.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_html.go
index c59735c4..cda731e1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_html.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_html.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_HTML_SET sets inner HTML string to a given or matched by CSS selector element
-// @param doc (Open|GetElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param innerHTML (String) - String of inner HTML.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} htmlOrSelector - HTML or CSS selector.
+// @param {String} [html] - String of inner HTML.
func SetInnerHTML(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_text.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_text.go
index df1b0209..337bf96b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_text.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/set_inner_text.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// INNER_TEXT_SET sets inner text string to a given or matched by CSS selector element
-// @param doc (Open|GetElement) - Parent document or element.
-// @param selector (String, optional) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param innerText (String) - String of inner text.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} textOrCssSelector - String of CSS selector.
+// @param {String} [text] - String of inner text.
func SetInnerText(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_get.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_get.go
index 9e2262fd..b2fca01f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_get.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_get.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
// STYLE_GET gets single or more style attribute value(s) of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param names (...String) - Style name(s).
-// @returns Object - Key-value pairs of style values.
+// @param {HTMLElement} element - Target html element.
+// @param {String, repeated} names - Style name(s).
+// @return {Object} - Collection of key-value pairs of style values.
func StyleGet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_remove.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_remove.go
index 51bcfebb..15ecc57c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_remove.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_remove.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
// STYLE_REMOVE removes single or more style attribute value(s) of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param names (...String) - Style name(s).
+// @param {HTMLElement} element - Target html element.
+// @param {String, repeated} names - Style name(s).
func StyleRemove(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_set.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_set.go
index bad731c9..9c677672 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/style_set.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/style_set.go
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import (
// STYLE_SET sets or updates a single or more style attribute value of a given element.
-// @param el (HTMLElement) - Target element.
-// @param nameOrObj (String | Object) - Style name or an object representing a key-value pair of attributes.
-// @param value (String) - If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent a style value.
+// @param {HTMLElement} element - Target html element.
+// @param {String | Object} nameOrObj - Style name or an object representing a key-value pair of attributes.
+// @param {String} value - If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent a style value.
func StyleSet(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr.go
index 79f3a435..57c8364d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr.go
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ import (
// WAIT_ATTR waits until a target attribute's value appears
-// @param node (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Parent document.
-// @param attrNameOrSelector (String) - String of an attr name or CSS selector.
-// @param attrValueOrAttrName (String | Any) - Attr value or name.
-// @param attrValueOrTimeout (Any | Int, optional) - Attr value or an optional timeout.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} attrNameOrSelector - String of an attr name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} attrValueOrAttrName - Attr value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [attrValueOrTimeout] - Attr value or a timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitAttribute(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitAttributeWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
// WAIT_NO_ATTR waits until a target attribute's value disappears
-// @param node (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Parent document.
-// @param attrNameOrSelector (String) - String of an attr name or CSS selector.
-// @param attrValueOrAttrName (String | Any) - Attr value or name.
-// @param attrValueOrTimeout (Any | Int, optional) - Attr value or an optional timeout.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} attrNameOrSelector - String of an attr name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} attrValueOrAttrName - Attr value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [attrValueOrTimeout] - Attr value or wait timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitNoAttribute(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitAttributeWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr_all.go
index 82c05e4f..bf3d4d1f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_attr_all.go
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ import (
// WAIT_ATTR_ALL waits for an attribute to appear on all matched elements with a given value.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Parent document.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param class (String) - String of target CSS class.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @param {String} class - String of target CSS class.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitAttributeAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitAttributeAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
// WAIT_NO_ATTR_ALL waits for an attribute to disappear on all matched elements by a given value.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Parent document.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param class (String) - String of target CSS class.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @param {String} class - String of target CSS class.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitNoAttributeAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitAttributeAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class.go
index 76cc3de7..39d75ee1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class.go
@@ -11,26 +11,20 @@ import (
// WAIT_CLASS waits for a class to appear on a given element.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param node (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Target node.
-// @param selectorOrClass (String) - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
-// Otherwise target class.
-// @param classOrTimeout (String|Int, optional) - If document is passed, this param must represent target class name.
-// Otherwise timeout.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - If document is passed, this param must represent timeout.
-// Otherwise not passed.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selectorOrClass - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector. Otherwise target class.
+// @param {String | Int} [classOrTimeout] - If document is passed, this param must represent target class name. Otherwise timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout] - If document is passed, this param must represent timeout. Otherwise not passed.
func WaitClass(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitClassWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
// WAIT_NO_CLASS waits for a class to disappear on a given element.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param node (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Target node.
-// @param selectorOrClass (String) - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
-// Otherwise target class.
-// @param classOrTimeout (String|Int, optional) - If document is passed, this param must represent target class name.
-// Otherwise timeout.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - If document is passed, this param must represent timeout.
-// Otherwise not passed.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selectorOrClass - If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector. Otherwise target class.
+// @param {String | Int} [classOrTimeout] - If document is passed, this param must represent target class name. Otherwise timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout] - If document is passed, this param must represent timeout. Otherwise not passed.
func WaitNoClass(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitClassWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class_all.go
index 2c4cee8f..b98deeb8 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_class_all.go
@@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ import (
// WAIT_CLASS_ALL waits for a class to appear on all matched elements.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Parent document.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param class (String) - String of target CSS class.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @param {String} class - String of target CSS class.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitClassAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitClassAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
// WAIT_NO_CLASS_ALL waits for a class to disappear on all matched elements.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Parent document.
-// @param selector (String) - String of CSS selector.
-// @param class (String) - String of target CSS class.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - String of CSS selector.
+// @param {String} class - String of target CSS class.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitNoClassAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitClassAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_element.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_element.go
index 18fcd4ee..736e1f58 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_element.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_element.go
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import (
// WAIT_ELEMENT waits for element to appear in the DOM.
// Stops the execution until it finds an element or operation times out.
-// @param n (HTMLDocument) - Driver HTMLDocument.
-// @param selector (String) - Target element's selector.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default 5000 ms.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - Target element's selector.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitElement(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitElementWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
// WAIT_NO_ELEMENT waits for element to disappear in the DOM.
// Stops the execution until it does not find an element or operation times out.
-// @param doc (HTMLDocument) - Driver HTMLDocument.
-// @param selector (String) - Target element's selector.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default 5000 ms.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} selector - Target element's selector.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitNoElement(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitElementWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_navigation.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_navigation.go
index 3ecabf9a..e4d18bca 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_navigation.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_navigation.go
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ type WaitNavigationParams struct {
// WAIT_NAVIGATION waits for a given page to navigate to a new url.
// Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.
-// @param page (HTMLPage) - Target page.
-// @param timeout (Int, optional) - Optional timeout. Default 5000 ms.
+// @param {HTMLPage} page - Target page.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Navigation timeout.
func WaitNavigation(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style.go
index cf9d4d56..2accea3f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style.go
@@ -9,12 +9,22 @@ import (
+// WAIT_STYLE waits until a target style value appears
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} styleNameOrSelector - Style name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} valueOrStyleName - Style value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [valueOrTimeout] - Style value or wait timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitStyle(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitStyleWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
+// WAIT_NO_STYLE waits until a target style value disappears
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} styleNameOrSelector - Style name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} valueOrStyleName - Style value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [valueOrTimeout] - Style value or wait timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Wait timeout.
func WaitNoStyle(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitStyleWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style_all.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style_all.go
index 1ce622be..ad84bad5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style_all.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/wait_style_all.go
@@ -9,12 +9,22 @@ import (
+// WAIT_STYLE_ALL waits until a target style value appears on all matched elements with a given value.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} styleNameOrSelector - Style name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} valueOrStyleName - Style value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [valueOrTimeout] - Style value or wait timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Timeout.
func WaitStyleAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitStyleAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventPresence)
+// WAIT_NO_STYLE_ALL waits until a target style value disappears on all matched elements with a given value.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} styleNameOrSelector - Style name or CSS selector.
+// @param {String | Any} valueOrStyleName - Style value or name.
+// @param {Any | Int} [valueOrTimeout] - Style value or wait timeout.
+// @param {Int} [timeout=5000] - Timeout.
func WaitNoStyleAll(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return waitStyleAllWhen(ctx, args, drivers.WaitEventAbsence)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/html/xpath.go b/pkg/stdlib/html/xpath.go
index 0a31a732..086a97bc 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/html/xpath.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/html/xpath.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
// XPATH evaluates the XPath expression.
-// @param source (HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement) - Target HTML object.
-// @param expression (String) - XPath expression.
-// @returns (Value) - Returns result of a given XPath expression.
+// @param {HTMLPage | HTMLDocument | HTMLElement} node - Target html node.
+// @param {String} expression - XPath expression.
+// @return {Any} - Returns result of a given XPath expression.
func XPath(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/lib.go
index 6098823f..4c8b4332 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/lib.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
// RegisterLib register `FS` namespace functions.
+// @namespace FS
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
return ns.
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/read.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/read.go
index 09e4a61f..cfc2394e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/read.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/read.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Read reads from a given file.
-// @params path (String) - path to file to read from.
-// @returns data (Binary) - the read file in binary format.
+// READ reads from a given file.
+// @param {String} path - Path to file to read from.
+// @return {Binary} - File content in binary format.
func Read(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/write.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/write.go
index f5da9cc6..eb48ad53 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/write.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/fs/write.go
@@ -10,16 +10,14 @@ import (
-// Write writes the given data into the file.
-// @params path (String) - path to file to write into.
-// @params data (Binary) - data to write.
-// @params params (Object) optional - additional parameters:
-// * mode (String):
-// * x - Exclusive: returns an error if the file exist. It can be
-// combined with other modes
-// * a - Append: will create a file if the specified file does not exist
-// * w - Write (Default): will create a file if the specified file does not exist
-// @returns None
+// WRITE writes the given data into the file.
+// @param {String} path - File path to write into.
+// @param {Binary} data - Data to write.
+// @param {Object} [params] - additional parameters:
+// @param {String} [params.mode] - Write mode.
+// * x - Exclusive: returns an error if the file exist. It can be combined with other modes
+// * a - Append: will create a file if the specified file does not exist
+// * w - Write (Default): will create a file if the specified file does not exist
func Write(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := validateRequiredWriteArgs(args)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/lib.go
index 9aff6c3b..25cf6447 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/lib.go
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import (
// RegisterLib register `IO` namespace functions.
+// @namespace IO
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
io := ns.Namespace("IO")
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/delete.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/delete.go
index 5440395c..aa238293 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/delete.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/delete.go
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import (
// DELETE makes a HTTP DELETE request.
-// @params params (Object) - request parameters.
-// * url (String) - Target url
-// * body (Binary) - POST data
-// * headers (Object) optional - HTTP headers
+// @param {Object} params - Request parameters.
+// @param {String} params.url - Target url
+// @param {Binary} params.body - Request data
+// @param {Object} [params.headers] - HTTP headers
+// @return {Binary} - Response in binary format
func DELETE(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return execMethod(ctx, h.MethodDelete, args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/get.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/get.go
index d6b3a550..cf0ef57a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/get.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/get.go
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@ import (
// GET makes a HTTP GET request.
-// @params url or (String) - target url or parameters.
-// * url (String) - Target url
-// * headers (Object) optional - HTTP headers
+// @param {Object | String} urlOrParam - Target url or parameters.
+// @param {String} [param.url] - Target url or parameters.
+// @param {Object} [param.headers] - HTTP headers
+// @return {Binary} - Response in binary format
func GET(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
if err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1); err != nil {
return values.None, err
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/lib.go
index 68008e55..6fee8758 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/lib.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package http
import "github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pkg/runtime/core"
// RegisterLib register `HTTP` namespace functions.
+// @namespace HTTP
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
return ns.
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/post.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/post.go
index a4f906ab..9b4f0a6b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/post.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/post.go
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import (
// POST makes a POST request.
-// @params params (Object) - request parameters.
-// * url (String) - Target url
-// * body (Binary) - POST data
-// * headers (Object) optional - HTTP headers
+// @param {Object} params - Request parameters.
+// @param {String} params.url - Target url
+// @param {Binary} params.body - Request data
+// @param {Object} [params.headers] - HTTP headers
+// @return {Binary} - Response in binary format
func POST(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return execMethod(ctx, h.MethodPost, args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/put.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/put.go
index 09cf565c..224cd567 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/put.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/put.go
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import (
// PUT makes a PUT HTTP request.
-// @params params (Object) - request parameters.
-// * url (String) - Target url.
-// * body (Binary) - POST data.
-// * headers (Object) optional - HTTP headers.
+// @param {Object} params - Request parameters.
+// @param {String} params.url - Target url
+// @param {Binary} params.body - Request data
+// @param {Object} [params.headers] - HTTP headers
+// @return {Binary} - Response in binary format
func PUT(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return execMethod(ctx, h.MethodPut, args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/request.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/request.go
index ad0b0ff9..7abd0026 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/request.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/http/request.go
@@ -19,11 +19,12 @@ type Params struct {
// REQUEST makes a HTTP request.
-// @params params (Object) - request parameters.
-// * method (String) - HTTP method.
-// * url (String) - Target url.
-// * body (Binary) - POST data.
-// * headers (Object) optional - HTTP headers.
+// @param {Object} params - Request parameters.
+// @param {String} params.method - HTTP method
+// @param {String} params.url - Target url
+// @param {Binary} params.body - Request data
+// @param {Object} [params.headers] - HTTP headers
+// @return {Binary} - Response in binary format
func REQUEST(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return execMethod(ctx, "", args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/lib.go
index f1a28f13..192388a6 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/io/net/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/io/net/lib.go
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
// RegisterLib register `NET` namespace functions.
+// @namespace NET
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
io := ns.Namespace("NET")
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/abs.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/abs.go
index f886e327..830d50d9 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/abs.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/abs.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Abs returns the absolute value of a given number.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The absolute value of a given number.
+// ABS returns the absolute value of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The absolute value of a given number.
func Abs(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/acos.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/acos.go
index e0884391..bd8a11cc 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/acos.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/acos.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Acos returns the arccosine, in radians, of a given number.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The arccosine, in radians, of a given number.
+// ACOS returns the arccosine, in radians, of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The arccosine, in radians, of a given number.
func Acos(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/asin.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/asin.go
index a98153de..c6693359 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/asin.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/asin.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Asin returns the arcsine, in radians, of a given number.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The arcsine, in radians, of a given number.
+// ASIN returns the arcsine, in radians, of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The arcsine, in radians, of a given number.
func Asin(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/atan.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/atan.go
index edf222c5..6de7630c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/atan.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/atan.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Atan returns the arctangent, in radians, of a given number.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The arctangent, in radians, of a given number.
+// ATAN returns the arctangent, in radians, of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The arctangent, in radians, of a given number.
func Atan(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/atan2.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/atan2.go
index 348a9a46..a9a8112d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/atan2.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/atan2.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Atan2 returns the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.
-// @param number1 (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @param number2 (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.
+// ATAN2 returns the arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number1 - Input number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number2 - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The arc tangent of y/x, using the signs of the two to determine the quadrant of the return value.
func Atan2(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/average.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/average.go
index e34a9cc9..ed0a24e4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/average.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/average.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Average Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The average of the values in array.
+// AVERAGE Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} array - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The average of the values in array.
func Average(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/ceil.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/ceil.go
index 0370cece..882ca892 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/ceil.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/ceil.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Ceil returns the least integer value greater than or equal to a given value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Int) - The least integer value greater than or equal to a given value.
+// CEIL returns the least integer value greater than or equal to a given value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Int} - The least integer value greater than or equal to a given value.
func Ceil(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/cos.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/cos.go
index e8471464..647b5dab 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/cos.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/cos.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Cos returns the cosine of a given number.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The cosine of a given number.
+// COS returns the cosine of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The cosine of a given number.
func Cos(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/degrees.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/degrees.go
index 330aa90b..c9f3856b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/degrees.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/degrees.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Degrees returns the angle converted from radians to degrees.
-// @param number (Float|Int) - The input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The angle in degrees.l
+// DEGREES returns the angle converted from radians to degrees.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - The input number.
+// @return {Float} - The angle in degrees
func Degrees(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/exp.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/exp.go
index 43999270..d742956e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/exp.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/exp.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Exp returns Euler's constant (2.71828...) raised to the power of value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - Euler's constant raised to the power of value.
+// EXP returns Euler's constant (2.71828...) raised to the power of value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - Euler's constant raised to the power of value.
func Exp(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/exp2.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/exp2.go
index 6fec8de6..5054b9b1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/exp2.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/exp2.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Exp2 returns 2 raised to the power of value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - 2 raised to the power of value.
+// EXP2 returns 2 raised to the power of value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - 2 raised to the power of value.
func Exp2(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/floor.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/floor.go
index f821c758..d1ef2d4d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/floor.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/floor.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Floor returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to a given value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Int) - The greatest integer value less than or equal to a given value.
+// FLOOR returns the greatest integer value less than or equal to a given value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Int} - The greatest integer value less than or equal to a given value.
func Floor(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/log.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/log.go
index 5058717b..7a1e02b9 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/log.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/log.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Log returns the natural logarithm of a given value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The natural logarithm of a given value.
+// LOG returns the natural logarithm of a given value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The natural logarithm of a given value.
func Log(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/log10.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/log10.go
index f2ffc3b1..9f5bb87e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/log10.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/log10.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Log10 returns the decimal logarithm of a given value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The decimal logarithm of a given value.
+// LOG10 returns the decimal logarithm of a given value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The decimal logarithm of a given value.
func Log10(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/log2.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/log2.go
index 3caa9f1c..477afef8 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/log2.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/log2.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Log2 returns the binary logarithm of a given value.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The binary logarithm of a given value.
+// LOG2 returns the binary logarithm of a given value.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The binary logarithm of a given value.
func Log2(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/max.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/max.go
index 77677b21..4da5ec38 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/max.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/max.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Max returns the greatest (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The greatest of the values in array.
+// MAX returns the greatest (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} array - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The greatest of the values in array.
func Max(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/median.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/median.go
index 4cc2332c..159e562d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/median.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/median.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Median returns the median of the values in array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The median of the values in array.
+// MEDIAN returns the median of the values in array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} array - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The median of the values in array.
func Median(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/min.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/min.go
index 931cee44..731095d1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/min.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/min.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Min returns the smallest (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The smallest of the values in array.
+// MIN returns the smallest (arithmetic mean) of the values in array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} array - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The smallest of the values in array.
func Min(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/percentile.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/percentile.go
index 7b82c632..28469a4f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/percentile.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/percentile.go
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ import (
-// Percentile returns the nth percentile of the values in a given array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @param numb (Int) - A number which must be between 0 (excluded) and 100 (included).
-// @param method (String, optional) - "rank" (default) or "interpolation".
-// @returns (Float) - The nth percentile, or null if the array is empty or only null values are contained in it or the percentile cannot be calculated.
+// PERCENTILE returns the nth percentile of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} array - Array of numbers.
+// @param {Int} number - A number which must be between 0 (excluded) and 100 (included).
+// @param {String} [method="rank"] - "rank" or "interpolation".
+// @return {Float} - The nth percentile, or null if the array is empty or only null values are contained in it or the percentile cannot be calculated.
func Percentile(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/pi.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/pi.go
index fb04582f..b962c369 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/pi.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/pi.go
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import (
-// Pi returns Pi value.
-// @returns (Float) - Pi value.
+// PI returns Pi value.
+// @return {Float} - Pi value.
func Pi(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 0, 0)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/pow.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/pow.go
index 043c8922..53132779 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/pow.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/pow.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Pow returns the base to the exponent value.
-// @param base (Int|Float) - The base value.
-// @param exp (Int|Float) - The exponent value.
-// @returns (Float) - The exponentiated value.
+// POW returns the base to the exponent value.
+// @param {Int | Float} base - The base value.
+// @param {Int | Float} exp - The exponent value.
+// @return {Float} - The exponentiated value.
func Pow(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/radians.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/radians.go
index c56c57dc..deb95b07 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/radians.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/radians.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Radians returns the angle converted from degrees to radians.
-// @param number (Float|Int) - The input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The angle in radians.
+// RADIANS returns the angle converted from degrees to radians.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - The input number.
+// @return {Float} - The angle in radians.
func Radians(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/rand.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/rand.go
index a7a53e17..a3bed91c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/rand.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/rand.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Rand return a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.
-// @param max (Float|Int, optional) - Upper limit.
-// @param min (Float|Int, optional) - Lower limit.
-// @returns (Float) - A number greater than 0 and less than 1.
+// RAND return a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.
+// @param {Int | Float} [max] - Upper limit.
+// @param {Int | Float} [min] - Lower limit.
+// @return {Float} - A number greater than 0 and less than 1.
func Rand(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 0, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/range.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/range.go
index 9f65c2fe..906d086d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/range.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/range.go
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Range returns an array of numbers in the specified range, optionally with increments other than 1.
-// @param start (Int|Float) - The value to start the range at (inclusive).
-// @param end (Int|Float) - The value to end the range with (inclusive).
-// @param step (Int|Float, optional) - How much to increment in every step, the default is 1.0.
+// RANGE returns an array of numbers in the specified range, optionally with increments other than 1.
+// @param {Int | Float} start - The value to start the range at (inclusive).
+// @param {Int | Float} end - The value to end the range with (inclusive).
+// @param {Int | Float} [step=1.0] - How much to increment in every step.
+// @return {Int[] | Float[]} - Array of numbers in the specified range, optionally with increments other than 1.
func Range(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/round.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/round.go
index 5a6a6dd7..649927f8 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/round.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/round.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Round returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Int) - The nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.
+// ROUND returns the nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Int} - The nearest integer, rounding half away from zero.
func Round(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/sin.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/sin.go
index 6fb74db2..ea4772e3 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/sin.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/sin.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Sin returns the sine of the radian argument.
-// @param number (Int|Float) - Input number.
-// @returns (Float) - The sin, in radians, of a given number.
+// SIN returns the sine of the radian argument.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - Input number.
+// @return {Float} - The sin, in radians, of a given number.
func Sin(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/sqrt.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/sqrt.go
index 7762a7d3..d72211a0 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/sqrt.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/sqrt.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Sqrt returns the square root of a given number.
-// @param value (Int|Float) - A number.
-// @returns (Float) - The square root.
+// SQRT returns the square root of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} value - A number.
+// @return {Float} - The square root.
func Sqrt(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_population.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_population.go
index ae840eb0..d669c9cd 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_population.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_population.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// StandardDeviationPopulation returns the population standard deviation of the values in a given array.
-// @params (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The population standard deviation.
+// STDDEV_POPULATION returns the population standard deviation of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} numbers - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The population standard deviation.
func StandardDeviationPopulation(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_sample.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_sample.go
index 89f6f5df..22ceedaa 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_sample.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/stddev_sample.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// StandardDeviationSample returns the sample standard deviation of the values in a given array.
-// @params (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The sample standard deviation.
+// STDDEV_SAMPLE returns the sample standard deviation of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} numbers - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The sample standard deviation.
func StandardDeviationSample(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/sum.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/sum.go
index 93ecda97..9a7c3681 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/sum.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/sum.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Sum returns the sum of the values in a given array.
-// @param array (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The sum of the values.
+// SUM returns the sum of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} numbers - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The sum of the values.
func Sum(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/tan.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/tan.go
index 731a2c57..c73216de 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/tan.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/tan.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Tan returns the tangent of a given number.
-// @param value (Int|Float) - A number.
-// @returns (Float) - The tangent.
+// TAN returns the tangent of a given number.
+// @param {Int | Float} number - A number.
+// @return {Float} - The tangent.
func Tan(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_population.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_population.go
index e876f2d8..13442938 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_population.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_population.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// PopulationVariance returns the population variance of the values in a given array.
-// @params (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The population variance.
+// VARIANCE_POPULATION returns the population variance of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} numbers - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The population variance.
func PopulationVariance(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_sample.go b/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_sample.go
index 0cccad90..525d97c6 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_sample.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/math/variance_sample.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// SampleVariance returns the sample variance of the values in a given array.
-// @params (Array) - Array of numbers.
-// @returns (Float) - The sample variance.
+// VARIANCE_SAMPLE returns the sample variance of the values in a given array.
+// @param {Int[] | Float[]} numbers - Array of numbers.
+// @return {Float} - The sample variance.
func SampleVariance(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/has.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/has.go
index 5084a5b5..5ee773e4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/has.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/has.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Has returns the value stored by the given key.
-// @params (String) - The key name string.
-// @returns (Boolean) - True if the key exists else false.
+// HAS returns the value stored by the given key.
+// @param {String} key - The key name string.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if the key exists else false.
func Has(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/keep_keys.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/keep_keys.go
index 5d0f300f..f32fa734 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/keep_keys.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/keep_keys.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// KeepKeys returns a new object with only given keys.
-// @params src (Object) - source object.
-// @params keys (Array Of String OR Strings) - keys that need to be keeped.
-// @returns (Object) - New Object with only given keys.
+// KEEP_KEYS returns a new object with only given keys.
+// @param {Object} obj - Source object.
+// @param {String, repeated} keys - Keys that need to be kept.
+// @return {Object} - New Object with only given keys.
func KeepKeys(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/keys.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/keys.go
index 65cd1531..72c5b028 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/keys.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/keys.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Keys returns string array of object's keys
-// @params obj (Object) - The object whose keys you want to extract
-// @params sort (Boolean, optional) - If sort is true, then the returned keys will be sorted.
-// @returns (Array of String) - Array that contains object keys.
+// KEYS returns string array of object's keys
+// @param {Object} obj - The object whose keys you want to extract
+// @param {Boolean} [sort=False] - If sort is true, then the returned keys will be sorted.
+// @return {String[]} - Array that contains object keys.
func Keys(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge.go
index 3ee42708..4712a908 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Merge merge the given objects into a single object.
-// @params objs (Array Of Object OR Objects) - objects to merge.
-// @returns (Object) - Object created by merging.
+// MERGE merge the given objects into a single object.
+// @param {Object, repeated} objects - Objects to merge.
+// @return {Object} - Object created by merging.
func Merge(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge_recursive.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge_recursive.go
index a5e7a7ba..10552b25 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge_recursive.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/merge_recursive.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// MergeRecursive recursively merge the given objects into a single object.
-// @params objs (Objects) - objects to merge.
-// @returns (Object) - Object created by merging.
+// MERGE_RECURSIVE recursively merge the given objects into a single object.
+// @param {Objects, repeated} objects - Objects to merge.
+// @return {Object} - Object created by merging.
func MergeRecursive(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, core.MaxArgs)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/values.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/values.go
index e31654b4..631a3a94 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/values.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/values.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Values return the attribute values of the object as an array.
-// @params obj (Object) - an object.
-// @returns (Array of Value) - the values of document returned in any order.
+// VALUES return the attribute values of the object as an array.
+// @param {Object} object - Target object.
+// @return {Any[]} - Values of document returned in any order.
func Values(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/objects/zip.go b/pkg/stdlib/objects/zip.go
index 4a7a64f6..0f0a0256 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/objects/zip.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/objects/zip.go
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
-// Zip returns an object assembled from the separate parameters keys and values.
+// ZIP returns an object assembled from the separate parameters keys and values.
// Keys and values must be arrays and have the same length.
-// @params keys (Array of Strings) - an array of strings, to be used as key names in the result.
-// @params values (Array of Objects) - an array of core.Value, to be used as key values.
-// @returns (Object) - an object with the keys and values assembled.
+// @param {String[]} keys - An array of strings, to be used as key names in the result.
+// @param {Object[]} values - An array of core.Value, to be used as key values.
+// @return {Object} - An object with the keys and values assembled.
func Zip(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/base.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/base.go
index 3e33544b..41c22203 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/base.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/base.go
@@ -9,10 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Base returns the last component of the path.
-// or the path itself if it does not contain any directory separators.
-// @params path (String) - The path.
-// @returns (String) - The last component of the path.
+// BASE returns the last component of the path or the path itself if it does not contain any directory separators.
+// @param {String} path - The path.
+// @return {String} - The last component of the path.
func Base(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/clean.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/clean.go
index 94b64cca..f3c9d404 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/clean.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/clean.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path.
-// @params path (String) - The path.
-// @returns (String) - The shortest path name equivalent to path
+// CLEAN returns the shortest path name equivalent to path.
+// @param {String} path - The path.
+// @return {String} - The shortest path name equivalent to path
func Clean(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/dir.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/dir.go
index 297d08b1..b38f744a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/dir.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/dir.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Dir returns the directory component of path.
-// @params path (String) - The path.
-// @returns (String) - The directory component of path.
+// DIR returns the directory component of path.
+// @param {String} path - The path.
+// @return {String} - The directory component of path.
func Dir(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/ext.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/ext.go
index d2516bc4..cf6b3122 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/ext.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/ext.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Ext returns the extension of the last component of path.
-// @params path (String) - The path.
-// @returns (String) - The extension of the last component of path.
+// EXT returns the extension of the last component of path.
+// @param {String} path - The path.
+// @return {String} - The extension of the last component of path.
func Ext(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/is_abs.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/is_abs.go
index 6a8a212e..d922e0ff 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/is_abs.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/is_abs.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// IsAbs reports whether the path is absolute.
-// @params path (String) - The path.
-// @returns (Boolean) - True if the path is absolute.
+// IS_ABS reports whether the path is absolute.
+// @param {String} path - The path.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if the path is absolute.
func IsAbs(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/join.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/join.go
index e7f93e46..51f852a3 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/join.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/join.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path, separating them with slashes.
-// @param elem (String...|Array) - The path elements
-// @returns (String) - Single path from the given elements.
+// JOIN joins any number of path elements into a single path, separating them with slashes.
+// @param {String, repeated | String[]} elements - The path elements
+// @return {String} - Single path from the given elements.
func Join(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
argsCount := len(args)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/lib.go
index 7b8dad66..54252770 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/lib.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package path
import "github.com/MontFerret/ferret/pkg/runtime/core"
// RegisterLib register `PATH` namespace functions.
+// @namespace PATH
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
return ns.
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/match.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/match.go
index 803ab93a..10180f07 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/match.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/match.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Match reports whether name matches the pattern.
-// @param pattern (String) - The pattern.
-// @param name (String) - The name.
-// @returns (Boolean) - True if the name matches the pattern.
+// MATCH reports whether name matches the pattern.
+// @param {String} pattern - The pattern.
+// @param {String} name - The name.
+// @return {Boolean} - True if the name matches the pattern.
func Match(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/path/separate.go b/pkg/stdlib/path/separate.go
index e9072e00..c8c37d9b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/path/separate.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/path/separate.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Separate separates the path into a directory and filename component.
-// @param path (String) - The path
-// @returns (Array) - First item is a directory component, and second is a filename component.
+// SEPARATE separates the path into a directory and filename component.
+// @param {String} path - The path
+// @return {Any[]} - First item is a directory component, and second is a filename component.
func Separate(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/case.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/case.go
index 63a43d96..3a571ce8 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/case.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/case.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Lower converts strings to their lower-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @returns (String) - THis string in lower case.
+// LOWER converts strings to their lower-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @return {String} - THis string in lower case.
func Lower(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ func Lower(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(text), nil
-// Upper converts strings to their upper-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @returns (String) - THis string in upper case.
+// UPPER converts strings to their upper-case counterparts. All other characters are returned unchanged.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @return {String} - THis string in upper case.
func Upper(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/concat.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/concat.go
index 0b326bbb..59300605 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/concat.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/concat.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Concat concatenates one or more instances of Read, or an Array.
-// @params src (String...|Array) - The source string / array.
-// @returns String
+// CONCAT concatenates one or more instances of String, or an Array.
+// @param {String, repeated | String[]} src - The source string / array.
+// @return {String} - A string value.
func Concat(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, core.MaxArgs)
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ func Concat(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return res, nil
-// ConcatWithSeparator concatenates one or more instances of Read, or an Array with a given separator.
-// @params separator (string) - The separator string.
-// @params src (string...|array) - The source string / array.
-// @returns string
+// CONCAT_SEPARATOR concatenates one or more instances of String, or an Array with a given separator.
+// @param {String} separator - The separator string.
+// @param {String, repeated | String[]} src - The source string / array.
+// @return {String} - Concatenated string.
func ConcatWithSeparator(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/contains.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/contains.go
index c82c88b7..b20440c5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/contains.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/contains.go
@@ -8,12 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Contains returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within a string.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @param search (String) - The string to seek.
-// @param returnIndex (Boolean) - Values which indicates whether to return the character position of the match is returned instead of a boolean.
-// The default is false.
-// @returns (Boolean|Int)
+// CONTAINS returns a value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within a string.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @param {String} search - The string to seek.
+// @param {Boolean} [returnIndex=False] - Values which indicates whether to return the character position of the match is returned instead of a boolean.
+// @return {Boolean | Int} - A value indicating whether a specified substring occurs within a string.
func Contains(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/decode.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/decode.go
index 27a2f8fa..5cbd4df1 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/decode.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/decode.go
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import (
-// FromBase64 returns the value of a base64 representation.
-// @param base64String (String) - The string to decode.
-// @returns value (String) - The decoded string.
+// FROM_BASE64 returns the value of a base64 representation.
+// @param {String} str - The string to decode.
+// @return {String} - The decoded string.
func FromBase64(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ func FromBase64(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(string(out)), nil
-// DecodeURIComponent returns the decoded String of uri.
-// @param (String) - Uri to decode.
-// @returns String - Decoded string.
+// DECODE_URI_COMPONENT returns the decoded String of uri.
+// @param {String} uri - Uri to decode.
+// @return {String} - Decoded string.
func DecodeURIComponent(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/encode.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/encode.go
index d38b0438..5fd884b4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/encode.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/encode.go
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ import (
-// EncodeURIComponent returns the encoded String of uri.
-// @param (String) - Uri to encode.
-// @returns String - Encoded string.
+// ENCODE_URI_COMPONENT returns the encoded String of uri.
+// @param {String} uri - Uri to encode.
+// @return {String} - Encoded string.
func EncodeURIComponent(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ func EncodeURIComponent(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, erro
return values.NewString(str), nil
-// Md5 calculates the MD5 checksum for text and return it in a hexadecimal string representation.
-// @param text (String) - The string to do calculations against to.
-// @return (String) - MD5 checksum as hex string.
+// MD5 calculates the MD5 checksum for text and return it in a hexadecimal string representation.
+// @param {String} str - The string to do calculations against to.
+// @return {String} - MD5 checksum as hex string.
func Md5(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ func Md5(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(string(res[:])), nil
-// Sha1 calculates the SHA1 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
-// @param text (String) - The string to do calculations against to.
-// @return (String) - Sha1 checksum as hex string.
+// SHA1 calculates the SHA1 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
+// @param {String} str - The string to do calculations against to.
+// @return {String} - Sha1 checksum as hex string.
func Sha1(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ func Sha1(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(string(res[:])), nil
-// Sha512 calculates the SHA512 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
-// @param text (String) - The string to do calculations against to.
-// @return (String) - SHA512 checksum as hex string.
+// SHA512 calculates the SHA512 checksum for text and returns it in a hexadecimal string representation.
+// @param {String} str - The string to do calculations against to.
+// @return {String} - SHA512 checksum as hex string.
func Sha512(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ func Sha512(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(string(res[:])), nil
-// ToBase64 returns the base64 representation of value.
-// @param value (string) - The string to encode.
-// @returns toBase64String (String) - A base64 representation of the string.
+// TO_BASE64 returns the base64 representation of value.
+// @param {String} str - The string to encode.
+// @return {String} - A base64 representation of the string.
func ToBase64(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/escape.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/escape.go
index fc65b7fd..5ef3c0d6 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/escape.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/escape.go
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ import (
-// EscapeHTML escapes special characters like "<" to become "<". It
+// ESCAPE_HTML escapes special characters like "<" to become "<". It
// escapes only five such characters: <, >, &, ' and ".
// UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't
// always true.
-// @param (String) - Uri to escape.
-// @returns String - Escaped string.
+// @param {String} uri - Uri to escape.
+// @return {String} - Escaped string.
func EscapeHTML(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/find.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/find.go
index 99304aa0..1599fb99 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/find.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/find.go
@@ -9,13 +9,12 @@ import (
-// FindFirst returns the position of the first occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @param search (String) - The string to seek.
-// @param start (Int, optional) - Limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start.
-// @param end (Int, optional) - Limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
-// @returns (Int) - The character position of the match.
-// If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, start is returned.
+// FIND_FIRST returns the position of the first occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @param {String} search - The string to seek.
+// @param {Int} [start] - Limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start.
+// @param {Int} [end] - Limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
+// @return {Int} - The character position of the match. If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, start is returned.
func FindFirst(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
@@ -56,13 +55,12 @@ func FindFirst(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewInt(found), nil
-// FindLast returns the position of the last occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @param search (String) - The string to seek.
-// @param start (Int, optional) - Limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start.
-// @param end (Int, optional) - Limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
-// @returns (Int) - The character position of the match.
-// If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, start is returned.
+// FIND_LAST returns the position of the last occurrence of the string search inside the string text. Positions start at 0.
+// @param {String} src - The source string.
+// @param {String} search - The string to seek.
+// @param {Int} [start] - Limit the search to a subset of the text, beginning at start.
+// @param {Int} [end] - Limit the search to a subset of the text, ending at end
+// @return {Int} - The character position of the match. If search is not contained in text, -1 is returned. If search is empty, start is returned.
func FindLast(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/fmt.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/fmt.go
index 403a19d7..244b2a79 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/fmt.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/fmt.go
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import (
-// Fmt formats the template using these arguments.
-// @params template (String) - template.
-// @params args (Any Values) - template arguments.
-// @returns (String) - string formed by template using arguments.
+// FMT formats the template using these arguments.
+// @param {String} template - template.
+// @param {Any, repeated} args - template arguments.
+// @return {String} - string formed by template using arguments.
func Fmt(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, core.MaxArgs)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/json.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/json.go
index da60a04a..4b2a05a0 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/json.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/json.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// JSONParse returns a FQL value described by the JSON-encoded input string.
-// @params text (String) - The string to parse as JSON.
-// @returns FQL value (Read)
+// JSON_PARSE returns a value described by the JSON-encoded input string.
+// @param {String} str - The string to parse as JSON.
+// @return {Any} - Parsed value.
func JSONParse(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ func JSONParse(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.Parse(val), nil
-// JSONStringify returns a JSON string representation of the input value.
-// @params value (Read) - The input value to serialize.
-// @returns json (String)
+// JSON_STRINGIFY returns a JSON string representation of the input value.
+// @param {Any} str - The input value to serialize.
+// @return {String} - JSON string.
func JSONStringify(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/lib.go
index 3d32e7b2..ac14d84b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/lib.go
@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
"LTRIM": LTrim,
"RANDOM_TOKEN": RandomToken,
"MD5": Md5,
- "REGEXP_MATCH": RegexMatch, // Deprecated
- "REGEXP_SPLIT": RegexSplit, // Deprecated
- "REGEXP_TEST": RegexTest, // Deprecated
- "REGEXP_REPLACE": RegexReplace, // Deprecated
"REGEX_MATCH": RegexMatch,
"REGEX_SPLIT": RegexSplit,
"REGEX_TEST": RegexTest,
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/like.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/like.go
index 6d94dbe0..e50b10d9 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/like.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/like.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Like checks whether the pattern search is contained in the string text, using wildcard matching.
-// @param text (String) - The string to search in.
-// @param search (String) - A search pattern that can contain the wildcard characters.
-// @param caseInsensitive (Boolean) - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
-// @return (Boolean) - Returns true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise.
+// LIKE checks whether the pattern search is contained in the string text, using wildcard matching.
+// @param {String} str - The string to search in.
+// @param {String} search - A search pattern that can contain the wildcard characters.
+// @param {Boolean} caseInsensitive - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise.
func Like(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/random.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/random.go
index aba604f2..f60a832f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/random.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/random.go
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ const (
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/8926
var randSrc = rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
-// RandomToken generates a pseudo-random token string with the specified length. The algorithm for token generation should be treated as opaque.
-// @param length (Int) - The desired string length for the token. It must be greater than 0 and at most 65536.
-// @return (String) - A generated token consisting of lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers.
+// RANDOM_TOKEN generates a pseudo-random token string with the specified length. The algorithm for token generation should be treated as opaque.
+// @param {Int} len - The desired string length for the token. It must be greater than 0 and at most 65536.
+// @return {String} - A generated token consisting of lowercase letters, uppercase letters and numbers.
func RandomToken(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/regex.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/regex.go
index e1d6f301..0919272d 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/regex.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/regex.go
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
-// RegexMatch returns the matches in the given string text, using the regex.
-// @param text (String) - The string to search in.
-// @param regex (String) - A regular expression to use for matching the text.
-// @param caseInsensitive (Boolean) - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
-// @return (Array) - An array of strings containing the matches.
+// REGEX_MATCH returns the matches in the given string text, using the regex.
+// @param {String} str - The string to search in.
+// @param {String} expression - A regular expression to use for matching the text.
+// @param {Boolean} caseInsensitive - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
+// @return {Any[]} - An array of strings containing the matches.
func RegexMatch(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ func RegexMatch(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return res, nil
-// RegexSplit splits the given string text into a list of strings, using the separator.
-// @param text (String) - The string to split.
-// @param regex (String) - A regular expression to use for splitting the text.
-// @param caseInsensitive (Boolean) - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
-// @param limit (Int) - Limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
-// @return (Array) - An array of strings splited by the expression.
+// REGEX_SPLIT splits the given string text into a list of strings, using the separator.
+// @param {String} str - The string to split.
+// @param {String} expression - A regular expression to use for splitting the text.
+// @param {Boolean} caseInsensitive - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
+// @param {Int} limit - Limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
+// @return {Any[]} - An array of strings splitted by the expression.
func RegexSplit(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ func RegexSplit(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return res, nil
-// RegexTest test whether the regexp has at least one match in the given text.
-// @param text (String) - The string to split.
-// @param regex (String) - A regular expression to use for splitting the text.
-// @param caseInsensitive (Boolean) - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
-// @return (Boolean) - Returns true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise.
+// REGEX_TEST test whether the regexp has at least one match in the given text.
+// @param {String} str - The string to test.
+// @param {String} expression - A regular expression to use for splitting the text.
+// @param {Boolean} [caseInsensitive=False] - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if the pattern is contained in text, and false otherwise.
func RegexTest(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@ func RegexTest(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewBoolean(matches), nil
-// RegexReplace replace every substring matched with the regexp with a given string.
-// @param text (String) - The string to split.
-// @param regex (String) - A regular expression search pattern.
-// @param replacement (String) - The string to replace the search pattern with
-// @param caseInsensitive (Boolean) - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive. The default is false.
-// @return (String) - Returns the string text with the search regex pattern replaced with the replacement string wherever the pattern exists in text
+// REGEX_REPLACE replace every substring matched with the regexp with a given string.
+// @param {String} str - The string to split.
+// @param {String} expression - A regular expression search pattern.
+// @param {String} replacement - The string to replace the search pattern with
+// @param {Boolean} [caseInsensitive=False] - If set to true, the matching will be case-insensitive.
+// @return {String} - Returns the string text with the search regex pattern replaced with the replacement string wherever the pattern exists in text
func RegexReplace(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 3, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/split.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/split.go
index fbfdaed9..b822b912 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/split.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/split.go
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (
-// Split splits the given string value into a list of strings, using the separator.
-// @params text (String) - The string to split.
-// @params separator (String) - The separator.
-// @params limit (Int) - Limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
-// @returns strings (Array) - Array of strings.
+// SPLIT splits the given string value into a list of strings, using the separator.
+// @param {String} str - The string to split.
+// @param {String} separator - The separator.
+// @param {Int} limit - Limit the number of split values in the result. If no limit is given, the number of splits returned is not bounded.
+// @return {String[]} - Array of strings.
func Split(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/substitute.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/substitute.go
index 1bd1be91..cdb5c310 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/substitute.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/substitute.go
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import (
-// Substitute replaces search values in the string value.
-// @params text (String) - The string to modify
-// @params search (String) - The string representing a search pattern
-// @params replace (String) - The string representing a replace value
-// @param limit (Int) - The cap the number of replacements to this value.
-// @return (String) - Returns a string with replace substring.
+// SUBSTITUTE replaces search values in the string value.
+// @param {String} str - The string to modify
+// @param {String} search - The string representing a search pattern
+// @param {String} replace - The string representing a replace value
+// @param {Int} limit - The cap the number of replacements to this value.
+// @return {String} - Returns a string with replace substring.
func Substitute(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 4)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/substr.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/substr.go
index d1d9eb75..65d26827 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/substr.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/substr.go
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ import (
-// Substring returns a substring of value.
-// @params value (String) - The source string.
-// @param offset (Int) - Start at offset, offsets start at position 0.
-// @param length (Int, optional) - At most length characters, omit to get the substring from offset to the end of the string. Optional.
-// @returns substring (String) - A substring of value.
+// SUBSTRING returns a substring of value.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @param {Int} offset - Start at offset, offsets start at position 0.
+// @param {Int} [length] - At most length characters, omit to get the substring from offset to the end of the string.
+// @return {String} - A substring of value.
func Substring(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
@@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ func Substring(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewStringFromRunes(substr), nil
-// Left returns the leftmost characters of the string value by index.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @params length (Int) - The amount of characters to return.
-// @returns substr (String)
+// LEFT returns the leftmost characters of the string value by index.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @param {Int} length - The amount of characters to return.
+// @return {String} - The leftmost characters of the string value by index.
func Left(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
@@ -82,10 +82,10 @@ func Left(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewStringFromRunes(runes[0:pos]), nil
-// Right returns the rightmost characters of the string value.
-// @param src (String) - The source string.
-// @params length (Int) - The amount of characters to return.
-// @returns substr (String)
+// RIGHT returns the rightmost characters of the string value.
+// @param {String} str - The source string.
+// @param {Int} length - The amount of characters to return.
+// @return {String} - The rightmost characters of the string value.
func Right(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/trim.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/trim.go
index c9a15be7..a68d704e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/trim.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/trim.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Trim returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the start and/or end.
-// @param value (String) - The string.
-// @param chars (String) - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
-// @returns (String) - The string without chars on both sides.
+// TRIM returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the start and/or end.
+// @param {String} str - The string.
+// @param {String} chars - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
+// @return {String} - The string without chars on both sides.
func Trim(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ func Trim(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(strings.TrimSpace(text)), nil
-// LTrim returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the start only.
-// @param value (String) - The string.
-// @param chars (String) - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
-// @returns (String) - The string without chars at the left-hand side.
+// LTRIM returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the start only.
+// @param {String} str - The string.
+// @param {String} chars - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
+// @return {String} - The string without chars at the left-hand side.
func LTrim(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ func LTrim(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
return values.NewString(strings.TrimLeft(text, chars)), nil
-// RTrim returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the end only.
-// @param value (String) - The string.
-// @param chars (String) - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
-// @returns (String) - The string without chars at the right-hand side.
+// RTRIM returns the string value with whitespace stripped from the end only.
+// @param {String} str - The string.
+// @param {String} chars - Overrides the characters that should be removed from the string. It defaults to \r\n \t.
+// @return {String} - The string without chars at the right-hand side.
func RTrim(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 2)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/strings/unescape.go b/pkg/stdlib/strings/unescape.go
index a1a841ec..63c35283 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/strings/unescape.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/strings/unescape.go
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import (
-// UnescapeHTML unescapes entities like "<" to become "<". It unescapes a
+// UNESCAPE_HTML unescapes entities like "<" to become "<". It unescapes a
// larger range of entities than EscapeString escapes. For example, "á"
// unescapes to "รก", as does "á" and "á".
// UnescapeString(EscapeString(s)) == s always holds, but the converse isn't
// always true.
-// @param (String) - Uri to escape.
-// @returns String - Escaped string.
+// @param {String} uri - Uri to escape.
+// @return {String} - Escaped string.
func UnescapeHTML(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/array.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/array.go
index bb7c17c2..4a151926 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/array.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/array.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Array asserts that value is a array type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// ARRAY asserts that value is a array type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Array = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be array"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/binary.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/binary.go
index af55241d..e13e7a8f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/binary.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/binary.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Binary asserts that value is a binary type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// BINARY asserts that value is a binary type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Binary = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be binary"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/datetime.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/datetime.go
index 98d0f4ca..016c6243 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/datetime.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/datetime.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// DateTime asserts that value is a datetime type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// DATETIME asserts that value is a datetime type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var DateTime = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be datetime"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/empty.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/empty.go
index f912822a..2259868a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/empty.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/empty.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// Empty asserts that the target does not contain any values.
-// @params actual (Measurable|Binary|Object|Array|String) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// EMPTY asserts that the target does not contain any values.
+// @param {Measurable | Binary | Object | Any[] | String} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Empty = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(_ []core.Value) string {
return "be empty"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/equal.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/equal.go
index 042b1e6e..6299aee4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/equal.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/equal.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Equal asserts equality of actual and expected values.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// EQUAL asserts equality of actual and expected values.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Equal = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s %s", base.EqualOp, base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/fail.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/fail.go
index 1d9c4b80..d92c9620 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/fail.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/fail.go
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import (
-// Fail returns an error.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// FAIL returns an error.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Fail = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(_ []core.Value) string {
return "not fail"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/false.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/false.go
index 25108992..cfd56705 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/false.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/false.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// False asserts that value is false.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String) - Message to display on error.
+// FALSE asserts that value is false.
+// @param {Any}actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var False = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s", base.FormatValue(values.False))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/float.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/float.go
index 454e6bab..027148b3 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/float.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/float.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Float asserts that value is a float type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// FLOAT asserts that value is a float type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Float = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be float"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/gt.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/gt.go
index 5b5a712c..a6277727 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/gt.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/gt.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Gt asserts that an actual value is greater than an expected one.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// GT asserts that an actual value is greater than an expected one.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Gt = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s %s", base.GreaterOp, base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/gte.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/gte.go
index 010d52d6..2110203b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/gte.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/gte.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Gte asserts that an actual value is greater than or equal to an expected one.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// GTE asserts that an actual value is greater than or equal to an expected one.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Gte = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s %s", base.GreaterOrEqualOp, base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/include.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/include.go
index ca55b0f3..8cec4e85 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/include.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/include.go
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import (
-// Include asserts that haystack includes needle.
-// @params actual (String|Array|Object|Iterable) - Haystack value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// INCLUDE asserts that haystack includes needle.
+// @param {String | Array | Object | Iterable} actual - Haystack value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Include = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("include %s", base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/int.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/int.go
index f98d06e2..cc9f59f5 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/int.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/int.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Int asserts that value is a int type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// INT asserts that value is a int type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Int = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be int"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/len.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/len.go
index dd87aa75..0a1699d3 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/len.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/len.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Len asserts that a measurable value has a length or size with the expected value.
-// @params actual (Measurable) - Measurable value.
-// @params length (Mixed) - Target length.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// LEN asserts that a measurable value has a length or size with the expected value.
+// @param {Measurable} actual - Measurable value.
+// @param {Int} length - Target length.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Len = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("has size %s", args[1])
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lib.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lib.go
index d1e2df93..e385dab7 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lib.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lib.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
+// @namespace T
func RegisterLib(ns core.Namespace) error {
t := ns.Namespace("T")
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lt.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lt.go
index 7563b483..f289ca5f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lt.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lt.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Lt asserts that an actual value is lesser than an expected one.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// LT asserts that an actual value is lesser than an expected one.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Lt = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s %s", base.LessOp, base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lte.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lte.go
index 93876b93..17d97a55 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/lte.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/lte.go
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import (
-// Lte asserts that an actual value is lesser than or equal to an expected one.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expected (Mixed) - Expected value.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// LTE asserts that an actual value is lesser than or equal to an expected one.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {Any} expected - Expected value.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Lte = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s %s", base.LessOrEqualOp, base.FormatValue(args[1]))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/match.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/match.go
index 2fea7a31..1433f74b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/match.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/match.go
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import (
-// Match asserts that value matches the regular expression.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Actual value.
-// @params expression (Mixed) - Regular expression.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// MATCH asserts that value matches the regular expression.
+// @param {Any} actual - Actual value.
+// @param {String} expression - Regular expression.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Match = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "match regular expression"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/none.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/none.go
index 1f40c699..1912f9ea 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/none.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/none.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// None asserts that value is none.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// NONE asserts that value is none.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var None = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s", base.FormatValue(values.None))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/object.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/object.go
index 2001ef13..8620969e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/object.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/object.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// Object asserts that value is a object type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// OBJECT asserts that value is a object type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var Object = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be object"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/string.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/string.go
index 0442a38d..214e3a7b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/string.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/string.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// String asserts that value is a string type.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// STRING asserts that value is a string type.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var String = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return "be string"
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/testing/true.go b/pkg/stdlib/testing/true.go
index ab72dae2..a9225134 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/testing/true.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/testing/true.go
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import (
-// True asserts that value is true.
-// @params actual (Mixed) - Value to test.
-// @params message (String, optional) - Message to display on error.
+// TRUE asserts that value is true.
+// @param {Any} actual - Value to test.
+// @param {String} [message] - Message to display on error.
var True = base.Assertion{
DefaultMessage: func(args []core.Value) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("be %s", base.FormatValue(values.True))
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_array.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_array.go
index 1ebd480c..4636236c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_array.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_array.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsArray checks whether value is an array value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is array, otherwise false.
+// IS_ARRAY checks whether value is an array value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is array, otherwise false.
func IsArray(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_binary.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_binary.go
index 05b63d69..354aa607 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_binary.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_binary.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsBinary checks whether value is a binary value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is binary, otherwise false.
+// IS_BINARY checks whether value is a binary value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is binary, otherwise false.
func IsBinary(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_boolean.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_boolean.go
index d9cdede5..ddd640ff 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_boolean.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_boolean.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsBool checks whether value is a boolean value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is boolean, otherwise false.
+// IS_BOOL checks whether value is a boolean value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is boolean, otherwise false.
func IsBool(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_date_time.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_date_time.go
index 87302c91..d0ee4a2c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_date_time.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_date_time.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsDateTime checks whether value is a date time value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is date time, otherwise false.
+// IS_DATETIME checks whether value is a date time value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is date time, otherwise false.
func IsDateTime(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_float.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_float.go
index e1d09977..df6997d9 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_float.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_float.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsFloat checks whether value is a float value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is float, otherwise false.
+// IS_FLOAT checks whether value is a float value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is float, otherwise false.
func IsFloat(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_document.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_document.go
index ca0d9ed8..49eb5528 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_document.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_document.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsHTMLDocument checks whether value is a HTMLDocument value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is HTMLDocument, otherwise false.
+// IS_HTML_DOCUMENT checks whether value is a HTMLDocument value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is HTMLDocument, otherwise false.
func IsHTMLDocument(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_element.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_element.go
index 48bcfd28..ebff4c0b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_element.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_html_element.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsHTMLElement checks whether value is a HTMLElement value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is HTMLElement, otherwise false.
+// IS_HTML_ELEMENT checks whether value is a HTMLElement value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is HTMLElement, otherwise false.
func IsHTMLElement(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_int.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_int.go
index 2d2265d1..a0148bef 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_int.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_int.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsInt checks whether value is a int value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is int, otherwise false.
+// IS_INT checks whether value is a int value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is int, otherwise false.
func IsInt(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_nan.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_nan.go
index a7cf11f6..4e643c3b 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_nan.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_nan.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsNaN checks whether value is NaN.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is NaN, otherwise false.
+// IS_NAN checks whether value is NaN.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is NaN, otherwise false.
func IsNaN(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_none.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_none.go
index 55062fbb..acd3d24a 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_none.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_none.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsNone checks whether value is a none value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is none, otherwise false.
+// IS_NONE checks whether value is a none value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is none, otherwise false.
func IsNone(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_object.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_object.go
index fc96840e..64cc7364 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_object.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_object.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsObject checks whether value is an object value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is object, otherwise false.
+// IS_OBJECT checks whether value is an object value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is object, otherwise false.
func IsObject(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_string.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_string.go
index 944d67b3..1a4666f4 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/is_string.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/is_string.go
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import (
-// IsString checks whether value is a string value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns true if value is string, otherwise false.
+// IS_STRING checks whether value is a string value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns true if value is string, otherwise false.
func IsString(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_array.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_array.go
index 14882bd4..a65cb7bb 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_array.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_array.go
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ import (
-// toArray takes an input value of any type and convert it into an array value.
-// @param (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Array)
+// TO_ARRAY takes an input value of any type and convert it into an array value.
// None is converted to an empty array
// Boolean values, numbers and strings are converted to an array containing the original value as its single element
// Arrays keep their original value
// Objects / HTML nodes are converted to an array containing their attribute values as array elements.
+// @param {Any} input - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Any[]} - An array value.
func ToArray(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_boolean.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_boolean.go
index 9bb2392c..3510ae23 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_boolean.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_boolean.go
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ import (
-// ToBool takes an input value of any type and converts it into the appropriate boolean value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) -
+// TO_BOOL takes an input value of any type and converts it into the appropriate boolean value.
// None is converted to false
// Numbers are converted to true, except for 0, which is converted to false
// Strings are converted to true if they are non-empty, and to false otherwise
// Dates are converted to true if they are not zero, and to false otherwise
// Arrays are always converted to true (even if empty)
// Objects / HtmlNodes / Binary are always converted to true
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - The appropriate boolean value.
func ToBool(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_date_time.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_date_time.go
index fd31489d..2b82645f 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_date_time.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_date_time.go
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
-// ToDateTime takes an input value of any type and converts it into the appropriate date time value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (DateTime) - Parsed date time.
+// TO_DATETIME takes an input value of any type and converts it into the appropriate date time value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {DateTime} - Parsed date time.
func ToDateTime(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_float.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_float.go
index 0d4f9605..51579810 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_float.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_float.go
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import (
-// ToFloat takes an input value of any type and convert it into a float value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Float) -
+// TO_FLOAT takes an input value of any type and convert it into a float value.
// None and false are converted to the value 0
// true is converted to 1
// Numbers keep their original value
@@ -18,6 +16,8 @@ import (
// An empty array is converted to 0, an array with one member is converted into the result of TO_NUMBER() for its sole member.
// An array with two or more members is converted to the number 0.
// An object / HTML node is converted to the number 0.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Float} - A float value.
func ToFloat(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_int.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_int.go
index ce54bd7f..e59b5b49 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_int.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_int.go
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ import (
-// ToInt takes an input value of any type and convert it into an integer value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Int) -
+// TO_INT takes an input value of any type and convert it into an integer value.
// None and false are converted to the value 0
// true is converted to 1
// Numbers keep their original value
@@ -18,6 +16,8 @@ import (
// An empty array is converted to 0, an array with one member is converted into the result of TO_NUMBER() for its sole member.
// An array with two or more members is converted to the number 0.
// An object / HTML node is converted to the number 0.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Int} - An integer value.
func ToInt(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_string.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_string.go
index 9d91acd8..128b93e2 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/to_string.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/to_string.go
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
-// ToString takes an input value of any type and convert it into a string value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @return (String) - String representation of a given value.
+// TO_STRING takes an input value of any type and convert it into a string value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {String} - String representation of a given value.
func ToString(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/types/type_name.go b/pkg/stdlib/types/type_name.go
index 40aae45a..64585e58 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/types/type_name.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/types/type_name.go
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import (
-// TypeName returns the data type name of value.
-// @param value (Value) - Input value of arbitrary type.
-// @returns (Boolean) - Returns string representation of a type.
+// TYPENAME returns the data type name of value.
+// @param {Any} value - Input value of arbitrary type.
+// @return {Boolean} - Returns string representation of a type.
func TypeName(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/utils/log.go b/pkg/stdlib/utils/log.go
index 2440b31e..e2ed1d3c 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/utils/log.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/utils/log.go
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import (
-// Print writes messages into the system log.
+// PRINT writes messages into the system log.
+// @param {Value, repeated} message - Print message.
func Print(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, core.MaxArgs)
diff --git a/pkg/stdlib/utils/wait.go b/pkg/stdlib/utils/wait.go
index b7c7d039..f8ee176e 100644
--- a/pkg/stdlib/utils/wait.go
+++ b/pkg/stdlib/utils/wait.go
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import (
-// Wait pauses the execution for a given period.
-// @param timeout (Float|Int) - Number value which indicates for how long to stop an execution.
+// WAIT pauses the execution for a given period.
+// @param {Int | Float} timeout - Number value which indicates for how long to stop an execution.
func Wait(ctx context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 1, 1)