package fs

import (


// Write writes the given data into the file.
// @params path (String) - path to file to write into.
// @params data (Binary) - data to write.
// @params params (Object) optional - additional parameters:
//   * mode (String):
//     * x - Exclusive: returns an error if the file exist. It can be
//     combined with other modes
//     * a - Append: will create a file if the specified file does not exist
//     * w - Write (Default): will create a file if the specified file does not exist
// @returns None
func Write(_ context.Context, args ...core.Value) (core.Value, error) {
	err := validateRequiredWriteArgs(args)
	if err != nil {
		return values.None, err

	fpath := args[0].String()
	data := args[1].(values.Binary)
	params := defaultParams

	if len(args) == 3 {
		params, err = parseParams(args[2])
		if err != nil {
			return values.None, core.Error(
				"parse `params` argument",

	flag, err := parseWriteMode(params.Mode)
	if err != nil {
		return values.None, core.Error(err, "parse write mode")

	// 0222 - write only permissions
	file, err := os.OpenFile(fpath, flag, 0222)
	if err != nil {
		return values.None, core.Error(err, "open file")
	defer file.Close()

	_, err = file.Write(data)
	if err != nil {
		return values.None, core.Error(err, "write file")

	return values.None, nil

func validateRequiredWriteArgs(args []core.Value) error {
	err := core.ValidateArgs(args, 2, 3)
	if err != nil {
		return core.Error(err, "validate arguments number")

	pairs := []core.PairValueType{
		core.PairValueType{args[0], []core.Type{types.String}},
		core.PairValueType{args[1], []core.Type{types.Binary}},

	err = core.ValidateValueTypePairs(pairs...)
	if err != nil {
		return core.Error(err, "validate arguments")

	return nil

// params is the same as `params` argument, but as Go struct.
type params struct {
	Mode string

var defaultParams = params{
	Mode: "w",

func parseParams(value core.Value) (params, error) {
	obj, ok := value.(*values.Object)
	if !ok {
		return params{}, core.Error(
			"value should be an object",

	params := defaultParams

	modestr, exists := obj.Get(values.NewString("mode"))
	if exists {
		params.Mode = modestr.String()

	return params, nil

func parseWriteMode(s string) (int, error) {
	letters := []rune(s)
	count := len(letters)

	if count == 0 || count > 2 {
		return -1, core.Errorf(
			"must be from 1 to 2 mode letters, got `%d`", count,

	// sort letters for more convenient work with it
	sort.Slice(letters, func(i, j int) bool { return letters[i] < letters[j] })

	// minimum flag for writing to file
	flag := os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE

	if count == 2 {
		// since letter is sorted, `x` will always be the letters[1]
		if letters[1] != 'x' {
			return -1, core.Errorf(
				"invalid mode `%s`", s,

		flag |= os.O_EXCL

	switch letters[0] {
	case 'a':
		flag |= os.O_APPEND

	case 'w':
		flag |= os.O_TRUNC

		return -1, core.Errorf(
			"invalid mode `%s`", s,

	return flag, nil