package dynamic import ( "context" "fmt" "hash/fnv" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const BlankPageURL = "about:blank" type ( ScreenshotFormat string ScreenshotArgs struct { X float64 Y float64 Width float64 Height float64 Format ScreenshotFormat Quality int } HTMLDocument struct { sync.Mutex logger *zerolog.Logger conn *rpcc.Conn client *cdp.Client events *events.EventBroker url values.String element *HTMLElement } ) const ( ScreenshotFormatPNG ScreenshotFormat = "png" ScreenshotFormatJPEG ScreenshotFormat = "jpeg" ) func IsScreenshotFormatValid(format string) bool { value := ScreenshotFormat(format) return value == ScreenshotFormatPNG || value == ScreenshotFormatJPEG } func LoadHTMLDocument( ctx context.Context, conn *rpcc.Conn, client *cdp.Client, url string, ) (*HTMLDocument, error) { if conn == nil { return nil, core.Error(core.ErrMissedArgument, "connection") } if url == "" { return nil, core.Error(core.ErrMissedArgument, "url") } var err error if url != BlankPageURL { err = waitForLoadEvent(ctx, client) if err != nil { return nil, err } } node, err := getRootElement(ctx, client) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get root element") } broker, err := createEventBroker(client) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create event events") } logger := logging.FromContext(ctx) rootElement, err := LoadElement( ctx, logger, client, broker, node.Root.NodeID, node.Root.BackendNodeID, ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load root element") } return NewHTMLDocument( logger, conn, client, broker, values.NewString(url), rootElement, ), nil } func NewHTMLDocument( logger *zerolog.Logger, conn *rpcc.Conn, client *cdp.Client, broker *events.EventBroker, url values.String, rootElement *HTMLElement, ) *HTMLDocument { doc := new(HTMLDocument) doc.logger = logger doc.conn = conn doc.client = client = broker doc.url = url doc.element = rootElement broker.AddEventListener(events.EventLoad, doc.handlePageLoad) broker.AddEventListener(events.EventError, doc.handleError) return doc } func (doc *HTMLDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.MarshalJSON() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Type() core.Type { return core.HTMLDocumentType } func (doc *HTMLDocument) String() string { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.url.String() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Unwrap() interface{} { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Hash() uint64 { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() h := fnv.New64a() h.Write([]byte(doc.Type().String())) h.Write([]byte(":")) h.Write([]byte(doc.url)) return h.Sum64() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Copy() core.Value { return values.None } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Compare(other core.Value) int { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() switch other.Type() { case core.HTMLDocumentType: other := other.(*HTMLDocument) return doc.url.Compare(other.url) default: if other.Type() > core.HTMLDocumentType { return -1 } return 1 } } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Close() error { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() var err error err = if err != nil { doc.logger.Warn(). Timestamp(). Str("url", doc.url.String()). Err(err). Msg("failed to stop event events") } err = if err != nil { doc.logger.Warn(). Timestamp(). Str("url", doc.url.String()). Err(err). Msg("failed to close event events") } err = doc.element.Close() if err != nil { doc.logger.Warn(). Timestamp(). Str("url", doc.url.String()). Err(err). Msg("failed to close root element") } err = doc.client.Page.Close(context.Background()) if err != nil { doc.logger.Warn(). Timestamp(). Str("url", doc.url.String()). Err(err). Msg("failed to close browser page") } return doc.conn.Close() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) NodeType() values.Int { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.NodeType() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) NodeName() values.String { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.NodeName() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Length() values.Int { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.Length() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerText() values.String { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerText() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerHTML() values.String { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerHTML() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Value() core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.Value() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetAttributes() core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.GetAttributes() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetAttribute(name values.String) core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.GetAttribute(name) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetChildNodes() core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.GetChildNodes() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetChildNode(idx values.Int) core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.GetChildNode(idx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) QuerySelector(selector values.String) core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.QuerySelector(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) QuerySelectorAll(selector values.String) core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.QuerySelectorAll(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) URL() core.Value { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.url } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerHTMLBySelector(selector values.String) values.String { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerHTMLBySelector(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerHTMLBySelectorAll(selector values.String) *values.Array { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerHTMLBySelectorAll(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerTextBySelector(selector values.String) values.String { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerHTMLBySelector(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InnerTextBySelectorAll(selector values.String) *values.Array { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.InnerTextBySelectorAll(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) CountBySelector(selector values.String) values.Int { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() return doc.element.CountBySelector(selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ClickBySelector(selector values.String) (values.Boolean, error) { res, err := eval.Eval( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var el = document.querySelector(%s); if (el == null) { return false; } var evt = new window.MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }); el.dispatchEvent(evt); return true; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String())), true, false, ) if err != nil { return values.False, err } if res.Type() == core.BooleanType { return res.(values.Boolean), nil } return values.False, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ClickBySelectorAll(selector values.String) (values.Boolean, error) { res, err := eval.Eval( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var elements = document.querySelectorAll(%s); if (elements == null) { return false; } elements.forEach((el) => { var evt = new window.MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true }); el.dispatchEvent(evt); }); return true; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String())), true, false, ) if err != nil { return values.False, err } if res.Type() == core.BooleanType { return res.(values.Boolean), nil } return values.False, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) InputBySelector(selector values.String, value core.Value, delay values.Int) (values.Boolean, error) { ctx := context.Background() valStr := value.String() res, err := eval.Eval( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var el = document.querySelector(%s); if (el == null) { return false; } el.focus(); return true; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String())), true, false, ) if err != nil { return values.False, err } if res.Type() == core.BooleanType && res.(values.Boolean) == values.False { return values.False, nil } delayMs := time.Duration(delay) time.Sleep(delayMs * time.Millisecond) for _, ch := range valStr { for _, ev := range []string{"keyDown", "keyUp"} { ke := input.NewDispatchKeyEventArgs(ev).SetText(string(ch)) if err := doc.client.Input.DispatchKeyEvent(ctx, ke); err != nil { return values.False, err } time.Sleep(delayMs * time.Millisecond) } } return values.True, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForSelector(selector values.String, timeout values.Int) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var el = document.querySelector(%s); if (el != null) { return true; } // null means we need to repeat return null; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String())), time.Millisecond*time.Duration(timeout), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run() return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForClass(selector, class values.String, timeout values.Int) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var el = document.querySelector(%s); if (el == null) { return false; } var className = %s; var found = el.className.split(' ').find(i => i === className); if (found != null) { return true; } // null means we need to repeat return null; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String()), eval.ParamString(class.String()), ), time.Millisecond*time.Duration(timeout), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run() return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForClassAll(selector, class values.String, timeout values.Int) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.client, fmt.Sprintf(` var elements = document.querySelectorAll(%s); if (elements == null || elements.length === 0) { return false; } var className = %s; var foundCount = 0; elements.forEach((el) => { var found = el.className.split(' ').find(i => i === className); if (found != null) { foundCount++; } }); if (foundCount === elements.length) { return true; } // null means we need to repeat return null; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String()), eval.ParamString(class.String()), ), time.Millisecond*time.Duration(timeout), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run() return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForNavigation(timeout values.Int) error { // do not wait if timeout == 0 { return nil } onEvent := make(chan struct{}) listener := func(_ interface{}) { close(onEvent) } defer, listener), listener) select { case <-onEvent: return nil case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(timeout)): return core.ErrTimeout } } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Navigate(url values.String, timeout values.Int) error { if url == "" { url = BlankPageURL } ctx := context.Background() repl, err := doc.client.Page.Navigate(ctx, page.NewNavigateArgs(url.String())) if err != nil { return err } if repl.ErrorText != nil { return errors.New(*repl.ErrorText) } return doc.WaitForNavigation(timeout) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) NavigateBack(skip values.Int, timeout values.Int) (values.Boolean, error) { ctx := context.Background() history, err := doc.client.Page.GetNavigationHistory(ctx) if err != nil { return values.False, err } // we are in the beginning if history.CurrentIndex == 0 { return values.False, nil } if skip < 1 { skip = 1 } to := history.CurrentIndex - int(skip) if to < 0 { // TODO: Return error? return values.False, nil } prev := history.Entries[to] err = doc.client.Page.NavigateToHistoryEntry(ctx, page.NewNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs(prev.ID)) if err != nil { return values.False, err } err = doc.WaitForNavigation(timeout) if err != nil { return values.False, err } return values.True, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) NavigateForward(skip values.Int, timeout values.Int) (values.Boolean, error) { ctx := context.Background() history, err := doc.client.Page.GetNavigationHistory(ctx) if err != nil { return values.False, err } length := len(history.Entries) lastIndex := length - 1 // nowhere to go forward if history.CurrentIndex == lastIndex { return values.False, nil } if skip < 1 { skip = 1 } to := int(skip) + history.CurrentIndex if to > lastIndex { // TODO: Return error? return values.False, nil } next := history.Entries[to] err = doc.client.Page.NavigateToHistoryEntry(ctx, page.NewNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs(next.ID)) if err != nil { return values.False, err } err = doc.WaitForNavigation(timeout) if err != nil { return values.False, err } return values.True, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) PrintToPDF(params *page.PrintToPDFArgs) (core.Value, error) { ctx := context.Background() reply, err := doc.client.Page.PrintToPDF(ctx, params) if err != nil { return values.None, err } return values.NewBinary(reply.Data), nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) CaptureScreenshot(params *ScreenshotArgs) (core.Value, error) { ctx := context.Background() metrics, err := doc.client.Page.GetLayoutMetrics(ctx) if params.Format == ScreenshotFormatJPEG && params.Quality < 0 && params.Quality > 100 { params.Quality = 100 } if params.X < 0 { params.X = 0 } if params.Y < 0 { params.Y = 0 } if params.Width <= 0 { params.Width = float64(metrics.LayoutViewport.ClientWidth) - params.X } if params.Height <= 0 { params.Height = float64(metrics.LayoutViewport.ClientHeight) - params.Y } clip := page.Viewport{ X: params.X, Y: params.Y, Width: params.Width, Height: params.Height, Scale: 1.0, } format := string(params.Format) screenshotArgs := page.CaptureScreenshotArgs{ Format: &format, Quality: ¶ms.Quality, Clip: &clip, } reply, err := doc.client.Page.CaptureScreenshot(ctx, &screenshotArgs) if err != nil { return values.None, err } return values.NewBinary(reply.Data), nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) handlePageLoad(_ interface{}) { doc.Lock() defer doc.Unlock() ctx, cancel := contextWithTimeout() defer cancel() node, err := getRootElement(ctx, doc.client) if err != nil { doc.logger.Error(). Timestamp(). Err(err). Msg("failed to get root node after page load") return } updated, err := LoadElement( ctx, doc.logger, doc.client,, node.Root.NodeID, node.Root.BackendNodeID, ) if err != nil { doc.logger.Error(). Timestamp(). Err(err). Msg("failed to load root node after page load") return } // close the prev element doc.element.Close() // create a new root element wrapper doc.element = updated doc.url = "" if node.Root.BaseURL != nil { doc.url = values.NewString(*node.Root.BaseURL) } } func (doc *HTMLDocument) handleError(val interface{}) { err, ok := val.(error) if !ok { return } doc.logger.Error(). Timestamp(). Err(err). Msg("unexpected error") }