package compiler_test import ( "context" "fmt" "strings" "testing" "" "" . "" ) func TestCases(t *testing.T) { Convey("Should compile", t, func() { Convey("String variable should be case-sensitive", func() { param := "String" query := fmt.Sprintf(` let a = "%s" return a `, param) res := compiler.New(). MustCompile(query). MustRun(context.Background()) So(string(res), ShouldEqual, `"String"`) }) Convey("Should work at any case", func() { testCases := []struct { Query string Result string }{ // Key-word only { Query: "return 2 * 2", Result: "4", }, // With function { Query: "return last([7, 2, 99])", Result: "99", }, // With namespace { Query: "return x::last([7, 2, 99])", Result: "99", }, } strCases := map[string]func(string) string{ "Mixed": func(s string) string { // Capitalize string. // Source: return strings.Title(strings.ToLower(s)) }, "Upper": strings.ToUpper, "Lower": strings.ToLower, } for _, tC := range testCases { tC := tC for strCase, toCase := range strCases { query := toCase(tC.Query) tcName := fmt.Sprintf(`%s: "%s"`, strCase, query) Convey(tcName, func() { compiler := compiler.New() compiler.Namespace("X").RegisterFunction("LAST", arrays.Last) res := compiler. MustCompile(query). MustRun(context.Background()) So(string(res), ShouldEqual, tC.Result) }) } } }) }) Convey("Should not compile", t, func() { Convey("Variable should be case-sensitive", func() { _, err := compiler.New(). Compile( ` let a = 1 return A `) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) }) }