package cdp import ( "context" "fmt" "hash/fnv" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type HTMLDocument struct { logger *zerolog.Logger client *cdp.Client events *events.EventBroker input *input.Manager exec *eval.ExecutionContext frames page.FrameTree element *HTMLElement parent *HTMLDocument children *common.LazyValue } func LoadRootHTMLDocument( ctx context.Context, logger *zerolog.Logger, client *cdp.Client, events *events.EventBroker, mouse *input.Mouse, keyboard *input.Keyboard, ) (*HTMLDocument, error) { gdRepl, err := client.DOM.GetDocument(ctx, dom.NewGetDocumentArgs().SetDepth(1)) if err != nil { return nil, err } ftRepl, err := client.Page.GetFrameTree(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } worldRepl, err := client.Page.CreateIsolatedWorld(ctx, page.NewCreateIsolatedWorldArgs(ftRepl.FrameTree.Frame.ID)) if err != nil { return nil, err } return LoadHTMLDocument( ctx, logger, client, events, mouse, keyboard, gdRepl.Root, ftRepl.FrameTree, worldRepl.ExecutionContextID, nil, ) } func LoadHTMLDocument( ctx context.Context, logger *zerolog.Logger, client *cdp.Client, events *events.EventBroker, mouse *input.Mouse, keyboard *input.Keyboard, node dom.Node, tree page.FrameTree, execID runtime.ExecutionContextID, parent *HTMLDocument, ) (*HTMLDocument, error) { exec := eval.NewExecutionContext(client, tree.Frame, execID) inputManager := input.NewManager(client, exec, keyboard, mouse) rootElement, err := LoadHTMLElement( ctx, logger, client, events, inputManager, exec, node.NodeID, ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load root element") } return NewHTMLDocument( logger, client, events, inputManager, exec, rootElement, tree, parent, ), nil } func NewHTMLDocument( logger *zerolog.Logger, client *cdp.Client, events *events.EventBroker, input *input.Manager, exec *eval.ExecutionContext, rootElement *HTMLElement, frames page.FrameTree, parent *HTMLDocument, ) *HTMLDocument { doc := new(HTMLDocument) doc.logger = logger doc.client = client = events doc.input = input doc.exec = exec doc.element = rootElement doc.frames = frames doc.parent = parent doc.children = common.NewLazyValue(doc.loadChildren) return doc } func (doc *HTMLDocument) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) { return doc.element.MarshalJSON() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Type() core.Type { return drivers.HTMLDocumentType } func (doc *HTMLDocument) String() string { return doc.frames.Frame.URL } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Unwrap() interface{} { return doc.element } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Hash() uint64 { h := fnv.New64a() h.Write([]byte(doc.Type().String())) h.Write([]byte(":")) h.Write([]byte(doc.frames.Frame.ID)) h.Write([]byte(doc.frames.Frame.URL)) return h.Sum64() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Copy() core.Value { return values.None } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Compare(other core.Value) int64 { switch other.Type() { case drivers.HTMLDocumentType: other := other.(drivers.HTMLDocument) return values.NewString(doc.frames.Frame.URL).Compare(other.GetURL()) default: return drivers.Compare(doc.Type(), other.Type()) } } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Iterate(ctx context.Context) (core.Iterator, error) { return doc.element.Iterate(ctx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetIn(ctx context.Context, path []core.Value) (core.Value, error) { return common.GetInDocument(ctx, doc, path) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) SetIn(ctx context.Context, path []core.Value, value core.Value) error { return common.SetInDocument(ctx, doc, path, value) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Close() error { errs := make([]error, 0, 5) if doc.children.Ready() { val, err := doc.children.Read(context.Background()) if err == nil { arr := val.(*values.Array) arr.ForEach(func(value core.Value, _ int) bool { doc := value.(drivers.HTMLDocument) err := doc.Close() if err != nil { errs = append(errs, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to close nested document: %s", doc.GetURL())) } return true }) } else { errs = append(errs, err) } } err := doc.element.Close() if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } if len(errs) == 0 { return nil } return core.Errors(errs...) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) IsDetached() values.Boolean { return doc.element.IsDetached() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetNodeType() values.Int { return 9 } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetNodeName() values.String { return "#document" } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetChildNodes(ctx context.Context) (*values.Array, error) { return doc.element.GetChildNodes(ctx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetChildNode(ctx context.Context, idx values.Int) (core.Value, error) { return doc.element.GetChildNode(ctx, idx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) QuerySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) (core.Value, error) { return doc.element.QuerySelector(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) QuerySelectorAll(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) (*values.Array, error) { return doc.element.QuerySelectorAll(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) CountBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) (values.Int, error) { return doc.element.CountBySelector(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ExistsBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) (values.Boolean, error) { return doc.element.ExistsBySelector(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetTitle() values.String { value, err := doc.exec.ReadProperty(context.Background(),, "title") if err != nil { doc.logError(errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read document title")) return values.EmptyString } return values.NewString(value.String()) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetName() values.String { if doc.frames.Frame.Name != nil { return values.NewString(*doc.frames.Frame.Name) } return values.EmptyString } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetParentDocument() drivers.HTMLDocument { return doc.parent } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetChildDocuments(ctx context.Context) (*values.Array, error) { children, err := doc.children.Read(ctx) if err != nil { return values.NewArray(0), errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load child documents") } return children.Copy().(*values.Array), nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) XPath(ctx context.Context, expression values.String) (core.Value, error) { return doc.element.XPath(ctx, expression) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) Length() values.Int { return doc.element.Length() } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetElement() drivers.HTMLElement { return doc.element } func (doc *HTMLDocument) GetURL() values.String { return values.NewString(doc.frames.Frame.URL) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ClickBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) error { return doc.element.ClickBySelector(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ClickBySelectorAll(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) error { return doc.element.ClickBySelectorAll(ctx, selector) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) SelectBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String, value *values.Array) (*values.Array, error) { return doc.input.SelectBySelector(ctx,, selector.String(), value) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) FocusBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) error { return doc.input.FocusBySelector(ctx,, selector.String()) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) MoveMouseBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) error { return doc.input.MoveMouseBySelector(ctx,, selector.String()) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) MoveMouseByXY(ctx context.Context, x, y values.Float) error { return doc.input.MoveMouseByXY(ctx, float64(x), float64(y)) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForElement(ctx context.Context, selector values.String, when drivers.WaitEvent) error { var operator string if when == drivers.WaitEventPresence { operator = "!=" } else { operator = "==" } task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, fmt.Sprintf( ` var el = document.querySelector(%s); if (el %s null) { return true; } // null means we need to repeat return null; `, eval.ParamString(selector.String()), operator, ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForClassBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector, class values.String, when drivers.WaitEvent) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelector( selector, when, class, fmt.Sprintf("el.className.split(' ').find(i => i === %s)", eval.ParamString(class.String())), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForClassBySelectorAll(ctx context.Context, selector, class values.String, when drivers.WaitEvent) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelectorAll( selector, when, class, fmt.Sprintf("el.className.split(' ').find(i => i === %s)", eval.ParamString(class.String())), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForAttributeBySelector( ctx context.Context, selector, name values.String, value core.Value, when drivers.WaitEvent, ) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelector( selector, when, value, templates.AttributeRead(name), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForAttributeBySelectorAll( ctx context.Context, selector, name values.String, value core.Value, when drivers.WaitEvent, ) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelectorAll( selector, when, value, templates.AttributeRead(name), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForStyleBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector, name values.String, value core.Value, when drivers.WaitEvent) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelector( selector, when, value, templates.StyleRead(name), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) WaitForStyleBySelectorAll(ctx context.Context, selector, name values.String, value core.Value, when drivers.WaitEvent) error { task := events.NewEvalWaitTask( doc.exec, templates.WaitBySelectorAll( selector, when, value, templates.StyleRead(name), ), events.DefaultPolling, ) _, err := task.Run(ctx) return err } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ScrollTop(ctx context.Context) error { return doc.input.ScrollTop(ctx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ScrollBottom(ctx context.Context) error { return doc.input.ScrollBottom(ctx) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ScrollBySelector(ctx context.Context, selector values.String) error { return doc.input.ScrollIntoViewBySelector(ctx, selector.String()) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) ScrollByXY(ctx context.Context, x, y values.Float) error { return doc.input.ScrollByXY(ctx, float64(x), float64(y)) } func (doc *HTMLDocument) loadChildren(ctx context.Context) (value core.Value, e error) { children := values.NewArray(len(doc.frames.ChildFrames)) if len(doc.frames.ChildFrames) > 0 { for _, cf := range doc.frames.ChildFrames { cfNode, cfExecID, err := resolveFrame(ctx, doc.client, cf.Frame) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to resolve frame node") } cfDocument, err := LoadHTMLDocument( ctx, doc.logger, doc.client,, doc.input.Mouse(), doc.input.Keyboard(), cfNode, cf, cfExecID, doc, ) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load frame document") } children.Push(cfDocument) } } return children, nil } func (doc *HTMLDocument) logError(err error) *zerolog.Event { return doc.logger. Error(). Timestamp(). Str("url", string(doc.frames.Frame.URL)). Str("securityOrigin", string(doc.frames.Frame.SecurityOrigin)). Str("mimeType", string(doc.frames.Frame.MimeType)). Str("frameID", string(doc.frames.Frame.ID)). Err(err) }