package strings_test import ( "context" "" "" . "" "testing" ) func TestRegexMatch(t *testing.T) { Convey("When args are not passed", t, func() { Convey("It should return an error", func() { var err error _, err = strings.RegexMatch(context.Background()) So(err, ShouldBeError) _, err = strings.RegexMatch(context.Background(), values.NewString("")) So(err, ShouldBeError) }) }) Convey("Should match with case insensitive regexp", t, func() { out, err := strings.RegexMatch( context.Background(), values.NewString("My-us3r_n4m3"), values.NewString("[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$"), values.True, ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(out.String(), ShouldEqual, `["My-us3r_n4m3"]`) }) Convey("Should match with case sensitive regexp", t, func() { out, err := strings.RegexMatch( context.Background(), values.NewString(""), values.NewString(`([a-z0-9_\.-]+)@([\da-z-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})$`), ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(out.String(), ShouldEqual, `["","john","doe","com"]`) }) } func TestRegexSplit(t *testing.T) { Convey("When args are not passed", t, func() { Convey("It should return an error", func() { var err error _, err = strings.RegexSplit(context.Background()) So(err, ShouldBeError) _, err = strings.RegexSplit(context.Background(), values.NewString("")) So(err, ShouldBeError) }) }) Convey("Should split with regexp", t, func() { out, err := strings.RegexSplit( context.Background(), values.NewString("This is a line.\n This is yet another line\r\n This again is a line.\r Mac line "), values.NewString(`\.?(\n|\r)`), ) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(out.String(), ShouldEqual, `["This is a line"," This is yet another line",""," This again is a line"," Mac line "]`) }) } func TestRegexTest(t *testing.T) { Convey("When args are not passed", t, func() { Convey("It should return an error", func() { var err error _, err = strings.RegexTest(context.Background()) So(err, ShouldBeError) _, err = strings.RegexTest(context.Background(), values.NewString("")) So(err, ShouldBeError) }) }) Convey("Should return true when matches", t, func() { out, _ := strings.RegexTest( context.Background(), values.NewString("the quick brown fox"), values.NewString("the.*fox"), ) So(out, ShouldEqual, true) }) } func TestRegexReplace(t *testing.T) { Convey("When args are not passed", t, func() { Convey("It should return an error", func() { var err error _, err = strings.RegexReplace(context.Background()) So(err, ShouldBeError) _, err = strings.RegexReplace(context.Background(), values.NewString("")) So(err, ShouldBeError) _, err = strings.RegexReplace(context.Background(), values.NewString(""), values.NewString("")) So(err, ShouldBeError) }) }) Convey("Should replace with regexp", t, func() { out, _ := strings.RegexReplace( context.Background(), values.NewString("the quick brown fox"), values.NewString("the.*fox"), values.NewString("jumped over"), ) So(out, ShouldEqual, "jumped over") out, _ = strings.RegexReplace( context.Background(), values.NewString("the quick brown fox"), values.NewString("o"), values.NewString("i"), ) So(out, ShouldEqual, "the quick briwn fix") }) }