mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 22:01:47 +02:00
* Added support of using keywords in namespaces * Added true and false * Removed unnecessary string case
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1698 lines
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package compiler
import (
type (
forOption func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error
visitor struct {
src string
funcs *core.Functions
func newVisitor(src string, funcs *core.Functions) *visitor {
return &visitor{
func (v *visitor) VisitProgram(ctx *fql.ProgramContext) interface{} {
return newResultFrom(func() (interface{}, error) {
err := v.doVisitHeads(ctx.AllHead())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gs := newGlobalScope()
rs := newRootScope(gs)
block, err := v.doVisitBody(ctx.Body().(*fql.BodyContext), rs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return runtime.NewProgram(v.src, block, gs.params)
func (v *visitor) doVisitHeads(heads []fql.IHeadContext) error {
namespaces := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, head := range heads {
err := v.doVisitHead(head.(*fql.HeadContext), namespaces)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitHead(head *fql.HeadContext, namespaces map[string]struct{}) error {
useexpr := head.UseExpression().(*fql.UseExpressionContext)
// TODO: Think about improving collision analysis to display more detailed errors.
// For example, "namespaces X and Y both contain function F"
if iuse := useexpr.Use(); iuse != nil {
ns := iuse.(*fql.UseContext).
if _, exists := namespaces[ns]; exists {
return errors.Errorf(`namespace "%s" already used`, ns)
namespaces[ns] = struct{}{}
err := copyFromNamespace(v.funcs, ns)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, `copy from namespace "%s"`, ns)
return nil
func copyFromNamespace(fns *core.Functions, namespace string) error {
// In the name of the function "A::B::C", the namespace is "A::B",
// not "A::B::".
// So add "::" at the end.
namespace += "::"
for _, name := range fns.Names() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(name, namespace) {
noprefix := strings.Replace(name, namespace, "", 1)
if _, exists := fns.Get(noprefix); exists {
return errors.Errorf(
`collision occured: "%s" already registered`,
fn, _ := fns.Get(name)
fns.Set(noprefix, fn)
return nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitBody(ctx *fql.BodyContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
statements := ctx.AllBodyStatement()
body := expressions.NewBodyExpression(len(statements) + 1)
for _, stmt := range statements {
e, err := v.doVisitBodyStatement(stmt.(*fql.BodyStatementContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exp := ctx.BodyExpression()
if exp != nil {
e, err := v.doVisitBodyExpression(exp.(*fql.BodyExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if e != nil {
return body, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitBodyStatement(ctx *fql.BodyStatementContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
variable := ctx.VariableDeclaration()
if variable != nil {
return v.doVisitVariableDeclaration(variable.(*fql.VariableDeclarationContext), scope)
funcCall := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if funcCall != nil {
return v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(funcCall.(*fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext), scope)
return nil, core.Error(ErrInvalidToken, ctx.GetText())
func (v *visitor) doVisitBodyExpression(ctx *fql.BodyExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
forIn := ctx.ForExpression()
if forIn != nil {
return v.doVisitForExpression(forIn.(*fql.ForExpressionContext), scope)
ret := ctx.ReturnExpression()
if ret != nil {
return v.doVisitReturnExpression(ret.(*fql.ReturnExpressionContext), scope)
return nil, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitReturnExpression(ctx *fql.ReturnExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
var exp core.Expression
expCtx := ctx.Expression()
if expCtx != nil {
out, err := v.doVisitExpression(expCtx.(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exp = out
return expressions.NewReturnExpression(v.getSourceMap(ctx), exp)
forIn := ctx.ForExpression()
if forIn != nil {
out, err := v.doVisitForExpression(ctx.ForExpression().(*fql.ForExpressionContext), scope.Fork())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exp = out
return expressions.NewReturnExpression(v.getSourceMap(ctx), exp)
forInTernary := ctx.ForTernaryExpression()
if forInTernary != nil {
out, err := v.doVisitForTernaryExpression(forInTernary.(*fql.ForTernaryExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return expressions.NewReturnExpression(v.getSourceMap(ctx), out)
return nil, ErrNotImplemented
func (v *visitor) doVisitForExpression(ctx *fql.ForExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
var valVarName string
var keyVarName string
parsedClauses := make([]forOption, 0, 10)
forInScope := scope.Fork()
srcCtx := ctx.ForExpressionSource().(*fql.ForExpressionSourceContext)
srcExp, err := v.doVisitForExpressionSource(srcCtx, forInScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valVar := ctx.ForExpressionValueVariable()
valVarName = valVar.GetText()
if err := forInScope.SetVariable(valVarName); err != nil {
return nil, err
keyVar := ctx.ForExpressionKeyVariable()
if keyVar != nil {
keyVarName = keyVar.GetText()
if err := forInScope.SetVariable(keyVarName); err != nil {
return nil, err
src, err := expressions.NewDataSource(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Clauses.
// We put clauses parsing before parsing the query body because COLLECT clause overrides scope variables
for _, e := range ctx.AllForExpressionBody() {
e := e.(*fql.ForExpressionBodyContext)
clauseCtx := e.ForExpressionClause()
statementCtx := e.ForExpressionStatement()
if clauseCtx != nil {
setter, err := v.doVisitForExpressionClause(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedClauses = append(parsedClauses, setter)
} else if statementCtx != nil {
exp, err := v.doVisitForExpressionStatement(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parsedClauses = append(parsedClauses, exp)
var spread bool
var distinct bool
var predicate core.Expression
forRetCtx := ctx.ForExpressionReturn().(*fql.ForExpressionReturnContext)
returnCtx := forRetCtx.ReturnExpression()
if returnCtx != nil {
returnCtx := returnCtx.(*fql.ReturnExpressionContext)
returnExp, err := v.doVisitReturnExpression(returnCtx, forInScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
distinctCtx := returnCtx.Distinct()
if distinctCtx != nil {
distinct = true
predicate = returnExp
} else {
forInCtx := forRetCtx.ForExpression().(*fql.ForExpressionContext)
forInExp, err := v.doVisitForExpression(forInCtx, forInScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spread = true
predicate = forInExp
forExp, err := expressions.NewForExpression(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// add all available clauses
for _, clause := range parsedClauses {
if err := clause(forExp); err != nil {
return nil, err
return forExp, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitLimitClause(ctx *fql.LimitClauseContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, core.Expression, error) {
var err error
var count core.Expression
var offset core.Expression
clauseValues := ctx.AllLimitClauseValue()
if len(clauseValues) > 1 {
offset, err = v.doVisitLimitClauseValue(clauseValues[0].(*fql.LimitClauseValueContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
count, err = v.doVisitLimitClauseValue(clauseValues[1].(*fql.LimitClauseValueContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else {
count, err = v.doVisitLimitClauseValue(clauseValues[0].(*fql.LimitClauseValueContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
offset = literals.NewIntLiteral(0)
return count, offset, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitLimitClauseValue(ctx *fql.LimitClauseValueContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
literalCtx := ctx.IntegerLiteral()
if literalCtx != nil {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(literalCtx.GetText())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return literals.NewIntLiteral(i), nil
paramCtx := ctx.Param()
return v.doVisitParamContext(paramCtx.(*fql.ParamContext), scope)
func (v *visitor) doVisitFilterClause(ctx *fql.FilterClauseContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
exp := ctx.Expression().(*fql.ExpressionContext)
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(exp.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(exps) == 2 {
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
equalityOp := exp.EqualityOperator()
if equalityOp != nil {
return operators.NewEqualityOperator(v.getSourceMap(ctx), left, right, equalityOp.GetText())
logicalAndOp := exp.LogicalAndOperator()
if logicalAndOp != nil {
return operators.NewLogicalOperator(v.getSourceMap(ctx), left, right, logicalAndOp.GetText())
logicalOrOp := exp.LogicalOrOperator()
if logicalOrOp != nil {
return operators.NewLogicalOperator(v.getSourceMap(ctx), left, right, logicalOrOp.GetText())
} else {
// should be unary operator
return v.doVisitExpression(exp, scope)
return nil, core.Error(ErrInvalidToken, ctx.GetText())
func (v *visitor) doVisitSortClause(ctx *fql.SortClauseContext, scope *scope) ([]*clauses.SorterExpression, error) {
sortExpCtxs := ctx.AllSortClauseExpression()
res := make([]*clauses.SorterExpression, len(sortExpCtxs))
for idx, sortExpCtx := range sortExpCtxs {
sortExpCtx := sortExpCtx.(*fql.SortClauseExpressionContext)
exp, err := v.doVisitExpression(sortExpCtx.Expression().(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
direction := collections.SortDirectionAsc
dir := sortExpCtx.SortDirection()
if dir != nil {
direction = collections.SortDirectionFromString(dir.GetText())
sorterExp, err := clauses.NewSorterExpression(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res[idx] = sorterExp
return res, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitCollectClause(ctx *fql.CollectClauseContext, scope *scope, valVarName string) (*clauses.Collect, error) {
var err error
var selectors []*clauses.CollectSelector
var projection *clauses.CollectProjection
var count *clauses.CollectCount
var aggregate *clauses.CollectAggregate
variables := make([]string, 0, 10)
groupingCtx := ctx.CollectGrouping()
if groupingCtx != nil {
groupingCtx := groupingCtx.(*fql.CollectGroupingContext)
collectSelectors := groupingCtx.AllCollectSelector()
// group selectors
if len(collectSelectors) > 0 {
selectors = make([]*clauses.CollectSelector, 0, len(collectSelectors))
for _, cs := range collectSelectors {
selector, err := v.doVisitCollectSelector(cs.(*fql.CollectSelectorContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
selectors = append(selectors, selector)
variables = append(variables, selector.Variable())
projectionCtx := ctx.CollectGroupVariable()
if projectionCtx != nil {
projectionCtx := projectionCtx.(*fql.CollectGroupVariableContext)
projectionSelectorCtx := projectionCtx.CollectSelector()
var projectionSelector *clauses.CollectSelector
// if projection expression is defined like WITH group = { foo: i.bar }
if projectionSelectorCtx != nil {
selector, err := v.doVisitCollectSelector(projectionSelectorCtx.(*fql.CollectSelectorContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectionSelector = selector
} else {
// otherwise, use default expression WITH group = { i }
projectionIdentifier := projectionCtx.Identifier(0)
if projectionIdentifier != nil {
varExp, err := expressions.NewVariableExpression(v.getSourceMap(projectionCtx), valVarName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
strLitExp := literals.NewStringLiteral(valVarName)
propExp, err := literals.NewObjectPropertyAssignment(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectionSelectorExp := literals.NewObjectLiteralWith(propExp)
selector, err := clauses.NewCollectSelector(projectionIdentifier.GetText(), projectionSelectorExp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
projectionSelector = selector
if projectionSelector != nil {
variables = append(variables, projectionSelector.Variable())
projection, err = clauses.NewCollectProjection(projectionSelector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
countCtx := ctx.CollectCounter()
if countCtx != nil {
countCtx := countCtx.(*fql.CollectCounterContext)
variable := countCtx.Identifier().GetText()
variables = append(variables, variable)
count, err = clauses.NewCollectCount(variable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
aggrCtx := ctx.CollectAggregator()
if aggrCtx != nil {
aggrCtx := aggrCtx.(*fql.CollectAggregatorContext)
selectorCtxs := aggrCtx.AllCollectAggregateSelector()
selectors := make([]*clauses.CollectAggregateSelector, 0, len(selectorCtxs))
for _, sc := range selectorCtxs {
selector, err := v.doVisitCollectAggregateSelector(sc.(*fql.CollectAggregateSelectorContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
selectors = append(selectors, selector)
variables = append(variables, selector.Variable())
aggregate, err = clauses.NewCollectAggregate(selectors)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// clear all variables defined before
for _, variable := range variables {
if err := scope.SetVariable(variable); err != nil {
return nil, err
return clauses.NewCollect(selectors, projection, count, aggregate)
func (v *visitor) doVisitCollectSelector(ctx *fql.CollectSelectorContext, scope *scope) (*clauses.CollectSelector, error) {
variable := ctx.Identifier().GetText()
exp, err := v.doVisitExpression(ctx.Expression().(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return clauses.NewCollectSelector(variable, exp)
func (v *visitor) doVisitCollectAggregateSelector(ctx *fql.CollectAggregateSelectorContext, scope *scope) (*clauses.CollectAggregateSelector, error) {
variable := ctx.Identifier().GetText()
fnCtx := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if fnCtx != nil {
exp, err := v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(fnCtx.(*fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fnExp, ok := exp.(*expressions.FunctionCallExpression)
if !ok {
return nil, core.Error(core.ErrInvalidType, "expected function expression")
return clauses.NewCollectAggregateSelector(variable, fnExp.Arguments(), fnExp.Function())
return nil, core.Error(core.ErrNotFound, "function expression")
func (v *visitor) doVisitForExpressionSource(ctx *fql.ForExpressionSourceContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
arr := ctx.ArrayLiteral()
if arr != nil {
return v.doVisitArrayLiteral(arr.(*fql.ArrayLiteralContext), scope)
obj := ctx.ObjectLiteral()
if obj != nil {
return v.doVisitObjectLiteral(obj.(*fql.ObjectLiteralContext), scope)
variable := ctx.Variable()
if variable != nil {
return v.doVisitVariable(variable.(*fql.VariableContext), scope)
funcCall := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if funcCall != nil {
return v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(funcCall.(*fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext), scope)
memberExp := ctx.MemberExpression()
if memberExp != nil {
return v.doVisitMemberExpression(memberExp.(*fql.MemberExpressionContext), scope)
rangeOp := ctx.RangeOperator()
if rangeOp != nil {
return v.doVisitRangeOperator(rangeOp.(*fql.RangeOperatorContext), scope)
param := ctx.Param()
if param != nil {
return v.doVisitParamContext(param.(*fql.ParamContext), scope)
return nil, core.Error(ErrInvalidDataSource, ctx.GetText())
func (v *visitor) doVisitForExpressionClause(ctx *fql.ForExpressionClauseContext, scope *scope, valVarName, _ string) (func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error, error) {
limitCtx := ctx.LimitClause()
if limitCtx != nil {
limit, offset, err := v.doVisitLimitClause(limitCtx.(*fql.LimitClauseContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddLimit(v.getSourceMap(limitCtx), limit, offset)
}, nil
filterCtx := ctx.FilterClause()
if filterCtx != nil {
filterExp, err := v.doVisitFilterClause(filterCtx.(*fql.FilterClauseContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddFilter(v.getSourceMap(filterCtx), filterExp)
}, nil
sortCtx := ctx.SortClause()
if sortCtx != nil {
sortCtx := sortCtx.(*fql.SortClauseContext)
sortExps, err := v.doVisitSortClause(sortCtx, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddSort(v.getSourceMap(sortCtx), sortExps...)
}, nil
collectCtx := ctx.CollectClause()
if collectCtx != nil {
collectCtx := collectCtx.(*fql.CollectClauseContext)
params, err := v.doVisitCollectClause(collectCtx, scope, valVarName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddCollect(v.getSourceMap(collectCtx), params)
}, nil
return nil, v.unexpectedToken(ctx)
func (v *visitor) doVisitForExpressionStatement(ctx *fql.ForExpressionStatementContext, scope *scope) (func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error, error) {
variableCtx := ctx.VariableDeclaration()
if variableCtx != nil {
variableExp, err := v.doVisitVariableDeclaration(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddStatement(variableExp)
}, nil
fnCallCtx := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if fnCallCtx != nil {
fnCallExp, err := v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return func(f *expressions.ForExpression) error {
return f.AddStatement(fnCallExp)
}, nil
return nil, v.unexpectedToken(ctx)
func (v *visitor) doVisitMemberExpression(ctx *fql.MemberExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
member, err := v.doVisitMember(ctx.Member().(*fql.MemberContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
children := ctx.MemberPath().GetChildren()
path := make([]core.Expression, 0, len(children))
for _, child := range children {
_, ok := child.(antlr.TerminalNode)
if ok {
var exp core.Expression
var err error
var parsed bool
prop, ok := child.(*fql.PropertyNameContext)
if ok {
exp, err = v.doVisitPropertyNameContext(prop, scope)
parsed = true
} else {
computedProp, ok := child.(*fql.ComputedPropertyNameContext)
if ok {
exp, err = v.doVisitComputedPropertyNameContext(computedProp, scope)
parsed = true
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !parsed {
// TODO: add more contextual information
return nil, ErrInvalidToken
path = append(path, exp)
exp, err := expressions.NewMemberExpression(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exp, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitMember(ctx *fql.MemberContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
identifier := ctx.Identifier()
if identifier != nil {
varName := ctx.Identifier().GetText()
if !scope.HasVariable(varName) {
return nil, core.Error(ErrVariableNotFound, varName)
exp, err := expressions.NewVariableExpression(v.getSourceMap(ctx), varName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exp, nil
fnCall := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if fnCall != nil {
exp, err := v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(fnCall.(*fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exp, nil
param := ctx.Param()
exp, err := v.doVisitParamContext(param.(*fql.ParamContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return exp, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitObjectLiteral(ctx *fql.ObjectLiteralContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
assignments := ctx.AllPropertyAssignment()
props := make([]*literals.ObjectPropertyAssignment, 0, len(assignments))
for _, assignment := range assignments {
var name core.Expression
var value core.Expression
var err error
assignment := assignment.(*fql.PropertyAssignmentContext)
prop := assignment.PropertyName()
computedProp := assignment.ComputedPropertyName()
shortHand := assignment.ShorthandPropertyName()
switch {
case prop != nil:
name, err = v.doVisitPropertyNameContext(prop.(*fql.PropertyNameContext), scope)
case computedProp != nil:
name, err = v.doVisitComputedPropertyNameContext(computedProp.(*fql.ComputedPropertyNameContext), scope)
name, err = v.doVisitShorthandPropertyNameContext(shortHand.(*fql.ShorthandPropertyNameContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if shortHand == nil {
value, err = v.visit(assignment.Expression(), scope)
} else {
value, err = v.doVisitVariable(shortHand.(*fql.ShorthandPropertyNameContext).Variable().(*fql.VariableContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pa, err := literals.NewObjectPropertyAssignment(name, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
props = append(props, pa)
return literals.NewObjectLiteralWith(props...), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitPropertyNameContext(ctx *fql.PropertyNameContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
var name string
identifier := ctx.Identifier()
if identifier != nil {
name = identifier.GetText()
} else {
stringLiteral := ctx.StringLiteral()
if stringLiteral != nil {
runes := []rune(stringLiteral.GetText())
name = string(runes[1 : len(runes)-1])
} else {
param, err := v.doVisitParamContext(ctx.Param().(*fql.ParamContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return param, nil
if name == "" {
return nil, core.Error(core.ErrNotFound, "property name")
return literals.NewStringLiteral(name), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitComputedPropertyNameContext(ctx *fql.ComputedPropertyNameContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
return v.doVisitExpression(ctx.Expression().(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
func (v *visitor) doVisitShorthandPropertyNameContext(ctx *fql.ShorthandPropertyNameContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
name := ctx.Variable().GetText()
if !scope.HasVariable(name) {
return nil, core.Error(ErrVariableNotFound, name)
return literals.NewStringLiteral(ctx.Variable().GetText()), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitArrayLiteral(ctx *fql.ArrayLiteralContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
listCtx := ctx.ArrayElementList()
if listCtx == nil {
return literals.NewArrayLiteral(0), nil
list := listCtx.(*fql.ArrayElementListContext)
exp := list.AllExpression()
elements := make([]core.Expression, 0, len(exp))
for _, e := range exp {
element, err := v.visit(e, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
elements = append(elements, element)
return literals.NewArrayLiteralWith(elements...), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitFloatLiteral(ctx *fql.FloatLiteralContext) (core.Expression, error) {
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(ctx.GetText(), 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return literals.NewFloatLiteral(val), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitIntegerLiteral(ctx *fql.IntegerLiteralContext) (core.Expression, error) {
val, err := strconv.Atoi(ctx.GetText())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return literals.NewIntLiteral(val), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitStringLiteral(ctx *fql.StringLiteralContext) (core.Expression, error) {
var text string
strLiteral := ctx.StringLiteral()
if strLiteral != nil {
text = strLiteral.GetText()
// remove extra quotes
return literals.NewStringLiteral(text[1 : len(text)-1]), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitBooleanLiteral(ctx *fql.BooleanLiteralContext) (core.Expression, error) {
return literals.NewBooleanLiteral(strings.EqualFold(ctx.GetText(), "TRUE")), nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitNoneLiteral(_ *fql.NoneLiteralContext) (core.Expression, error) {
return literals.None, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitVariable(ctx *fql.VariableContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
name := ctx.Identifier().GetText()
// check whether the variable is defined
if !scope.HasVariable(name) {
return nil, core.Error(ErrVariableNotFound, name)
return expressions.NewVariableExpression(v.getSourceMap(ctx), name)
func (v *visitor) doVisitVariableDeclaration(ctx *fql.VariableDeclarationContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
var init core.Expression
var err error
name := ctx.Identifier().GetText()
err = scope.SetVariable(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exp := ctx.Expression()
if exp != nil {
init, err = v.doVisitExpression(ctx.Expression().(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if init == nil && err == nil {
forIn := ctx.ForExpression()
if forIn != nil {
init, err = v.doVisitForExpression(forIn.(*fql.ForExpressionContext), scope)
if init == nil && err == nil {
forTer := ctx.ForTernaryExpression()
if forTer != nil {
init, err = v.doVisitForTernaryExpression(forTer.(*fql.ForTernaryExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return expressions.NewVariableDeclarationExpression(
func (v *visitor) doVisitRangeOperator(ctx *fql.RangeOperatorContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
exp, err := v.doVisitChildren(ctx, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(exp) < 2 {
return nil, core.Error(ErrInvalidToken, ctx.GetText())
left := exp[0]
right := exp[1]
return operators.NewRangeOperator(
func (v *visitor) doVisitFunctionCallExpression(context *fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
args := make([]core.Expression, 0, 5)
argsCtx := context.Arguments()
if argsCtx != nil {
argsCtx := argsCtx.(*fql.ArgumentsContext)
for _, arg := range argsCtx.AllExpression() {
exp, err := v.doVisitExpression(arg.(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args = append(args, exp)
var name string
funcNS := context.Namespace()
if funcNS != nil {
name += funcNS.GetText()
name += context.FunctionIdentifier().GetText()
fun, exists := v.funcs.Get(name)
if !exists {
return nil, core.Error(core.ErrNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("function: '%s'", name))
return expressions.NewFunctionCallExpression(
func (v *visitor) doVisitParamContext(context *fql.ParamContext, s *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
name := context.Identifier().GetText()
return expressions.NewParameterExpression(
func (v *visitor) doVisitAllExpressions(contexts []fql.IExpressionContext, scope *scope) ([]core.Expression, error) {
ret := make([]core.Expression, 0, len(contexts))
for _, ctx := range contexts {
exp, err := v.doVisitExpression(ctx.(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret = append(ret, exp)
return ret, nil
func (v *visitor) doVisitMathOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
var operator operators.MathOperatorType
multiCtx := ctx.MultiplicativeOperator()
if multiCtx != nil {
operator = operators.MathOperatorType(multiCtx.GetText())
} else {
additiveCtx := ctx.AdditiveOperator()
if additiveCtx == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidToken
operator = operators.MathOperatorType(additiveCtx.GetText())
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
return operators.NewMathOperator(
func (v *visitor) doVisitUnaryOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
op := ctx.UnaryOperator().(*fql.UnaryOperatorContext)
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exp := exps[0]
return operators.NewUnaryOperator(
func (v *visitor) doVisitLogicalOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
var operator string
logicalAndOp := ctx.LogicalAndOperator()
if logicalAndOp != nil {
operator = logicalAndOp.GetText()
} else {
logicalOrOp := ctx.LogicalOrOperator()
if logicalOrOp == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidToken
operator = logicalOrOp.GetText()
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
return operators.NewLogicalOperator(v.getSourceMap(ctx), left, right, operator)
func (v *visitor) doVisitEqualityOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
equalityOp := ctx.EqualityOperator().(*fql.EqualityOperatorContext)
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
return operators.NewEqualityOperator(v.getSourceMap(equalityOp), left, right, equalityOp.GetText())
func (v *visitor) doVisitRegexpOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
regexpOp := ctx.RegexpOperator().(*fql.RegexpOperatorContext)
rawExps := ctx.AllExpression()
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(rawExps, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
switch lit := right.(type) {
case literals.StringLiteral:
_, err := regexp.Compile(string(lit))
if err != nil {
src := v.getSourceMap(rawExps[1])
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, src.String())
case *literals.ArrayLiteral, *literals.ObjectLiteral, literals.BooleanLiteral, literals.FloatLiteral, literals.IntLiteral:
src := v.getSourceMap(rawExps[1])
return nil, errors.Wrap(errors.New("expected a string literal or a function call"), src.String())
return operators.NewRegexpOperator(v.getSourceMap(regexpOp), left, right, regexpOp.GetText())
func (v *visitor) doVisitInOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
op := ctx.InOperator().(*fql.InOperatorContext)
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
if len(exps) != 2 {
return nil, v.unexpectedToken(ctx)
return operators.NewInOperator(
op.Not() != nil,
func (v *visitor) doVisitArrayOperator(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.OperatorExpression, error) {
var comparator core.OperatorExpression
var err error
switch {
case ctx.InOperator() != nil:
comparator, err = v.doVisitInOperator(ctx, scope)
case ctx.EqualityOperator() != nil:
comparator, err = v.doVisitEqualityOperator(ctx, scope)
return nil, v.unexpectedToken(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(exps) != 2 {
return nil, v.unexpectedToken(ctx)
left := exps[0]
right := exps[1]
aotype, err := operators.ToIsValidArrayOperatorType(ctx.ArrayOperator().GetText())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return operators.NewArrayOperator(
func (v *visitor) doVisitExpressionGroup(ctx *fql.ExpressionGroupContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
exp := ctx.Expression()
if exp == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidToken
return v.doVisitExpression(exp.(*fql.ExpressionContext), scope)
func (v *visitor) doVisitExpression(ctx *fql.ExpressionContext, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
seq := ctx.ExpressionGroup()
if seq != nil {
return v.doVisitExpressionGroup(seq.(*fql.ExpressionGroupContext), scope)
member := ctx.MemberExpression()
if member != nil {
return v.doVisitMemberExpression(member.(*fql.MemberExpressionContext), scope)
funCall := ctx.FunctionCallExpression()
if funCall != nil {
return v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(funCall.(*fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext), scope)
notOp := ctx.UnaryOperator()
if notOp != nil {
return v.doVisitUnaryOperator(ctx, scope)
multiOp := ctx.MultiplicativeOperator()
if multiOp != nil {
return v.doVisitMathOperator(ctx, scope)
addOp := ctx.AdditiveOperator()
if addOp != nil {
return v.doVisitMathOperator(ctx, scope)
arrOp := ctx.ArrayOperator()
if arrOp != nil {
return v.doVisitArrayOperator(ctx, scope)
equalityOp := ctx.EqualityOperator()
if equalityOp != nil {
return v.doVisitEqualityOperator(ctx, scope)
inOp := ctx.InOperator()
if inOp != nil {
return v.doVisitInOperator(ctx, scope)
logicalAndOp := ctx.LogicalAndOperator()
if logicalAndOp != nil {
return v.doVisitLogicalOperator(ctx, scope)
logicalOrOp := ctx.LogicalOrOperator()
if logicalOrOp != nil {
return v.doVisitLogicalOperator(ctx, scope)
regexpOp := ctx.RegexpOperator()
if regexpOp != nil {
return v.doVisitRegexpOperator(ctx, scope)
variable := ctx.Variable()
if variable != nil {
return v.doVisitVariable(variable.(*fql.VariableContext), scope)
str := ctx.StringLiteral()
if str != nil {
return v.doVisitStringLiteral(str.(*fql.StringLiteralContext))
integ := ctx.IntegerLiteral()
if integ != nil {
return v.doVisitIntegerLiteral(integ.(*fql.IntegerLiteralContext))
float := ctx.FloatLiteral()
if float != nil {
return v.doVisitFloatLiteral(float.(*fql.FloatLiteralContext))
boolean := ctx.BooleanLiteral()
if boolean != nil {
return v.doVisitBooleanLiteral(boolean.(*fql.BooleanLiteralContext))
arr := ctx.ArrayLiteral()
if arr != nil {
return v.doVisitArrayLiteral(arr.(*fql.ArrayLiteralContext), scope)
obj := ctx.ObjectLiteral()
if obj != nil {
return v.doVisitObjectLiteral(obj.(*fql.ObjectLiteralContext), scope)
none := ctx.NoneLiteral()
if none != nil {
return v.doVisitNoneLiteral(none.(*fql.NoneLiteralContext))
questionCtx := ctx.QuestionMark()
if questionCtx != nil {
exps, err := v.doVisitAllExpressions(ctx.AllExpression(), scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v.createTernaryOperator(
rangeOp := ctx.RangeOperator()
if rangeOp != nil {
return v.doVisitRangeOperator(rangeOp.(*fql.RangeOperatorContext), scope)
param := ctx.Param()
if param != nil {
return v.doVisitParamContext(param.(*fql.ParamContext), scope)
// TODO: Complete it
return nil, ErrNotImplemented
func (v *visitor) doVisitChildren(node antlr.RuleNode, scope *scope) ([]core.Expression, error) {
children := node.GetChildren()
if children == nil {
return make([]core.Expression, 0), nil
result := make([]core.Expression, 0, len(children))
for _, child := range children {
_, ok := child.(antlr.TerminalNode)
if ok {
out, err := v.visit(child, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, out)
return result, nil
func (v *visitor) visit(node antlr.Tree, scope *scope) (core.Expression, error) {
var out core.Expression
var err error
switch ctx := node.(type) {
case *fql.BodyContext:
out, err = v.doVisitBody(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ExpressionContext:
out, err = v.doVisitExpression(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ForExpressionContext:
out, err = v.doVisitForExpression(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ReturnExpressionContext:
out, err = v.doVisitReturnExpression(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ArrayLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitArrayLiteral(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ObjectLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitObjectLiteral(ctx, scope)
case *fql.StringLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitStringLiteral(ctx)
case *fql.IntegerLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitIntegerLiteral(ctx)
case *fql.FloatLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitFloatLiteral(ctx)
case *fql.BooleanLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitBooleanLiteral(ctx)
case *fql.NoneLiteralContext:
out, err = v.doVisitNoneLiteral(ctx)
case *fql.VariableContext:
out, err = v.doVisitVariable(ctx, scope)
case *fql.VariableDeclarationContext:
out, err = v.doVisitVariableDeclaration(ctx, scope)
case *fql.FunctionCallExpressionContext:
out, err = v.doVisitFunctionCallExpression(ctx, scope)
case *fql.ParamContext:
out, err = v.doVisitParamContext(ctx, scope)
err = v.unexpectedToken(node)
return out, err
func (v *visitor) doVisitForTernaryExpression(ctx *fql.ForTernaryExpressionContext, scope *scope) (*expressions.ConditionExpression, error) {
exps, err := v.doVisitChildren(ctx, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return v.createTernaryOperator(
func (v *visitor) createTernaryOperator(src core.SourceMap, exps []core.Expression, _ *scope) (*expressions.ConditionExpression, error) {
var test core.Expression
var consequent core.Expression
var alternate core.Expression
if len(exps) == 3 {
test = exps[0]
consequent = exps[1]
alternate = exps[2]
} else {
test = exps[0]
alternate = exps[1]
return expressions.NewConditionExpression(
func (v *visitor) unexpectedToken(node antlr.Tree) error {
name := "undefined"
ctx, ok := node.(antlr.RuleContext)
if ok {
name = ctx.GetText()
return errors.Errorf("unexpected token: %s", name)
func (v *visitor) getSourceMap(rule antlr.ParserRuleContext) core.SourceMap {
start := rule.GetStart()
return core.NewSourceMap(