mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 21:47:43 +02:00
* Added support of optional ignoring of errors to function calls * Added support of handling of source failure to optional chaining * Updated unit tests
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8.3 KiB
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// Code generated from antlr/FqlParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.2. DO NOT EDIT.
package fql // FqlParser
import "github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr"
// A complete Visitor for a parse tree produced by FqlParser.
type FqlParserVisitor interface {
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#program.
VisitProgram(ctx *ProgramContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#head.
VisitHead(ctx *HeadContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#useExpression.
VisitUseExpression(ctx *UseExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#use.
VisitUse(ctx *UseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#namespaceIdentifier.
VisitNamespaceIdentifier(ctx *NamespaceIdentifierContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#body.
VisitBody(ctx *BodyContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#bodyStatement.
VisitBodyStatement(ctx *BodyStatementContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#bodyExpression.
VisitBodyExpression(ctx *BodyExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#variableDeclaration.
VisitVariableDeclaration(ctx *VariableDeclarationContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#returnExpression.
VisitReturnExpression(ctx *ReturnExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpression.
VisitForExpression(ctx *ForExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpressionSource.
VisitForExpressionSource(ctx *ForExpressionSourceContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpressionClause.
VisitForExpressionClause(ctx *ForExpressionClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpressionStatement.
VisitForExpressionStatement(ctx *ForExpressionStatementContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpressionBody.
VisitForExpressionBody(ctx *ForExpressionBodyContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#forExpressionReturn.
VisitForExpressionReturn(ctx *ForExpressionReturnContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#filterClause.
VisitFilterClause(ctx *FilterClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#limitClause.
VisitLimitClause(ctx *LimitClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#limitClauseValue.
VisitLimitClauseValue(ctx *LimitClauseValueContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#sortClause.
VisitSortClause(ctx *SortClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#sortClauseExpression.
VisitSortClauseExpression(ctx *SortClauseExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectClause.
VisitCollectClause(ctx *CollectClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectSelector.
VisitCollectSelector(ctx *CollectSelectorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectGrouping.
VisitCollectGrouping(ctx *CollectGroupingContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectAggregator.
VisitCollectAggregator(ctx *CollectAggregatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectAggregateSelector.
VisitCollectAggregateSelector(ctx *CollectAggregateSelectorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectGroupVariable.
VisitCollectGroupVariable(ctx *CollectGroupVariableContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#collectCounter.
VisitCollectCounter(ctx *CollectCounterContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#optionsClause.
VisitOptionsClause(ctx *OptionsClauseContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#waitForExpression.
VisitWaitForExpression(ctx *WaitForExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#waitForTimeout.
VisitWaitForTimeout(ctx *WaitForTimeoutContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#waitForEventName.
VisitWaitForEventName(ctx *WaitForEventNameContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#waitForEventSource.
VisitWaitForEventSource(ctx *WaitForEventSourceContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#rangeOperator.
VisitRangeOperator(ctx *RangeOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#arrayLiteral.
VisitArrayLiteral(ctx *ArrayLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#objectLiteral.
VisitObjectLiteral(ctx *ObjectLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#propertyAssignment.
VisitPropertyAssignment(ctx *PropertyAssignmentContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#computedPropertyName.
VisitComputedPropertyName(ctx *ComputedPropertyNameContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#propertyName.
VisitPropertyName(ctx *PropertyNameContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#booleanLiteral.
VisitBooleanLiteral(ctx *BooleanLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#stringLiteral.
VisitStringLiteral(ctx *StringLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#floatLiteral.
VisitFloatLiteral(ctx *FloatLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#integerLiteral.
VisitIntegerLiteral(ctx *IntegerLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#noneLiteral.
VisitNoneLiteral(ctx *NoneLiteralContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#expressionGroup.
VisitExpressionGroup(ctx *ExpressionGroupContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#expression.
VisitExpression(ctx *ExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#memberExpression.
VisitMemberExpression(ctx *MemberExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#memberExpressionSource.
VisitMemberExpressionSource(ctx *MemberExpressionSourceContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#functionCall.
VisitFunctionCall(ctx *FunctionCallContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#functionCallExpression.
VisitFunctionCallExpression(ctx *FunctionCallExpressionContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#memberExpressionPath.
VisitMemberExpressionPath(ctx *MemberExpressionPathContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#functionIdentifier.
VisitFunctionIdentifier(ctx *FunctionIdentifierContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#namespace.
VisitNamespace(ctx *NamespaceContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#arguments.
VisitArguments(ctx *ArgumentsContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#arrayOperator.
VisitArrayOperator(ctx *ArrayOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#inOperator.
VisitInOperator(ctx *InOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#likeOperator.
VisitLikeOperator(ctx *LikeOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#equalityOperator.
VisitEqualityOperator(ctx *EqualityOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#regexpOperator.
VisitRegexpOperator(ctx *RegexpOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#logicalAndOperator.
VisitLogicalAndOperator(ctx *LogicalAndOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#logicalOrOperator.
VisitLogicalOrOperator(ctx *LogicalOrOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#multiplicativeOperator.
VisitMultiplicativeOperator(ctx *MultiplicativeOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#additiveOperator.
VisitAdditiveOperator(ctx *AdditiveOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#unaryOperator.
VisitUnaryOperator(ctx *UnaryOperatorContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#param.
VisitParam(ctx *ParamContext) interface{}
// Visit a parse tree produced by FqlParser#variable.
VisitVariable(ctx *VariableContext) interface{}