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package clauses
import (
type CollectIterator struct {
ready bool
values []*core.Scope
pos int
src core.SourceMap
params *Collect
dataSource collections.Iterator
func NewCollectIterator(
src core.SourceMap,
params *Collect,
dataSource collections.Iterator,
) (*CollectIterator, error) {
if params.group != nil {
if params.group.selectors != nil {
var err error
sorters := make([]*collections.Sorter, len(params.group.selectors))
for i, selector := range params.group.selectors {
sorter, err := newGroupSorter(selector)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sorters[i] = sorter
dataSource, err = collections.NewSortIterator(dataSource, sorters...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if params.group.count != nil && params.group.projection != nil {
return nil, core.Error(core.ErrInvalidArgumentNumber, "counter and projection cannot be used together")
return &CollectIterator{
}, nil
func newGroupSorter(selector *CollectSelector) (*collections.Sorter, error) {
return collections.NewSorter(func(ctx context.Context, first, second *core.Scope) (int64, error) {
f, err := selector.expression.Exec(ctx, first)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
s, err := selector.expression.Exec(ctx, second)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
return f.Compare(s), nil
}, collections.SortDirectionAsc)
func (iterator *CollectIterator) Next(ctx context.Context, scope *core.Scope) (*core.Scope, error) {
if !iterator.ready {
iterator.ready = true
groups, err := iterator.init(ctx, scope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
iterator.values = groups
if len(iterator.values) > iterator.pos {
val := iterator.values[iterator.pos]
return val, nil
return nil, core.ErrNoMoreData
func (iterator *CollectIterator) init(ctx context.Context, scope *core.Scope) ([]*core.Scope, error) {
if iterator.params.group != nil {
return iterator.group(ctx, scope)
if iterator.params.count != nil {
return iterator.count(ctx, scope)
if iterator.params.aggregate != nil {
return iterator.aggregate(ctx, scope)
return nil, core.ErrInvalidOperation
func (iterator *CollectIterator) group(ctx context.Context, scope *core.Scope) ([]*core.Scope, error) {
// TODO: honestly, this code is ugly. it needs to be refactored in more chained way with much less if statements
// slice of groups
collected := make([]*core.Scope, 0, 10)
// hash table of unique values
// key is a DataSet hash
// value is its index in result slice (collected)
hashTable := make(map[uint64]int)
groupSelectors := iterator.params.group.selectors
proj := iterator.params.group.projection
count := iterator.params.group.count
aggr := iterator.params.group.aggregate
// iterating over underlying data source
for {
// keep all defined variables in forked scopes
// all those variables should not be available for further executions
dataSourceScope, err := iterator.dataSource.Next(ctx, scope.Fork())
if err != nil {
if core.IsNoMoreData(err) {
return nil, err
// this data dataSourceScope represents a data of a given iteration with values retrieved by selectors
collectScope := scope.Fork()
// map for calculating a hash value
vals := make(map[string]core.Value)
// iterate over each selector for a current data
for _, selector := range groupSelectors {
// execute a selector and get a value
// e.g. COLLECT age = u.age
value, err := selector.expression.Exec(ctx, dataSourceScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := collectScope.SetVariable(selector.variable, value); err != nil {
return nil, err
vals[selector.variable] = value
// it important to get hash value before projection and counting
// otherwise hash value will be inaccurate
h := values.MapHash(vals)
_, exists := hashTable[h]
if !exists {
collected = append(collected, collectScope)
hashTable[h] = len(collected) - 1
if proj != nil {
// create a new variable for keeping projection
if err := collectScope.SetVariable(proj.selector.variable, values.NewArray(10)); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if count != nil {
// create a new variable for keeping counter
if err := collectScope.SetVariable(count.variable, values.ZeroInt); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if aggr != nil {
// create a new variable for keeping aggregated values
for _, selector := range aggr.selectors {
arr := values.NewArray(len(selector.aggregators))
for range selector.aggregators {
if err := collectScope.SetVariable(selector.variable, arr); err != nil {
return nil, err
if proj != nil {
idx := hashTable[h]
collectedScope := collected[idx]
groupValue, err := collectedScope.GetVariable(proj.selector.variable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arr, ok := groupValue.(*values.Array)
if !ok {
return nil, core.TypeError(groupValue.Type(), types.Int)
value, err := proj.selector.expression.Exec(ctx, dataSourceScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if count != nil {
idx := hashTable[h]
ds := collected[idx]
groupValue, err := ds.GetVariable(count.variable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
counter, ok := groupValue.(values.Int)
if !ok {
return nil, core.TypeError(groupValue.Type(), types.Int)
groupValue = counter + 1
// dataSourceScope a new value
if err := ds.UpdateVariable(count.variable, groupValue); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if aggr != nil {
idx := hashTable[h]
ds := collected[idx]
// iterate over each selector for a current data dataSourceScope
for _, selector := range aggr.selectors {
sv, err := ds.GetVariable(selector.variable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vv := sv.(*values.Array)
// execute a selector and get a value
// e.g. AGGREGATE age = CONCAT(u.age, u.dob)
// u.age and u.dob get executed
for idx, exp := range selector.aggregators {
arg, err := exp.Exec(ctx, dataSourceScope)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var args *values.Array
idx := values.NewInt(idx)
if vv.Get(idx) == values.None {
args = values.NewArray(10)
vv.Set(idx, args)
} else {
args = vv.Get(idx).(*values.Array)
if aggr != nil {
for _, iterScope := range collected {
for _, selector := range aggr.selectors {
sv, err := iterScope.GetVariable(selector.variable)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
arr := sv.(*values.Array)
matrix := make([]core.Value, arr.Length())
arr.ForEach(func(value core.Value, idx int) bool {
matrix[idx] = value
return true
reduced, err := selector.reducer(ctx, matrix...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// replace value with calculated one
if err := iterScope.UpdateVariable(selector.variable, reduced); err != nil {
return nil, err
return collected, nil
func (iterator *CollectIterator) count(ctx context.Context, scope *core.Scope) ([]*core.Scope, error) {
var counter int
// iterating over underlying data source
for {
// keep all defined variables in forked scopes
// all those variables should not be available for further executions
_, err := iterator.dataSource.Next(ctx, scope.Fork())
if err != nil {
if core.IsNoMoreData(err) {
return nil, err
cs := scope.Fork()
if err := cs.SetVariable(iterator.params.count.variable, values.NewInt(counter)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*core.Scope{cs}, nil
func (iterator *CollectIterator) aggregate(ctx context.Context, scope *core.Scope) ([]*core.Scope, error) {
cs := scope.Fork()
// matrix of aggregated expressions
// string key of the map is a selector variable
// value of the map is a matrix of arguments
// e.g. x = CONCAT(arg1, arg2, argN...)
// x is a string key where a nested array is an array of all values of argN expressions
aggregated := make(map[string][]core.Value)
selectors := iterator.params.aggregate.selectors
// iterating over underlying data source
for {
// keep all defined variables in forked scopes
// all those variables should not be available for further executions
os, err := iterator.dataSource.Next(ctx, scope.Fork())
if err != nil {
if core.IsNoMoreData(err) {
return nil, err
// iterate over each selector for a current data set
for _, selector := range selectors {
vv, exists := aggregated[selector.variable]
if !exists {
vv = make([]core.Value, len(selector.aggregators))
aggregated[selector.variable] = vv
// execute a selector and get a value
// e.g. AGGREGATE age = CONCAT(u.age, u.dob)
// u.age and u.dob get executed
for idx, exp := range selector.aggregators {
arg, err := exp.Exec(ctx, os)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var args *values.Array
if vv[idx] == nil {
args = values.NewArray(10)
vv[idx] = args
} else {
args = vv[idx].(*values.Array)
for _, selector := range selectors {
matrix := aggregated[selector.variable]
reduced, err := selector.reducer(ctx, matrix...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cs.SetVariable(selector.variable, reduced); err != nil {
return nil, err
return []*core.Scope{cs}, nil