diff --git a/network/default.go b/network/default.go
index e6dff7c5..ece93d82 100644
--- a/network/default.go
+++ b/network/default.go
@@ -131,21 +131,52 @@ func (n *node) getNeighbours(pbNeighbours *pbNet.Neighbour, depth int) error {
 	return nil
-// updateNeighbour updates node neighbour up to given depth
-func (n *node) updateNeighbour(neighbour *pbNet.Neighbour, depth int) error {
-	if neighbour == nil {
-		return errors.New("neighbour not initialized")
+// unpackNeighbour unpacks pbNet.Neighbour into node of given depth
+func unpackNeighbour(pbNeighbour *pbNet.Neighbour, depth int) (*node, error) {
+	if pbNeighbour == nil {
+		return nil, errors.New("neighbour not initialized")
+	}
+	neighbourNode := &node{
+		id:         pbNeighbour.Node.Id,
+		address:    pbNeighbour.Node.Address,
+		neighbours: make(map[string]*node),
 	// return if have either reached the depth or have no more neighbours
-	if depth == 0 {
-		return nil
+	if depth == 0 || len(pbNeighbour.Neighbours) == 0 {
+		return neighbourNode, nil
 	// decrement the depth
-	// TODO: implement this
+	neighbours := make(map[string]*node)
+	for _, pbNode := range pbNeighbour.Neighbours {
+		node, err := unpackNeighbour(pbNode, depth)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, err
+		}
+		neighbours[pbNode.Node.Id] = node
+	}
+	neighbourNode.neighbours = neighbours
+	return neighbourNode, nil
+// updateNeighbour updates node neighbour up to given depth
+func (n *node) updateNeighbour(neighbour *pbNet.Neighbour, depth int) error {
+	// unpack neighbour into topology of size MaxDepth-1
+	// NOTE: we need MaxDepth-1 because node n is the parent adding which
+	// gives us the max neighbour topology we maintain and propagate
+	node, err := unpackNeighbour(neighbour, MaxDepth-1)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	// update node neighbours with new topology
+	n.neighbours[neighbour.Node.Id] = node
 	return nil
@@ -423,31 +454,24 @@ func (n *network) processNetChan(client transport.Client, listener tunnel.Listen
 						neighbours: make(map[string]*node),
 						lastSeen:   now,
-				}
-				// update lastSeen timestamp
-				if n.neighbours[pbNetNeighbour.Node.Id].lastSeen.Before(now) {
-					n.neighbours[pbNetNeighbour.Node.Id].lastSeen = now
-				}
-				// update/store the node neighbour neighbours up to TopologyDepth
-				// NOTE: * we do NOT update lastSeen time for the neighbours of the neighbour
-				//	 * even though we are NOT interested in neighbours over TopologyDepth
-				// 	   we still allocate the map of neighbours for each of them
-				//for _, pbNeighbour := range pbNetNeighbour.Neighbours {
-				//	neighbourNode := &node{
-				//		id:         pbNeighbour.Node.Id,
-				//		address:    pbNeighbour.Node.Address,
-				//		neighbours: make(map[string]*node),
-				//	}
-				//	n.neighbours[pbNetNeighbour.Node.Id].neighbours[pbNeighbour.Node.Id] = neighbourNode
-				//}
-				n.Unlock()
-				// send a solicit message when discovering a new node
-				// NOTE: we need to send the solicit message here after the Lock is released as sendMsg locks, too
-				if !exists {
+					n.Unlock()
+					// send a solicit message when discovering new neighbour
+					// NOTE: we need to release the Lock here as sendMsg locsk, too
 					if err := n.sendMsg("solicit", ControlChannel); err != nil {
 						log.Debugf("Network failed to send solicit message: %s", err)
+					continue
+				// update/store the node neighbour neighbours up to (MaxDepth-1) topology depth
+				// NOTE: we don't update max topology depth as we dont include this network node
+				if err := n.node.updateNeighbour(pbNetNeighbour, MaxDepth-1); err != nil {
+					log.Debugf("Network failed to update neighbours")
+				}
+				// update lastSeen timestamp if outdated
+				if n.neighbours[pbNetNeighbour.Node.Id].lastSeen.Before(now) {
+					n.neighbours[pbNetNeighbour.Node.Id].lastSeen = now
+				}
+				n.Unlock()
 			case "close":
 				pbNetClose := &pbNet.Close{}
 				if err := proto.Unmarshal(m.Body, pbNetClose); err != nil {
@@ -1031,32 +1055,26 @@ func (n *network) close() error {
 // Close closes network connection
 func (n *network) Close() error {
-	// lock this operation
+	defer n.Unlock()
 	if !n.connected {
-		n.Unlock()
 		return nil
 	select {
 	case <-n.closed:
-		n.Unlock()
 		return nil
-		// TODO: send close message to the network channel
-		close(n.closed)
-		// set connected to false
-		n.connected = false
-		// unlock the lock otherwise we'll deadlock sending the close
-		n.Unlock()
 		// send close message only if we managed to connect to NetworkChannel
 		log.Debugf("Sending close message from: %s", n.options.Id)
 		if err := n.sendMsg("close", NetworkChannel); err != nil {
 			log.Debugf("Network failed to send close message: %s", err)
+		// TODO: send close message to the network channel
+		close(n.closed)
+		// set connected to false
+		n.connected = false
 	return n.close()