# Greeter An example Greeter application ## Contents - **srv** - an RPC greeter service - **cli** - an RPC client that calls the service once - **api** - examples of RPC API and RESTful API - **web** - how to use go-web to write web services ## Run Service Start go.micro.srv.greeter ```shell go run srv/main.go ``` ## Client Call go.micro.srv.greeter via client ```shell go run cli/main.go ``` Examples of client usage via other languages can be found in the client directory. ## API HTTP based requests can be made via the micro API. Micro logically separates API services from backend services. By default the micro API accepts HTTP requests and converts to *api.Request and *api.Response types. Find them here [micro/api/proto](https://github.com/micro/micro/tree/master/api/proto). Run the go.micro.api.greeter API Service ```shell go run api/api.go ``` Run the micro API ```shell micro api --handler=api ``` Call go.micro.api.greeter via API ```shell curl http://localhost:8080/greeter/say/hello?name=John ``` Examples of other API handlers can be found in the API directory. ## Web The micro web is a web dashboard and reverse proxy to run web apps as microservices. Run go.micro.web.greeter ``` go run web/web.go ``` Run the micro web ```shell micro web ``` Browse to http://localhost:8082/greeter