package template // ProtoFNC is the .proto file template used for new function projects. var ProtoFNC = `syntax = "proto3"; package {{dehyphen .Service}}; option go_package = "./proto;{{dehyphen .Service}}"; service {{title .Service}} { rpc Call(CallRequest) returns (CallResponse) {} } message CallRequest { string name = 1; } message CallResponse { string msg = 1; } ` // ProtoSRV is the .proto file template used for new service projects. var ProtoSRV = `syntax = "proto3"; package {{dehyphen .Service}}; option go_package = "./proto;{{dehyphen .Service}}"; service {{title .Service}} { rpc Call(CallRequest) returns (CallResponse) {} rpc ClientStream(stream ClientStreamRequest) returns (ClientStreamResponse) {} rpc ServerStream(ServerStreamRequest) returns (stream ServerStreamResponse) {} rpc BidiStream(stream BidiStreamRequest) returns (stream BidiStreamResponse) {} } message CallRequest { string name = 1; } message CallResponse { string msg = 1; } message ClientStreamRequest { int64 stroke = 1; } message ClientStreamResponse { int64 count = 1; } message ServerStreamRequest { int64 count = 1; } message ServerStreamResponse { int64 count = 1; } message BidiStreamRequest { int64 stroke = 1; } message BidiStreamResponse { int64 stroke = 1; } `