package selector

import (


type Options struct {
	Registry registry.Registry
	Strategy Strategy

	// Other options for implementations of the interface
	// can be stored in a context
	Context context.Context

type SelectOptions struct {
	Filters  []Filter
	Strategy Strategy

	// Other options for implementations of the interface
	// can be stored in a context
	Context context.Context

// Option used to initialise the selector
type Option func(*Options)

// SelectOption used when making a select call
type SelectOption func(*SelectOptions)

// Registry sets the registry used by the selector
func Registry(r registry.Registry) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Registry = r

// SetStrategy sets the default strategy for the selector
func SetStrategy(fn Strategy) Option {
	return func(o *Options) {
		o.Strategy = fn

// WithFilter adds a filter function to the list of filters
// used during the Select call.
func WithFilter(fn ...Filter) SelectOption {
	return func(o *SelectOptions) {
		o.Filters = append(o.Filters, fn...)

// Strategy sets the selector strategy
func WithStrategy(fn Strategy) SelectOption {
	return func(o *SelectOptions) {
		o.Strategy = fn