Update direct dependencies to the following versions:
github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3 v3.21.5
github.com/xlab/treeprint v1.1.0
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210630005230-0f9fa26af87c
Introduce Option.SocketReuseAddrAndPort which, if set, will lead to the
SO_REUSEPORT socket option being set on the listening socket on
Unix-like OSes. This also sets SO_REUSEADDR which is already the default
in net.Listen (see net.setDefaultSockopts).
Setting these options increases the chance to re-bind() to the same
address and port upon agent restart if Options.Addr is set.
Signed-off-by: Tobias Klauser <tklauser@distanz.ch>
Updated by running go get -u && go mod tidy && go mod vendor. As a nice
side effect this will get rid of the indirect dependency
github.com/shirou/w32 which is no longer needed by