Its intended usage is, for example, within Makefiles to avoid setting up ldflags and etc in several places. That way, the GoReleaser config becomes the source of truth for how the binaries should be built.
It also allows you to generate a local build for your current machine only using the `--single-target` option, and specific build IDs using the `--id` option in case you have more than one.
When using `--single-target`, the `GOOS`, `GOARCH`, `GOARM`, `GOAMD64`, `GOARM64`, `GORISCV64`, `GO386`, `GOPPC64`, and `GOMIPS` environment variables are used to determine the target, defaulting to the current machine target if not set.
-o, --output string Copy the binary to the path after the build. Only taken into account when using --single-target and a single id (either with --id or if configuration only has one build)