Sourced from actions/setup-go's releases.
Fix cache issues and update dependencies
In scope of this release we fixed the issue with the correct generation of the cache key when the
input is set (actions/setup-go#267). Moreover, we fixed an issue when the cache folder was not found. Besides, we updatedactions/core
to 1.10.0 version (actions/setup-go#273).
fix(): cache resolve version input (#267)f556e5b
Merge pull request #273
from rentziass/rentziass/update-actions-core514ae57
Update @​actions/core
to 1.10.030b9ddf
Merge pull request #264
from e-korolevskii/258-not-throw-err-no-cache-foldersc4e1698
prettier formatdb58e98
update build57452eb
fix debug lines in test5547b9e
fix(cache): Not throw err if no cache foldersbe45b27