mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:47:50 +02:00
feat(build): add GO386, GOMIPS64, GORISCV64, and GOPPC64 support (#5186)
continuing the work of #5153 closes #5153 --------- Signed-off-by: Carlos Alexandro Becker <caarlos0@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: 世界 <i@sekai.icu>
This commit is contained in:
@ -181,16 +181,20 @@ func (e Extras) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
// Artifact represents an artifact and its relevant info.
type Artifact struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Goos string `json:"goos,omitempty"`
Goarch string `json:"goarch,omitempty"`
Goarm string `json:"goarm,omitempty"`
Gomips string `json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goamd64 string `json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Type Type `json:"internal_type,omitempty"`
TypeS string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Extra Extras `json:"extra,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
Goos string `json:"goos,omitempty"`
Goarch string `json:"goarch,omitempty"`
Goamd64 string `json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Go386 string `json:"go386,omitempty"`
Goarm string `json:"goarm,omitempty"`
Goarm64 string `json:"goarm64,omitempty"`
Gomips string `json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goppc64 string `json:"goppc64,omitempty"`
Goriscv64 string `json:"goriscv64,omitempty"`
Type Type `json:"internal_type,omitempty"`
TypeS string `json:"type,omitempty"`
Extra Extras `json:"extra,omitempty"`
func (a Artifact) String() string {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package buildtarget
import (
@ -11,11 +12,11 @@ import (
type target struct {
os, arch, arm, mips, amd64 string
os, arch, amd64, go386, arm, arm64, mips, ppc64, riscv64 string
func (t target) String() string {
if extra := t.arm + t.mips + t.amd64; extra != "" {
if extra := t.amd64 + t.go386 + t.arm + t.arm64 + t.mips + t.ppc64 + t.riscv64; extra != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_%s", t.os, t.arch, extra)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", t.os, t.arch)
@ -34,14 +35,26 @@ func List(build config.Build) ([]string, error) {
if !contains(target.arch, validGoarch) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goarch: %s", target.arch)
if target.amd64 != "" && !contains(target.amd64, validGoamd64) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goamd64: %s", target.amd64)
if target.go386 != "" && !contains(target.go386, validGo386) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid go386: %s", target.go386)
if target.arm != "" && !contains(target.arm, validGoarm) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goarm: %s", target.arm)
if target.arm64 != "" && !validGoarm64.MatchString(target.arm64) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goarm64: %s", target.arm64)
if target.mips != "" && !contains(target.mips, validGomips) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid gomips: %s", target.mips)
if target.amd64 != "" && !contains(target.amd64, validGoamd64) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goamd64: %s", target.amd64)
if target.ppc64 != "" && !contains(target.ppc64, validGoppc64) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goppc64: %s", target.ppc64)
if target.riscv64 != "" && !contains(target.riscv64, validGoriscv64) {
return result, fmt.Errorf("invalid goriscv64: %s", target.riscv64)
if !valid(target) {
log.WithField("target", target).Debug("skipped invalid build")
@ -62,7 +75,32 @@ func List(build config.Build) ([]string, error) {
func allBuildTargets(build config.Build) (targets []target) {
for _, goos := range build.Goos {
for _, goarch := range build.Goarch {
if goarch == "arm" {
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "amd64") {
for _, goamd64 := range build.Goamd64 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
amd64: goamd64,
} else if goarch == "386" {
for _, go386 := range build.Go386 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
go386: go386,
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "arm64") {
for _, goarm64 := range build.Goarm64 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
arm64: goarm64,
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "arm") {
for _, goarm := range build.Goarm {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
@ -70,19 +108,7 @@ func allBuildTargets(build config.Build) (targets []target) {
arm: goarm,
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "amd64") {
for _, goamd := range build.Goamd64 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
amd64: goamd,
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "mips") {
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "mips") {
for _, gomips := range build.Gomips {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
@ -90,12 +116,28 @@ func allBuildTargets(build config.Build) (targets []target) {
mips: gomips,
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "ppc64") {
for _, goppc64 := range build.Goppc64 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
ppc64: goppc64,
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "riscv64") {
for _, goriscv64 := range build.Goriscv64 {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
riscv64: goriscv64,
} else {
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
targets = append(targets, target{
os: goos,
arch: goarch,
@ -111,13 +153,25 @@ func ignored(build config.Build, target target) bool {
if ig.Goarch != "" && ig.Goarch != target.arch {
if ig.Goamd64 != "" && ig.Goamd64 != target.amd64 {
if ig.Go386 != "" && ig.Go386 != target.go386 {
if ig.Goarm != "" && ig.Goarm != target.arm {
if ig.Goarm64 != "" && ig.Goarm64 != target.arm64 {
if ig.Gomips != "" && ig.Gomips != target.mips {
if ig.Goamd64 != "" && ig.Goamd64 != target.amd64 {
if ig.Goppc64 != "" && ig.Goppc64 != target.ppc64 {
if ig.Goriscv64 != "" && ig.Goriscv64 != target.riscv64 {
return true
@ -225,7 +279,11 @@ var (
validGoarm = []string{"5", "6", "7"}
validGomips = []string{"hardfloat", "softfloat"}
validGoamd64 = []string{"v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"}
validGoamd64 = []string{"v1", "v2", "v3", "v4"}
validGo386 = []string{"sse2", "softfloat"}
validGoarm = []string{"5", "6", "7"}
validGoarm64 = regexp.MustCompile(`(v8\.[0-9]|v9\.[0-5])((,lse|,crypto)?)+`)
validGomips = []string{"hardfloat", "softfloat"}
validGoppc64 = []string{"power8", "power9", "power10"}
validGoriscv64 = []string{"rva20u64", "rva22u64"}
@ -34,20 +34,38 @@ func TestAllBuildTargets(t *testing.T) {
Goarm: []string{
Gomips: []string{
Goamd64: []string{
Go386: []string{
Goarm: []string{
Goarm64: []string{
Gomips: []string{
Goppc64: []string{
Goriscv64: []string{
Ignore: []config.IgnoredBuild{
Goos: "linux",
@ -56,15 +74,36 @@ func TestAllBuildTargets(t *testing.T) {
}, {
Goos: "openbsd",
Goarch: "arm",
}, {
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v1",
}, {
Goarch: "386",
Go386: "sse2",
}, {
Goarch: "arm64",
Goarm64: "v8.0",
}, {
Goarch: "mips",
Gomips: "hardfloat",
}, {
Goarch: "mipsle",
Gomips: "hardfloat",
}, {
Goarch: "mips64",
Gomips: "hardfloat",
}, {
Goarch: "mips64le",
Gomips: "softfloat",
Gomips: "hardfloat",
}, {
Goarch: "amd64",
Goamd64: "v3",
Goarch: "ppc64",
Goppc64: "power8",
}, {
Goarch: "ppc64le",
Goppc64: "power8",
}, {
Goarch: "riscv64",
Goriscv64: "rva20u64",
@ -73,45 +112,46 @@ func TestAllBuildTargets(t *testing.T) {
result, err := List(build)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, []string{
}, result)
@ -219,7 +259,7 @@ func TestGoosGoarchCombos(t *testing.T) {
for _, p := range platforms {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%v %v valid=%v", p.os, p.arch, p.valid), func(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, p.valid, valid(target{p.os, p.arch, "", "", ""}))
require.Equal(t, p.valid, valid(target{os: p.os, arch: p.arch}))
@ -63,15 +63,28 @@ func (*Builder) WithDefaults(build config.Build) (config.Build, error) {
if len(build.Goarch) == 0 {
build.Goarch = []string{"amd64", "arm64", "386"}
if len(build.Goamd64) == 0 {
build.Goamd64 = []string{"v1"}
if len(build.Go386) == 0 {
build.Go386 = []string{"sse2"}
if len(build.Goarm) == 0 {
build.Goarm = []string{experimental.DefaultGOARM()}
if len(build.Goarm64) == 0 {
build.Goarm64 = []string{"v8.0"}
if len(build.Gomips) == 0 {
build.Gomips = []string{"hardfloat"}
if len(build.Goamd64) == 0 {
build.Goamd64 = []string{"v1"}
if len(build.Goppc64) == 0 {
build.Goppc64 = []string{"power8"}
if len(build.Goriscv64) == 0 {
build.Goriscv64 = []string{"rva20u64"}
targets, err := buildtarget.List(build)
if err != nil {
return build, err
@ -91,8 +104,16 @@ func (*Builder) WithDefaults(build config.Build) (config.Build, error) {
targets[target+"_v1"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_386") {
targets[target+"_sse2"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_arm") {
targets[target+"_6"] = true
targets[target+"_7"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_arm64") {
targets[target+"_v8.0"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_mips") ||
@ -102,6 +123,13 @@ func (*Builder) WithDefaults(build config.Build) (config.Build, error) {
targets[target+"_hardfloat"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_ppc64") ||
strings.HasSuffix(target, "_ppc64le") {
targets[target+"_power8"] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(target, "_riscv64") {
targets[target+"_rva20u64"] = true
targets[target] = true
build.Targets = keys(targets)
@ -116,12 +144,16 @@ func warnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionTogether(build config.Build) bool {
res := false
for k, v := range map[string]int{
"goos": len(build.Goos),
"goarch": len(build.Goarch),
"goarm": len(build.Goarm),
"gomips": len(build.Gomips),
"goamd64": len(build.Goamd64),
"ignore": len(build.Ignore),
"goos": len(build.Goos),
"goarch": len(build.Goarch),
"go386": len(build.Go386),
"goamd64": len(build.Goamd64),
"goarm": len(build.Goarm),
"goarm64": len(build.Goarm64),
"gomips": len(build.Gomips),
"goppc64": len(build.Goppc64),
"goriscv64": len(build.Goriscv64),
"ignore": len(build.Ignore),
} {
if v == 0 {
@ -164,14 +196,18 @@ func (*Builder) Build(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Opti
a := &artifact.Artifact{
Type: artifact.Binary,
Path: options.Path,
Name: options.Name,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Type: artifact.Binary,
Path: options.Path,
Name: options.Name,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Go386: options.Go386,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Goarm64: options.Goarm64,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Goppc64: options.Goppc64,
Goriscv64: options.Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(options.Path), options.Ext),
artifact.ExtraExt: options.Ext,
@ -214,10 +250,14 @@ func (*Builder) Build(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Opti
if v := os.Getenv("GOCACHEPROG"); v != "" {
@ -250,7 +290,7 @@ func (*Builder) Build(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Opti
func withOverrides(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, options api.Options) (config.BuildDetails, error) {
optsTarget := options.Goos + options.Goarch + options.Goarm + options.Gomips + options.Goamd64
optsTarget := options.Goos + options.Goarch + options.Goamd64 + options.Go386 + options.Goarm + options.Gomips
for _, o := range build.BuildDetailsOverrides {
overrideTarget, err := tmpl.New(ctx).Apply(o.Goos + o.Goarch + o.Gomips + o.Goarm + o.Goamd64)
if err != nil {
@ -482,14 +522,18 @@ func getHeaderArtifactForLibrary(build config.Build, options api.Options) *artif
headerName := basePath + ".h"
return &artifact.Artifact{
Type: artifact.Header,
Path: fullPath,
Name: headerName,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Type: artifact.Header,
Path: fullPath,
Name: headerName,
Goos: options.Goos,
Goarch: options.Goarch,
Goamd64: options.Goamd64,
Go386: options.Go386,
Goarm: options.Goarm,
Goarm64: options.Goarm64,
Gomips: options.Gomips,
Goppc64: options.Goppc64,
Goriscv64: options.Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraBinary: headerName,
artifact.ExtraExt: ".h",
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
@ -104,12 +104,12 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
ID: "foo3",
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
Binary: "foo",
Targets: []string{"linux_arm"},
targets: []string{"linux_arm_6"},
targets: []string{"linux_arm_7"},
goBinary: "go",
"custom targets no mips": {
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
@ -185,13 +185,13 @@ func TestWithDefaults(t *testing.T) {
targets: []string{
goBinary: "go",
@ -1397,17 +1397,21 @@ func TestWarnIfTargetsAndOtherOptionsTogether(t *testing.T) {
nonEmpty := []string{"foo", "bar"}
for name, fn := range map[string]func(*config.Build){
"goos": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goos = nonEmpty },
"goamd64": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goamd64 = nonEmpty },
"goarch": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goarch = nonEmpty },
"goarm": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goarm = nonEmpty },
"gomips": func(b *config.Build) { b.Gomips = nonEmpty },
"goamd64": func(b *config.Build) { b.Goamd64 = nonEmpty },
"ignores": func(b *config.Build) { b.Ignore = []config.IgnoredBuild{{Goos: "linux"}} },
"multiple": func(b *config.Build) {
b.Goos = nonEmpty
b.Goarch = nonEmpty
b.Goarm = nonEmpty
b.Gomips = nonEmpty
b.Goamd64 = nonEmpty
b.Go386 = nonEmpty
b.Goarm = nonEmpty
b.Goarm64 = nonEmpty
b.Gomips = nonEmpty
b.Goppc64 = nonEmpty
b.Goriscv64 = nonEmpty
b.Ignore = []config.IgnoredBuild{{Goos: "linux"}}
} {
@ -227,9 +227,13 @@ func create(ctx *context.Context, arch config.Archive, binaries []*artifact.Arti
if len(binaries) > 0 {
art.Goos = binaries[0].Goos
art.Goarch = binaries[0].Goarch
art.Goarm = binaries[0].Goarm
art.Gomips = binaries[0].Gomips
art.Goamd64 = binaries[0].Goamd64
art.Go386 = binaries[0].Go386
art.Goarm = binaries[0].Goarm
art.Goarm64 = binaries[0].Goarm64
art.Gomips = binaries[0].Gomips
art.Goppc64 = binaries[0].Goppc64
art.Goriscv64 = binaries[0].Goriscv64
art.Extra[artifact.ExtraReplaces] = binaries[0].Extra[artifact.ExtraReplaces]
@ -259,14 +263,18 @@ func skip(ctx *context.Context, archive config.Archive, binaries []*artifact.Art
WithField("name", finalName).
Info("skip archiving")
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
Name: finalName,
Path: binary.Path,
Goos: binary.Goos,
Goarch: binary.Goarch,
Goarm: binary.Goarm,
Gomips: binary.Gomips,
Goamd64: binary.Goamd64,
Type: artifact.UploadableBinary,
Name: finalName,
Path: binary.Path,
Goos: binary.Goos,
Goarch: binary.Goarch,
Goamd64: binary.Goamd64,
Go386: binary.Go386,
Goarm: binary.Goarm,
Goarm64: binary.Goarm64,
Gomips: binary.Gomips,
Goppc64: binary.Goppc64,
Goriscv64: binary.Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
artifact.ExtraID: archive.ID,
artifact.ExtraFormat: archive.Format,
@ -168,27 +168,30 @@ func buildOptionsForTarget(ctx *context.Context, build config.Build, target stri
goos := parts[0]
goarch := parts[1]
var gomips string
var goarm string
var goamd64 string
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "arm") && len(parts) > 2 {
goarm = parts[2]
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "mips") && len(parts) > 2 {
gomips = parts[2]
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "amd64") && len(parts) > 2 {
goamd64 = parts[2]
buildOpts := builders.Options{
Target: target,
Ext: ext,
Goos: goos,
Goarch: goarch,
buildOpts := builders.Options{
Target: target,
Ext: ext,
Goos: goos,
Goarch: goarch,
Goarm: goarm,
Gomips: gomips,
Goamd64: goamd64,
if len(parts) > 2 {
if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "amd64") {
buildOpts.Goamd64 = parts[2]
} else if goarch == "386" {
buildOpts.Gomips = parts[2]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "arm64") {
buildOpts.Goarm64 = parts[2]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "arm") {
buildOpts.Goarm = parts[2]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "mips") {
buildOpts.Gomips = parts[2]
} else if strings.HasPrefix(goarch, "ppc64") {
buildOpts.Goppc64 = parts[2]
} else if goarch == "riscv64" {
buildOpts.Goriscv64 = parts[2]
bin, err := tmpl.New(ctx).WithBuildOptions(buildOpts).Apply(build.Binary)
@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ var termuxArchReplacer = strings.NewReplacer(
func create(ctx *context.Context, fpm config.NFPM, format string, artifacts []*artifact.Artifact) error {
// TODO: improve mips handling on nfpm
infoArch := artifacts[0].Goarch + artifacts[0].Goarm + artifacts[0].Gomips // key used for the ConventionalFileName et al
arch := infoArch + artifacts[0].Goamd64 // unique arch key
infoArch := artifacts[0].Goarch + artifacts[0].Go386 + artifacts[0].Goarm + artifacts[0].Goarm64 + artifacts[0].Gomips + artifacts[0].Goppc64 + artifacts[0].Goriscv64 // key used for the ConventionalFileName et al
arch := infoArch + artifacts[0].Goamd64 // unique arch key
infoPlatform := artifacts[0].Goos
if infoPlatform == "ios" {
if format == "deb" {
@ -423,13 +423,18 @@ func create(ctx *context.Context, snap config.Snapcraft, arch string, binaries [
return nil
Type: artifact.PublishableSnapcraft,
Name: folder + ".snap",
Path: snapFile,
Goos: binaries[0].Goos,
Goarch: binaries[0].Goarch,
Goarm: binaries[0].Goarm,
Goamd64: binaries[0].Goamd64,
Type: artifact.PublishableSnapcraft,
Name: folder + ".snap",
Path: snapFile,
Goos: binaries[0].Goos,
Goarch: binaries[0].Goarch,
Goamd64: binaries[0].Goamd64,
Go386: binaries[0].Go386,
Goarm: binaries[0].Goarm,
Goarm64: binaries[0].Goarm64,
Gomips: binaries[0].Gomips,
Goppc64: binaries[0].Goppc64,
Goriscv64: binaries[0].Goriscv64,
Extra: map[string]interface{}{
releasesExtra: channels,
@ -66,10 +66,14 @@ const (
// artifact-only keys.
osKey = "Os"
amd64 = "Amd64"
arch = "Arch"
amd64 = "Amd64"
go386 = "386"
arm = "Arm"
arm64 = "Arm64"
mips = "Mips"
ppc64 = "Ppc64"
riscv64 = "Riscv64"
binary = "Binary"
artifactName = "ArtifactName"
artifactExt = "ArtifactExt"
@ -170,9 +174,13 @@ func (t *Template) WithExtraFields(f Fields) *Template {
func (t *Template) WithArtifact(a *artifact.Artifact) *Template {
t.fields[osKey] = a.Goos
t.fields[arch] = a.Goarch
t.fields[arm] = a.Goarm
t.fields[mips] = a.Gomips
t.fields[amd64] = a.Goamd64
t.fields[go386] = a.Go386
t.fields[arm] = a.Goarm
t.fields[arm64] = a.Goarm64
t.fields[mips] = a.Gomips
t.fields[ppc64] = a.Goppc64
t.fields[riscv64] = a.Goriscv64
t.fields[binary] = artifact.ExtraOr(*a, binary, t.fields[projectName].(string))
t.fields[artifactName] = a.Name
t.fields[artifactExt] = artifact.ExtraOr(*a, artifact.ExtraExt, "")
@ -186,15 +194,19 @@ func (t *Template) WithBuildOptions(opts build.Options) *Template {
func buildOptsToFields(opts build.Options) Fields {
return Fields{
target: opts.Target,
ext: opts.Ext,
name: opts.Name,
path: opts.Path,
osKey: opts.Goos,
arch: opts.Goarch,
arm: opts.Goarm,
amd64: opts.Goamd64,
mips: opts.Gomips,
target: opts.Target,
ext: opts.Ext,
name: opts.Name,
path: opts.Path,
osKey: opts.Goos,
arch: opts.Goarch,
amd64: opts.Goamd64,
go386: opts.Go386,
arm: opts.Goarm,
arm64: opts.Goarm64,
mips: opts.Gomips,
ppc64: opts.Goppc64,
riscv64: opts.Goriscv64,
@ -28,15 +28,19 @@ func For(name string) Builder {
// Options to be passed down to a builder.
type Options struct {
Name string
Path string
Ext string
Target string
Goos string
Goarch string
Goamd64 string
Goarm string
Gomips string
Name string
Path string
Ext string
Target string
Goos string
Goarch string
Goamd64 string
Go386 string
Goarm string
Goarm64 string
Gomips string
Goppc64 string
Goriscv64 string
// Builder defines a builder.
@ -418,11 +418,15 @@ type BuildHooks struct { // renamed on pro
// IgnoredBuild represents a build ignored by the user.
type IgnoredBuild struct {
Goos string `yaml:"goos,omitempty" json:"goos,omitempty"`
Goarch string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty" json:"goarch,omitempty"`
Goarm string `yaml:"goarm,omitempty" json:"goarm,omitempty" jsonschema:"oneof_type=string;integer"`
Gomips string `yaml:"gomips,omitempty" json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goamd64 string `yaml:"goamd64,omitempty" json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Goos string `yaml:"goos,omitempty" json:"goos,omitempty"`
Goarch string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty" json:"goarch,omitempty"`
Goamd64 string `yaml:"goamd64,omitempty" json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Go386 string `yaml:"go386,omitempty" json:"go386,omitempty"`
Goarm string `yaml:"goarm,omitempty" json:"goarm,omitempty" jsonschema:"oneof_type=string;integer"`
Goarm64 string `yaml:"goarm64,omitempty" json:"goarm64,omitempty"`
Gomips string `yaml:"gomips,omitempty" json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goppc64 string `yaml:"goppc64,omitempty" json:"goppc64,omitempty"`
Goriscv64 string `yaml:"goriscv64,omitempty" json:"goriscv64,omitempty"`
// StringArray is a wrapper for an array of strings.
@ -492,9 +496,13 @@ type Build struct {
ID string `yaml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
Goos []string `yaml:"goos,omitempty" json:"goos,omitempty"`
Goarch []string `yaml:"goarch,omitempty" json:"goarch,omitempty"`
Goarm []string `yaml:"goarm,omitempty" json:"goarm,omitempty"`
Gomips []string `yaml:"gomips,omitempty" json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goamd64 []string `yaml:"goamd64,omitempty" json:"goamd64,omitempty"`
Go386 []string `yaml:"go386,omitempty" json:"go386,omitempty"`
Goarm []string `yaml:"goarm,omitempty" json:"goarm,omitempty"`
Goarm64 []string `yaml:"goarm64,omitempty" json:"goarm64,omitempty"`
Gomips []string `yaml:"gomips,omitempty" json:"gomips,omitempty"`
Goppc64 []string `yaml:"goppc64,omitempty" json:"goppc64,omitempty"`
Goriscv64 []string `yaml:"goriscv64,omitempty" json:"goriscv64,omitempty"`
Targets []string `yaml:"targets,omitempty" json:"targets,omitempty"`
Ignore []IgnoredBuild `yaml:"ignore,omitempty" json:"ignore,omitempty"`
Dir string `yaml:"dir,omitempty" json:"dir,omitempty"`
@ -123,6 +123,13 @@ builds:
- v2
- v3
# GOARM64 to build when GOARCH is arm64.
# For more info refer to: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment
# Default: [ 'v8.0' ].
- v9.0
# GOMIPS and GOMIPS64 to build when GOARCH is mips, mips64, mipsle or mips64le.
# For more info refer to: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment
@ -131,6 +138,29 @@ builds:
- hardfloat
- softfloat
# GO386 to build when GOARCH is 386.
# For more info refer to: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment
# Default: [ 'sse2' ].
- sse2
- softfloat
# GOPPC64 to build when GOARCH is PPC64.
# For more info refer to: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment
# Default: [ 'power8' ].
- power8
- power9
# GORISCV64 to build when GOARCH is RISCV64.
# For more info refer to: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment
# Default: [ 'rva20u64' ].
- rva22u64
# List of combinations of GOOS + GOARCH + GOARM to ignore.
- goos: darwin
@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ You should be able to use all its fields on each item:
- `.Goarm`
- `.Gomips`
- `.Goamd64`
- `.Goarm64` (since v2.4)
- `.Gomips64` (since v2.4)
- `.Goppc64` (since v2.4)
- `.Goriscv64` (since v2.4)
- `.Go386` (since v2.4)
- `.Type`
- `.Extra`
@ -104,6 +109,11 @@ may have some extra fields:
| `.Arm` | `GOARM` |
| `.Mips` | `GOMIPS` |
| `.Amd64` | `GOAMD64` |
| `.Arm64` | `GOARM64` (since v2.4) |
| `.Mips64` | `GOMIPS64` (since v2.4) |
| `.PPC64` | `GOPPC64` (since v2.4) |
| `.Riscv64` | `GORISCV64` (since v2.4) |
| `.386` | `GO386` (since v2.4) |
| `.Binary` | binary name |
| `.ArtifactID` | archive id (since v2.3[^pro]) |
| `.ArtifactName` | archive name |
@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ foo_template: "foo_{{ .Env.GOVERSION }}"
And then you can run:
GOVERSION_NR=$(go version | awk '{print $3;}') goreleaser
GOVERSION=$(go version | awk '{print $3;}') goreleaser
!!! warning
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