diff --git a/www/docs/sponsors.md b/www/docs/sponsors.md
index db7bc64f9..3ab9ab94e 100644
--- a/www/docs/sponsors.md
+++ b/www/docs/sponsors.md
@@ -1,8 +1,31 @@
-title: Sponsors
+title: Sponsoring the Project
-Does your company use goreleaser? Help keep the project bug-free and feature rich by [sponsoring the project](https://opencollective.com/goreleaser#sponsor).
+Does you or your company use GoReleaser?
+You can help keep the project bug-free and feature rich by sponsoring the project and the maintainers.
+## GitHub Sponsors
+GitHub Sponsors is a great way to contribute directly to the main maintainer, [caarlos0](https://github.com/caarlos0).
+This money usually goes to buying coffee, beer, better hardware and such.
+You can sponsor and see who's sponsoring Carlos [here](https://github.com/sponsors/caarlos0).
+## OpenCollective
+OpenCollective is a great way to send some money towards the GoReleaser organization.
+This ultimately is used to buy/renew domains, keep servers up (although right now we're on free plans), print and send stickers to other contributors among other things.
+You can start sponsoring at the [OpenCollective website](https://opencollective.com/goreleaser).
+Bellow you can see a list of the current sponsors and backers on OpenCollective:
+### Sponsors
@@ -10,9 +33,7 @@ Does your company use goreleaser? Help keep the project bug-free and feature ric
-## Backers
-Love our work and community? [Become a backer](https://opencollective.com/goreleaser).
+### Backers