# typed: false # frozen_string_literal: true # This file was generated by GoReleaser. DO NOT EDIT. {{ if .CustomRequire -}} require_relative "{{ .CustomRequire }}" {{ end -}} class {{ .Name }} < Formula desc "{{ .Desc }}" homepage "{{ .Homepage }}" version "{{ .Version }}" {{- if .License }} license "{{ .License }}" {{- end }} {{- with .Dependencies }} {{ range $index, $element := . }} depends_on "{{ .Name }}" {{- if .Type }} => :{{ .Type }}{{- else if .Version }} => "{{ .Version }}"{{- end }} {{- with .OS }} if OS.{{ . }}?{{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{- if and (not .LinuxPackages) .MacOSPackages }} depends_on :macos {{- end }} {{- if and (not .MacOSPackages) .LinuxPackages }} depends_on :linux {{- end }} {{- printf "\n" }} {{- if and .MacOSPackages .LinuxPackages }} on_macos do {{- include "macos_packages" . | indent 2 }} end on_linux do {{- include "linux_packages" . | indent 2 }} end {{- end }} {{- if and (.MacOSPackages) (not .LinuxPackages) }} {{- template "macos_packages" . }} {{- end }} {{- if and (not .MacOSPackages) (.LinuxPackages) }} {{- template "linux_packages" . }} {{- end }} {{- with .Conflicts }} {{ range $index, $element := . }} conflicts_with "{{ . }}" {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .CustomBlock }} {{ range $index, $element := . }} {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .PostInstall }} def post_install {{- range . }} {{ . }} {{- end }} end {{- end -}} {{- with .Caveats }} def caveats <<~EOS {{- range $index, $element := . }} {{ . -}} {{- end }} EOS end {{- end -}} {{- with .Service }} service do {{- range . }} {{ . }} {{- end }} end {{- end -}} {{- if .Tests }} test do {{- range $index, $element := .Tests }} {{ . -}} {{- end }} end {{- end }} end